
6 people

19 posts


OK quick question, Green you're Straight, Red is something unknown, Blue is Bi Poly, and Vio is homoromantic Ace. What the hell was your preference when you guys were Link. I know I left out Shadow, he's technically a separate person so his tastes don't factor in

The answer to your question is

"Yes well... we aren't your typical couple I'm aware, neither of us is interested in the more physical aspects of a relationship" *the canon I use they're both Asexual, Vio is Homoromantic and Shadow is Panromantic though*

Stoicviolet’s Profile PhotoVio
Opal: Love is love. Still totally valid.
Liked by: Nova Vio Shadow

http://archive.is/n6wrF Một người homoromantic asexual như anh có tình ý gì với chị Grossteska thế hả?? Khai mau!!! >:(

VKLLLL =)))))))))) con nè bị bệnh hay sao ý hả ????
Chuẩn với cái tên Grossteska.
Anh nghĩ là có 1 thể loại kiểu nhà quê ý, xong lại còn mạng nhện đóng thành từng bánh trong lồn, kết hợp thêm công thức hooc môn mỗi kỳ trứng già và thành âm đạo vữa ra thì mới cho ra được cái suy nghĩ là 1 thằng gay thích bánh bèo như nó =))))))))))))))) hài vãi

Tady to půlení (homoromantic bisexual, např.) se užívá většinou, když některé té orientaci předchází "a". Homoromantic asexual, aromantic bisexual. Pokud pociťuješ jak romantickou, tak sexuální atrakci (? překládám z AJ..), zpravidla se to nepůlí. Jsyk.

JollytheSad’s Profile PhotoJolly
Já bych neřekla, že jen když tomu předchází "a", podle mě se to obecně používá když někdo nemá stejnou romantickou a sexuální orientaci.
A je pravda, že když má někdo obě orientace stejné, tak o sobě prohlásí například to, že je homosexuál, přičemž tím myslí i homoromatnik a nijak nad tím nepřemýšlí. Ale je chybný nějakou sexuální orientaci definovat čistě jako "zamilovává se do...", jelikož to prostě není pravda a to, že někoho nějaký pohlaví přitahuje sexuálně, vůbec nemusí znamenat, že se do něj i zamilovává.

Wait so are all homoromantics asexuals? Cause I know you said that that's what you'd call yourself for now instead of labelling your sexuality, but in general is it more of a thing for asexuals?

I don't think so, cause I've heard a lot about homoromantic bisexuals so like yeah I don't think it only goes for asexuals
Liked by: LUZ caro jess ev alfonso

I just knew today that I'm pansexual. When I was younger I thought I was straight, but then I grew up I thought I was gay. Now I just realized that I tend to be pansexual. I'm just confused.. I just thought that talking this to you might make me feel more secure.

I understand how you feel. I don't have a completely sure term for my own sexual orientation, so far it's homoromantic pansexual (leaning heavily towards women lol).
If you want to explore more, go look into deeper sexual identity knowledge - there are loads off the internet.
And in the end although i don't have an exact label to put on myself, i eventually just came to terms that I'll love whoever because humans are really pretty (esp Lem).
Thank you for telling me :)

Are you gay if so when did you find out? Was it hard for you to tell your family?(sorry if to personal)

To be technical I'm bisexual but homoromantic, meaning I can be sexually attracted to both genders but I only feel actual love with other girls. But I say lesbian cuz that's easier 😂
Basically I was in an open relationship with my boyfriend of 4 years when I got invited to Kiba's place. We hung out and got all snuggly watching movies, it was the first time I'd been so romantically close to another girl. We weren't even together and every second with her made me feel on top of the world. I'd never felt so incredible. It was then I realised that this is what love was supposed to feel like. I still loved my boyfriend but the feelings had gone pretty stale, so it was probably just denial towards the end there. Thankfully he saw it coming too and the breakup was easy, and then I became Kiba's girlfriend.
I honestly had no idea how my family would feel as it hadn't been done before. They never talked about it either so it could have gone either way. They were shocked at such a sudden change, but totally fine with it. When I was telling mum over Facebook (we live different states) and asked what dad thought she said "Dad is having a drink" 😂
But yeah all fine all in all!

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How dare you accuse me of being a "non binary, part female velociraptor part male lizard transkin" I am a genderfluid female-expressing demisexual homoromantic trans-Corgi. I'm a Corgi and my pronoun is wuff. Calling me otherwise is a deliberate attempt at erasing and invalidating my identity.

Sweetheart, your tumblr seems to be leaking all over the place.
Liked by: Princess Milk Isman Ste

Sending to many people: I think I'm Bisexual, perhaps even more Lesbian than Bisexual, but I'm unsure... And I'm too scared to talk to someone about it. What do I do?

I understand how you feel. I can tell you my experience, if that helps.
When I was in 6th grade all of my friends would talk about boys and I never understood what they meant. I didn't find any of the boys they swooned over attractive, none of them. I didn't see girls in that way either, and years later when I heard about the term 'asexual' I understood that might apply to me. But, like you, I was confused and scared at the implications that I might not be straight. I wasn't sure who I was.
The time I realized I was romantically interested in girls was when I tried to date a boy, my best friend, but just wasn't interested. It wasn't him, he's wonderful and kind and the only boy who isn't awful truthfully, but it was that he was a boy. I couldn't give him anything more than hand holding and even that was a bit much for me. I thought about the type of person I'd want to date (if I did date) and none of them were boys. Even these made-up people, the 'types' I liked, were all girls. I found girls more caring, sensitive, understanding, and personality-wise they appealed to me much more than men ever did and I just found girls cuter. As a asexual and homoromantic person I found it difficult to come out, and haven't publicly (only online), but I did come out to my mother and friends already and have gotten love and support as well as adivce.
You should only speak when you feel ready. I'm lucky enough to have a family and friends who accept me, hopefully you will be too. Only tell those you absolutely trust until you're ready to be open, and don't tell anyone until you feel safe. Your well being is always most important. It's difficult to keep it to yourself but until you're sure of who you are you should think carefully, and asking for help is always okay but only you know how you feel.

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sorry if i sound ignorant or if u don't want to talk about it or something, but ur bio says ur a lesbian but i thought u were pan? do u just mean that u prefer girls or are you homoromantic pansexual or??

I'm a panromantic homosexual~
Liked by: Jazzie Emma River :)

first question What do you think of when I say, Homosocial. Not Homoromantic or Homosexual. second question How would you respond and compare to an "I like you" if that person hides status anon and someone who says it to you directly. third. do you like dark, milk, or white chocolate. :3 :p XD

aaaa.. been waiting for quetchons like this.
first question.
homosocial is way too general man. we do it all the time so i dont mmind i dont even mind if you are very very very close to a same sex person. im open to those. we Muslims are encourage to foster those kinds of very strong bonds well of course having to avoid intercourse. but since the current stigma is very closed, criticizing, repulsive, the innocents will feel oppressed and retaliate worse. the society then blames them worse. man now im naggin like a nanny
second question.
hmmmm both awkward. im really bad at sentimental occasions.
last question
i hate chocolates.
kidding... milk choc. have a nice day fella

first question What do you think of when I say, Homosocial. Not Homoromantic or Homosexual. second question How would you respond and compare to an "I like you" if that person hides status anon and someone who says it to you directly. third. do you like dark, milk, or white chocolate. :3 :p XD

1st, apa tu homosocial? x faham.
2nd, better face to face! kalau blakang means kau pnakut ??? x nak layan.
3rd, dark chocolate of course!!!

Apakah gay dan lesbian selalu identik dengan ketertatikan secara seksual (hingga melakukan hubungan seksual)? Adakah homoseksual yang hanya tertarik untuk berbagi afeksi sesama jenis namun menolak melakukan hubungan seksual? Kalau ada, apakah yang dimikian masih bisa disebut homoseksual? Trims.

Bisa. Lebih dikenal dengan istilah homoromantic

honestly that person is right, you cant declare you r gay but never had sex with someone of the same sex lol its like saying you like chinese food but never ate it before

this is fucking ridiculous, how do straight people know their straight? till they have sex? what about asexuals? hmmm? you can be homoromantic and asexual so how do THEY know they're gay? bye af

Hi Bella I'm honestly so confused and I think you can help cause you seem to know some about sexualities. Okay so I'm sexually attracted to girls but the thought of dating a girl grosses me out but the thought of like having sex with a boy grosses me out but I'd totally date one. WHATS THIS MEAN??

if you are a girl: you are heteroromantic homosexual
if you are a guy: you are homoromantic heterosexual
if you are nonbinary: i have no idea
people seem to think that sexual & romantic attraction are intertwined but a lot of the time they aren't & they don't have to be considered as such
remember that you don't have to figure it out right away but i hope i could help! be safe~
Liked by: ainsley ✨ invalid

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