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Is something being irrational a reason to say it doesn't exist or is it rather viewed as a condition of its existence?!!

deeda_dahi’s Profile PhotoXalaam
Something being irrational doesn't necessarily mean it doesn't exist; rather, it's often viewed as a condition of its existence, meaning that it may operate outside the bounds of rational explanation or logical understanding, but still have a real impact or presence in our lives. For example, emotions, intuition, and consciousness are all irrational in the sense that they can't be fully explained by reason alone, but they are still fundamental aspects of human experience.

> (sage) nothing turns me on anymore - Suffering from E.D. at your age?! 🤣 > (sage) relationships are not good for anyone - How the hell would you know? 🤣 > (you) true but we only improved upon him - Nonsense. Can't improve on perfection. 🤣 From now on, I'm gonna call him EDward. 🤣🤣🤣 💗

talionislexx’s Profile PhotoLex Talionis
Yeah, he’s actually an excellent example of a perfect human being. Nothing can be added to make him any better. 🤣 I bet a good breadstick and a coupon could get him up and going again. 🤣🤣🤣💗

Have you ever had issues with commitment or are you the kind who isn’t afraid of commitment in most cases?

Froyh’s Profile PhotoMerve
Never been an issue on my end but I demand it in return and that has been a challenge for most. I have learned a simple truth about most people. Once they have your attention, it is only a matter of time until boredom creeps in and they focus elsewhere. Somebody else will always appear more exciting, attractive, etc. Rare exceptions exist but the average person has the attention span of a gnat. Here today, there tomorrow. Perhaps it's human nature to explore externally when one's search should begin from within. Silly species. It ignores the gravitational constant, insists on falling up and wonders why it orbits the wrong planets... 🤣
Have you ever had issues with commitment or are you the kind who isnt afraid of

كيف تتصرفون اذا عايشين وي أشخاص تحسون نفسكم مراقبيين من عدهم ؟

الطريقة السهلة دائما مهما كان الوضع شديد المراقبة تگدر تلگة طريقة تسوي بيها الي تريده
بس أفضل استخدام الطريقة الصعبة واحارب فيس تو فيس على أن يتم معاملتي ك سجين
That is a basic human right !

In the Pixar movie A Bug's life there are no human characters. Say they were gonna put in a human somewhere in the movie and that was gonna be you, where and how do you think the main characters would most likely encounter you? 👟🐛

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Probably in a field of flowers and grass intoxicated by pollen and covered with fruit and veg or in a forest next to some damp logs and moss, and crooked trees…circling me in the masses to figure out if I’m a threat 😂
Liked by: Tobbe ɳicky KHAQAN

Do you easily find yourself in a bad mood when people don’t treat you fairly and/or when they make up rumors about you and if not, how did you get to a point where the rumors about you didn’t get to you anymore?

Froyh’s Profile PhotoMerve
Being treated unfairly always hurts, and can put you in a bad mood, regardless of who it’s by. Obviously, it’s gonna hurt way more if it’s someone you love treating you that way, but even from a stranger, that stuff can really stick with you. 🥺
I don’t really like the idea that you’re supposed to get to a point where it “doesn’t affect you.” It’s human to care, and to be affected by hurtful things. I don’t think the answer is to harden yourself. I know it affects me. If I’m treated unfairly, having rumors spread about me (even if they are untrue), etc, I’m gonna be hurt… And people can say “get over it” all they want, but it doesn’t change anything. If it hurts you, they don’t get to tell you it shouldn’t.
Now, with that said, I think what you can do is take people’s hurtful words with a grain of salt, especially if they don’t know you. That’s what I often do. Strangers and even acquaintances opinions of you aren’t facts… They aren’t based in any sort of truth. So I think that is an important thing to take into consideration. Prioritize the opinions of those who truly love you and know you, and beyond that, what YOU know to be true about yourself. And while that isn’t the cure for being hurt by things people say, it can at least take the edge off.
I hope that helps a little! If you’re going through something like this, I’m sorry. ☹️ You don’t deserve that.

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Do you easily find yourself in a bad mood when people dont treat you fairly

Is something being irrational a reason to say it doesn't exist or is it rather viewed as a condition of its existence?!!

deeda_dahi’s Profile PhotoXalaam
I think the existence of something is not dependent on whether or not it is rational. The concept of 'rational' itself is subjective and varies based on individual perspectives and experiences- what may be logical to one person might seem illogical to another. Like, emotions such as love or fear - these are intangible yet very real experiences that can greatly influence our thoughts and actions; even though they cannot be scientifically measured or quantified in any way- we know for sure they exist because of how deeply they affect us emotionally and some philosophical concepts like morality or justice are also irrational but still hold value within society as guiding principles for ethical behaviour. So, I believe that irrationality does not negate the existence of something; rather it is an aspect that adds complexity and depth to our understanding of its nature - acknowledging irrationality allows us to recognize different ways people experience reality while embracing diversity in human thought processes altogether. 🌻

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I found an abandoned forum from the 2000s, and in 2007, people were already nostalgic about 'the good old days'. It's weird, right? how some of us are nostalgic about those times, and people back then were nostalgic about even older times, lol.

people have always done that. we get nostalgic about the good times from our youth, real or imagined – even if it was during a terrible time period, such as growing up during a world war. the human brain is fascinating in that way.

Czy jest różnica kiedy samochód jedzie na automacie bez kierowcy, a samochód prowadzi osoba niewidoma z prawem jazdy ?

womanwithgoodheart’s Profile PhotoDziewczyna z Dobrym sercem ♀❥
Is there a difference when a car drives without a driver and a blind person with a driving license drives the car?
There are two differences: If a car is driving without passengers, the machine will not receive a ticket. If a blind person drives a vehicle, he will get a ticket. Movies sometimes show cars without a driver, but in my opinion a car without a human is a bad idea
Są różnice: Gdy samochód jedzie na automacie bez pasażerów wtedy automat mandatu nie dostanie. Gdy pojazd prowadzi niewidomy wtedy dostanie mandat. Na filmach czasem pokazują samochody bez kierowcy, jak dla mnie samochód bez człowieka to zły pomysł

Itni sher o shayari or complex batein q?

Faisal9974’s Profile PhotoFaisal
I was adopted by my parents and then they had their own biological daughter... they kind of abandoned me after that but couldn't get rid of me because they didn't want people to see them as mean and cruel human beings...
Then someone broke my heart too (mainstream thing). So that's why I don't believe in any kind of affection from others.
All of this made me like poetry and ask difficult questions to take my revenge on human brains...

What do you mean by 'everyone seeks attention, it's normal'? that's a weird take haha. Can you explain, if you have time and mood

it's normal to seek out attention from people simply because it's human nature. we seek attention from friends, family, pets, colleagues, etc. it's a type of validation we all need.
the whole "attention seeking is bad" thing stems from ableism, and it only perpetuates stigma associated with neurodivergence because it makes people think that reaching out to others isn't good or is selfish. the only time attention seeking is bad is when it's detrimental to your or someone else's well-being.

Rise and shine Sunshine make today and everyday thine, rise like the smiling sun now's the time, for your rays of hope and life to intertwine, It doesn't have to be a masterpiece that's fine, there's no rule for you to follow or a guideline, rise, let the world hear you sing a rhyme after rhyme

Phoenix_Flame_117’s Profile PhotoPhoenix Flame
A little ray of sunshine just a simple phrase.
Uplifting human spirit with warm gentle rays.
Moment like this always fading so soon.
But silvery silhouettes shine from your moon.
On this hallowed night amidst urban glow.
Watching its stars touch the blackness behind.
We discover the universe above,
As its light penetrates deep in our mind.
So do our hearts open up to its peace.
In my west moonlight shines down on the earth.
While in your east sunlight starts a rebirth.

Do you believe in magic?

Riax0x’s Profile PhotoRiax0x
The fact that there 're some things that can see in infrared and people that can see sound. The fact that a human female can house another human inside of her for 9 months, shrinking her bladder and pushing her organs in all these wonky places is magic.
The fact that we have organisms on this statistically impossible planet that can turn light into food (WE EAT THE SUN) is magic. Last but not least, I’m pretty sure being able to talk to someone and influence someone’s thoughts to understand your own is pretty magical.
I’m pretty sure this wasn’t what you were asking ,If you're referring to magic where you say a few words in latin or latin-ish, rhymes, and you copy some symbols from a book and read the words… Then no to what I call "unicorn magic" ..
Magic is a perfect one-word explanation to all the things we wish we understood.

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Do you ever dwell over an incident that you didn’t expect would happen and wish things turned out differently?

Froyh’s Profile PhotoMerve
Yes, to be fair, not for long. My brain isn’t very capable of keeping track of everything. So it’s a bit: out of sight out of mind.
That excludes heavy situations though. They pop up every now and then. I know I shouldn’t have to think about or feel much about it, since nothing can be changed, but it also makes me feel human when it still affects me.

When listening to a song, how much does the lyrics matter to you? 🎤🎶

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I always love to discover underrated music and I love it more if there is storytelling in it with meaningful lyrics. Sometimes catchy beat or melody can be great on its own. But for me, what makes a song special is when the lyrics speak to something deeper within me, whether that is a personal experience I had, an emotion am feeling at the moment, or a universal truth about the human condition. ⭐️ 🎶
When listening to a song how much does the lyrics matter to you

Everyone craves attention. True or not? 🙂

Ahmednorthowed’s Profile PhotoAhmed Mac
We all do to some degree. We all want to feel seen and heard, valued and appreciated by others. And in today's world where we are constantly bombarded with messages and distractions, it can be easy to feel overlooked or forgotten if we don't actively seek out attention from others. That being said— I also believe that there are healthier ways of getting the attention we need than others - seeking validation through social media likes or superficial measures of success might provide temporary boosts but ultimately won't lead to long-term fulfilment. Instead, maybe we should focus on building genuine connections with the people around us and finding activities that bring us joy and purpose regardless of external recognition. After all, attention is nice but authentic human connection is even better. 🌻

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Everyone craves attention. True or not? 🙂

Ahmednorthowed’s Profile PhotoAhmed Mac
Everyone wants to be appreciated for what they do this is an innate human disposition and only very few are able to break free of this need to (some/any/great) extent and by this reason at least they naturally need attention, so this is true.
Liked by: Cupid Saira. Ahmed Mac

Everyone craves attention. True or not? 🙂

Ahmednorthowed’s Profile PhotoAhmed Mac
It's a natural human desire to want to receive validation and praise. However, needing attention suggests that you cannot function without receiving attention and validation from other people 🙂 Someone needs attention from a friend, another from family, boss. Attention does not have to be immediately perceived negatively if it is healthy to a certain extent .

Wie praktizierst deinen Glauben? Welche Elemente deiner Religion kannst du in dein Weltbild integrieren?

RyoMcCauley’s Profile PhotoTyler Durden
Ich glaube daran, dass eine immanente höhere Entität schon immer existiert hat und das ganze Universum daraus entstanden ist (Logik über infinite Regresse und dergleichen lasse ich jetzt bewusst außen vor; ich habe mich selbst schon zur Genüge in dieser rationalen Endlosschleife bewegt und vertraue mittlerweile einfach auf meine Intuition und muss nicht für alles Mögliche eine fundierte, empirische Beweisgrundlage besitzen, erscheint mir häufig auch einfach so widerspenstig eindimensional). Dabei schließe ich wissenschaftliche Prozesse keineswegs aus. Wissenschaft muss sich nicht kategorisch mit Glaubensgrundsätzen widersprechen. Ich nehme auch die Widersprüchlichkeit in Kauf, die durch diese Diskrepanz zwischen kritischem Denkvermögen und intuitivem Glauben zustande kommen. Ich kann auch gar nicht anders, da ich zu stark von beiden Seiten beschallt wurde es in mir eine regelrechte Zerrüttung auslöst, mich für irgendetwas "entscheiden" zu müssen. Meines Erachtens ist das nicht notwendig.
Ich bemühe mich darum, fünfmal am Tag zu beten, wenn mir jedoch nicht danach ist oder ich mich nicht danach fühle, lasse ich es bleiben, weil ich der Meinung bin, dass mein Glaube nicht mit einem z.wanghaften Pflichtgefühl einhergehen muss. Ich bin ein Mensch mit Ecken und Kanten, nicht perfekt und keineswegs unfehlbar. Ich weiß auch, dass das einige SEHR kontrovers auffassen, da die Haram-Polizei gerne mit dem Finger auf Menschen zeigt, obwohl das gar nicht im Sinne des Glaubens ist, andere bloßzustellen oder über deren Lebenspraxis zu bestimmen. Womit wir beim Fundamentalismus wären: Ich lasse ihn nicht an mich heran. Ich bin fundamentalistisch erzogen worden und sehe darin mehr Schaden als richtungsweisende Grundlagen. Der Fundamentalismus war mitunter ein Grund, dass ich mich überhaupt von der Vorstellung eines Glaubens entfremde habe, was unweigerlich zu einem kosmischen Identitätsverlust geführt hat. Auch absolut keinen Bock auf Queerfeindlichkeit oder andere regressive Denkmuster, die ich indoktrinierend erfahren musste. Bin damit zwar der Exot meiner konservativen Familie, aber ich weiß einfach, dass tief wurzelnder Háss sich intuitiv genauso fishy und verkehrt anfühlt. Ich habe die ersten Tage gefastet, gemerkt, dass es mir mental und körperlich richtig schlecht ging und es sein lassen. Ein meines Erachtens vergebender und barmherziger Gott wird mir das nicht ankreiden und wenn doch, habe ich auch kein Interesse daran, an diesen zu glauben. Ganz einfach. Ist das schräg? Vielleicht. Aber sehr human. Ich musste mich stark von dieser Vorstellung einer bestrafenden Entität loslösen und mich mit dieser Neuinterpretation arrangieren und es ist mir Jacke wie Hose, wenn damit diverse Glaubensvertreter:innen ein gewaltiges Problem haben. Die Gemeinschaft im Islam ist sowieso hochgradig toxisch und gespalten und ich kann mich kein Stück damit identifizieren. Bin dann halt ein wandelndes Paradoxon, aber habe meinen Seelenfrieden damit.

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I'm not shia Lekin Hazrat Ali se pyar Mujhe b hai.❤️

waqarali1337’s Profile PhotoMalik Waqar Ali
21st Ramadan, Martyrdom of Ali AS
He was born in the purest of places (inside Ka'bah), on the best of the days (Friday), martyred in the best of the months (Ramadan), on the best of the nights (Qadr), in the best of the moments (Salah), in the best of positions (Sujood). He was married to the best woman (Fatima RA, the daughter of Muhammad PBUH, his nikkah with her was recited on the Arsh), and is the father of the best human (Hussain AS). About him, the Prophet Muhammad PBUH said, *"The one who wants to live my life and die my death, should attach himself to Ali"*

Hi ? I have being following you since a long-time and it is always fun looking to your answers. I have to say that you're a such sweet human. I just want to ask what tone do you find most attractive in men? Dusky , medium dusky or fair?

i havent been here since long ,, but thank you 🦋
anyway.. never thought about that. maybe a bit tanned skin tone?
Liked by: Cupid Jawad Talha Moon

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Mai_saoud20’s Profile Photo﮼مايان ﮼ ابوالسعود
Time is an equal opportunity employer. Each human being has exactly the same number of hours and minutes every day. Rich people can’t buy more hours. Scientists can’t invent new minutes. And you can’t save time to spend it on another day. Even so, time is amazingly fair and forgiving. No matter how much time you’ve wasted in the past, you still have an entire tomorrow.
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4/5 - "Hast du ein Lieblingsbuch? Magst du mir davon erzählen?" - @RyoMcCauley

normanz9761’s Profile Phototh1rsttrap
Viele Leute, besonders junge Erwachsene, sind heute noch begeistert von H.P. Lovecraft. Idk why. Why?! Immer, wenn ich H.P. Lovecraft lese, fühle ich mich, als würde ich Stories eines Klansmans lesen. Der Okkultist antwortet darauf empört, dass Lovecraft ja so tolle Egregore erschaffen hätte – aber was interessieren mich die Egregore eines Ras.sisten?
Nicht ganz dasselbe Sujet (zumindest nicht immer), aber Ray Bradbury ist genial. Nicht nur «Fahrenheit 451», besonders seine Kurzgeschichten. Die handwerklich (und stilistisch) und intellektuell beste Sci-Fi-Schriftstellerin derselben Epoche Ursula K. LeGuin. Eine unfaßbar intelligente Frau, die noch dazu eine großartige Erzählerin war. Ich liebe Philip K. Dick, nicht unbedingt für Blade Runner («Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?»), sondern insbesondere für «Flow my tears, the policeman said», m.E. sein bester Text.
Coetzee ist m.E. einer der talentiertesten modernen Schriftsteller, insbesondere «Disgr.ace». Philip Roth, den ich jüngst wieder las, ist unheimlich gut, aber er hat Längen und selbst «The Human Stain» ist erzählerisch hier und da suboptimal, wenn er z.B. direkte Handlung in dialogischen Nacherzählungen verpackt.
Joan Didion ist eine großartige Schriftstellerin, wobei sie größtenteils die Tragödien ihres Lebens nacherzählt. «The Year of Magical Thinking» ist absolut ergreifend, aber es ist kein Buch für jemanden, der on the verge of depre.ssion ist.
Ich liebe Raymond Chandler, aber nicht für seine Plots (die fast so löchrig sind wie mein Lebenslauf, aber nur fast), sondern für die Atmosphäre des Los Angeles in den '40ern, die er evoziert. Was Thriller angeht, ist Robert Crais' «Host.age» m.E. ein sehr guter Text. Knappe Sätze, prägnante Szenen und ein (zumindest bis nach dem grandiosen Midpoint) extrem gut konstruierter Plot.
James Ellroys Thriller haben massive Längen, aber er hat Swag. Der Stil ist unmöglich zu übersetzen, nahezu alle deutschen Ausgaben sind beinahe furchtbar. Man kann diesen Autor nicht übersetzen, it's pure swag.
«Night Circus» von Erin Morgenstern ist ein großartiger jüngerer Text.
Das Lesen philosophischer Texte habe ich mir abgewöhnt. Da nahezu alle relevanten Texte herunterladbar und quasi sofort verfügbar sind, habe ich die unmögliche Angewohnheit entwickelt, sie genau zu untersuchen. Seitdem ich im Vergleich Nietzsche vs. Spinoza Letzterem zu oft Recht gegeben habe, habe ich mich deprimiert abgewandt. (Außerdem habe ich letztes Jahr den furchtbaren Interviewtext von Bernd Höcke – böse Linksex.tremisten behaupten übrigens, unser Bernd würde «Björn» heißen – gelesen und dabei mit Sekundarquellen insb. von NS-Ideol.ogen wie Rosenberg verglichen, um wirklich sicherzugehen, dass ich dem guten Bernd nicht Unrecht tue – spoiler alert: Tat ich nicht – aber das war so deprimierend, dass ich für lange Zeit genug davon habe, Texte so ausführlich zu behandeln).

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يقال : "تجري الرياح بما لا تشتهي السفن" كيف حال سفيتنك؟

totoana65’s Profile Photoآيات
Ebbing waves, embracing violence
Heartened by hopes of land
Rowing like a ghost in silence
Praying soon my orcs touch land
Now i drift a lonely crewman
I was destined by my birth
To be never more than human
I was bound unto this earth
Maybe no one left to rescue me
Overhead the storm clouds wont recede
Trying to believe but i just cant pretend
Will i be forgotten evermore?
Will i walk on heavens golden shore?
Angeles offer comfort as a calm decendds
Twilight at the end, the northern lights dance across the sky
I dont want to know what happenes when you die
Thank you for reminding me of this masterpiece 😁

Why do we sometimes refuse to see people for who they really are and choose to continue to hope that they’ll start caring about us when they’ve made it clear that they really don’t?

Only today I was listening to a lecture on how human perception isn't aligned with reality. The nature of our biology prevents us not only from living in the current moment, but makes abject truth impossible to perceive. The former is due to the delays between sensory information & interpretation per the brain. The latter is due to the fact that your sensory perception of the world was never really designed to help you perceive the reality of existence. It was just to help you navigate comfortably. All that is to say that truth is a lie, Perception is your interpretation, and reality is different for each of us
Why do we sometimes refuse to see people for who they really are and choose to

Do u think the world would be a better place if ppl had no flaws?

lost_duck’s Profile PhotoGE
In essence, while a flawless society might seem ideal, it’s the unique combination of strengths and weaknesses within each person that shapes our world and propels humanity forward. It’s an interesting balance between the value of perfection and the richness that comes from our human imperfections

What is the weirdest thing you believe as a kid?

There were so many silly things I used to believe as a kid but one of the weirdest was probably my fear of swallowing watermelon seeds. I was convinced that they would grow inside my stomach and turn me into a human watermelon lmao. — I once accidentally swallowed a watermelon seed and then started to hiccups, and my sister told me that it was gonna grow inside of me and come out of my belly button and I cried for the rest of the day cause I was really scared of having a watermelon baby. 🤧😤

It's sad that you are almost middle aged and still can't decide for yourself. I hope in 15 years when I'm your age I won't be like you. God forbid

It's sad that you're so pressed about what a stranger is doing in their life. I hope in 15 years, when you'll be way older than I currently am, that you learn how to be a decent human being capable of basic humility and empathy... But I don't hold out much hope, you're already too much of a sad, pathetic, jealous c*nt.

Why is loneliness so soul crushing?

searchingforseizureman’s Profile PhotoSearching for Seizure Man
I was just discussing that with a lady friend from Kazakhstan last night. It is against human nature since we are pack or group animals. We NEED that sense of belonging as much as a pet dog views you as part of his/her pack... or a cat his/her 'pride'. the only thing more distressing than losing a pet is a pet losing his/her pack mate... some mourn dreadfully.

i cheated too. I ignored you. made you feel unwanted. un loved. I'm sorry. I do love you. I can't stop thinking about you. I want you so bad. I don't care if I get arrested. can I come see you? please?

darthlythium06’s Profile PhotoCesar
I don’t see any logic in what you’re saying. It’s a shame people like you who cheat on their partner exists, regardless of whether or not you got cheated on since two wrongs don’t make a right. If you really loved them and were a decent human being, you wouldn’t have cheated on them in the first place 🤷🏻‍♀️

I know you are my twin flame but do you really have to read my mind


i was made
i’m made up of many magical beautiful unimaginable things
unimaginable to the human mind…
and i so …
but is u❤️
think that all world need to know
that we found each other…?!
my answer only for him…
he ❤️ is my twin flame …
i’m his
and we found out it already .
and i wish everyone found his or her twin flame 🔥 .
because it’s incredible.
and guys don’t and guys don’t confuse it with soulmates…
as i wrote before… soulmates it’s like it’s something about
like friends its like have common interests…
and every people could have a few even more soulmates
twin flame 🔥only one.
and it’s about maddening love.
when it comes to love … look for
ur twin flame only guys.

I want to forget someone like forget in every way but there is one problem: woh mere samnay he hoti hai although i am ignoring her in every possible way and also i am not making eye contact with her but still not helping. Can anyone pls pls give me some serious suggestion uske lye bht dua krunga🙏

Acha sb sy pehly toh apko ak Psychologically proven bat btana chahti hu k hmara brain/mind "No" ka word understand ni krta. Agr ap khy gy k ap usy dkhna NHI chahty. Toh mind automatically apki nzro ka tkrao unconsciously uski trf kryga.
Toh sb sy phly toh ap ny ye krna ha k:
1. Bilkul normal human being smjhna ha usy. Dil p hath rkh kr Dil ko boly k control kry and usko dkhny sy Dil apki feelings na rush kry.
2. Sb sy main important cheez k khudko busy rkhna ha. Jb apko pta ha k us sy amna samna hoga hi toh apni nzry nichy rkhny k sth sth koi kitab hath m rkhy ya phone ma ya laptop ma kyi na kyi apni nzro ko msruf rkhiye ga aur waqei us activity ma khudko busy kriye ga rather than ye k bs usko dhikaye wrna koi faida ni hona ulta ap hurt ho gy
3. Ksi lrki sy simple dosti krly ta k usky smny us lrki sy involve ho jy is trah ap usko bhul skty mgr us lrki ka Dil na tutay is wja sy us lrki ko phly hi inform kr dena about this all
4. Take it easy and FEEL EVERY EMOTION, DON'T SUPPRESS. Jitna suppress kry gy utna bad ma zda feel hoga. Feel kry, accept kry, yhi trika ha Dil sy agay brhny ka. Skun b asy hi mily ga.
Allah apky liye asania kry Ameen. Feel free to contact me agr zrurt ho 💗

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Serious question. I know you’ve heard about the Lizzo controversy with accusations of sexual harassment from her dancers, and have been through something very similar. It sometimes seems there is no route for a performer to make amends or to redeem themselves in the face of these types of accusation

Oof. That’s a rough question. I want to think about what I have to say about that. Yeah. Because I don’t think I’m in a position to be giving Lizzo advice by any stretch of imagination. I will say that the more eyes you have on you, the more difficult it is.
We are just living in a very insane time where, thankfully, the pendulum is swung so that people who are victims get to have a voice. But, like almost anything in reality, there are three sides to every story. And I think it’s scary to be the person who’s the artist, to be in a power position, to be the person who stands to lose things based on people that you work with who are in close proximity to you, who have the ability to be a narrator of a story and tell the story from their own lens. And, that lens almost always doesn’t show the full scope of a story. So my heart goes out to anybody who is in that position, because I’ve been in that position before where I’ve read stories that seem almost unrecognizable to me. And while I want to always take accountability for my faults, ‘cause I’m human and I’m gonna make a lot of mistakes. I think that there is this part of pop culture right now and cancel culture that enjoys devouring someone. They love building someone up to tear them down. A verified check next to your name doesn’t make you any less human, doesn’t make you any less prone to making mistakes. I don’t like that mistakes today almost feel like they want the person who is in the power position to never work again, to never sing again, to never perform again. It’s a very scary thing. And to be completely honest, I’ve turned down multiple reality shows this year that were paying great money because I just... mentally, it’s just too much for me to take. And I don’t want any more experiences like that to be my legacy. I’ve learned a lot from it. And I am moving in a very different way than I was moving before. So I hope that anybody in that position learns from the parts of it that they need to learn from and try to do better. I hope, to be someone like Lizzo and the amount of work that she’s had to do to get to where she is, I will never understand what that journey has been like for her. I hope that she continues to be able to — or that anybody in that position would — I hope that they would continue to be able to work, and just learn from the mistakes that they’ve made but still have an opportunity to have a career.
In order for cancel culture to truly be effective, people have to be held accountable, but also have the opportunity for redemption. And I don’t think that people should be bullied into saying... I think that you have to, in that position be a sound enough person to say, ‘I don’t care what everybody says. I know what my truth is and I’m never going to go online and agree with something that I did not do,’ because you’re struggling with, like, your real-life human, moral, and ethic compass. It’s a scary thing for me to even respond to that question, because right now, an

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