
233 people

50 posts


So, Israel today has attacked Iran and Iraq aswell.. Are we, as a muslim country, still going to keep our eyes closed? What makes our leaders think that they won't strike us in coming days if they are targeting every Muslim country? War is here!

Unza1234’s Profile PhotoUnza Zulfiqar
Once in the city of Alexandria, Egypt, there lived a woman named Hypatia. Egypt was a relatively progressive society for it's time and she was the chief of the Library of Alexandria. In 385 AD, Theophilus, the Roman patriarch of Alexandria, ordered the purge of Egypt and the burning down of the library. Upon hearing this, Hypatia took her students and escorted as many books as humanly possible before the Roman mob finally broke into the library and raised it to the ground. In 415, the same Hypatia was riding her horse back from the market when a mob of Romans found her, dragged her down and ripped her apart alive. The burning of the library marks the end of any tolerance for knowledge, or rights of the people of Eastern Rome. The coming years weren't all that pleasant for the Egyptian society as under a more strict Roman rule, women were restricted from owning property and the existing rights of people were taken away. Tensions were also increasing with the Persians in a constant back and forth between the two Empires. This went on for about another century.
In 510 AD, in his own words to his wife Khadija, The Prophet received a revelation from angel Jibrael, telling him, "Read". Unkown to them yet, this word was the beginning of a revolution that would change the course of history forever. Just years later, Muslims from the humble origins of the Arabian peninsula took on two of the most powerful empires the world had ever seen, and both simultaneously. At one point, the millenia old rivals joined forces to finally crush this mysterious force of nature that was heavily outnumbered yet standing against them, but fate had other plans for humanity. The Muslim Caliphate ate Rome and Persia and then proceeded to bring social reforms and spiritual awakening among the people. It saw great advancements in science, technology, medicine, philosophy, social sciences and virtually every area of human knowledge and intellect. The House of Wisdom in Baghdad schooled countless philosophers, scientists and polymaths, men that shaped our civilization as we know it today. On social front, for the first time, women who were once sidelined by the former patriarchal society could not only inherit property, but were equal in every way, playing a significant role in uplifting the society. In Morocco, the first ever formal university was established by a woman named Fatima al Fihri, setting the standard for education as we see it today.
It's said that upon seeing the planet from space, one could see the region from Spain to Pakistan lit up by street lamps, a thousand years ago. This wasn't to stay, as even though the whole of Persia embraced this new way of living, the vengeance of the once glorious Rome was wailing, specially on it's western side. Vengeance that manifested itself in Crusades, Reconquistas, ethnic cleansing, genocides, racism, colonialism and practices like Apartheid. Vengeance that still persists in the notion of 'the enemy of the west'

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So, Israel today has attacked Iran and Iraq aswell.. Are we, as a muslim country, still going to keep our eyes closed? What makes our leaders think that they won't strike us in coming days if they are targeting every Muslim country? War is here!

Unza1234’s Profile PhotoUnza Zulfiqar
This gives me a lot of research prompt-y vibes especially given you're a shrink. V sus vibes, but anyway. This shit is getting worse and apparently to only one end. Seems like a fulfillment of the signs of the times. But honestly, big L to the governments and the masses. We, as a society, have failed miserably.

So, Israel today has attacked Iran and Iraq aswell.. Are we, as a muslim country, still going to keep our eyes closed? What makes our leaders think that they won't strike us in coming days if they are targeting every Muslim country? War is here!

Unza1234’s Profile PhotoUnza Zulfiqar
You are way too innocent if you still believe that the leaders of the nation care if pakistan is a muslim country or not. And you are even more innocent if you kinda believe our highest budgeted Institution is willing to wage a war they are not going to be paid for additionally...

What are your thoughts about Israel and Palestine war?

novenaculebra’s Profile PhotoSigrid
حربٌ بينَ محتلٍ اسرائيلي صهيوني سارق للأرض والإرث والتاريخ وبين أصحاب الأرض الأصليين الفلسطينيين ..
حكوماتكم تروج الأكاذيب لكم ، اليهود لم يكونوا مظلومين يوماً لطالما كانوا سيئين لقد قتلوا الأنبياء وحاولوا قتل المسيح ..

Que paises visitaste?

ReisRes’s Profile PhotoDirectos Galan YT✅
Turquía obviamente porque es mi país natal 😂, Países Bajos, Portugal, Reino Unido, Irlanda, Francia (+ las islas Martinica y Guadalupe), Bélgica, Alemania, Polonia, Hungría, Austria, República Checa, Bulgaria, Letonia, Lituania, Italia, Ciudad del Vaticano, San Marino, Grecia, Noruega, Suecia, Bosnia, Croacia, Eslovenia, Marruecos, Argelia, Jordania, Egipto, Palestina, Israel, Estados Unidos, Cuba, Rusia, China (+ Hong Kong), Corea del Sur y Japón. Y creo que ya está.

Was Israel really created by a decision of the UN?

Not really. Resolution 181 proposed the partition of British Palestine, giving the Arabs all their big historical cities while granting Jews either large swaths of desert or the areas in which they have founded settlements beforehand.
This happened in Nov. 1947. Israel declared its unilateral independence in May 1948, seven months later, after Arabs refused to accept this scheme and threatened with violent reprisal.
Was Israel really created by a decision of the UN

You all know that Trump is going to win, right? He’s a good representation of America. The average American can relate to him. At its core, America is a conservative, Republican-leaning country. Far-left politics just don't work. America isn't Sweden or Norway or Finland or Spain.

Not only that but the active vice president of the United States really showed that she cares more about other countries than the country that she's trying to be a president. She didn't really go out her way to help out these families that were hit hard due to these hurricanes... they funded Lebanon instead knowing that we are allies with Israel this is why I called them the war party. They want war they let all these illegals in knowing it's going to cause chaos amongst Americans and these gangs ... they were really for the people they wouldn't have never done no s*** like that just remember actions speak louder than words. And what Trump and Musk have done setting up these generators and this New Link for the survivors and their families it's really honorable. I remember hearing when Trump helped out Haiti when they got hit hard and they are not even a part of the United States and he went out of his way with his own money and help that country.

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Del 1 al 10 qué tan Hot eres?

Los pro-palestina ya están muriendo ❤️‍🔥 muchos queman la bandera de Israel pero cae encima de ellos y quedan cenizas✨Da risa 👌 que salen corriendo en llamas y queman a muchos .
Liked by: Mariamffj

¿El dinero compra la felicidad?

Israel el único país Rico de medio oriente ✨ literal 🇮🇱 Vs Muslim country = top Misery 🦍, 🇺🇦 Vs 🇷🇺 = top prostitucion 🦍, 🇲🇽 Vs South america = top Misery 🦍 ,los inmigrantes puros pro-palestina, Pro-rruso, amantes de los negros etc , los palestinos ni sus propios países vecinos lo quieren 👌si los Musulmanes quieren vivir en europa o 🇺🇲 por que en los Muslim country se mueren de hambre y nadie los mantiene ,tantos inmigrantes de África ,Asia , South america ,Indios !!
El dinero compra la felicidad
Liked by: Mariamvvn

Eres una persona directa?

La que borra mis publicaciones es pro-palestina, pro-Rusa , Feministas que solo existen en occidente, apoya la multicultural ni sera mexicana por qué los mexicanos la mayoría piensan como yo 🤍y en Genocid--, Aparte los 🇲🇽 se burlan de los demás ,apoyan a Israel, Ucrania y no quieren a los inmigrantes, sudamericana, Africa, Asia, España etc
Liked by: Mariamvvn

I love israel 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

الظالم لا يحبه الا ظالم مثله بإختصار .. نعم قد تكون إسرا ئيل انتقمت لبعض اخوتنا السوريين والعراقيين بطريق غير مباشر ممن اذاقهم المر .. ولكن هي لا تزال عنوان للظلم والجبروت.

weird, cuz i saw the Israeli flag in your country ranking. On the subject, what are your thoughts about the Gaza situation?

My flags are subject to change. The closest I've been to Israel is Greece. It is a terrible situation. Horrors beyond description and if there isn't a drastic shift in US leadership, I'm afraid the conflict could spread to other regions. Similar situation with Russia and Ukraine. If the Biden/Harris regime continues for another four years, I would expect devastation unlike the world has ever seen. Lack of vision. Incoherent policies. Total $upport for foreign wars. The problem is not in Moscow, Kyiv, Jerusalem or Gaza. It is in Washington, D.C. 👎

🇮🇱 Vs Muslim Country

🇮🇱 tiene💲+ que 🇦🇪🦍 por petróleo y Prosti-- y nisiquera le gana a Israel !! Si no fuera por sus recursos naturales nisiquera existirían, los 🇮🇱 sus aliades 👼 y los muslim 🇸🇦🇦🇪🦍 nisiquera le ganaron a Yemen país en hambruna y nisiquera los países Musulmanes le dan Refugio a los palestinos.
Vs Muslim Country
Liked by: jesssnl

Was wählt man wenn man kein plan hat?

Brudi ich bin krank links. Da du keinen Plan hast, du kaum. Meine Partei wird ggf. nicht die richtige für dich sein. Also musst du selber gucken. Was du wählst kann ich dir nicht sagen. Wahlomat?
Ich kann dir nicht sagen, was dir wichtig ist. Jede Partei ist anders. Und mit jeden Inhalten wirst du nie übereinstimmen. Nur denk daran, dass die Rechten immer größer werden. Die gehen sicher alle wählen, freuen sich über Nichtwähler. Wenn dir das egal ist, dann... gut für dich, schätze ich. Aber ich rate dir dazu, geh in die Wahlkabine und mach ein Kreuz.
YMMV. Achtung, linker bias meinerseits:
FDP (genau wie Volt): liberal (Privatisierungen von diversen Dingen, jeder für sich und seine Chancen, Kapitalismus geiI), Wirtschaft als Priorität eben. Pro LGBT+. Bankenfreundlich, jeder sollte investieren. Pro-Israel
AfD: rechts, nationalistisch (also: nur Deutschland zählt). migrationsfeindlich, islamophob, LGBT+-feindlich, flüchtlingsfeindlich, viel feindlich. Glauben nicht an irgendeine Umweltkrise. Reichfreundlich. "Pro-Israel" (eher Anti-Muslime lol)
CDU: Alles wie immer, passt doch so wie es ist. LGBT+-Thema komplett egal. Autoindustrie ist wichtig für uns. Klimawandel muss warten, es gibt doch grad so viele Probleme. Wirtschaft ist wichtig. Pro-Israel
Grüne: relativ pro LGBT. Theoretisch für Umweltschutz. Europa fördern, nicht nationalistisch werden; bei Asylpolitik allerdings nicht allzu geiI, weil sie die Konservativen wohl mehr happy stimmen wollen. Eher schlecht konkret für ärmere Gesellschaftsschicht gewesen so far. Aber steht auf jeden Fall für Umweltpolitik. Pro Israel
SPD: Auch Establishment, Status Quo-Partei, Sozialstaat bisschen mehr Thema als CDU. Gegen große Privatisierungen. LGBT+ wohlgesinnt. Lassen gerade eigentlich die CDU eh alles machen also schwierig überhaupt zu sagen, wofür sie gerade stehen. Also auch recht zentrisch. Pro Israel
Die Linke: Höhere Besteuerung von Reichen, mehr Arbeiterrechte. Gegen Privatisierung, gegen Profitorientierung im Gesundheitssystem. 32-Stunden-Woche als neues Arbeitsmodell. Sehr pro LGBT+. Umweltkrise sehr wichtig anzugehen (für doll Linke etwas zu viel Umwelt, nicht genug Arbeitsklasse). Am hilfsbereitesten was Asyl und Minoritäten anbelangt; Solidarität. Pro Zivilbevölkerung von Israel & Palästina
DiEM25: ähnlich zur Linken, nur noch etwas linker. Mit großem Europaschwerpunkt. Russlandpolitik genau wie bei der Linken ggf. fragwürdig, musst du selber wissen. Plädoyer für paneuropische linke Partei. Genau wie Linke sehr klein, also ihr Einfluss wenn sie nen Sitz kriegen ziemlich gering. doll anti-Israel-Staat (mit Argument Israel mit Judentum gleichzusetzen sei in sich antisemitisch)
Die Piraten: gegen Überwachung, für mehr digitale Arbeitsrechte. Zusammenschluss mit allen europäischen Piratenparteien. LGBT+ wohlgesonnen. Solidarische Flüchtlingspolitik. Umwelt wichtig, aber nicht größter Schwerpunkt. eher pro-Israel
Nicht vergessen: habe linken bias. Lieber Wahlomat.

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Israel is attacked by terrorists, it defends itself against terrorism. why no muslim country accept refugees from palestine? you have rotten heads. you are victims and facilitators of terrorism at the same time.

Terrorists are Israel , America , and all the countries that support these cursed Jews ... Because they are the ones who kill , burn tents, and behead children in Rafah , and their goal is the genocide of Palestinians and No, Palestinians will not leave their land ...
[ these cursed ones are the ones who should leave ] . Everyone who support Israel , like you , is the real corrupt one ...
"Get out of here." , so you don't hear words you won't like !!!

Jaliscos Vs otros países❔

Me 🤍 como ganan los Jaliscos y arrasan ❤️‍🔥es como cuando es Jaliscos Vs sinaloa 🦍🦊 o 🇺🇦 Vs 🇷🇺🦍🦊 y 🇮🇱 Vs Muslim 🦍 (Israel en la guerra de los 6 dias arraso a los miseros musulmanes y ahora solo le faltaba Egipto y hoy Israel elimino a varios soldados egipcios ) Líbano ya está en la miseria , Siria, palestina y otros 👌literal cualquiera se burla de los Musulmanes ,Rusas y otros, me debe dejar mostrar ✨
Liked by: Camilallv maferccx

Te gusta mucho 🇮🇱 ?

Es mi tipo de mujer✨ las Judias 🇮🇱🤍 su tipo de rostro 😚 también enamoradas de mi y de Rodillas ✨ literal también las más Bellas✨Los Musulmanes atacan a Israel después lloran 👌🇮🇱👼 vs 2000 millones Muslim 🦍 y no pueden 🤔tantas marchas que no sirven de nada !!. Cualquiera dice que las feministas o la mujer occidental deberían ver lo del 7 de octubre o como es el Islam ! huyen de eso y después decenas de millones inmigrantes musulmanes en cualquier país cristiano.
Liked by: Camilallv maferccx

Acha Israel um país inocente ou culpado?

Judeus possuem um vasto ensinamento sobre o mundo espiritual, sinceramente as vezes eu tenho pensado que eles estão a tentar manipular tudo isso, nem inocentes demais e talvez não tão culpados demais, é complicado quando o ser humano tem a capacidade de lidar com o poder, uma arma na cintura já pode fazer um homem se achar superior aos demais, imagine possuir conhecimentos além do inimaginável?
É isso que tenho pensado de Israel.🤔

Con quien vas, con Israel o con Palestina ?

La gente que tiene clara su posición en esta pregunta, me horroriza.
Yo no tengo opinión formada, porque me niego a formarla en base a titulares, medios de comunicación sesgados, declaraciones parciales y datos subjetivos que se nos presentan según interese.
Es curioso cómo la mayoría de personas tienen opiniones categóricas a cuestiones tan complejas, que quizás no tengan respuesta correcta.

What is the best memory you have of a vacation trip? What made it special?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile Photo~ Rose Marie ~
I really enjoyed the seminar in Israel, where I attended for 11 days🌞
The coolest thing about the vacation was that I could choose souvenirs for my family there for a couple of days, swam in the Dead and Red Seas, watched a movie in 3D glasses with a group of girls with whom I was at the seminar, ate delicious food that was not in my country.
What is the best memory you have of a vacation trip What made it special

Si pudierais revivir algo que está, actualmente, muerto. ¿Qué sería?

StephClaireS’s Profile PhotoEnjoy the silence.
Echo en falta que nos parezcamos más a nuestros padres y abuelos en su espíritu guerrillero contra la injusticia. Nuestros padres crecieron con un escenario de una democracia recién creada pero con demasiado anhelo por el oscuro pasado. Y nuestros abuelos vivieron con la persiana casi completamente bajada a oscuras.
Ahora con el conflicto de Israel y Palestina se leen, ven y oyen noticias sobre actividades universitarias y la verdad es que es bonita esa reacción. No será, sin embargo, como la que se lio en EE.UU. cuando lo de Irak o Vietnam.
Nos deberíamos de achacar esa poca gana de discutir cuando nos chulean. Lo de poner la otra mejilla acaba siendo un fracaso que rara vez da algo positivo.

Do you actually support the genocide that Israel is committing against the Palestinians ?

Qatari999243’s Profile Photoآل ثاني
I am totally neutral in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, I condemn and condemn all crimes committed by both sides, both the Israeli Zionist government and the Jihadist group Hamas. I am in favor of both peace and the innocent civilians of the Israeli Jews and Arab Palestinians affected.🇮🇱🤝🙏🏻🏻🇵🇸
Do you actually support the genocide that Israel is committing against the

Que pensais de que hayan abucheado unos pocos a Israel en eurovision?

Me parece perfecto. Israel no debería estar ahí. Lo siento por la cantante, que igual no está de acuerdo con el genocidio, pero no podemos hacer oídos sordos a lo que está ocurriendo.

A ver sí, puedes abuchear a Israel, decir cosas por las redes, manifestarte, etc. Pero de cara a superpotencias poco más que eso se puede hacer

Podríamos dejar de ser tan conformistas y tomar el control de nuestros países en vez de dejarlo en manos de ineptos una vez tras otra, pero no va a pasar, porque somos de tropezar toda la vida con la misma piedra y no vamos a cambiar...

Yaa a ver ahí tienes razón en lo de no fiarte de los medios, pero al final es lo que hay, la unión europea apoya a Israel, por eso se les permite estar en eurovisión, porque los "malos" son Palestina. Entonces poco se puede hacer, más que abuchear que sirve de poco más que para que los medios hablen

No, los presidentes de países europeos hacen negocios con Israel, que es diferente, por mucho que luego digan que lo que hacen esta mal con la boca pequeña.


Gdyby sp. Damian Sobol mógł wstać z grobu, z pewnością przyznałby rację tej Żymiance, i jego koledzy z którymi jechał z pewnością by go poparli! Prędzej uszlibyście z życiem spotykając ruskich sołdatów niż Israel Defence Forces!

https://twitter.com/shadihamid/status/1789006815138562106?t=9v-pAe7-Hue1mrn83o0edQ&s=19 What do you think?

Who even cares about democracy in 2024?
The US is happily swirling toward a lava pool of civil strife; Germany is threatening its AfD with full juridical sanctions; Kuwait has recently dissolved its parliament with an Emiri decree; Israel itself has been ruled by an ersatz warlike government ..
Meanwhile, Putin has won the 2024 Russian elections with 88.48% 😂😂

¿Qué opinas sobre la situación mundial: misiles entre Israel y Palestina que se ven desde España, manifestaciones en canarias por defender su tierra y los derechos de su gente, la inundación en Dubái, los cambios climáticos, la invasión de la agenda 2030 con fines ocultos oscuros...?

Siiiiii, ayer vi yo un misil de esos pasando cerca de mi casa, paró, pidió un vaso de agua a mi vecina y siguió su trayectoria.

Do you think we are going to have the world war three?

Sure feels that way. We're still seeing reports from Ukraine two years since Russia invaded. Then there's Israel vs Palestine (the death toll of Palestinians has surpassed 30,000). The likes of Yemen, Nigeria, Somalia are all in conflict. Aware i'm forgetting many others, it's just so deflating

What's your take on genocide happening in Gaza and Palestine?

shayarb’s Profile Photoshayaan areeb
It's All just the Start for the Doom's Day , The depths of Islamophobia that has been spread throughout the world the amount of hate is clearly visible as those monsters and their Supporters as trying to justify themselves and the world has been so brainwashed that they're supporting them ,can't say the whole world but atleast many of Them and some Indians are trying to justify their support to Israel which is just lame as Isreal itself declared that these people deserves to die ،Our hearts bleed out everday seeing them suffer and makes us guilty for living such a comfortable life which was stolen from people of Palestine but we can only do as much as praying for them sharing their posts and donating as much as position, also no action from the Muslim countries is also a big sign that this is the start of the (Qayamah)END .

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If you had a chance to discuss a social issue with world leaders, what social issue would it be?

How can there be no USA so to avoid every conflict going on in the world, how can Israel not exist who carried out genocide and ethnic cleansing of over 50000 Muslims in which 20000 are children, can definition of justice be changed to the real one and not biased, I have much to talk about

5) "Leave me alone Josh I don't want you either." Who the hell is Josh? 🤣 Joshua? One of the twelve spies of Israel sent by Moses to explore the land of Canaan? Yeah, yeah, pics or it didn't happen. 🤣 If ya ask me, that whole thing was highly sus. I'm not buying it, Rachel. Josh is so mean... 🤣🤣🤣 💗

talionislexx’s Profile PhotoLex Talionis ♫
That’s Yeet’s ex husband. I don’t know why she sent you all that. She and I are on good terms as of yesterday. Sorry you’re caught in the cross hares 🐰 Lexy. 🤣🤣🤣💗
Liked by: Apeshitz gahldesign

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