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19 posts


Nezapadla si do trochu zlej partie? Nezdá sa ti že ťa len kazia? Porozmýšlaj trochu Paulínka takáto si nikdy nebola..

Pozri, bavim sa s roznymi ludmi a absolutne mi nezalezi na tom kto co robi, alebo ako sa oblieka, maluje, whatever, zalezi mi len na tom ako sa chova voci mne a ostatnym ludom okolo mna. Mna nekazi nikto, chovam sa slusne, snazim sa byt mila atd. Ako ano, niekedy spravim blbost a lutujem to ale mam 15 kurna mozem sa mylit, to nie je ale chyba partie. Zbytocne som sa rozculila jesuschrist

بعد إذنك ....إقرأها بلسانك و ليس بعينيك ... .... اللـهم صـل علـى محمد و علـى آل محـمد كما صـــليت علـى إبراهيم و علـى آل إبراهيم ، وبارك علـى محمـد و علـى آل محمد كما باركت علـى إبراهيم و علـى آل إبراهيم في العــــــالمين إنك حميد مجيد .... وأرسلها لـعشر أشخاص خلال ساعة تكون كـسبت عشر مليون صلاة ^_^

3äbđÃĹŁα ŞªҚr
My one and only Savior JesusChrist <3

Mida kuradit :D:D:D ega blondidel juuksevärv ei mõjuta intelligentsust, see pole isegi võimalik, see on kõigest steretüüp, sama hästi võin öelda et kõik brünetid on litsid, paljud, aga ei ole ju ja juuksevärv ei mõjuta seda jesuschrist

See inimene ilmselgelt oli kes need küsimused kirjutas

Why do cruel, evil things such as slavery. murder, rape and segregation happen? What direction is this world going in?

All these things happen because they don't have Jesus in their hearts, and without JesusChrist we are evil people!!! And without JesusChrist we are consumed by sin, hate, etc...so as long as these people do not accept Jesus Christ as their personal Savior then they can never produce love, compassion, etc.... And this world is only getting worser and worser, the Bible says that in the end times the hearts of many will turn cold, disobedient to parents, lovers of evil, lovers of themselves, boasters, etc....the only solution is Jesus Christ!

3Q 1. Apa yg akan kmu lakuin kalo kmu udah bener" syg sm seseorg tp tnpa sepengetahuan kmu, ternyata kmu itu adl org ke2(selingkuhan) dan apa alasannya? 2. Apa mimpi terbsar dlm hdup kmu? 3. Syp org yg pling mnginspirasi hdup kmu? Alasannya? .. 3q back ya, please?

1. Tampar dia, terus putusin(?)-___- krg ajar bgt dia jadiin yg kedua
2. Jd orang sukses, bisa ngebahagiain ortu, dan bs keYerusalem
3. JesusChrist ououo yaiyalah dia itu my saviour, dia itu penyelamat. Yagt intinya

po pačio pirmo i started laughing and it made me tear up even I'M NOT SHITTING YOU I SWEAR TO GOD that was amazing jesuschrist how do you know i love puns did i ever tell you i love puns

Eimis ♋
I knew you'll understand true humour, cuz you're cool
Wait i have two more
Why the girl fall off the swing?
Someone threw a fridge at her
Why did the plane crash?
The pilot was a potato
ok it's time to leave

Your eyes are just -- woah <3 Your hair is just -- wow <3 Your smile is so -- damnnnn <3 Your laugh is -- Jesuschrist <3 Your balling skills are so -- wtf how <3 Your jokes are -- I can't.. You're just so cute Sabrina you are just so mother fucking perfect!!

holy crap, watch your language._. HAH JK LOL you just made my day <3 I freaking love youuuuu!!! THANK YOU SO MUCHHH! :*

Language: English