
63 people

50 posts


I got a boyfriend.But he is 24/7 complaining about my behaviour. Whnevr we start talkin the initial 45 min is a rant about how i ignored his text,how im so insensitive,how he is such a 🇵🇰 and how im so lucky to get him without any effort.His 24/7 complaits are makin me feel small.what should i do?

It sounds like he's projecting his own insecurities onto you. Sometimes people do this to feel more secure about themselves, when they don’t really have much going on in their lives. They need to feel validated and seems like they are doing that via this. In order to feel important and worthy they’d do that, but it's a really toxic behavior. Before you jump to conclusions, maybe take a moment to assess if there’s any truth to his claims about your behavior. If you find that you are being irresponsible in some areas, continuously and you are not putting any heed to it, now it might be worth trying to correct that and see if his behavior changes. But usually, when it happens like this, it can escalate and become even more harmful such as cheating because to them it’ll always feel as if you can’t have someone better and that puts them in a rather dominant position, I think it’s important to recognise that you deserve someone who lifts you up, not puts you down and if they can't recognize that, it might be a good time to reassess both of your expectations from this relationship altogether.

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Ich muss es einfach fragen - verrätst du uns die Geburtstage der Jump Start OCs? 🥹

wirbrauchenideen’s Profile Photofreeserenemind
Ich will jetzt doch ein paar ask-Fragen abarbeiten, ja? :D Bevor die Website sich selbst zerstört. (T-32?)
Und ich verspreche, dieses Wochenende kümmere ich mich um die Mail-Antworten. An der Website schraube ich schon die ganze Zeit rum, nur meine soziale Batterie...die ist ja sonst schon auf Energiesparmodus, aber letzte Woche...uff. Ich weiß ja auch nicht. :D
Anyways, Geburtstage! Sortiert nach Alter. (Ich find's einfach so wunderschön, wie perfekt die Jahre aufeinanderfolgen. :D)
Flynn: 06.11.2003
Bodhi: 28.01.2002
Bine: 28.09.2001
Leo: 22.02.2000
James: 17.06.1999
Paco: 28.01.1998
Akila: 11.08.1997
Felix: 23.10.1996
August: 30.03.1989
Ono: 19.12.1984

Wir alle sind vermutlich, mehr oder weniger, Fans der F1 :) Wie kam es dazu? Woher kommt deine Begeistung für den Rennzirkus? Wer sind deine Lieblingsfahrer? Deine Lieblingsteams? Warst du vielleicht sogar schon mal bei einem Rennen? :)

LaYehet’s Profile Photoopen your rice :"D
In all honesty, ich bin nur durch Jump Start Fan geworden 🙈😬
Klar, mir war der Sport sowie viele Namen wie Schuhmi, Nicki Lauda (nicht nur durch den Song), Lewis Hamilton und auch Vettel bekannt, aber geguckt oder geschweige dann mich dafür interessiert habe ich mich nicht. Als Kind hab ich mal ein Rennen (Genau EINS!) mit meinen Vater geguckt, dass aber nur lief, weil halt kein Fußball-Spiel war und weil man - Quote Papa Leary - "Den Starten gucken konnte, genüsslich ne Stunde schlafen und zum Ende wieder aufwachsen konnte". Joa, Herr Papa war also auch kein Fan in dem Sinne.
Und nochmal ehrlicher, ich war von der Jump Start Idee am Anfang auch super verwirrt, weil ich es überhaupt nicht nachvollziehen konnte. Die Story samt Website habe dann nach dem Release aber natürlich trotzdem mal gestalkt und dann ... Dann fing es langsam an.
Instagram ist der Übeltäter; Carlos' Smooth Operation Videos, epische Renn-Edits und all die Namen und Gesichter, die langsam bei mir hängen blieben. Insta hat mich etwas mit all den Reels dazu genötigt, Fan zu werden – aber ich bin richtig froh drum :D
Dann kam natürlich Drive To Survive dazu – Jesus Christ! The (kinda fake) Drama! Alles ergab nun Sinn und die Oc-Idee, wollte mich auch nicht mehr los machen. Innerhalb eines Monats war so tief drinne, dass ich es mit einer Anmeldung wagen wollte.
Dann kamen die ersten Rennen, die ich dank eines Freundes und seinem Sky Account gucken konnte. Die Klassenfahrt nach Rome, wo ich Leclercs Gesicht auf so einigen Plakaten gesehen hab. Der Fakt, dass das nächste Rennen in Monza war! Der F1 Store zu dem ich meine Freunde gezwungen haben. Das Mclaren Lego Set! Den Etsy Merch, der seine Weg in meinen Kleiderschrank gefunden hat ...
Joa also, zum hundersten Mal; Danke @nichtlichtsicht für die neue Leidenschaft ✌🏼😅🏎️💨🏁

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jump start - Entscheidung (or rather, a distinct lack thereof)

nichtlichtsicht’s Profile Photonyaheum
Hello hello hello,
ja, drei lange Wochen ist's her, und langsam aber sicher fühlt es sich an, als würde meine gesamte Lebensplanung an der Formel 1 hängen. :D
Wieso drei Wochen? Ihr habt mir das so schwer gemacht, ihr glaubt es nicht, ich wollte sie wirklich alle annehmen...und deshalb hab' ich eine Entscheidung getroffen (nach langer Diskussion mit mir selbst, ob ich das auf die Reihe bekomme), von der ich hoffe, dass sie mir nicht auf die Füße fällt. Und von der ich hoffe, dass sie euch freut!
Ihr werdet's an den Posts schon erkannt haben - ich habe sechs Steckbriefe bekommen, ich bin ein bisschen in love mit allen sechs Fahrern
Also nehme ich sie auch einfach alle.
Ist das ein bisschen irre? Klar, ein bisschen. (crazy? i was crazy once)
Aber meine Begründung ist eine ganz simple: von meinen vier Herrschaften sitzt August sowieso nicht mehr im Auto, Felix kann komplett unabhängig von allen rumschweben, Akila steckt mitten im Pack junger Fahrer, und vor Ono haben sie sowieso alle Angst - das lässt mir also locker lässig zwei eigene, verwobene Charaktere aller Anderer (und zwei free agents?), und so komme ich so oder so auf (wie geplant) acht Fahrer, deren Stories ich irgendwie zusammenweben will.
Damit will ich euch sagen: ich will das so machen, also wird das so gemacht. Ich gebe mein Allerbestes, allen Fahrern das Spotlight zu geben - was zu Beginn den Fokus vielleicht ein wenig mehr auf bestimmte Fahrer richtet, zum Ende hin dann auf andere Fahrer. (Noch ein Grund, weshalb ich denke, dass das klappt: manche Fahrer wollen von Anfang an die Welt erobern, manch andere brauchen ein bisschen Anlauf. :D)
Also, noch einmal zum Überblick für euch; es fahren:
🦈 Everett Kenyon "Bodhi" Wynn - 22 - hanna leary ( @hanna_blub ) - MDD - USA - 21 y/o
🚀 Flynn Bowie Elliot - 78 - freeserenemind ( @wirbrauchenideen ) - Bugatti - United Kingdom - 20 y/o
🦔 Leonardo Matteo "Leo" de Luca - 72 - Yehet ( @LaYehet ) - Lamborghini - Italy - 23 y/o
🌞 Francisco Ignacio "Paco" Maldonado Ventura - 17 - Hitchhiker ( @somewhatunpretentious ) - King F1 - Peru - 26 y/o
🐝 Bine Babnik - 28 - materialki ( @milchbaer ) - Abarth - Slovenia - 22 y/o
🌪️ James William Ezekiel Coleman - 39 - Featherclaw (
@Featherclaw ) - Honda Acura - USA - 24 y/o
...wenn jemand gegen seinen Emoji Einspruch einlegen will, dann bin ich da sehr offen. :D
Eine Sache noch: eine kurze Rückmeldung, per FF.de-Mail oder sonstwo, was Kommunikation angeht wäre cool - ein Gruppenchat wäre cool, will aber niemandem irgendwas aufzwingen. Wenn da jemand eine gute Idee hat wäre ich ganz Ohr. (Ich meine sogar die Handynummer von dem ein oder anderen zu haben, WhatsApp wäre mir also auch recht.)
Das kriegen wir schon alles irgendwie hin. :')
PS: Kann derjenige, der mich und meine Fahrer verflucht hat, das bitte wieder zurücknehmen? :D George von PIT auf P6 ist toll, aber alles andere? Hilfe?

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god is omnipotent and omniscient he knows everything already still he tests us why for what

Dumb ass, it's YOUR test, not HIS. Teachers know everything still they stand us up in the classroom and ask the same questions to every pupil, why??? Just to check whether we have learnt something yet or not... Whether we are able to jump in to the next session or not...

Azazel are you a sexist?

Azazel:.. -I don't even know how to answer this so my simplistic feral mind and instincts kick in. To solve this complicated question-.......
-I stand up and grin-
I mean, there's only one way to find out. -I crack my knuckles. Suggesting I plan to USE you to confirm this-
Aizia: >:) -Enters the room-
Azazel: AH.. W-WHAT I STHAT.
Aizia: >:)
Aizia: >:) -Sucks on my pacifier aggressively-
Ara: Oh hey dad, Aizai wanted to see you so I brought her for a little visit! ^^... Are... you.. ok?
Aizia:-Gets on all fours and does the ready to hunt-cat pose-
Aizia: -Does the leap of faith and lands on his face. Begins to bite and scratch him. Hissing loudly while meowing-
Azazel: -Screams in terror and I try to get her off my face. I knock everything down. My body ends up crashing through the window-
Aizia: :3 -We fall together. I punch him and bite him right on the nose. Digging down my growing fangs into his nostrils- <3 -Teething already-
Baal: -Waiting for my extremely diabetic drink to be finished. Only to be startled by a scream that passes by- W-what was that? D:
Azazel? -I look towards the window and hear a loud bang that makes everything shake- O_O
Aizia: -Laughs and jumps up and down on Papa's chest-
Azazel: -Gone...-
Astaroth: AH! -I jump and stare. See Azazel a mess. I look up and then look down- O____O -I realize the spawn of evil is on top of him- OH GOD.
Aizia: +w+ -I spot my next victim. Pacifier sucking intensifies-
Astaroth: P-PLEASE DON'T! LEAVE ME ALONE! -I scream and run away-
Aizia: -I go after him in all of my feral glory-
Ara: O_O... Oh... -I look down- Yikes....e_e
-Whistles and melts away from the scene I have caused-

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Die Deadline für Jump Start ist ja nun seit einigen Tagen offiziell vorbei. :D hast du schon einen groben Plan wie es weitergehen wird, also nachdem du dich durch die Steckbriefe gearbeitet hast? Müssten noch viele Sitze durch extra ncs besetzt werden etc.?

milchbaer’s Profile Photomaterialki
Ja, ask, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa...
Also! Benutzen wir das mal direkt als Update. Ich bin so...70% mit Lesen fertig? Wie gesagt, ihr seid alle crazy. :D
Danach...ja, da wird wohl noch einiges nachbesetzt werden, aber da habe ich schon so meine Ideen, also keine Sorge!
(Wobei ich auch dafür offen wäre, wenn mir irgendjemand eine Idee zuspielen will, für jemanden der im Hintergrund rumgurkt...wenn man noch jemanden für's Drama braucht, oder so. Aber wenn nicht fallen mir da schon noch ein paar Gestalten ein, wenn ich eins gut kann, dann ist es mir zu viele Charaktere ausdenken. Und unnötig attached werden. Naja.)
Ansonsten...arbeite ich mich da durch, und Verkünde dann. :D Versuche so schnell es geht die Website zu updaten, und setze mich dann an's erste Kapitel, wenn ich ein bisschen im neuen Uni-Semester angekommen bin.
(Das ist kein Versprechen, aber mit etwas Glück...ist das dann vielleicht noch dieses Jahr fertig. Aber Qualität vor Quantiät, ihr wisst wie's ist. :D)

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If you were to be an author or singer or any kind of potentially famous public figure, would you use your real name or pick another? Why? If you wouldn't use yours, what name would you use?

Emmagine_This’s Profile PhotoViolet Dream
I would probably pick another persons famous name, maybe Shackleton, to jump off their fame 😂😂😂😂
Who wouldn’t buy “ Shackleton’s tips to save money on electricity” 😇

So, r u more of an ANDROID..humble, approachable, and ready to jump into any group chat..? Or an IPHONE...strutting around all privileged, looking sleek bt feeling like the odd one out at a party, desperately trying to find the similar ppl, while everyone else is having fun..?

MMaryamKhan’s Profile PhotoMaryam Khan
I don't need anyone to enjoy anything. I don't expect anything from anyone. I know how to enjoy my own company 🌚

Anything you like... 🌚✍🏻

someone89966’s Profile PhotoShahad
Every day I wake up early
Make a lunch box for my nephews
Take them to school
Then I go home and cook lunch for my family
Go get them from school
We eat lunch pray and sleep
Then I turned into a teacher
If things get out of control
I call my brother
Oi bro take ur kids
Then i play lil & done some housework
& Jump from app to app

What is something that people misunderstand about you? 🙃

hussainaliraqe23’s Profile Photo3ra2y
People tend to misunderstand my shyness. 😶 By that I mean, it is often mistaken for me being uninterested or dull, or just generally not very fun to hang out with since I’m pretty quiet. In social settings, especially in groups, I am very often the person who speaks the least, which can be interpreted as me not having a good time, being uncomfortable around said people, etc. 😅 When it’s really not any of those things, I’m just quite entertained simply by just listening and being present, even if I’m not speaking a lot.
I also, am quite socially awkward which enhances my shyness, since I just feel I don’t articulate myself well at all… Which then, makes me self conscious and insecure, and therefore stammer over my words. It’s a vicious cycle, really. 🙈 And I think it’s a pretty common misunderstanding, but it makes me a little sad that some people jump to the conclusion that I’m cold and not that fun, simply because I’m not as high energy and outgoing as they are. 🥺

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What is something that people misunderstand about you

Piyar krna is easy, but keep loving the same person is difficult.🤞

S_fatik_F’s Profile Photosyed fatik
No wonder people are breaking up/getting divorced every other day, they have started applying random quotes they read on the internet in real life. 💀
Loving the same person is very easy if you fall in love with their authentic self rather than trying to make that person live up to the fantasies you have created in your mind.
Ye jo aaj kal ke bachoon ko 5 din mein hojata hai, it's not love. It's just their unhealed childhood traumas coming out, their inner child wants the love that they were deprived of. 💀 And that's why they jump into a relationship, calling it "love", hoping for it to bring some sort of excitement. In the beginning, it's amazing because they are trying to fit that person into their fantasy, but when the realization hits that the other person doesn't match the character they've created in their mind, it becomes difficult to love that person. 💀

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So, r u more of an ANDROID..humble, approachable, and ready to jump into any group chat..? Or an IPHONE...strutting around all privileged, looking sleek bt feeling like the odd one out at a party, desperately trying to find the similar ppl, while everyone else is having fun..?

MMaryamKhan’s Profile PhotoMaryam Khan
I didn’t know i could relate to a phone so much 😂…
I am an iPhone but I am thinking of shifting to an Android, literally.

So, r u more of an ANDROID..humble, approachable, and ready to jump into any group chat..? Or an IPHONE...strutting around all privileged, looking sleek bt feeling like the odd one out at a party, desperately trying to find the similar ppl, while everyone else is having fun..?

MMaryamKhan’s Profile PhotoMaryam Khan
I'm a classic Vertu!
I may look like a limited edition iPhone but on the inside I'm an android! Also I can fit in any type crowd till the point there's a scope of acceptance of something new and different :))
So r u more of an ANDROIDhumble approachable and ready to jump into any group

So, r u more of an ANDROID..humble, approachable, and ready to jump into any group chat..? Or an IPHONE...strutting around all privileged, looking sleek bt feeling like the odd one out at a party, desperately trying to find the similar ppl, while everyone else is having fun..?

MMaryamKhan’s Profile PhotoMaryam Khan
I'm nokia 1100, motorola , Vodafone, sony Ericsson type person
Add on mh wo landline b jo hrr digit p ghumana prta tha 😂🥹

So, r u more of an ANDROID..humble, approachable, and ready to jump into any group chat..? Or an IPHONE...strutting around all privileged, looking sleek bt feeling like the odd one out at a party, desperately trying to find the similar ppl, while everyone else is having fun..?

MMaryamKhan’s Profile PhotoMaryam Khan
Im Android, but more like a Google Pxl. Humble, approachable but i dont group chatss. And ofc Im odd, grew up in a different reality with interests nobody gets. Finding similar people? Maybe one day.

So, r u more of an ANDROID..humble, approachable, and ready to jump into any group chat..? Or an IPHONE...strutting around all privileged, looking sleek bt feeling like the odd one out at a party, desperately trying to find the similar ppl, while everyone else is having fun..?

MMaryamKhan’s Profile PhotoMaryam Khan
I'm more like a Nokia 3310, pretty banged up but still works fine. Just performing all basic functions & not messing around with apps & shit.
Jbtw there are groups I've been part of for years & I haven't said a single word...

So, r u more of an ANDROID..humble, approachable, and ready to jump into any group chat..? Or an IPHONE...strutting around all privileged, looking sleek bt feeling like the odd one out at a party, desperately trying to find the similar ppl, while everyone else is having fun..?

MMaryamKhan’s Profile PhotoMaryam Khan
I am an android user with an approach of an iphone user who doesn't get to join any group and live an alone and humble life

So, r u more of an ANDROID..humble, approachable, and ready to jump into any group chat..? Or an IPHONE...strutting around all privileged, looking sleek bt feeling like the odd one out at a party, desperately trying to find the similar ppl, while everyone else is having fun..?

MMaryamKhan’s Profile PhotoMaryam Khan
I guess I'm more like a blacberry my whole life. Rare, Alone and Content... Safer for my people with their secrets and stuff. Safer than android and apple ..

Where would you want to travel next? ✈️🚂

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I’d honestly love to go to Oregon. I’ve heard SO many people rave about it, and how gorgeous the scenery is there. I’d absolutely jump at the opportunity to explore it, if given the chance! It’s highly unlikely that’d happen anytime soon, but it is the place I’ve been dreaming of going to. 🤩
Where would you want to travel next

Are you good at impressions or accents

shahbazk23267’s Profile Photoshahbaz
I used to be, especially if I worked in close quarters with someone. I could pick up their voice, accent and replicate it almost exactly.
When I worked in the head office for a national retailer I could walk into the office and conceal myself behind filing cabinets and use the boss’s voice to call to a staff member and they’d all jump to attention, it was very silly.
I once worked for a charity and could answer the Director’s ‘phone in his voice when he wasn’t there and convince people who knew him well that they were talking to him, at least, until I said something daft that gave it away!
The downside of that unlearned skill set was that when working closely with people from other regions I’d often take on their accent by accident, just naturally, and find myself speaking Geordie or Brummie or whatever, and sometimes found it hard to shake off.
Hasn’t happened for years though, and I haven’t tried to imitate anyone for many years either.

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Share a problem that you faced today and how you dealt with it!

HamzaKhan199929’s Profile PhotoHamza Arshad
As I was running late for d class I decided to take the metro n guess what on my way out some jaahil auntie swang her arm across my ear n my airpod dropped on that metro’s pavement. Luckily I didn’t get crushed by bus’s tires. Later I made the guards jump down n pick it up for me. Dhanywad ho unka. But I got really pissed cz ov that today. 🥲

Photo in front slit skirt?

We jump directly from 35°C to 10°C - it is cold wind and rain already forf 4 days, 3/4 Slovakia and Czechia are under dandger of flood, so all my skirts were packed on the bottom of my wardrobe yesterday 😂😂😂. Now I am happy to live on the 6th floor 😅🤦‍♀️
LarryStylestomlinson436’s Video 175458931355

OMG WHO IS THAT? CECIL? Your company is rivals to the Luciano corp!? Ohh! I love you! Let's go! Company fights! >:]

Cecil: Humph! I would hardly call this firm my rival! Do not delude yourself. -i snap my fingers, summoning those who came with me-
Lucius: -I am the first person to jump out of the jet with some others following behind me. I'm acting as her private security-
Masked ones: -They follow closely behind Lucius and Cecil, knowing well how dangerous the Luciano corp is. We also KNOW or suspect they are NOT human-
Atlas: -Most unexpectedly of all I jump down as well-
Akasha: I don't like heights >_>
Atlas: Jump, I'll catch you my lady
Akasha: >.> -I jump and feel him catch me- :O X3 Thank you!
Silvestre: -Joins and is quick to catch up to Cecil- My lord, you didn't even eat breakfast. You came here on a empty stomach!
Cecil: Looking at the face of my adversaries is more than enough fuel for me. Now, shall we proceed inside? :)
Mikhail: -I grin and I look at the others-
Azazel, Baal, Astaroth, Asmodeus: -We all go to our positions as we leave but not before glancing over at Canterbury's ''members''-
Astaroth: -My eyes specifically stare at Akasha. She feels FAMILIAR- Hmm...
Baal: -I am surprised to see Atlas with the enemy company but I know, I know he is pissed off at me. I leave it untouched for now-
Atlas:-I glare at him- Akasha, will you be ok being.. ''here''
Akasha: Oh, I am I have been waiting for this moment more than anyone.
Ruby: -Going over some paperwork, until I hear the phone ring and I pick up- Luciano services, in what may hel-
Mikhail: CANTERBURY!!!!!!!
Ruby: OH!! HERE?
Mikhail: (((YEEEEES))) -You hear a demon voice come through the other end, monstrous in nature-
Ruby: Got it. -I prepare myself and set everything-
Baal: =w= -I sit at the meeting table, waiting for everyone- Hmm, this is going to be eventful.
Berith: Are you kidding me!? They just appeared here willy nilly?
Lilith: From what I hear, yes. Good thing we are getting our new member soon! i hear she's quite something.
Berith: Ohhhh?
Lilith: Yeah! Ruby found a gemstone! But let's not lose focus. We already know Canterbury antics. He or she will try to as usual antagonize us. We haven't been doing too good in our agriculture because of some pests but I have a theory
Baal: What would that be?
Lilith: They CAUSED IT. Azazel told me everything was ok but overnight they was this infestation out of nowhere. I know that short stacked little IMP had something to do with that since they suspect we killed their father..
Berith: Which we did.... AHAHAHAHAHAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAH, indirectly of course.
Baal: -I chuckle- Shhh~ His child will be next, hopefully they won't be as hard to take down. Took us year to dismantle his security.
Azazel: -I enter- that will be much harder. Little gnat got herself strong people on their side.... -I take seat- Well, everyone ready your minds.
Melech: -I am excited to see Canterbury, hopefully the others are with her to day. My eye twitches with excitement-

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Luciano corp being this big organization and all, it got me wondering if you guys have other corp related rivals!

Mikhail: -I'm at the very top of the building, taking in the sun and lying back on my beach chair while some others are in the pool right now- Oh yeah, there's plenty competition out there trying to be a multi-universal company like ours....
But I would be dishonest if I didn't mention ONE in particular that has been very, very increasingly annoying over the course of the years. We lost to them 3 years back, not so long ago.
Taking away our title as the best multi-company of all time. To be honest, our duel has been ongoing and I THOUGHT ALL would be over once the original CEO passed away but his BRAT OF A CHILD TOOK OVER.
A blow I didn't expect nor see. -I stop relaxing and bite my thumb now in anger. I growl-
And is that blood brat GOOD at what they do. Making even the devil himself quite jealous e_e... -My eye twitches-
??????:Ah, what an unexpected turn of events we seem to be encountering here! Indeed, how fortuitous it is to come face to face with the erstwhile individual who, for nearly a decade, found himself rather consistently outperformed by my esteemed self, only to experience a fleeting moment of triumph due to the profoundly unfortunate timing of my father's demise.
-A voice speaks from above-
Azazel: -Recognizes that annoying way of speech- I-ITS...
Asmodeus: -Growls and looks up-
Astaroth: AHHHHH! O////O -moans-
Baal: -Notices the private jet with a very all to familiar company symbol on it- The blue angel is here..
Mikhail: YOU!!!!!....
??????: -I laughs- However, I must inquire, are you not once again experiencing the bitter taste of defeat? How fares your livestock in these unfortunate circumstances? Declining precipitously, I presume? Permit me to extend a hand of assistance, should you be amenable to engaging in negotiations whereby you might relinquish your title and allow me to preside over your affairs henceforth.
-I jump down and gracefully land on my two feet. I spin my diamond cane and rest myself again it-
Pray tell, did you find yourself longing for my esteemed presence during my absence? I was under the impression that I had explicitly conveyed the anticipation of my imminent arrival.
Cecil: Ha!!! I must regretfully inform you that you did not respond to my earlier entreaty regarding our proposed meeting; thus, I have taken the liberty of presenting myself here in person to convey my intentions.
Mikhail: That's because I never intended to accept your ridiculous request in the first place!!! I am to busy running things to perfection to be dealing with a little gnat like you!!! -I approach the rather small statured individual. I our faces come close to one another. I look annoyed but then smirk- But fine, I'll indulge you in absolutely humiliation if you want it so badly :)
Cecil: Oh, don't act so tough little man. Must I remind you where you are right now? You seem to be struggling :)

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WAAAA LESTAT!!! *happily jump on you and glow with happiness* Best Day of Life.. T-T

Lestat: Hahahahahahahah! Yes! Oh yes!! -I bounce you up and down on my lap while lazily smiling at you. thrust upwards with great force, making your little anon body easily rebound each time. I hold you by your waist.
Otherwise I would send you flying-
Liking the ride so far my faceless friend? Hmmmm? -I grind against you as well-

It has never occured to me that angels are in fact by default genderless beings. They can become or bend the rules of anything. That's something I didn't even took into consideration up until now. Kind of freaky tbh 😰 Like, you guys don't even look human in your actual true forms

Baal: To why I don't appreciate how I actually look. I much prefer to be what I am right this moment. Often, is hard not to just jump into the more unapproachable forms because of something triggering it.
It's a lot softer for some but not for me. It's irritating to say the least and don't get me started when there's high production of corruption. Mines come in the form of flies and fumes aka pestilence.

*places catnip by Azazel nose*

Azazel: -My nose twitches and I move my face away. I end up inhaling it and I gasp awake-
-I remove my sleeping mask and ear-blockers off-..
-My eyes dilate. The catnip affects me in a very interesting way. It makes me go into this strange episode of craziness and ''h0rny''-
-Meows loudly and gets on all fours, crawling out of bed. Rolls in the floor. Keeps making sudden mating calls-
Astaroth: O_O What the fvck?
Azazel: -Breaks through the door on all fours and crawls through the halls with a dazed and flushed expression across my face-
Astaroth: >_> -I open my door and have a look down the dorms halls. i see Azazel acting weird-
Azazel:-I purr loudly and rub against his legs. I become extremely affectionate against my will, mentally I am screaming right now-
Astaroth: O_O My friend are you ok? Azazel!? Y-You aren't acting yourself? Azazel!?
Azazel:-I end up knocking him down and I am right on top of him-
Astaroth: O______________O A-AZAZEL BUDDY YOU UGH GET OFF ME?
Azazel:-Purrs while looking at you with affectionate eyes-
Azazel:-I just rub my face against his and want belly rubs and chin scratches-
Azazel: -I hug him and heavily pant as my state of mind is becoming more erratic- Nyaaaaaaah~ -Meows loudly-
Astaroth: AAAAAHH!!!!!! -I barely manage to slip away. Run away from him- NOO!!!!!
Azazel: -Chases after him- <33333
Leviat: O.O -I poke my head out and watch Astaroth freaking out-
Azazel: -I catch Leviat's female scent, plus that tasty sea smell cats love so much. My eyes become predatory for wrong reasons. My grin elongates when I lock on her rather than Astaroth-
Leviat: :( -I jump out the window-
Azazel: -Aggressively meows and runs after the fish woman to either eat or fvck or eat and or do both-
Leviat: GLUB! GLUB! GLUB! GLUB!!!!! -Makes fish faces of terror-

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What was cool when you were younger but isn't cool now? 😇

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ ᵀᵉⁿᵃᶜⁱᵒᵘˢ ᵀᵒᵐᵐᵃʸ™ ▩ ♚ ☻
Nothing beats playing outdoors.
I remember when I was little my uncle did yard work and I would play in the dirt making mud pies. I would use old pie tins and fill them with mud. I'd pat them down and decorate them with flowers. Then they were ready to bake in the sun. 🌞🥧🌸🌼🌺
As I got a little older I would play in the tree house we used to have and climb up our big avocado tree and hang out there with my siblings. I also enjoyed riding bikes, playing basketball, playing football, double dutch, Chinese jump rope, hide and seek, and so much more. 🏡🥑🌳🚲🏀🏈🙈

Verlängerung II - Electric Boogaloo

nichtlichtsicht’s Profile Photonyaheum
Ja, nach einer sehr eindeutigen Ergebnis: es gibt nochmal jump start Verlängerung. Ähm, ich sag euch die Woche bis wann genau, wenn ich meinen Arbeitsplan für meinen Semesterferienjob hab'. :D
Definitiv bis September. Eher Mitte als Anfang. (Und etwaiige ausstehende Mails beantworte ich, wenn ich mental überwunden habe, dass Olympia vorbei ist.)
Verlängerung II  Electric Boogaloo

Ladies stop fighting you're both precious

Lilith: I didn't do anything!
Berith: She did. You know everybody has this perception of me as if I'M THE WORST! And I'm starting to grow PRETTY SICK OF IT. What the hell makes Lilith better than me or anyone!? YOU GUYS HAVE NO IDEA HOW HORRIBLE THIS WOMAN IS. YOU HAVE HEARD OF MY CRIMES BUT HERS ARE ALL KEPT! IN SECRE-
Lilith: -I growl at her. I'm about to jump her any minute now-
Ruby: Ok. That's enough. -I get inbetween-
Berith: +////^////+ R-Ruby.....
Lilith: -Snarls and walks away-
Ruby:-I sigh- Honestly? This is very unprofessional. If you want to fight, take it outside. Not during ours of work.
Berith: R-right. Sorry, I was getting tired of the constant judgement hurled towards me. I'm everybody's punching bag at this point. I seem to get absolutely NO rest.
Ruby: -I cross my arms- You're right on one thing, everybody is as much as a sinner as their neighbor. So, knowing that, don't take this stuff too seriously.
Berith: R-right....
Ruby: Anyways, I have some stuff for you to check out and arrange. I trust you can get it done?
Berith: Y-Yeah!!!! ^/////^; Anything! Throw it at me. -My entire energy changes around this beautiful man-

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Welche Geschichte steckt hinter der Nummer unter der dein Fahrer antritt?

somewhatunpretentious’s Profile PhotoHitchhiker
es wird wieder Zeit für ein paar jump start antworten. (eventuell musste ich bisschen lange suchen um die fragen wiederzufinden.)
Bine fährt unter der 28 und die Geschichte ist ziemlich unspektakulär.
1️⃣ Als Lightning McQueen Fan wollte er eigentlich unter der 95 fahren. Aber die war zu dem Zeitpunkt schon vergeben. 😔*sad ka-chow*
2️⃣ In der Kartingzeit fuhr er oft als Nummer 8, aber die gehörte Wittgenstein. Dabei könnte man mit der 8 und Bines Initialen so coole Sachen machen…
3️⃣ 18 … auch schon vergeben.
4️⃣ Endlich! Die 28 war frei und oh Wunder, es ist auch noch der Geburtstag seiner Schwester! 02.08! Was ein Zufall. 🎉
[Wäre dies ein Video, in dem die Fahrer erklären würden, welche Geschichte hinter ihren Nummern steckt, würde die Stimme aus dem Off Bine daran erinnern, dass die 28 auch sein Geburtstag ist. Denn das hatte er komplett vergessen.]

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Welche Geschichte steckt hinter der Nummer unter der dein Fahrer antritt

I've met over 200 men in 5 years, and not a single one was worthy of my time. How come men are getting worse by the years?

FreshICYGirl’s Profile PhotoBe Yourself Always
I’ve never been on a date before and don’t have much of an opportunity to meet guys at the moment either. But, I think they’re getting worse because most of the time, they aren’t really looking to settle down and want something more casual when the chemistry dies. People (not just men) seem to jump from one relationship to the next and are quick to move on nowadays, even if they’ve been in a relationship with that person for quite some time. I also think it’s about culture since many of the people in the Turkish community that I grew up around try not to separate from their spouse and do their best to save their marriage. It all goes down to whether or not a person chooses to continue loving someone and loves them enough to try to make their relationship or marriage with them work out.

Koi aysi horror movie suggest kren jis se neend ur jye 💀

sherry987’s Profile Photostrange
I'm not sure how well you grasp the true essence of horror but this particular scene stands out to me for its unsettling slow pace, instead of the unnecessary jump scares common in today's films. In the entire movie this is the only scene that delivers such a chilling atmosphere, capturing the essence of the film perfectly.
(P.s to me the true horror stuff is not these supernatural movies but the ones where human serve as a replica of devil)
https://youtu.be/FQidBg6ESRc?si=6QaFCo_5Nplfh9UsMMaryamKhan’s Video 173969388845 FQidBg6ESRcMMaryamKhan’s Video 173969388845 FQidBg6ESRc

What type of student were you/are you at your school/university? (Studius, backbencher, average, naughty etc) 🎒

ManWithout1plan’s Profile PhotoManWithout1Plan
Naughty plus average.
I still prank my family and friends whenever I am in a mischievous mood.
I always played pranks and never got caught, literally teleported from one place to another in a radius of 500 meters. It's funny how I am calm and walk slowly for the sake of my position, and my students think I can't run and catch them when they are being naughty. I purposely let them be naughty, I mean this is their age, they can jump and run and laugh however they wish, I will catch them if they fall but I won't stop them from having fun.

Why do people jump into other people's threads when they are having a 2 way conversation 🤣

Because the set up allows it, it’s a thread, not a private chat, which is a different option.
Also if one of your friends is being bullied, for example, sometimes it’s good to show a bit of support. 👍

Language: English