
369 people

50 posts


Why is loneliness so soul crushing?

searchingforseizureman’s Profile PhotoSearching for Seizure Man
I was just discussing that with a lady friend from Kazakhstan last night. It is against human nature since we are pack or group animals. We NEED that sense of belonging as much as a pet dog views you as part of his/her pack... or a cat his/her 'pride'. the only thing more distressing than losing a pet is a pet losing his/her pack mate... some mourn dreadfully.

If you had to move away from the country where you currently live, what things would you miss the most? 🛩🏠😕

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I think at first I will miss people and connections, probably. Like, if I get siсk, I know where to go and how to fоrge presсriptions to the phаrmacy; if something is brоken in the house, I know that it's uselеss to call the landlord and I need to repair everything myself; all sorts of little things like that. Like, at first I won't know where the gаrbage sorting is, how to fill out taxes, where you can buy fabric or glue or something specific, how to buy a car and so on, so I'll bother the locals (or google) with stuрid questions.
The good thing is that, in a sense, I'm ready (and bothering google with dumb questions in advance). For example, if you drop me off in Scotland, China, Japan, Korea, America, Australia, England, Canada, Ireland, Kazakhstan (maybe a little, I don't speak the first official language, but I know the second) I won't even feel like an аlien. I have done my research and am quickly getting used to the new conditions. I see my friends a couple of times a month or two and communicate more online anyway. Many things that I'm used to are changing and disappеaring even here, so soon there will be nothing to miss.

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Od dnes som slobodná a je len na vás či o mňa zabojujete alebo to vzdáte!

Kebyže som lesbička,ale skor by som zabojovala o @LiborMilian1 lebo už normalne čo robia niektore mlade baby sa normalne pred nim vyzliekaju.To som zvedava kolko nas je zo Slovenska ked sme už na 3 mieste čo čakame na Wounded Heart je na 26% Ameriku a Rusko už asi Slovensko nepredbehne,len Rusko ma stale na 1.mieste viac ako 47% a to su tam ešte obce,dediny v tom dane.Ako u nas by som to nepovedala,ale 26% je na naš narod dost ked sme prerazili Nemcov.No to všetko sa ukaže v septembri 2022 kolko toho bude predaneho ve svete a kolko v každej krajine.Ale myslim,že Nemci su väčši narod a preto nas obehnu v predaji s Wounded Heart.Za zmienku stoji,že krajina Kazakhstan sa drži stale v silnej top 5 čo čaka na Wounded Heart.Je to dobre ked sa preslavil v zahraniči ako pišu všade tv programy,magaziny i spravodaje,rozhlasove stanice vo svete i u nas,že ide pokračovat.

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Od dnes som slobodná a je len na vás či o mňa zabojujete alebo to vzdáte

Where would u like to travel to ?

ive got my mind set to getting back to New zealand either this year or the coming years... but if its travel as in bucketlist travelling, i dream to goto: malmo, geneva, seoul, taipei, hongkong-times square+lankwaifong+causeway bay, vancouver, borabora, Bulgaria, Jordan, aaand Kazakhstan.❤️

Kazakhstan, Tajikistan. Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Or Turkmenistan?

У меня есть очень хорошие знакомые ребята из Узбекистана, Казахстана и Таджикистана, с которыми мы общаемся практически ежедневно, только поэтому могу выделить эти страны среди других, но это не значит, что и в других странах нет прикольных людей.

Template:Translated from this year for Covid 19 at all shops, fans and radio stations.

TheRealLiborMilian’s Profile PhotoLibor Milian Wounded Heart ✔
Sales information may differe from Covid 19
https://24smi.org/celebrity/ and others
Libor Milian 's official single Wounded Heart will premiere on 2020 August 30. America, South America, Sao Tome and Principe, Canada
Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Belarus, Georgia, Lithuania, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia,
Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, Romania
Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland
Germany, Switzerland,
England, India, Turkey, Pakistan, Jordan, Egypt, Sudan, Syria, Afghanistan,
Vietnam, Indonesia, Japan, Australia, Philippines,
Estonia, Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Iceland and other countries.

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TemplateTranslated from this year for Covid 19 at all shops fans and radio

What language would you like to learn, your favorite subject and also your favorite post Soviet country and tell me why please? 😊

I would like to learn sign language because my father and grandparents are half def and they can't always hear me. my favorite subject is human studies or psychology because when I graduate high school I plan on taking 8 years and becoming a counselor. I don't really know any post sovereign countries, so i'll just say Kazakhstan because the flag is pretty.

Where will your cd album be sold and where do you think people will buy it the most?

IrinaAlieva1’s Profile PhotoLibor Milian News
American girls are really interested in the new CD album. Usually in countries speaking the US and Russia (Russia, Belarus, Moldova, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania) and Arab, European countries, but also in the UK, India and others.According to music news surveys.

Je suis sûre qu'elle voulait l'envoyer à son réseau du Kazakhstan et de Pologne en mode "Ohlala je me fais des amis à Paris, je sors je profite de la vie de privilégiés et pas vous tocards". J'ai voulu lui faire plaisir, j'ai accepté hahaha

Hahaha, je pense aussi, je sais pas comment il font les gens qui arrivent à se faire prendre en photo devant des monuments, moi ça me met beaucoup trop mal à l'aise
+2 answers in: “Qui est la dernière personne avec qui tu as pris une photo ? ”

Apakah sejak awal jerman punya kesempatan untuk mengalahkan soviet sepenuhnya? Atau sebaik apapun usaha jerman cuma bisa menunda kekalahannya? Mungkin tidak bagi jerman untuk menghancurkan basis industri soviet di belakang ural?

Menurutku, enggak. Mau diserang dari timur-barat secara beriringan pun akan susah.
Jerman gagal membobol Stalingrad setelah dikepung setengah tahun. Setelah Stalingrad pun, Jerman masih harus bagi konsentrasi pasukan ke utara (Moskva) dan selatan (Kaukasus dan Azerbaijan). Dibantu Jepang dari timur? Gak mungkin. Siberia itu gede asu. Penduduknya sedikit. Alamnya keras. Yang bisa mereka lakukan cuma explore terus gak habis-habis. Jarak Harbin, Manchuria ke Irkutsk sekitar 1700 km. Mungkin dengan perjalanan darat, Jepang mampu mencapai Irkutsk dari Harbin dalam waktu sekitar 2 bulan. Kota terbesar setelah Irkutsk adalah Novosibirsk, Tomsk, Krasnoyarsk. Jika empat kota itu berhasil direbut, kota mayor selanjutnya adalah Yekaterinburg, jaraknya 1400 km dari Novosibirsk. Belum lagi kota-kota di Kamtchatka seperti Vladivostok, Soviet pasti mati-matian jaga Vladivostok.
Dengan asumsi Jerman membagi serangan ke utara dan selatan dan lebih fokus ke selatan, Jepang juga bakal sangat kerepotan dan habis suplai di tengah jalan. Pasukan Jepang harus jalan dengan jarak 5-6 kali panjang pulau Jawa, berarti suplai yang dibutuhkan itu buanyak banget. Belum lagi, Jepang harus fokus di Asia Timur dan Pasifik. Lepas kontrol sedikit, koloni pasti berusaha lepas. Sia-sia jika Jepang bantu Jerman di Soviet, karena gede asu.
Soviet juga sangat dibantu sama geografinya. Ukurannya yang astaghfirullah badag pisan itu jadi tembok dan persembunyian yang bagus banget buat apapun; nyimpen pasukan, nyimpen tempat tes, nyimpen kilang minyak, dan lain-lain. Jika sampai Azerbaijan jatuh pun, Soviet masih ketolong sama minyak Siberia. Pasukan Soviet bisa bikin ambush misal ketika pasukan Jepang berangkat menuju Tomsk dari Novosibirsk, karena banyak desa-desa dan kota-kota kecil yang tersembunyi di antara 2 kota itu.
Ngancurin basis industri Soviet di Ural? Soviet tinggal bikin pusat industri tersembunyi di Kazakhstan atau Uzbekistan. Distribusi pasti akan jadi masalah jika kota di antara Moskva dan Kazakhstan jatuh, tapi ingat, ukuran Soviet yang gede itu jadi advantage sendiri.
In the end, aku bisa bilang, keputusan siapapun untuk nyerang Soviet atau Rusia adalah hal terbodoh yang pernah dilakukan. Bisa mah bisa, but it will take forever just to reach Moscow from either side. Belum lagi bahaya dari jantung Siberia yang bisa dijadikan apapun. Jadi, kalo kamu disuruh pilih potong kakimu atau nyerang Rusia/Soviet, ruginya potong kaki masih jauh lebih sedikit daripada pilihan kedua.

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+4 answers in: “Lanjutan, Apabila Enigma pada saat itu belum berhasil dipecahkan oleh Inggris, Jerman akan menang pada saat Battle of Stalingrad?”

I am going to volunteer, too.AMIDEST is more beneficial and we are going to be dealing with foreigners on regular bases So, would you like to volunteer? you snickers eater! 😂😂

It sounds great tbh, but idk yet 😂💔 I told my mom and she said we'll be in Kazakhstan by that date😂😂 so GOOD LUCK there and tell me how it'll go!
In Kazakhstan we have sth like Amidest, and I'm going to volunteer there💪🏻😂
Well, I can never say no to Snikers or any delicious chocolate bar😍😂✋🏻

Anh đã học được bao nhiêu tiếng nước ngoài ạ? Và nếu a k phải người Vn a có nghĩ rằng mình có thể giao tiếp bằng ngôn ngữ này?

A mới nói đc mỗi tiếng Anh với tiếng Nga thôi.
Thực ra việc học tiếng Việt giao tiếp (nói chuyện đc lâu với nhau) ko hề khó như các e tưởng hay như tụi Tây ở VN bảo đâu. Nói chung học 1 ngôn ngữ mới nào đó, muốn nói là dễ hay khó, cả về mặt phát âm lẫn ngữ pháp - thì phải so sánh bảng chữ cái, các âm, vần, độ khó của khẩu hình khi phát âm và độ phức tạp, chặt chẽ của ngữ pháp với NGÔN NGỮ MẸ ĐẺ.
Nghĩa là sao.
Nghĩa là anh có ba thằng bạn, 1 Nga 1 Kazakhstan 1 Indonesia. A dậy ba thằng thử tập nói tiếng Việt.
Thằng Nga ko thể nào phát âm đc mấy chữ như chữ h, ô, ơ, ă, â... không thể nào đọc đc các thanh huyền ngang sắc hỏi ngã nặng như mình.
Thằng Kazakh khá hơn, phát âm đc hết mấy chữ kia và đọc ghép vần đc những cũng k nói đc dấu huyền sắc hỏi ngã.
Trong khi đấy thằng Indo nói một lèo, bắt chước đc hết sạch, nghe ko khác gì người VN.
Tại sao lại thế.
Vì bảng chữ cái tiếng Nga có 33 chữ cái, tiếng Kazakh có 42 chữ cái và tiếng Java Indonesia thì trang omniglot viết là:
The Javanese alphabet consists of akṣara (letters), saṇḍangan (diacritics), wilangan (numerals), and pada (punctuation).
The akṣara (letters) consist of akṣara wyanyjana (consonants) and akṣara swara (vowels); the saṇḍangan (diacritics) consist of saṇḍangan swara (vowel diacritics), saṇḍangan panyigeging wanda (sound killers), and saṇḍangan wyanyjana (semivowel diacritics).
Each consonants has two forms: the akṣara form is used at the beginning of a syllable, while the pasangan form is used for the second consonant of a consonant cluster and mutes the vowel of the akṣara.
Dịch: -Bảng chữ cái Java bao gồm các Chữ cái, Dấu phụ, Số từ và Chấm câu.
-Hệ thống Chữ cái bao gồm phụ và nguyên âm. Hệ thống Dấu phụ bao gồm các Dấu phụ nguyên âm, dấu phụ bán nguyên âm và dấu phụ vô thanh.
-Mỗi cụm nguyên âm gồm có 2 dạng: Dạng Arkasa đc dùng ở đầu âm tiết, Dạng Pasangan được dùng thứ hai trong cụm nguyên âm và làm vô thanh hóa nguyên âm của dạng Arkasa
Đấy đọc đã thấy hãm rồi. Còn viết như thế nào thì nhìn ở bên dưới.
Tương tự cho phần ngữ pháp. Một ng Việt, 1 người Anh và 1 ng Ba Lan học tiếng Đức sẽ thấy độ khó của ngữ pháp tiếng Đức khác nhau. Vì ngữ pháp tiếng Việt hầu như chả có gì, ngữ pháp tiếng Anh chặt chẽ hơn tuy vẫn dễ, và ngữ pháp tiếng Ba Lan thì kinh khủng vô địch thiên hạ.
Lảm nhảm 1 hồi để trả lời cho em là, Nếu a k phải ng VN thì tùy xem anh thực ra là người nước nào anh mới có thể cho e biết là giao tiếp tiếng Việt dễ hay khó.
Ở đây thì tiếng Việt giao tiếp có ngữ pháp rất dễ, hầu như là zero, mọi thứ đc quyết định phần lớn bằng việc phát âm ==> Ngôn ngữ mẹ đẻ của người nào phát âm khó và phức tạp, đa dạng hơn VN thì người đó sẽ thấy tiếng Việt dễ, và ngược lại.

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Hey yaana! I hate your posts and I think u are a fake. Why do u bother being nice when everyone knows that u aren't. Go to hell and don't come back. Btw I doubt that u were adopted. Stop making people feel sorry for u!

I'm not mad at u for what u just said to me and I'm not annoyed. Thank u for giving me your opinion but I'm just going to stay the way I am cause this is me and u are u. I respect everything that u just said about me. I was adopted from Kazakhstan and being adopted means a lot to me. ?
Liked by: Osama I love kpop


Gua jabarin disini aja ya jadinya, gua copas.

Di Stasiun Sudirman ada mahasiswa dan mahasiswi dari Russia bernama , Dimitrii Abdugafarov dan Aleksandra Kolesnikova dari Moscow State University yang sedang melakukan penelitian sebagai salah satu syarat kelulusan mereka dengan judul "Permasalahan dan mendasar pengembangan tempat rekreasi Asia dan Russia : Analisis komparatif" Mereka telah melakukan observasi di Kazakhstan, Cina, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia dan Indonesia. dan musibah terjadi kepada mereka pada saat mereka melakukan observasi di Papua.
Mereka kehilangan Barang-barang penting mereka seperti Passport, Uang, Penelitian mereka, Handphone.
Pada saat di tanya, "kenapa tidak ke kedutaan saja? Mereka bisa membantu" dan mereka bilang "sudah, kami sudah coba, polisi, kedutaan, konsulat namun tidak ada respon" mungkin masalah "administratif"
Dan mereka bisa sampai di jakarta dengan menumpang transportasi umum.
Jadi kalo kalian punya rezeki lebih bisa memberikan bantuan dana ke mereka di alamat yang tertera di gambar dibawah, atau cari mereka di sekitaran daerah Sudirman Jakarta.

Ini kasian banget loh sumpah, tolong yang punya uang lebih bisa dibantu mereka nih, plis plis plis yang jahat sekali-sekali jadi baik gitu.
Gua beneran kasian banget sama mereka, bayangin kalo misalnya gua lagi ke Zimbabwe gitu tiba-tiba barang gua ilang semua, ga bisa ngapa-ngapain.
Bunuh diri kayanya.

Kalau ada yang mau share juga silahkan banget.
Tengkyu gaes.

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Привет дорогой фан!! У тебя отличная фан-страница!!Ты большая умница!!На ответы отвечаешь развернуто!! Удачи тебе)) 😍💋

Спасибо-спасибо! ВЫ ВСЕ БОЛЬШЕ,ЧЕМ ЛЮБОВЬ😍☀️
#Алматы үлкен рахмет! мен сізді жақсы көремін 🙌🏽 @ Almaty, Kazakhstan

Iztēlojies, ka pēkšņi aizdegas tava māja. Kad izglābti tuvie cilvēki un mājdzīvnieki, tev ir iespēja paņemt arī vienu lietu, kas tev šķiet visvērtīgākā. Kas tā būtu un kāpēc? (ja nevēlies vari neatbildēt)

Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan on DVD
Šis DVD tur manu nožēlojamu eksistenci pie dzīvības un dod mazlietiņ cerību. Viņš ir nožēlojams, bet tik un tā atrada sievieti kas viņu mīl, ciena un dod sexy time.
Iztēlojies ka pēkšņi aizdegas tava māja Kad izglābti tuvie cilvēki un

Привет!Мы-аск с конкурсами/играми,где,участвуя в конкурсах,вы можете сделать свой аск популярнее.Мы подпишемся взаимно,если Вы подпишитесь,написав нам "+1".Мы сотрудничаем с асками.Мы очень много работаем над аском,и наша цель-2700 подписчиков.Если заинтересовало-подпишитесь,если нет-проигнорируйте)

looockbo’s Profile PhotoLikes:Games
и д и т е н а х у й ! ! ! с любовью Вика @ Almaty, Kazakhstan

Who are your most adventurous friends and/or family? Have you, or would you ever, go travelling with them? Or would you prefer to travel by yourself?

That's actually a kind of difficult question to answer. My family is very small and none of us are in the same country, and all of us have had travelling in our blood since we were knee high to a grasshopper.
My grandparents are currently at their place in France, but they've already spent part of the year in Morocco, and France again before that. They've barely been home - I think their housekeeper has pretty much moved in. Grandpa grew up in India, Grandma grew up in England but summered in a different place most years. In the past five years, they've done the Silk Route, India numerous times, Argentina, Kazakhstan and Iceland. And you know, they're mid-seventies.
Dad is living in the UAE, but as a pilot he's been pretty much everywhere. I asked him about it the last time I saw him, and he said that the one continent he's yet to see is Antarctica.
Mum grew up travelling (I mean, Grandma and Grandpa didn't start travelling at retirement age, they just took their daughters with them.) and so she's had numerous jolly larks of her own. Honourable mentions go to being five minutes ahead of a bomb blast in Turkey, riding a horse across Tunisia, and dining with a very minor African prince (or so the story goes.)
My uncle is currently head of naval operations in the Falklands and has been for the last eight years or so. But before that, he and my aunt lived in Oman. I think he just sits there and tells people what to do these days, but my aunt got really into diving in Oman and the last I heard, she was ice-diving in Finland.
And then there's my brother and me. We grew up travelling a lot of Europe, a lot of the Middle-East and a bit of Africa, simply because Dad could get us free tickets and Mum had itchy feet. We had this gorgeous thatched English cottage in a really quintessentially English village, and it got far too small for her a lot. So we did things like travel the Nile, and swimming in the Dead Sea, and Jordanian markets, and sailing the Turkish coast for a couple of weeks. It was fantastic.
Then I got into international sport, and there were weekends away to so many places, and that was great. And there were weeks away with friends to most corners of the globe, and we all came back in one piece.
So, picking one of them is a no-go. I just don't know what you would class as adventurous. I've been away with all of them at various points, and carefully tugged my Grandma away from a guy handing out opium, and been dragged away from another guy selling parrots (stupidly unfair) and I just love travelling. So much.

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Weww inda dpt jadi anon lagi. Nda apa. Tapi ani saja ku mau ckpkn. Kau bwa2 indung urg mesend hates ani napakan? Indung durng nda jua buat papa. Cua kau bah. Apa rasa mu mun ku ckp mama mu inda pernh ngajar cana kan be adab? I think kau yg nada adab ani.

aulah ku tutup anon ku .psl kau atu nda mrati kn untick .sdh untick ,pakai acc lain .are you trying to protect your name or takut org tau yg kau ani slalu send hates arah urg ?indung mu nda buat apa apa ?ertinya nda ngajar apa apa lah tu ?well parents mu bekarih sdh ngajar kau adab .tpi kau sma jua nda amalkan🙄 prsanku stiap indung ani ada prnh ngajar "jantah sibuk urusan urg" kli ah .ndataulah kau ingat or inda🙄🙄😙😙aku ada adab tpi kurang .klu kau aku rsa memang nda .tagur tarus tarus .tagur urg salam pun anth planting ke spain kali .adabnya planting ke kazakhstan .mcm nda dpt tagur bisai bisai .tpi aku andg nda mau dgr ckp mu lah jua .krg hina tah ku jua ,nda adab .bljr dahku adab di sklh sma di rmh .ksian sja mamaku sma bapaku ngajarku adab .and whats tge mattet tebwa bwa sklhku and kwnku .sklhku ada buat slh arahmu kah ?kwnku ada buat salah arhmu jua kah ?😙😙

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Liked by: n.adrianaaa_ Nabila

Alex u are so nice and your thoughts are so Good,i wish all peoples should be like u,and i feel so proud that i have a friend who live in russia,that do not judge through looks :D

this is very cute and nice😍
I live in Kazakhstan it's next to Russia, but I'm Russian)
And you are really good human so I think if you come to my city, we will be good friends☺️
Liked by: Pure Panic

Oppa for you such class voice, I Love your group, but I live in Kazakhstan of city Pavlodar, very want what you arrived here, but it is impossible, when I will grow necessarily I will arrive to Korea, please answer on it, I will be a soviet💞💓😭

thank you
we love you too and welcome to korea anytime :)

MDRRR toi t un salle gamin enft ta tro changer ta tro pris la grosee tete a faire le gar j insulte alr que t un chie dssu en vrai.tu rep meme pas a toute les question quand te pose sur ask pck on t insulte et tse pas koi dir.

Coran ya aucune question ou en m'insulte. Sal tchoin de merde enleve l'ano sal tchoin du kazakhstan
Liked by: RIVALDO 5370*1906

Bon, la t'es à Pollionay, pas d'ambiance, un peu de chaleur. Et la t'as un troupeau de vaches qui se casse au Kazakhstan parce que les impots en France sont trop chers 1)Tu les suis en courant 2)Tu montes sur une vache et tu pars 3)Tu te fais un Panini au nutella et au saumon posée sur une vache

Mdrrr stop stp
(3 tqt)
Liked by: clément Mage

#ВопросДня 🎄Ждете ли вы Новый Год?😜 🎄Будете наряжать ёлку?😄 🎄Считаете ли вы дни до НГ?❤ #НовогоднийВыборДня 🎄Праздновать Новый год с семьёй ↔ С друзьями🎄 🎄Дарить подарки↔ Получать подарки🎄 🎄Салют ↔ Хлопушка🎄 Спасибо за ответ😜😘😉

Да, конечно жду) Да. Нет не считаю..
С друзьями, Дарить и получать, салют) Спасибо за вопрос)
Увидел её и улыбнулся ;) @ Tselinograd, Astana, Kazakhstan

K wait so are you Brazilian or French or from Kazakhstan what?? Can you explain please I'm so curious

my mum is from brazil and my dad is from france. i was born in france and i moved to namibia, africa when i was 1 for two years & then i moved back to france till i was around 6 when i lived in brazil for about a year and then i moved back to france. and then when i was 9, i moved to kazakhstan and i lived there for 4 years and moved here summer of 2013 😊

It seems like you love Kz so much so why did you move from here lol you should study there! Aand marry kazakh be his 'kelin' and have many narrow eyed children hahah as u do

You think you are so cleaver. Here is a wake up call for u, we live in 21st century, no one is going to be anyone's 'kelinka' and sit and raise children. If anything you should have understood from all I have already said is that I'm definitely not a person that can be locked somewhere against her will 😂😅
If your image of people doesn't develop and ur such a closed minded person that you believe all Kazakhs are like that, tuff luck in life. Stereotyping people and making a conclusion is definitely your hobby😂👍🏼
I'm not from Kazakhstan nor was I born there why would I stay there? That place gave me so much but I don't see my future there, I studied in an international school since grade 2 developing and understanding other people's point of view and views on life (which I advice u look into) the more u learn the more u want to, moving to different places only helps you to adapt faster and develop more as a person... And clearly you are lacking that☺️

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Hey.;** My name is Marta. Im from Poland, from old city Gdansk. And You? Let's we be good Friends, please? I was just followed you, you will follow me, please? I wish you beautiful day!!! ;)))))

Hi🙋🏻My name is Anel
I am from Kazakhstan in Almaty
I hope that we will be good friends☺️
Thank yo Same to you✊🏽

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