
497 people

50 posts


You know a lot about our politics and our country lol i can tell you love the USA just not how its run

HellcatLover’s Profile PhotoLast Cookie (Lee)
I like the USA not so much love, been to a lot of states long hauling and seen a lot of corruption, and hate in big cities because of the license plate your vehicle has. Last time Maggie went to Michigan for Black Friday sales "long time ago" a cop tried telling her she couldn't drive with illegal license plates when they were legal just Ontario plates, we have a treaty with the US stating our drivers license is good there and some police officers try to bully Canadians and honestly so does the hospitals, (show your credit card or you won't get care) type of deal. Thats one reason why Maggie won't go to the USA but theres many more reasons

What is your most annoying habit that you somehow cannot seem to overcome at all? 🥴

I overexplain myself and give extra care to those who don't even deserve a rotten banana. Even when I don't trust anyone, I always believe that I can make people respect, love, and care about me if I do that in abundance. Truth is, people are just takers. No matter how religious they seem or good you think they are, deep down, they are all the same. They are not to be trusted, respected, or cared about unless you have a legal contract. Enough wasting time, money, energy, brain, and emotions on such people. Nobody deserves the benefit of the doubt. They are f*ke.

Estou pensando na PRF e na Assembleia Legislativa, policial legislativo. Estudando muito a Constituição Federal, português, matemática, raciocínio lógico e matérias afins. Você também é concurseira?

galganywesley’s Profile Photogalganywesley
meu Deus, só coisa legal e difícil de passar mas com muito esforço, estudo e vontade você vai chegar lá 🙏. Eu alguns anos atrás queria fazer pra PF mas minha família não deixou

Sólo te quedan 24 hrs de vida, ¿qué haces?

novenaculebra’s Profile PhotoSigrid
Tengo dos obsesiones relacionadas con la (mi) muerte. La primera es que no quiero ser una carga ni una molestia para nadie, así que probablemente me dedicaría a limpiar y dejar en orden todo lo que pueda, escribir cartas de despedida y/o disculpa a quienes considere y a organizar el papeleo legal y burocrático asociado con morir. La segunda es el mar; sonará raro, pero siempre he tenido la sensación de que mi cuerpo le pertenece al agua. Me gustaría, durante la última hora de mi vida, meterme en una playa, nadar hasta perder de vista la costa y quedarme allí, flotando.

We voting for Trump and project 2025 or naw?

How would we accomplish that feat? 🤔 Project 2025 came from the Heritage Foundation. Trump's campaign has spoken out against it in less than flattering terms. Legal action was suggested. As a result, the "project" (set of policy proposals) has been nuked. DOA. The Heritage Foundation's director (Paul Dans) was forced to step down too. Attempts to tie it to Trump's campaign are laughable but low-information voters will believe anything negative about the bad orange man. It is incredibly easy to manipulate the politically ignorant. Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes "truth." That's Politics 101.
We voting for Trump and project 2025 or naw

deberian legalizar las drogas o que opinan ?

Totalmente de acuerdo, acabarían con gran parte de la violencia y grandes cantidades de dinero que algo tan malo produce debería valer, lo que vale la espinaca que al contrarió es muy saludable.
También el otro gran negocio que nos debería seguír es el de los proxenetas y la prostitución controlada por hombres, debe ser cuestión de cada chica es algo de mujeres y ellas deberían tener el 100 % del dinero que producen, con el onlyfan y eso da a creer ellas tienen más control pero igual los hombres estan detrás, para mí deberian ser perseguido todo hombre que gane dinero a cuesta de la prostitución, la unica forma legal es que la mujer lo contrate y le pague, nunca a la inversa.
También está el negocio del oro, que tiene a miles de esclavos por todo el mundo en especial África, como puede ser los gobiernos dejen entrar a extranjeros de países ricos y saquear sus países, como las propias manos de su gente, todo el dinero generado por metales valiosos debe ser invertido en la ayuda social es algo que está en la tierra pertenece a sus habitantes.
La codicia humana es tan absurda, no entiendo como alguien quiere todo, para que ? Si nunca lo podrás gastar en una vida, es mejor el equilibrio y lo justo, todos deben comer, dormir bajo un techo, abrigados, y sobretodo educarse bien, fortalecer el amor al prójimo, nunca pensar en yo y yo.

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Is there any nationality who you find harder to get along with?

gggssaq’s Profile Photouɐʇs ɥʇᴉʍ sǝɯʎɥɹ
Apart from language complexities. quite honestly~ "NO!"
~ but the British are the most stubbornly brainwashed , likely from centuries of delusion that they own the world . . . even then, on a one to one, face to face basis, their mask cracks & crumbles , and the rational human emerges.
Usually . . . .
answer from below, CONTINUED/
“Russia,” the ODNI report states, “remains the predominant threat to US elections. Moscow continues to use a broad stable of influence actors and tactics and is working to better hide its hand, enhance its reach, and create content that resonates more with US audiences. These actors are seeking to back a presidential candidate in addition to influencing congressional electoral outcomes, undermine public confidence in the electoral process, and exacerbate sociopolitical divisions.”
I was interviewed by Mr. Meyers for this article, and the article accurately reflects my statements and position regarding this investigation, which I called “a frontal assault on the Constitution of the United States.”
The Times article’s authors note that the investigation “could also bump up against the First Amendment’s protection of rights to free speech.”
I disagree.
This investigation tramples over the First Amendment’s free speech protections.
The protections in the Bill of Rights, such as forbidding Congress from abridging free speech, did not become part of the legal and social conscious of America until the 20th century, when the Supreme Court began vigorously to use the Bill of Rights as the defining document of what constitutes liberty and equality in America.
Regarding free speech, the Supreme Court has stated that, “as a general matter, the First Amendment means the government has no power to restrict expression because of its message, its ideas, its subject matter, or its content.”
Like any constitutional right, there is no absolute protection of free speech. However, the Supreme Court has tailored a narrowly defined exception of free speech, known as the Giboney exception (after a 1949 case, Giboney v Empire Storage & Ice Co.) which holds that First Amendment immunity does not extend to speech “used as an integral part of conduct in violation of a valid criminal statute.”
The “Giboney exception,” however, cannot “justify treating speech as ‘integral to illegal conduct’ simply because the speech is illegal under the law that is being challenged.”
I have not been formally charged with a crime. The FBI, however, when conducting the search of my home, indicated that the legal justification behind the search was concerns about my speech as it applied to FARA.
This is a literal case of the Department of Justice using a law (FARA) to criminalize free speech by making free speech illegal under the law.
The ODNI threat assessment appears to be concerned about what can only be described as political speech.
This is problematic in the extreme.
There is no doubt that/

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Is there any nationality who you find harder to get along with

1. У тебя есть собственный бизнес? Что это за бизнес, на что он направлен? 2. Во сколько лет ты его открыл(-а)/унаследовал(-а)? 3. Ты единственный владелец или это совместный бизнес? Если совместный, то с кем? 4. Берёшь ли ты к себе на работу своих знакомых? 5. Обращался(-ась) к мaфии? Зачем?

1. Юридическая контора "Legal Bridge". Наша основная задача - предоставление качественных юридических услуг для физических и юридических лиц. Мы специализируемся на различных аспектах права, таких семейное право, уголовное, трудовое, гражданское, земельное и тд, защита прав потребителей, составление различных договоров, решение правовых вопросов и помощь в создании и регистрации малых предприятий
2. Полтора года назад
3. Единственный
4. Да. Я открыт к тому, чтобы работать со знакомыми, особенно если они имеют нужные навыки и опыт. На данный момент у меня уже есть несколько друзей, которые работают со мной в команде, мои однокурсники или одногруппники
5. Никогда

Podrías dedicarte a ser sicaria si fuera un trabajo legal?

De verdad... hay muchas cosas que me podéis preguntar.
Anime, manga, videojuegos, mitología egipcia, dibujo, cosplay, desarrollo infantil de 0 a 6 años, diversidad funcional, educación, libros... Tengo muchos intereses y conocimientos. Voy a dejar de contestar las que no aporten absolutamente nada.
Liked by: Nombre Gon Solrax

Eres Tania verdad,la persona que están suplantando? Te recomiendo que les denuncies,a este tipo de gente no les tiembla nada por el simple hecho de que son anónimos.

batposho’s Profile PhotoItzi
Hola cielo, sí, me cambié el nombre hace como un mes porque andaban con no se qué de Tania gorda, chupacońos y mierdas así, y por desgracia mi nombre sigue en el user porque no se puede cambiar eso. Ayer tuve que quitarme las fotos de perfil y de fondo, escribí al soporte, que no tienen ni la decencia de responder ni para informar que han tomado medidas cuando ya les has escrito varias veces. Ayer me tocó mandarles hasta tres e-mails, incluso avisando que si para hoy por la mañana en hora española esa cuenta seguía activa les denunciaría y nada, la cuenta sigue estando con una foto mía en la que también aparece mi pareja, que a él le recortan pero son tan estúpidos que no se dan cuenta que sigue siendo reconocible y tambien es un delito. Ando intentando tener paciencia y ver si se soluciona por las buenas pero no tiene pinta y estoy viendo que en unas horas me va a tocar ir a la guardia civil a denunciar a la propia aplicación y que les obliguen a tomar medidas, porque esta gente se va a escudar en que es anónimo, que es mi palabra contra la suya y con poner una contra denuncia para amedrentar, pero la aplicación, después de que les he escrito por e-mail (como ya he dicho) tiene responsabilidad legal por no haber hecho nada.

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Wie und wobei bist du zuletzt über dich selbst hinausgewachsen?

y_soflyyy’s Profile Photoy_soflyyy
Hier steht gerade der Führerschein Klasse T an, um auf der Arbeit legal landwirtschaftliche Zugmaschinen führen zu dürfen. Dafür musste ich gestern bei der Fahrschule anrufen, dann dort vor Ort erscheinen und mich anmelden, einen Sehtest beim Optiker machen und irgendwo kurzfristig einen Erste-Hilfe-Kurs buchen - so viel habe ich im ganzen letzten Jahr nicht mit Fremden telefoniert und/oder gesprochen, so wenig habe ich wahrscheinlich nie zuvor prokrastiniert. :|

Espaço Livre...Poste ou escreva o que sentir vontade...

sueyd’s Profile Photo♡S♡
um grande acontecimento do mês
a convite de meu pai fui assistir o jogo do Flamengo contra o Criciúma (jogo polêmico por conta de alguns lances que alguns apregoam como "duvidosos", o problema é que o pessoal não sabe interpretar de acordo com a regra existente os lances ditos "polêmicos") para o Campeonato Brasileiro. Mesmo com a demora e o atraso na entrada para o estádio e a alimentação precária (parcas opções de alimentação como tambem preços totalmente fora de contexto), um primeiro tempo ruim que resultou no gol da equipe adversária e até princípio de confusão na torcida próximo de onde estava, o segundo tempo e os dois gols de virada (um deles por conta de um lance polêmico que resultou em pênalti) valeram legal o jogo, incluindo uma pausa no Conjunto Nacional de Brasília após o jogo para poder se alimentar melhor (como comentei com meu pai, ou era isso ou morria-se de fome). Ainda estava me recuperando da gripe que contraíra dois dias após o aniversário de minha mãe mas já me sentia melhor, mas ainda não 100% como hoje e nesta última semana do mês, incluindo a garganta recuperada, pois ficara muito prejudicada com os períodos de gripe.
Eu e meu pai no jogo Flamengo x Criciúma, Estádio Mané Garrincha, Brasília-DF, 13 de julho de 2024

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Espaço LivrePoste ou escreva o que sentir vontade

Did you have a childhood pet growing up? If so what were their names

Itslaurencim’s Profile Photo♕ ʆɑuʀɛɳ
I had a diverse array of pets, including a German Shepherd-wolf hybrid named Polar, a freshwater alligator named Ralph, and a large iguana named Zeus. Additionally, my household was home to various birds, aquatic animals like fish, and red-tailed sharks, though those belonged to my grandfather. Unfortunately, we had to part ways with Polar due to legal restrictions, as my grandfather was also terrified of how protective she was. meh

Você acha que o ask já saturou ou não?

taisdn’s Profile PhotoTay ☽ ☆
Oi Taylinda, o Ask já teve uma época boa, lá em 2012, lembro de ti lá morena linda. Agora q o Ask ainda tá legal isso é vdd, somos viciados nele né Taylinda? kkkkk, tem o NGL e ninguém quer saber. o Ask no mundo todo é famoso, então ainda não está saturado

(It may be strange.. but asking for a friend🌚) Would you back your friend if he committed a heinous crime, or would u hand him/her a shovel and say "Good luck"?

MMaryamKhan’s Profile PhotoMaryam Khan
Once one of my employee told me that she is pregnant without a wedlock for the second time with her bf. And asked me to sign the dnc papers. I told her that firstly it is a big sin, secondly you should be wise enough to use protection. Nd thirdly i can only help u with money and the time off.
Later that same girl launched an FIR on another person not the one she became pregnant with and accused him of rape.
She dragged me into all this by stating it all happened in my office. Lawyers later told me that if u signed those papers to u are either in jail for 25 yrs or u have to give her alot of money to get out of it. I know Allah saved me. So i advice everyone to stay away from anything which can later cause legal issues.

Creo que el balón dela fifa está modificado para la corrupcion como que si por medio de un control hacen que el balón esté inestable o cambie de dirección, existen las armas láser, proyecto blueben y no va a existir eso?

asistencia1234’s Profile PhotoCuántico.
Jajajajajajajajajajajajajajajaja, pensamiento de personąs que no aceptan las derrotąs; si ganan, todo está legal; si pierden, hay trampąs; manipuląciones y/o así. 😂

tu se casaria com alguem que tem um ponto de vista politico totalmente oposto ao seu ? '__'

sapossauro’s Profile PhotoSapossauro
Acredito que uma pessoa nunca vai ter 100% de compatibilidade com meus pontos de vista, e isto que faz também a vida ficar mais legal. Melhor um ponto de vista político diferente do que outros pontos de vistas.

I think sadism is a disease, transferable.. not just because of the Palestine massacres.. and others such. People in power usually get this disease somehow.. and I am looking for a cure just like any good doctor would do. If you could stop people from making others suffer for personal satisfaction!?

Chatgpt is such a kutta.
Here is how you can cure sadistics:
1. Education and Awareness
2. Early Intervention
3. Promotion of Empathy
4. Psychological Support
5. Social Norms and Peer Influence
6. Legal and Ethical Standards
7. Media and Entertainment
8. Community Support
9. Research and Understanding
10. Personal Responsibility

Gosto de você, Gustavo, mas seu único defeito é criticar o Lula.

Obg anoni por gostar de mim, acredito q eu tbm gosto de ti. Mas vamos lá: Não fica triste prq eu não gosto do Lula, meu pai nunca foi PT e minha mãe não é PT, cresci não sendo petista. Vejo q Lula r0ub0u e Bolsonaro foi o g3n0cid@ ceifando milhares de vidas inclusive a do meu amado pai pelo descaso da pandemia da Covid-19 ao demorar a comprar as vacinas. Mas quanto a tu ser petista eu não fico triste e estamos numa democracia. Bolsonaro r0ub0u igual a todos presidentes desee país. Vou te dx uma pergunta; tu acha q Lula preocupa cntg??? Bolsonaro preocupa com alguém??? Eles não gostam do povo, eu não sou nenhum dos dois, sou "a politica"( nem Lula nem Bolsonaro) , na minha humilde opinião políticos só querem se dar bem e não fica triste cmg não, vivemos numa democracia, vem debater cmg de boa, sou legal 😎. Bora trocar uma ideia anoni? Só colar ok?

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in all honesty, do you think some people, like the ones who have been harassing you and other women on here for years every day, are dangerous and need to be locked up away from people?

I think whoever he is is genuinely a psychopath given everything he's said, done & expressed and I genuinely believe he is a pxdophile given how much he's been obsessing over my daughter. So he definitely needs mental help. And considering doxxing, harassment & stalking isn't legal yes he should be locked up.

Has anyone ever had their IP address banned on this site/app before?

DrAnonStar12376148’s Profile Photo♚ ♔ ӨMZ ♔ ♚
The current ASKfm (of the last 4+ years?) is a pretty weird anomaly . . . . a law unto themselves ~ God knows what they may do next . . . .
It was around 2 years ago , for some truth that my wife-Viki published . . . .
~ they banned our IP address ~ I went off as well . . . .
well they soon reconnected us; I suspect what they did was not entirely legal , considering Latvia is in the EU this past 20 years (joined in 2004) ~ they perhaps tend to forget, maybe with their co-controllers NOT being in the EU, and never will . . . . many reasons.
Well , I prefer to let sleeping dogs lie . . . . temporarily experiencing an IP ban , although a gross insult , does not inflict the destruction of an account ban ; the latter causing inexcusable violation to everyone you follow/or who follow you . . . . loss of all assets for all .
I think ASKfm can smell the sulphur . . . . "it burns"

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Has anyone ever had their IP address banned on this siteapp before

Se uma garota de 17 com consentimento, quiser fazer aquilo com um cara de 25 é crime?

Oi anoni, vou te responder pq tenho amigos juízes e renomados em BH. 17 anos é com consentimento, se dps falar q não foi com consentimento dá b.o, o normal e legal é relacionar com 18 anos para cima. Eu nunca peguei para baixo, só meninas maiores de idade. Tirei isso aí do site JusBrasil( Justiça do Brasil) é melhor esperar a garota fazer 18 anos aí não é crime, apesar q nesta publicação fala q não é crime né. Tu deve ser um homem q está querendo relacionar com uma adolescente de 17 anos sexualmente, aguarde ela completar 18 anos. Tá entendido aí a explicação anoni? Espero q sim
Se uma garota de 17 com consentimento quiser fazer aquilo com um cara de 25 é

Sup dudeness... You were talking about a vlog/podcast in an answer of yours where you were worried about your procrastinating. Well i wanna know about that vlog/podcast thing if you just let me, kindly... Salamat rahiey. 🙂

tarekdaud’s Profile Photothelameassdude®
Hello! Thank you for asking me this, I am actually excited to talk about it. Okay, so basically, I am making this vlog/podcast for my assignment and I am struggling mostly because I changed my topic last minute (a few hours ago). I am going to be talking about Salem Witch Trials, how much religion and culture had a role in it, its impact on the American legal system, and, in the end, I plan on highlighting the similar social issues we face today.

Como é sua relação com os animais?

Robsonatural2’s Profile PhotoRobson
Excelente. Adoro-os. Claro que não me meto a entrar na jaula do leão ou do tigre, nem vou fazer festinhas em cascavéis ou aranhas peçonhentas. Não admito que maltratem animais e nem acho legal criá-los para comê-los. Afinal somos todos animais. Sei que existem predadores, mas eles não têm consciência. Agem por instinto. E nós não somos carnívoros por instinto. Certamente que mato mosquitos e baratas, como legítima defesa. O mosquito é o animal que mais mata seres humanos, considerando as doenças que transmitem. Pelo que me consta, contudo, eles não são sencientes.

In the insta tos it says you agree to not sue them when you sign up. They must know they do dumb stuff to write that bs.

Even if I didn’t violate anything and they’re accusing me of something awful? If I really had that kind of content wouldn’t they have to seek legal action as well? Nothing adds up.

What would you do? Woman of your dreams (whom you have never met in person but you have her instagram) blocks you and threatens you with legal action if you keep messaging her. BUT you know she is woman of your dreams. To continue messages or give up?

"Woman of your DREAMS".... Give up, You think she's "The One" you haven't even met her yet.... I met someone on here years ago.... Turned into a living nightmare for 4 damn years

Call them and talk to a human if possible. Threaten legal action if you have to. Damage to brand, image, etc. Were you using those accounts as an influencer for $$$? Financial losses. Grounds for a lawsuit.

talionislexx’s Profile PhotoLex Talionis
Yes, I had my influencer stuff on there. I guess I wait “just over a day” and see what happens. I don’t understand why people do this stuff.

El día que Palop se disfrazó de Ibra https://encuentroshistoricos.wordpress.com/2024/05/06/shakhtar-donetsk-2-sevilla-3-15-3-2007/

UriarteDaniel’s Profile PhotoDUP
Palop tuvo suerte, Songo'o metió un gol legal al final del partido y se lo anularon por una falta inexistente, el VAR tendría que implantarse mucho antes, aunque con los chanchullos que hay quizás tampoco revisarían la jugada.
https://youtu.be/1lnmWJcs35Y?si=ee5YIFqrp_XVdEDpmolinillo_o_paraguas’s Video 175877677312 1lnmWJcs35Ymolinillo_o_paraguas’s Video 175877677312 1lnmWJcs35Y

Angie maravilhosa, passando para dizer o quanto você é linda. 💗 Aproveitando para soltar uma perguntinha: se você tivesse filhos acha interessante aprender algum instrumento? Qual acharia legal aprender?

Mas eu só vi isso agora, hein! Perdão noni lindeuzo. ❤
Achei gracinha demais sua pergunta viu KKKKK. Bom, acredito que essa questão seria muito pessoal, não só de gosto, mas a importância tem que ser usada com bom senso, se a criança também se interessar e se sentir confortável, não deve ser forçado. Se tratando inteiramente de mim a inclusão iria acontecer natural pelo meu próprio envolvimento com algum instrumento e despertar a curiosidade na minha cria. Foi o que aconteceu com minha afilhada, ela pediu para que eu a ensinasse e acabou pegando gosto e fascínio.

Why do you get to Make Love to any guy you want while only 1 guy gets to have you experience this with him? Also do you think all Illegal Recreational Drugs should be Illegal or Legal but Strongly Regulated too?

You seem obsessed with the first question considering this is the third or fourth time you asked me that. Stop.

Language: English