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Some online magazine posted something about Lesbian visibility, and had added 5 celebs/influencers on the cover, but some of those women identify as bi/pan, and then Billie Eilish who is straight? Lol, how do you manage to do bi-erasure and lesbian erasure in the same breathe/

Billie Eilish isn't straight though, she has said she likes men and women, she just doesn't like being asked about her s*xuality all the time. So that was a bit bi-erasy of you 😂

Y do ppl care if guys are bi but no worry’s bout girls being bi? Frfr it shouldn’t matter….

But it does matter because it’s a preference. You wouldn’t force a lesbian to be with a man, would you? A gay man with a woman? No. I’m not saying it’s not okay to be bi either, because that’s definitely your right to be whatever way you wish, but the reality is you can’t force others to want you if you’re not what they’re into. Now no one should ever disrespect you for that, because you deserve respect, but outside of that, it’s okay not be into someone, as we should respect ALL sxxualities. I mean this in the most respect way, too. 🖤
If they’re just being an a$$hole, then they’re not worth your time. There are plenty of other people who are perfectly okay with who you are. 🙂

FLASHBACK FRIDAY ⏮ 🥳welchem OC (egal ob Story abgebrochen, OC abgelehnt, Steckbrief nicht fertiggestellt etc.) trauerst du am meisten hinterher? Gerne mit ein paar Infos. 🖤

Venuci’s Profile PhotoVenuci
Es gibt eigentlich einige OCs denen ich hinterher trauere aber ich hab mich für einen OC entschieden, welcher eigentlich für eine PJ MMFF gedacht war, w
Síomha Keane, daughter of Ares, raging lesbian und schottische Touristin, deren größter Regret es war dass sie sich gegen den Urlaub in Spanien entschieden und stattdessen ja unbedingt das Land sehen wollte, wo ihre Mutter ihren Vater kennengelernt hatte. Nicht wissen dass der “Chad” den Mama Keane damals kennengelernt hatte eigentlich der Gott Ares war und sie damit unbewusst das erste mal mit ihrer göttlichen Herkunft konfrontiert wurde und ziemlich pissed darüber ist dass sie sich jetzt mit Monstern herumschlagen muss anstelle am Strand Cocktails schlürfen zu können. Sie kann ihren Frust ja noch nicht einmal in Alkohol ersaufen weil sie dumm war und verpeilt hat dass man mit 19 ja gar nicht legal in der USA trinken darf. Sie hat auf jeden Fall dumbass Energy von feinsten mit einer priese Aggressionsprobleme und immensen Fear of her mother. Weil Síomha weiß dass ihre Mom ihr den Kopf abreißen wird, weil sie sich wochenlang nicht gemeldet hat und Mama Keane da kein Spaß versteht, wenn ihre Tochter trotz dem Versprechen dass sie sich jeden Tag melden wird wochenlang keinen Mucks von sich gegeben hat. Da wird auf jeden Fall der nicht existierende Zweit Name rausgeholt den sich ihre Mom auf jedes Mal neu einfallen lässt. Je schlimmer der Zweitname desto wütender ist sie. Auf den Anschiss freut sich Síomha auf jeden Fall nicht 😂 ach ja ich mochte die kleine Idee die ich da hatte auf jeden Fall 😉 aber wie meinte Thanos so weise “Fine, I’ll do it myself”😂

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FLASHBACK FRIDAY  welchem OC egal ob Story abgebrochen OC abgelehnt Steckbrief

Valentine aveva appena finito la sua lezione di pilates e seduta sul sedile del suo Suv aveva acceso a palla il suo stereo con le canzoni di Rihanna, pronta ad andare a prendere il suo gin tonic e fumarsi la sua sigaretta perché era stata abbastanza clean girl. Peccato, che gli astri si erano -

valentineisdisgusted’s Profile PhotoVαlentıne
allineati per metterla in difficoltà. Nel momento in cui stava facendo retromarcia, forse anche distratta dalla musica al massimo, si era accorta all'ultimo minuto di questa chioma rosso acceso che era sbucata all'improvviso; maledizione, che fosse Celeste la sua ex cotta? Ma le bastò incrociare gli occhi per capire che non era così. Valentine scese dalla macchina e non degnò neanche di uno sguardo superficiale quello della ragazza che aveva investito, ma si focalizzò esclusivamente sul suo bagagliaio su cui la ragazza aveva stampato le sue mani. « Tu ringrazia che non me lo hai rotto. »
Il cuore stava battendo talmente forte che per un attimo temetti mi stesse scassando la gabbia toracica. Non pensavo che qualcuno, nello specifico una ᴅᴏɴɴᴀ, potesse uscire da un parcheggio a quella velocità. Ero lontana dall'essere la classica mean lesbian che odiava gli uomini, anche se l'esperienza personale mi aveva portata a credere che i SUV coatti di quel calibro, appartenessero più al genere maschile che a quello femminile. O ad altri. Quando la ragazza scese con noncuranza, mettendosi a verificare lo stato della sua auto, rimasi basita. « No, cioè, fammi capire: hai quasi rischiato di ūccidermi e la sola cosa di cui ti preoccupi è il cofano rotto? » e per enfatizzare l'assurdità di quel comportamento mi misi a gesticolare, all'italiana, con la mano a pinza. « Tu non stai bene. »

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Valentine aveva appena finito la sua lezione di pilates e seduta sul sedile del

> i’m already ask married. 🤣 - So if we have Ask children and we get Ask divorced, do I have to pay Ask alimony? In coins? $7.99 per month? You better use Ask birth control and sign an Ask prenuptial agreement! You're NOT getting my guitars! I'm calling my attorney. Sage. At Olive Garden. 🤣🤣🤣 💗

talionislexx’s Profile PhotoLex Talionis
You didn’t say anything about your Ask guitars. So can I have those? 🤣 No Lexy, I’m a good Ask wife. I got rid of my lesbian lover and braindead crappy flower girl boy for you. 🤣🤣🤣💗

Have people ever made up rumors about you and their friends ended up believing those rumors and distanced themselves from you?

Froyh’s Profile PhotoMerve
I remember back in high school (2012) a girl told a group of my friends that I was lesbian, which wasn’t the case, but back then it wasn’t accepted as much.
While I was doing my thing at break, one of the girl walks up to me and says she doesn’t want to be my friend because I’ll start hitting on her!
I chuckled, but she was serious! I looked at that girl with disgust, like, excuse me? 🙄😂

Як твої поважні батьки в Португалії відносяться до людей?

My parents treat people very well. Especially mom,since she works in a hospital.Father, of course, treats people more harshly,because he works in the police.But depending on who, not everyone.If he sees that a person is inadequate,and not everything is right in his head, then it’s a little different.For example,if he is gay or bi,he transfers the lesbian to another policeman for examination,who studied to be a psychologist.Because he hates to communicate with such people.This is especially true for those who rush as if they are inadequate and do not really understand the laws that the state has prescribed for them as a citizen.

What would you do if a guy called you a lesbian because your wearing a cap a hoodie and pants

As I always say.... "It's true.... I am a lesbian, Trapped in a male body" 😝😝😝
Wait a minute.... are you the one that passes my house every day.... I saw you looking 🤭🤭🤭
Liked by: Me - Larry Smile 살마

Have you ever pretended to be a lesbian to get rid of a man hitting on you?

I've tried every trick in the book, me and @Emmagine_This used to have a system for saving each other from guys by being "girlfriends" for the night, it'd be amusing if it wasn't so sad that it was necessary in the first place

When I was in college I was good friends with a black lesbian woman from Harlem who was doing all sorts of activism on social matters as well as vegan activism. I've learned so much about veganism from her. I'll be forever thankful to her for educating me. Being vegan is the best choice I've made!

That’s great. I know I’ve helped some of my online followers go vegan as well. It’s a real gift to be able to help people and animals that way and I’m happy to be able to change the world in even the smallest of ways.

Is it possible ? That Some boy is a Gay But at the same time he loves A girl too 20-8-23/2:02 am

shinny7’s Profile PhotoFaria Malik
I did work with gay and lesbian but i know some bisexuals but never had interaction but not in Pakistan before you start dissing your country if you can become friends without interfering each other religion, color or their choices tu you can work but cant be good friends

لو اكتشفتي ان صديقة قريبة جدا ليكي طلعت lesbian هتقولي لاهلها ولا هتخبي عشان هي صاحبتك ولا هيكون ايه رد فعلك؟ النصيحة ليها شخصيا مجابتش نتيجة للاسف، هل تحاولي تاني خصوصا انها عشرة عمر و كده ولا تبعدي عنها و خلاص ؟

من الاخر ي مزه
الاكتشاف المتاخر لكي حظ منو ي عسل
لكن انا ما احاولش. عرفت من قاموسي واشطب.. وفي داهيه الصداقه امثال دي
لو اكتشفتي ان صديقة قريبة جدا ليكي طلعت lesbian هتقولي لاهلها ولا هتخبي عشان هي

How well do you know your neighbors?

well I mean I thought I knew my militant lesbian neighbor but then she ghosted me for a month and then when I finally texted her anyway she admitted she was embarrassed to admit she's dating men again, men plural, an Irishman musician and a polyamorous beekeeper

In ramadan you said by your self lesbian hona guna nahi .mai giri huee sahi mujh mai khuda ka khoof hai.i have that screen shot should i post on wall and tag you.

Han kro post Maine kaha tha lesbian hona gunnah hai aur mujh mayy Khuda ka khauf hai bnda apna dimagh istimal krta hai ajeeb insaan ho bahi Quran khol k agar tarjumah sayy parha Hoga na tou pata Hoga k Kitna barha gunnah hai yeh ajeeb bakwas hai bahi aa k shuru ho jatay ho

There are bisexuals who are unironically upset that they dont have a slur like the rest of the community and this is the silliest thing I’ve ever seem lmao🤣when you wanna be oppressed so bad.

I'd like to point out that although there isn't a slur specifically for Bi's, we frequently receive the ones used for gay and lesbian people plus also experiencing biphobia and erasure even from within the community. The old "pick a side", "don't date bi people, they cheat", "you must be a sl*t" "greedy", "attention seeking", "just haven't come out as gay yet"... I could go on 😂

remember not too long ago when people were like “i’m gay “”im bisexual” im a lesbian” “im straight” “im a trans” and that was it? clear and understandable to anyone. now all these labels have developed new terms. for example theres 35734 words for bisexual. That all mean the same😭 i hate gen z

There’s not really a bunch of different words for bisexual. Like pansexual some people may think it’s the same but it’s really not.
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Why is having a crush so complicated? When she irritates me, I act furious and make her think I want her to stop and a lot of the time she will. I don’t want it to stop though. But I can’t say that because she likely doesn’t like me back. I can’t stay silent when she bugs me either. What do I do?

Just tell her how u feel about her, don’t act irrational and arrogant around ur crush, cuz chicks don’t like guys (or girls if they’re lesbian) that act all authoritarian to them and tell them how to live their life.

How do I come out to my parents as a lesbian? They're homophobic btw, but I just want them to know.

Just don't. Not unless you have a place to stay and are financially independent. Your safety is always more important than coming out, even if we talk about your own family.

Let me simplify it for you. Kick some ass, get the girl, and try to look dope while you do it.

A girl, seriously ? 😄 Dude, I am not lesbian, I am not interested at girls. 😄 Don't be so rude, kicker of asses. 🤣🤣🤣 You made me laugh with sending this foolish message, spamer. Your brain is melting, if you sending something like this to all people of ask. fm.

What age did you get your first girlfriend?

My first was in high school so pretty early for a lesbian, but I haven't really had another real relationship since it ended so I feel pretty inexperienced now on my late 20s. I've gone on many dates but usually the ones I like don't want to go on second dates, and I haven't had any luck with hookups either... I'm so jealous of gay men because it seems like they are getting laid all the time and they have Grindr for that very purpose even. before corona I went to lesbian/queer women evenings at gay clubs every time they were arranged but I've never had any luck there even if I always try flirting with several women. The only ones who seem interested in me are straight men, women with penises, and other women and nb people that I'm just not into.
I must have been about 19 when I had my first girlfriend. Met her online after several months of no matches. Sometimes OLD can feel like a lot of effort especially for lgbt people as our dating pool is a lot smaller that straight peoples. Just try not to give up, you are still very young and like a lot have said its takes us a little longer to get into relationships compared to straights. Our dating experience is just a little different and requires more patience in my opinion. Dont give up, you will meet a wonderful woman one day.
I had a crush on the same (straight) girl for years in middle and high school. By the time I got around to admitting I had a crush on her, admitting she was straight, and getting over her it was my senior year of high school. I had my first “real” relationship around 18. At the time I felt like I was “running late” too, but in retrospect I was totally fine. Straight people get a head start on learning how to date and stuff because they don’t have to spend all that time figuring out their sexuality— they can just jump right in as teenagers. It’s normal for us to take a little longer. Figuring out that you’re gay is a whole extra step in the process! You’re totally fine. Good luck with everything!
I was 17. It was pretty bad, lasted about a month and a half. She was 16. Unknown to me at the time, she was using me to cheat on her 22-year-old boyfriend, and she told me after he dumped her for his 14-year-old ex. We didn't really like each other, as much as we liked making out. Found out that in the end, she was cheating on me with a guy in my homeroom.
I think it was a good relationship. Looking back at it, I just had a lot of issues that came up towards the end that I wasn't handling like I thought I was at the time. Issues caused stress, stress caused fights, which led to a breakup. I would still date her again if it happens at some point, given that I'm older (and so is she) and have more clarity, and the limited amount of times I talked to her since then we seem to still get along.

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Liked by: masamodolley

you're not lgbt, you are a fkn heterosexual woman, married to a woman, living a traditional heteronormative life, lmaao. y'all are so cringy when u appropriate lgbt seriously.

idk about you but i think the fact that besides my husband that my longest relationship was a girl :///
nevermind that the entire reason i was bullied out of highschool was because i was The Lesbian in the school lmaooo

How did you learn about polyamory? Did someone suggest/introduce you to it or were you curious about it on your own?

I thiiiink the first exposure I had to polyamory (and not random stereotypes) was close to a decade ago, via an article of a lesbian throuple. I was amazed by their relationship, how they navigated marriage, and how much they all loved each other.
Beyond that, I only had passing knowledge of it for a while, and didn't stop to consider if I was polyamorous; after all, I was convinced I was too needy, too jealous, too [insert other insult here]. However, I did have fleeting thoughts about having a polycule, and at times, even yearned for one. Furthermore, knowing I was committed to a single person for life - and would have to pass up relationships with people I have chemistry with - felt like a massive loss, though I pushed that feeling deep down as it brought guilt and shame. I loved my husband, and while these wants didn't change my love for him, I thought having them made me a bad person - despite not acting upon them.
It wasn't until I became close with someone who identified as non-monogamous that I could finally start properly exploring those ideas with someone who understood. I also put in a lot of research, and concluded that I *am* polyamorous. I came out about 18 months ago and it's felt right since, even if coming out did contribute to the end of my (already unhealthy) marriage.

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Wiadomo ile zarobił za postać w A Rainy Day in New York?

Wikunia 08.09
Niestety nie znalazłam informacji na ten temat, bo team Timothée nie ujawnił tego faktu. Wiadomo tylko o tym, że całe wynagrodzenie oddał dla 3 organizacji : Time's up, RAINN, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Community Centerw Nowym Yorku.
Wiadomo ile zarobił za postać w A Rainy Day in New York

Would you be disappointed if an actress playing the role of a lesbian was straight?

no... yes... no... difficult!
Like, i remember how disaрointed were some of my hetеro classmates when they found out some of their male-crushes was gаy, аnd for strаight woman i kinda feel the same. Butbut anyway that's a person i won't likely ever meet irl, and i would definetly be amazed with acting, so whatevs)

opinion on gay people?

I think it's great. I have two Moms that are lesbians. I have a friend named Brett who's two older siblings that are gay. His brother Anthony is gay and his sister Maggie is gay too (lesbian). I have a sister who's also lesbian (not anymore, she's bisexual now) and a brother that's transgender. He was born a female and stayed a female for 21 years, then decided to be a boy.

@ayishayousafk is lesbian

Hahahaha hahahaha apko bewakuf banaya ja raha hai pics fake bhe ho sakti hai real kaya hai yeh pata nahi chal sakta hai mayw be woh male he ho. Mujhe smajh nahi ata hai k ap nai usay itni heemat kun de ap nai k woh is tarha ka apko msg keya hai. Is nai meri taraf bhe bohat he zayda try keya tha but is tarha ka cheap koi bhe msg karny ka mujhe mai nai moka he nahi deya itni kisi ko encourage he nahi karti hun . Phir us nai nakam ho kar mujhe defame karna shuru kar deya hai . Ap usko simple block kar do

when did you find out you weren’t straight?

That was during my high school years from 2005 to 2006... I was a lesbian at the time until my ex-girlfriend physically and emotionally abused me as she cheated on me with another girl.
After I graduated HS in 2006 as I started college a year later, she committed suicide. I don't condone what she did, but I hated her for ruining my sex life.

🌈 june is pride month !! if you're comfortable answering, are you LGBTQ+ or know anyone who is? how do you support yourself/them?

poetalunam’s Profile Photola mantra mori.
I have always been in the opinion that love is love! Gender has nothing to do with it!
I also believe that people should be able to feel comfortable in their own body! Whether that be with their pronouns, clothes, etc :)
I have a number of friends who are gay, bi, lesbian. As well as friends who have preferences to pronouns :3
I will always be there for them for support and if they ever need to vent etc :3
june is pride month  if youre comfortable answering are you LGBTQ or know anyone

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