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جماعه انا بدور علي شغل اونلاين كول سنتر خدمه عملاء وكل ال بلاقيه نصب ف نصب ف ال يقدر يساعدني بحاجا ويعرف شركات فعلا مش نصب يبعتلي ونساعد بعض وشكرا مقدما 🥹🥹

eman_omar_fcb’s Profile Photo⚖️ إِيـ عُمر ماآن ⚖️
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Do you think medical school worth all of this hardworkings and pressure? And for what?

طبعا المجال الطبي يستحق كل المجهود والتعب والضغط الجسدي والنفسي دول..
'خير العلم بعد الدين طب'
دينيا ودنيويا..الموضوع يستاهل..إنك تكوني سبب ف إنقاذ حياة حد أو حتى تخفيف ألم أجرك عظيم عند ربنا (ومن أحياها فكأنما أحيا الناس جميعا)..
الإنسان وهو مريض مبيكونش قادر يعيش حياة طبيعية ولا يأدي حق ربنا على أكمل وجه ولا بيكون قادر حتى يتعامل ف حاجات كتير..انتي بتساعديه يكون أحسن...وفيه طبعا شوية ميزات دنيوية منها فرص العمل والمكانة الاجتماعية وغيرهم...ولو اقتصرنا ف النظر للموضوع ع الجانب الديني بس لكفى بجد..

Please pap at the moment

sagetoriola65’s Profile Photosagetoriola65
People who search "nordic" up after seeing it on my account clearly watch my page... the same accusations they accuse me of, the difference between that person trying to get TikTok clout is Aliens or hybrids have medical records to back their stories, next you will talk about blood type negative because you can't think for yourself you just copy others ... you will never fit in with us so stop trying. I don't want you or your friend looking at my page or copying anything i believe in. Everyone else is free to look at my account besides those two "can't thinkers"

Aliens could exist it's scary to live with that reality but kinda awesome. Hopefully we live among other worldly beings

I been into more research lately, a few possibilities of Aliens existing in human form is undocumented pregnancies doctors finding another baby in the womb thinking there's just one, this could be medical equipment malfunction but it happens to often and usually twins are born not un identical babies

What is the difference between panic and heart attack 😶

Okay I'll start with this: heart attack(MI) is a medical emergency- it's an excruciating pain in your left arm, jaw and chest which exceeds more than 15-20mns and it doesn't relieve by medication or changing position and the reason is coronary artery block (artery supplying heart) making particular heart part/tissue necrotic(dead). And heart attack can be solely responsible for death.
Okay now panic ig panic attack you meant: it has sudden occurrence due to anxiety/fear/trigger(s)--> causing physical symptoms like palpitations, sweating, trembling, feeling of choking, chest pain (note: here chest pain is sharp/shooting pain and resolves within mns unlike heart attack), dizziness, nausea, chill, etc(all symptoms during feeling fear)+ but here person can also feel disconnected from him/herself(depersonalization) or the environment.
-mostly panic attacks lasts 5-20mns.
- in panic attack there are a lot more physical symptoms than chest discomfort and in heart attack the pain is excruciating and lasts longer.
- panic attack isn't solely responsible for death like heart attack.
(Okay this is the most lame{non medical} explanation I can give).
Oh the fun part I missed before: after a heart attack the dead tissue(which didn't get the blood) it remains dead, replaced by scar tissue - it'll never work in pumping, remains dead.
Hope this helps :)

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Ponder with me—I understand that some people don’t want children, but why do some go to great lengths to make sure everyone knows they ha.te children?

M1ssSemy’s Profile PhotoStar. i
I haven’t met anyone that felt quite as strong as you speak of in this scenario. I know children are difficult concept for many based on circumstances like trauma, financial concerns, or infertility. When I got married, it was on the condition that my husband would still love me if we couldn’t have kids. It was a struggle for me because of medical reasons, but now I’m a mom of two. I have been blessed indeed. I was afraid of caring for young children before I had my own. Now all children are precious to me. It’s hard explain how much being a parent changes your appreciation for children. I hope that if anyone dislikes them so much, they learn how incredible they can be. They’re joy— a piece of your heart dancing around in the world.
Ponder with meI understand that some people dont want children but why do some

Ponder with me—I understand that some people don’t want children, but why do some go to great lengths to make sure everyone knows they ha.te children?

M1ssSemy’s Profile PhotoStar. i
I think it’s largely a societal thing that people feel almost pressured to say that. Like, society places so much value on having children, and people can really feel a lot of pressure to start a family, even when it’s not what they truly want. It’s always “WHEN will you have kids?” 🙄 Not “Hey, what do you think about having children? Is that something you picture for yourself? How do you feel about becoming a parent?”
I feel like it’s just an automatic thing that people expect… “You grow up, you get married, you have kids.” End of story. And it just doesn’t work like that for many people. 🤷🏼‍♀️ I think that expectation can be quite… harmful and very presumptive. Also, it’s just rude to ask people that. Consider this: Can the person you asked have biological kids? What would be the risks/complicating factors if they were to get pregnant? How would having children impact the life they currently lead or would like to live down the road? Is it safe for them to be pregnant? Like, there are so many questions to consider before jumping to that conclusion. So to me, I think people use that phrase as a way to get people to stop asking, or assuming they even want children right off the bat. Even though, they shouldn’t even have to do that, or explain themselves to others. If they don’t want kids, respect that, don’t pressure them to the point they feel they have say stuff like “I h*te kids.” 🥴
I’ll say for myself, I don’t h*te kids by any means… But, I absolutely despise being asked “when” I’ll have children or that I “should” have them by now. 😑 I don’t particularly want to think about that at this point in my life, to be fair. I have lots of other things I want to do before I think about being a mother, and more than that, if I truly WANT to be a mother. To be frank, I don’t even know if I can get pregnant (due to medical reasons), nor do I know if it would be even be safe for me or the baby. So… yeah, it’s something I personally have to grapple with. I just think it can be/is a sore spot for a lot of people, and not everyone wants to address that topic. And at least if they say something like that openly, people tend to back off. That’s my logic anyway. 🤔

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Ponder with meI understand that some people dont want children but why do some

That’s so adorable I can see how hard you work from your medical condition is truly insane to see what you do every day and my God the song that you wrote about Camila baby I’m not gonna lie. I sobbed my eyes out while listening to it. It’s so beautiful. I could hear your passion. I mean, so stunnin

LMAO, thank you so much to be honest that song was probably one of the most emotional and crazy experience writing it. That’s probably my favorite song I’ve ever written because I did write it about her to be honest. I was scared of releasing it because it’s so personal and I wasn’t sure how she was going to react or how everybody was going to react because it’s different than what I normally write, and I wrote it from the heart I didn’t write it just because I wanted to make another head or I wanted to become famous for no reason I wrote it because before I collapsed she was the last person I saw and I was in the hospital she was the one I heard because I was listening to her album while I was laying in my hospital bed to be honest, I didn’t think I was gonna come back the same way again. It scared me. She’s a huge part of me and I wanted to make sure that I fought the best way that I can so I can come back to her and my family because she is my family. I love her with all my heart.

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Liked by: gracie camila

I want to quit cigarette But i am unable to quit

Seek medical help and be still on this decision on quitting. Also think about people involve in your life- you're not only affecting you but them and if something happens cz it's smoking duh, you'll affect them deep and you should actually see Lung Cancer videos and surgery videos👀to be sure where you're gettin! (Just giving ya heads up lol).

❗️🏻 If you don't have health anxiety, please delete this question. How do you calm yourself down whenever you get extremely anxious about your health? 😓

M1ssSemy’s Profile PhotoStar. i
One of the biggest things for me: AVOID the internet at ALL costs. As a chronically ill person who also has a lot of health anxiety, the worst possible thing you can do is go to Google and doom scroll when feeling extremely anxious. 🥴 For your own sake, go to your doctor or call them, and discuss what you feel directly, not only symptoms, but the anxiety as well. And they may even suggest getting a couple tests done so that you can have some mental peace knowing that your body is functioning how it should. OR that whatever condition(s) you currently have isn’t getting worse or triggering something else, etc.
Next thing: Share with someone you trust who can have a conversation with you, rationalize, challenge your anxiety (kindly, and with compassion), and just be a friendly sounding board so you don’t spiral. I find this helps me a lot. Sometimes, simply receiving a trusted persons input/rationalization, and getting everything off my chest calms me down immensely. 😮‍💨
And finally: Do NOT suppress your anxiety. It does not help anything, nor will it make you feel better. Acknowledge that you feel very anxious right now, try your best to slow down and refocus your mind. Whether that is by giving yourself time to cry, or sit in silence and focus on breathing, vent or write out everything you’re anxious about, and I mean everything. Listen to music, watch a show/movie that comforts you, or any other healthy coping mechanism you do to relax. Regardless, feel your feelings. And then, when you’ve done that, you can go ahead and establish how you want to proceed/re-evaluate how you are doing.
For me, writing out everything is so beneficial, because once I’ve calmed down a bit, I can essentially fact check myself and be like “okay, I know I don’t have to worry about *insert thought(s)* because *insert reason(s)*.” Or take those anxieties to a medical professional/loved one so they can help you fact check them.
I hope that helps, even a little bit! I know health anxiety is awful and hard to navigate. ☹️

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If you dont have health anxiety  please delete this question How do you calm

Something you are afraid of??

opaanie’s Profile Photoopaanie
Imagine your legs being so forcefully pulled apart, that your pelvis breaks.
Your neck strangled till your mouth bleeds.
The specs you wear, crushed hard into your eyes.
Imagine all this happening to you while all you were doing was saving someone else's life
This isn't a horror story. It's the reality of the and year PG of Chest Medicine, RG Kar Medical College.
This isn't about doctors anymore.
It's about humanity, if any left.
Speak up, don't let this die!
Something you are afraid of

What has been living rent-free in your head lately? Can be anything at all! 🧠🤔

anonamouse89887’s Profile Photoanonamouse
This might be too disturbing... I'll try to censor everything so it's not taken down...
Lately, I've been intensely following the whole Gypsy Rose thing. Mainly, because it's entertaining to me. She's acting like a f00ool, and she's a trainwreck. And most of all, she k1ll.3d her mother 100%. What's been living in my head is that one photo from the crime scene. The eyes of her d3..ad mother. The whole thing has two-sided, and Gypsy is a manipulative b1t... there are a lot of things that came out. Apparently, she did have some of the illnesses due to the medical records, and her surgeries weren't so out of nowhere. All her mother did was play it up to get the goodies and symphaty IMO (also based on some facts, too)
Now, I don't understand how malicious one should be to do that to someone. I was emotionally and physically abu5sed, and I thought of k1ll1.ng myself instead of my abuser. NOT ONCE DID IT CROSS MY MIND.
I heard this from a video... her mother was profiting from her health issues, she ran a scam. Gypsy said she k1.ll.ed her in self-defense, BUT, how would her mother profit in that if she off.ed her own daughter who clearly was unwell in some aspects.
She also played along in the scam, and that's also been proven by her own words that she keeps misplacing and twisting because she's not as bright as she thinks she is. I feel no empathy towards her, and I think that she deserves a lifetime in jail.
Also, I believe she 100% took part in finishing her mother. It wasn't all her boyfriends work. I didn't have the gut to look at the photos, I only saw one... let me tell you... anyone who can do something like that... it's so disgus.ti.ng. The photo trau.ma.tised me for days, can you imagine doing that and going to live your life and have babies, etc? F483uck no, that calls for SERIOUS THERAPY. IT'S HORRIBLE. It would HAUNT ME FOR ALL MY LIFEA because I'm not like HER. I'M NORMAL. It's also one of the reasons this psychopath should stay in jail...

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Liked by: ΣΩ ☮ Romeu

استفتاء سريع، انا خريجه علوم، وعملت دبلومه دراسات عليا، وكان مجموعي كويس وشاطره وطموحي اشتغل في المجال الطبي ولكن محصلش نصيب حاليا قدامي 2 options يا تدريس يا ميدكال ريب، وكله بيقولي ميدكال لا، اعمل ايه ؟( انا مياله لميدكال اكتر)

بصي medical rep = هتقضي يومك ف الشارع بين العيادات. لو انتي مش شخص هيستحمل المشاوير يبقى بلاها، ع الجانب الاخر فرصة كعائد مادي و ترقيات.
التدريس اقل كعائد مادي ماشي بس فيه استقرار ومش عليكي ضغط تارجت
فالموضوع يرجع لاولوياتك

Was the transition from middle school to high school big for you (either due to switching schools, the pressure to do well academically, having a hard time making friends, etc.)?

Froyh’s Profile PhotoMerve
Very much so, yeah. I was homeschooled (for medical reasons) during middle school, and so the transition to public high school was really difficult for me to adjust to. I had spent a couple years out of normal school life, so I had no clue what my peers were like when I came back, what they liked, how to relate to them, etc. I also had shut myself off completely, especially in the beginning. So that made things harder… I refused to trust anyone, I refused to let people know me just because I had a lot of insecurities and thought no one would like me/or that they would judge me harshly. 😅
Luckily though, the first little while of being in high school was really the worst of it, and it seemed to get better and better from there. All in all, high school was honestly quite a positive experience for me, which I feel grateful for. I know many who don’t share that experience. 😬

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Was the transition from middle school to high school big for you either due to

How don't you lose wieght when you don't eat breakfast?

I am losing weight, actually, but a lot more than how much you eat affects your weight. There are medical conditions and side effects of medication that make it very difficult to lose weight. Maybe you should try being more compassionate and considerate rather than judgemental.

ليه فيميل الميديكال فيلد مبيكونوش ناجحين في حياتهم الزوجية ؟

النجاح مبقاش يتقاس بال gender ولا هما جوا ال medical field ولا out، النجاح توفيق وسعى واثبات ثم توفيق بردو وكل واحد عليه ضغوط نفسيه مننا احب اوضح نقطه سمعتها من كذا حد اه الكليه بتدى صلاحيات ومممكن برستيچ كويس بس متعرفوش الضغوطات اللى بنمر بيها اي .

How can i control Pleasures and Lust. Damn! Shitty feelings are ruining my life😫

Stop staying alone, move to a crowded place. A room full of people. Try to make mile stones. Try to stick to them.
Recite/listen quran even if its one line. Increase gradually.
This has proven medical illness and emotional drainage in humans..
Either later you'll never be satisfied, or you'll be left with no energy to reproduce.
So in both cases you'll be lost.
Its better to control yourself now.

Mierzysz sobie cisnienie?

Julciopat’s Profile PhotoPani w okularach ☺️
Tak, regularnie mierzę sobie ciśnienie krwi, ponieważ uważam, że monitorowanie tego parametru jest kluczowe dla utrzymania zdrowia i zapobiegania wielu chorobom. Zdrowie to coś, o co warto dbać na co dzień, a kontrolowanie ciśnienia krwi to jeden ze sposobów na wczesne wykrywanie potencjalnych problemów.
Ciśnienie krwi jest jednym z podstawowych wskaźników zdrowia układu krążenia. Składa się z dwóch wartości: ciśnienia skurczowego (górna wartość), które mierzy ciśnienie w tętnicach podczas skurczu serca, oraz ciśnienia rozkurczowego (dolna wartość), które mierzy ciśnienie w tętnicach, gdy serce jest w stanie spoczynku między uderzeniami. Optymalne ciśnienie krwi wynosi około 120/80 mm Hg.
Regularne monitorowanie ciśnienia krwi ma wiele zalet. Po pierwsze, pozwala na wczesne wykrywanie nadciśnienia, które jest często nazywane "cichym zabójcą", ponieważ może rozwijać się bez wyraźnych objawów. Długotrwałe nieleczone nadciśnienie może prowadzić do poważnych komplikacji, takich jak choroby serca, udar mózgu czy niewydolność nerek 🧠💔
Z drugiej strony, zbyt niskie ciśnienie krwi (hipotonia) również może być problematyczne, prowadząc do zawrotów głowy, osłabienia, a nawet omdleń. Dlatego ważne jest, aby utrzymywać ciśnienie krwi w zdrowym zakresie.
Regularne pomiary ciśnienia krwi mogą również pomóc w śledzeniu skuteczności leczenia, jeśli już zmagasz się z problemami związanymi z ciśnieniem. Dzięki regularnym pomiarom mogę monitorować, jak moje ciało reaguje na leki, zmiany w diecie lub poziom aktywności fizycznej.
W moim przypadku, dbam o regularne pomiary, szczególnie gdy wprowadzam zmiany w stylu życia. Na przykład, kiedy zaczynam nowy program ćwiczeń lub zmieniam dietę, regularnie sprawdzam ciśnienie, aby zobaczyć, jak te zmiany wpływają na moje zdrowie. To motywujące, widzieć pozytywne efekty zdrowego trybu życia na moim ciśnieniu krwi 🏋️‍♂️🥗
Technologia także ułatwia to zadanie. Używam automatycznego ciśnieniomierza, który jest łatwy w obsłudze i daje dokładne wyniki. Niektóre nowoczesne ciśnieniomierze mają funkcje, które pozwalają na przechowywanie wyników i śledzenie trendów ciśnienia krwi w czasie, co jest bardzo pomocne w zarządzaniu zdrowiem.
Badania naukowe wielokrotnie potwierdzają znaczenie monitorowania ciśnienia krwi. Na przykład, badania opublikowane w "Journal of the American Medical Association" pokazują, że regularne monitorowanie ciśnienia krwi może znacząco zmniejszyć ryzyko powikłań związanych z nadciśnieniem.
Podsumowując, regularne mierzenie ciśnienia krwi to prosty, ale bardzo skuteczny sposób na dbanie o zdrowie. Dzięki temu mogę czuć się bardziej świadomy swojego stanu zdrowia i podejmować odpowiednie kroki, aby utrzymać ciśnienie w optymalnym zakresie💪

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How is Archie doing these days? I haven't spoken to the guy in years! Do you know what he has been up to?

miamimammie’s Profile Photomiami mammie
He has been a busy guy recently. Last I talked with him was at his youngest funeral. He was planning on moving to Berkeley to start medical school in August. I haven't talked to him since then.

يوم عيد ميلادي ده اكتر يوم بحس فيه قد ايه انا وحيدة .🥲

AsmaaMahmoud88122’s Profile PhotoAsmaa ʚɞ
+1 .. hmm "Experts" have a name for that one; its called (birthday blues) .. its not a medical diagnosis but it can be an indication of a serious mental health concern :)

If you could only bookmark 6 websites which 6 you gonna choose?

That's a tough choice!
Here's my list:
1. Google - For search needs.
2. Wikipedia - For quick information on almost anything.
3. PubMed - Essential for a medical student to access research papers.
4. BBC News - For staying updated on global news.
5. YouTube - For tutorials, entertainment, and more.
6. Reddit - For community discussions and diverse topics.
What about you?

Richard Gere became a dad at 71 to a baby boy who was his 5th kid with his 37 year old girlfriend.Please stop embarrassing yourself.

Nobody gives a shit. Celebrities have access to amazing health care and have money to spend on the best medical care doesn't mean I wanna have kids at 38. Stfu.

How do you think your career has shaped the way you think?

Saira019’s Profile PhotoSaira.
Working in the medical field has made me very stoic. It has taught me to be brave in the face of life-and-death situations and to maintain my composure no matter what happens. On the flip side, it has taught me to be compassionate and to love deeply, traits that are essential in providing care and support to others.

What's the biggest risk you've ever taken?

When I didn't attend a single class in Punjab Medical College, Faisalabad, and hid the fact from my parents. They actually cancelled my seat as I didn't even submit my documents. I waited out there until the next MCAT date, and prepared for it without joining any academy. If I hadn't passed the test, that would have been game over for me in the medical field. It was a huuuuge risk. I was anxious all the damn time, and it was probably the worst time of my life.

What do you do to stay alert and motivated during an intense work / study day? 🔋

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I usually don’t have good studying habits but, when I am interested in learning more about a particular field or content, I am able to sit down and spend at least half an hour studying. I usually need my own space and no distractions so libraries are nice for that reason and taking breaks to read and/or listen to music make the study session more bearable for me. The thought that I could do amazing things in the future with the knowledge that I gain after studying (one of them being getting a good grade in the particular class that I’m studying for) keeps me going. It’s probably why I was interested in creative writing as well as human anatomy when I was in high school, knowing that I’d most likely major in a writing related field or a medical field instead.

Reform are just mega tories. Why do you think voting for them is a good idea? Give me a better argument than immigration. What is worth losing our NHS?

People will regret it when they end up with a medical system like America where an accident or condition can bankrupt you

If you were immortal, how would you change the world for the better?

I would build a kingdom and make sure to have plenty descendants.
I'd help people who are left behind, the poors, the orphans and give them a home.
I'd build schools, give a better access to medical care, healthy food and education.
I would build an army, ready to end injustice.
I would end these wars, arrest all the criminals, give equality to women and make sure that nobody would compromise this.
Obviously, all of this would take years and I would need to stay in cover.
If I want to make this happen.
If you were immortal how would you change the world for the better

How often do you procrastinate? 😇

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ тєηα¢ισυѕ тσммαу™ ▩ ♚ ☻
Often… More often that I’d care to admit. 🥲 I’m actually procrastinating as we speak. I really need to do some medical stuff, but have been largely avoiding it because it’s very overwhelming and anxiety inducing. 😩
I really would like to stop doing so, as it doesn’t do me any good. But it’s certainly a lot harder to stop than it seems. And the thing that is so frustrating about it is that I procrastinate doing things I actively don’t want to do, so then they weigh on me super heavily. Instead of getting them out of the way so I can just focus on the things I really enjoy. 🥴
How often do you procrastinate

can i control high blood pressure at home?

It depends on the stage of hypertension. If it's stage 1 hypertension, meaning that your blood pressure remains above 135/85 mmHg measured regularly at home but below 150/95 mmHg, no medical intervention is required. Only lifestyle modification is recommended. Stage 2 hypertension is always treated with medication. It is highly advisable to always consult with a physician so that an individualized plan and target blood pressure can be set for you considering other the presence of any co-morbidities.

Red Flag! 🏎️ Gegeben der roten Flagge im Rennen … was macht euer Fahrer während einer längeren Renn-Unterbrechung? Düst er mit seinem Trettroller durch die Boxengasse? Sprintet er schnell aufs stille Örtchen?

milchbaer’s Profile Photomaterialki
Als erstes würde es Bine aufs stille Örtchen verschlagen. Die Chance muss schließlich genutzt werden, wenn man nicht in sein Auto und Rennanzug pinkeln möchte.
Auto ist in der Box abgestellt, Zack flitzt Bine aufs Klo. Danach gibt’s meist eine mini Besprechung mit dem Team bzw. eher mit seinem renningenieur, in dem sämtliche Daten und Infos durchgegangen werden. Sollte die Unterbrechung noch länger andauern, vertreibt er sich die Zeit mit ein paar Spielen oder „Schabernack“ mit seinen Freunden aus der Boxengasse.
… sollte Bine für die red flag mitverantwortlich sein, findet man ihn erstmal im medical Center und später vielleicht noch vor der Kamera bei einem kurzen Interview.

Would your answers or the frequency of your answers change if your followers received a massive notification of your answer in the middle of their screen all the time? Would you be more considerate in what you post? 😆 Would you share less personal information, or would you not care about it? 💪🏼

M1ssSemy’s Profile PhotoStar. i
Hm, I don’t think it’d change the answers themselves, as I don’t share many personal things on here, and if I do, I’m vague. For example, I have a chronic illness, but I will never disclose what it is online, nor will I share what meds I’m on, or much of the symptoms I have, as I do not want or need random strangers giving me unsolicited medical advice. Another example: I do not share my name, age, what state I live in, etc, nor do I share anything about my family, for my privacy and for theirs. From the time I joined ask, I only ever posted the information I felt comfortable with, and that I want on a public platform.
But I definitely do think it’d change the frequency and the quantity! Not like I want to spam people with a bunch of posts all the time, that would get very frustrating. I know I wouldn’t like that with the people I follow on here. 🥴 So I’d for sure be more considerate about it, maybe even have schedule where I post maybe a handful of questions, then wait a few days, post another small handful. Or whatever seemed to work best! ☺️

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Would your answers or the frequency of your answers change if your followers

1)Как называется твоя специальность? 2)Ты закончил бакалавриат или специалитет? Хочешь поступить в магистратуру или аспирантуру? 3)Ты состоял в братстве? Как оно называлось? 4)Ты жил в общежитии? 5)Полное название уника? 6)Работаешь по специальности или в другой сфере?

1) Клиническая психология (специалитет) и Психиатрия (ординатура)
2) 🙂
3) Я отдавал всего себя учёбе, мне к сожалению не до братств и прочих активностей было
4) Да, когда поступил в ординатуру
5) Aldorf State Medical University (Клиническая психология) и Magix State Medical University (Психиатрия)
6) По специальности 🔥

What would you like to see change in the US

A utopia like every suburb should give up on buses & get a light rail train to artificial beaches with forest concrete or aluminum(fireproof) tree house villages.Suburbs need indoor 24/7 recreational gym parks with underground co-ed rooms for the public, allowance should be a thing instead of medical for those that dont have health issues or dont want it until 60+ or when needed(seasonal)~,End dod & taxes or limit them so, find cures without expensive prescriptional expenses or practices(cure to morning closed eye dizzyness, cure to aids/hiv.vacs like tdap of every 10 years), online per hour legitimate work that hires anywhere including u.s ca

have you ever eaten raw garlic on an empty stomach? it's very healthy, there are medical studies that it's a very powerful antibacterial and antioxidant and also prevents many diseases such as cardiovascular disease.

As a kid dad fed me some but that’s the only time 🤷🏻‍♂️
By the way he told me not to steal lollies from the lolly tree too, I nearly choked on a chilly from that little tree 😂😂😂

Do you think it's common for adults to experience periods of financial struggle? By that, I mean having times when you don't have money due to various expenses such as rent, debt, mortgage, medical care, or simply because of a financial mismanagement moment.

Yes of course, just like you describe, there are moments where you suddenly have more expenses than expected.

ايه هي طبيعة شغل medical rep

عندك فترتين am و pm
اكونتات الصبح بتكون مستشفيات او عيادات مصانع (تعاقدات) مع شوية صيدليات
وبالليل عيادات واي صيدلية تعدي عليها برضو عشان تتابع بيعك وتوفير منتجاتك.. شغل مرهق شويتين بس كويس

You looking forward to summer? You have any plans? ☀️⛱

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I would say, largely, yes I’m looking forward to it! My biggest plans are really in May, honestly.
First, I’m going to both of my cousins college graduations in May, which will take up 2 weeks of the month, as each are separate trips to different states! Alongside that, as a Mother’s day gift, my mom and grandma and I are planning a day trip to see a broadway show. And I also may be seeing my dad/going on a day trip with him, as I haven’t gotten to see him in person for almost a year. So yeah, busy month. 😂
And then for the rest of summer, I need to start looking into some medical things and being proactive on that. I’m very much NOT looking forward to it, but that’s pretty much the only thing I’m dreading. Other than that, I mostly have things I am aspiring to do/hope to do. Here’s a few of them!
-Catching up with high school/college friends I haven’t hung out with in a while.
-Getting outside way more often, trying to be more active/keeping my mental health in check.
-Continuing to work on Cosmetology skills I’ve not kept up with/am rusty on.
-Looking back into Barbering school (hopefully).
-Working on creative projects I’ve been neglecting.

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You looking forward to summer You have any plans

In what way are you a survivor? 💪 😇

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ тєηα¢ισυѕ тσммαу™ ▩ ♚ ☻
I’m a survivor of a lot of medical issues/trauma. Much of it, I’m still either trying to heal from, or I’m actively dealing with. Medical trauma has truly been bizarre to work through as you have most random triggers.
For example, I’m instantly nauseated, scared, anxious, feeling extreme dread, etc by certain sounds, smells, and so on. Like, I despise the smell of rubbing alcohol, alcohol wipes, etc. It brings back way too many memories, and makes me feel sick. But, it’s not exactly a trigger to “heal” from cause one, I don’t really know how to, and two, it’s not like you can really avoid it either. 🥴
I also get very scared when I have flare ups, thinking I’ll never get past it (even though logically, I know it’s irrational because my flares never stay constant). Or, more often, I’m scared I’ll wind up in situations I was in as a young teen that truly scarred me.

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In what way are you a survivor

Language: English