
17 people

50 posts


Have you ever experimented with techniques like lucid dreaming to gain control over the outcome of your nightmares?

zaidwali915’s Profile PhotoZaid Wali
You cannot control the outcome of your dreams with that. You're just playing along with the narrative with little control over your actions cause you're somewhat conscious that it's a dream. That's been my experience.

How do you differentiate between a nightmare that feels random and one that may be connected to your subconscious thoughts or experiences?

zaidwali915’s Profile PhotoZaid Wali
I usually forget random nightmares. but the nightmares based on my memories and sub conscious are hard to forget cuz those are actually horrible and disturbing for me. So ya i can easily differentiate through whats in the back of my mind.

How do you differentiate between a nightmare that feels random and one that may be connected to your subconscious thoughts or experiences?

zaidwali915’s Profile PhotoZaid Wali
The connected one include memories and experiences you learned in ur life and are stored as a part of your memory and cognition .
In random nightmares images and voices arent clear and are generally forgotten eassily and can be happening for many reason.
Still dreams and nightmares or night terrors and how we respond arent studied and we have little to no knowlege on them.

Снились ли вам сны, которые вы запомнили на всю жизнь?🌠

Да, были такие. Причём все они - это кошмарные сновидения из детских лет.
Одно из таких, пожалуй, вполне себе вписалось бы в антураж серии игр Little Nightmares. Постараюсь его описать, чтобы хотя бы часть образности и ощущений передалась.
Действие сна происходило в квартире бабушки, с которой мы тогда съехались на время строительства своего дома (мне на тот момент было пять-шесть лет). Она находилась на первом этаже двухэтажного восьмиквартирного дома. Планировка в этой квартире была такой, что из всех комнат на улицу выглядывали окна (или внешний мир заглядывал в комнаты через эти окна?)... из всех, кроме коридора, в который выходили все двери из них. При этом только одна из межкомнатных дверей была сплошной, в остальных же в верхней части были прозрачные стеклянные секции. Зачем я всё это описываю, спросите меня вы? Я начну отвечать на него с ответного вопроса. Бывало у вас когда-нибудь иррациональное чувство беспокойства или страха из-за того, что за вами может наблюдать что-то такое, от взгляда чего вам никак не скрыться?
В этом сне я как-будто бы проснулся в ночи именно из-за такого ощущения. Естественно, как это часто бывает в подобных сюжетах, никого из родных там не было, я оказался один. Первое время глаза привыкали к окружающей тьме, и взгляд мой не мог ни за что зацепиться. Не мог до того момента, пока не был направлен в сторону окна, через которое увидел его - огромное лицо размером чуть ли не с само окно (а то и больше), расплывшееся в жутком оскале и уставившееся на меня стеклянным взглядом. Если пытаться провести аналогию, то похожее выражение лица можно увидеть в "Атаке титанов" у соответствующих созданий (сразу отмечу, что в те годы ещё ни манга, ни, тем более, аниме не увидели свет). Меня охватил ужас, и я перебежал в гостиную в надежде скрыться от пристального внимания этого существа. Но эта тварь тут же последовала за мной и сверлила взглядом уже через окно этой комнаты. Попытка переместиться на кухню закончилась тем же. Как это водится по логике сна, бежать из квартиры в тамбур или на лестничную клетку не представлялось возможным вариантом действий. И в итоге ужас измотал меня настолько, что я упал на пол коридора, вжавшись в него и поджав под себя колени, а это существо, продолжая меня видеть через окно и дверной проём, разомкнуло оскал и начало громко и жутко смеяться. В голове начал нарастать гул. На этом моменте я проснулся уже по-настоящему и некоторое время всё никак не мог отойти от того, что мне приснилось.

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Have you ever experienced sleep paralysis along with nightmares, and if so, how did you manage it?

zaidwali915’s Profile PhotoZaid Wali
Yes, twice or thrice and this one time, my sister was sleeping in my room and i had this thing called sleep paralysis. it was like something is pushing Hard against me and i couldn't move, i was trying so hard to speak but i knew my voice Isn't coming out . i was continuously reciting ayatul kursi and all the duas in my heart wondering why they aren't working. I kept on calling my sister so that she can wake me up or save me from the situation but i knew my voice isn't reaching her. and then i dont know what happened. Later, i woke up in the morning.

Have you ever experienced sleep paralysis along with nightmares, and if so, how did you manage it?

zaidwali915’s Profile PhotoZaid Wali
Yes I did, it's pretty common for me now. So da last time I was at my friends house and we were sleeping together was kinda thirsty so I tried to get up to drink water but I couldn't and I was struggling to get up. I remember there was some shade. And it was staring at me. I tried to scream but couldn't , and then i suddenly woke up it was all a dream . Was quite creepy but okey !

gute game vorschläge? (ps5/ xboxone)

mariablubb’s Profile Photoᴹᴬᴿᴵᴬ
Für die Xbox One:
- A Short Hike
- Assassins Creed Black Flag
- Banjo-Kazooie
- Batman Arkham Collection
- Dead Space
- Dragon Age Origins
- Fable 2
- Fallout New Vegas
- Hellblade Senuas Sacrifice
- Kingdoms of Amalur Re-Reckoning
- Little Nightmares
- Mass Effect Legendary Edition
- Mittelerde Schatten von Mordor/ Schatten des Krieges
- Night in the Woods
- Outlast
- Resident Evil 4
- Tales from the Borderlands
- The Dark Pictures Anthology: House of Ashes
- Tomb Raider (Das von 2013)
- The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim
- Stray
- Plants vs. Zombies
Für die PS5:
- Until Dawn
- Bloodborne
- God of War (das von 2018)
- Ghost of Tushima
- The Last of Us
- Journey

What inspires you to find beauty in the world?

(Wonderful Ask❤)
▪︎The consistency of time, the night time and morning sun
▪︎Birds that mysteriously disappear after sun down
▪︎Nature/the mountains
▪︎The ocean
▪︎Natural and free spirited kids under 5/before they are acclimated to world rules and "how to behave" around other people
▪︎Having a dream to dream even among all the nightmares in the world
▪︎ Loving somebody
▪︎ Being truly loved by somebody
What inspires you to find beauty in the world
Liked by: Krystian HotRoad

⸻ question : † tell me about your worst nightmare :

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀In my dreams, I'm the one casting the spell.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀In my dreams, you are de..
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀There are so many things,
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀that will someday tear us apart....
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ They all live in my nightmares.
⸻ Holy hands, will they make me a sinner?
question   tell me about your worst nightmare

{{ https://ask.fm/TruthAndJustice_/answers/176088209575 }} pipipiiii

TruthAndJustice_’s Profile Photo「ʀᴇᴄᴇɪᴠᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ꜱᴇᴅᴜᴄᴇ ʏᴏᴜ 」

⠀⠀Nightmares... that was a peculiar way of calling it. A disturbance that was born through the night's rest. And depending on the circumstances, it not only tormented fragile human minds.
Also omnic ones, in a way; or that's how it painted for Ramattra.
Looking at his own hands waiting to find any understanding already felt pathetic.
⠀❝I... I am not sure.❞⠀He responded without filters, lost, weighed down by not knowing where to extend the thread and make his way through the possibilities. Doubts flooded and bogged his mind, not reaching clarity. First of all, what prompted the idea of communicating that which was so personal with a human? where did such an unsettled idea come from?
And being the worst case scenario it was the only thing he could hold on to for now.
⠀❝Would you be able to explain in detail why that happens? Do you unconsciously see yourself as guilty? Is it a way of rubbing your disappointments in your face? Is it a punishment mechanism towards yourself?❞⠀
For a curious and conflicted omnic, the floods of questions were always a touch of bad habit. Abrupt, done in haste... nor did he realize how little consideration he was offering the other person. It was an interrogation at this point.
Now, another question arose: why did this woman have that smile? what exactly did it mean?
Of course, he was far from being able to read human expressions.
⠀❝—Why do you smile at suffering? do you find a twisted amusement in it?❞⠀

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httpsaskfmTruthAndJusticeanswers176088209575  pipipiiii


ANNIHILXTI0N’s Profile Photo——in⠀war,⠀v͟i͟c͟t͟o͟r͟y͟.
━━━━━━ ◦ ❖ ◦ ━━━━━━
『🔪』 ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴀᴛʀɪᴀʀᴄʜ (AU)
━━━━━━ ◦ ❖ ◦ ━━━━━━
She didn't expect a question like that. Kaitlyn looked at the omnic, noticing that hesitated in answering her.
However, she noticed some vulnerability in his words... and didn't know what to think.
Of course, she was somewhat ignorant when it came to omnics and yes, she may have helped several in the past but she has never seen anything like this... showing emotions?
Kaitlyn stared at Ramattra for a few seconds, eating her apple, thinking...
Could they... could they dream? Was it even possible?
Ramattra with a simple question got Kaitlyn to sympathize and answer honestly.
Finishing chewing, the matriarch wiped her lips with her thumb and crossed her arms, the one holding the apple was dangling.
— Well...Yeah, I have. Bad dreams, nightmares, whatever ya wanna call 'em... We all have 'em sometimes.
Kaitlyn tilted her head. Frowning slightly, her tone turns serious.
— Some people have 'em frecuently, some don't... Me? Suffered from 'em all my life...
She shrugs with a faint smile. Showed a hint of vulnerability.
— Why 'ya ask? Did... something similar happen to you??

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Imagine waking up in the middle of the night to strange whispers echoing through your room. You try to move, but an unseen force holds you down. Have you ever experienced sleep paralysis or other haunting phenomena? Share your chilling stories here.

Nafees13’s Profile PhotoNafees sads
The truth is I've always had nightmares and sleep paralysis is something I am familiar with.
I've had it last week.
It usually starts when I'm falling asleep,I feel a pressure against my chest, my body becomes heavy and an illusion begins to unfold.
In that moment, my eyes are closed but I open them in the dream.
I look at my room, dark and silent while I look at my body, completely paralyzed.
I am usually aware that I am sleeping but I can't wake up from that.
I don't see any silhouette but I feel that pressure that won't allow me to move.
One night I've lost my breath and I suddenly woke up breathless.
The thing is that I sleep on my back and I've heard it was one of the reasons of having these.
But I can't sleep on both sides, it is usually worst than that... 😮‍💨
Imagine waking up in the middle of the night to strange whispers echoing through

What's on your mind?

AbdullahBasitkhan’s Profile PhotoAbdullah 4real
I would've stayed there if you waited for me
I would've loved you, if you kept lovin' on me
But that's where I'm wrong
Yeah, too many thoughts in my head
I've been drownin', it's takin' my sleep
Got drugs, got fame, got money
But I feel like I'm still incomplete
Lost in the world and I feel like
I've been here too long, I don't feel right
Have you ever seen your nightmares come true?
Have you ever seen your daemons in real life?
Fuck, things I regret
I've seen things that I can't forget
I've seen many people question God
But I feel like the only real answer's, "Death"
Look, they don't ever really understand me
Conflicted by words that I say
Scared to approach me
And that's why I feel like I'm always in the way
Try to write down my regrets 'til the list is done
I play with the blade 'til my wrist is numb
Pain in my heart, contradictin' thoughts
I don't really understand where I get this from

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Whats on your mind

What's one film you just can't watch? Whether it's because it creeps you out, or you hate it. Or you just find it cringe etc

LouisaRHale’s Profile PhotoLou
There’s two movies that come to mind immediately… Twister and Dante’s Peak. I don’t know what it is, but both of those movies just freak me out, and give me the most vivid, horrific nightmares for like a week after the fact. 🥴
It’s funny too, because even though those freak me out so much, I can watch movies like The Day After Tomorrow, and San Andreas, and be totally fine! In fact, I’ve watched both of those numerous times over the years, and they’ve never bothered me. 🤔
So, I’m not sure what it is about those two movies in particular, but for some reason, it’s just too much for my brain to handle. 😆
Whats one film you just cant watch Whether its because it creeps you out or you
Liked by: anonstar17654 Tobbe

Para los que juguéis o hayáis jugado a videojuegos. ¿Cuál o cuáles han sido los mejores que habéis jugado?

benato’s Profile PhotoAlejandro de Benito
Soy muy de juegos indie. El último al que estuve jugando fue "Little Nightmares", aunque hace meses que no lo toco; llegué a una parte que me ponía muy nerviosa, pero algún día me gustaría pasármelo entero.
Algunos de mis juegos favoritos son:
—Hollow Knight, tiene un aura que me atrapó y que consiguió recordarme lugares de mi propia mente que estaban escondidos; además, algunas partes del guión me parecen muy bonitas.
https://youtu.be/MJDn70jh1V0Nanaki5’s Video 170923856876 MJDn70jh1V0Nanaki5’s Video 170923856876 MJDn70jh1V0
—Rime, una forma de contar algo tan doloroso e inexplicable aportándole forma de historia a los pensamientos inconexos de una mente desesperada.
https://youtu.be/Bu7_nru4ZHINanaki5’s Video 170923856876 Bu7_nru4ZHINanaki5’s Video 170923856876 Bu7_nru4ZHI
—To the moon siempre será uno de mis videojuegos favoritos, aunque en el aspecto de jugabilidad no sea nada destacable, su historia de amor sigue siendo una de las más bonitas que conozco.
https://youtu.be/9QfPDmzpC2QNanaki5’s Video 170923856876 9QfPDmzpC2QNanaki5’s Video 170923856876 9QfPDmzpC2Q

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Nanaki5’s Video 170923856876 MJDn70jh1V0Nanaki5’s Video 170923856876 MJDn70jh1V0

What dreams did you have when you were a teenager?

I honestly don't remember them anymore haha. Mostly just nightmares(?) but they weren't scary, just weird(?) Random dreams that didn't make sense. :/
I hated frog so this 'someone' always tried to scare me like chasing me with frog in their hand (fck this) I was traumatized to the point of having a dream of me being attacked by a group of frogs lmaoooooo, I woke up in horror, my heart was beating like crazy💀😭that was so disgusting. i hate frogs. The end.

Расскажи о твоём самом не обычном сне🤭

id354548124’s Profile Photo♔⚜️ Сакура Лиса⚜️♔
Ой,недавно снился сон в стиле игры "Little nightmares"🙈 Всё так же криповенько,в приглушённых тонах. Эти несуразные,злые,безумные лица(хотя сложно их назвать лицами🙈),нелепые очертания и строения тел,эта одновременно и приятная,и зловещая мелодия...
Расскажи о твоём самом не обычном сне

What dreams did you have when you were a teenager?

I don’t always remember my dreams except for a few nightmares 😫like waking up and having snakes all over the house 😳😨another one was someone chasing me and falling off the cliff etc .. 😐😯
What dreams did you have when you were a teenager
Liked by: Kenzie Jacob Victoria

You're still small? Oh sh-t I meant to get back before you woke up. Sorry I ... my nightmares haven't been as vivid as that in a long time. I needed space to think

DontcallmeSans’s Profile Photo⟥G▫e▫n▫o⟤
Uh..maybe I should of turned myself back to normal..but.. I was more worried about where you ran off to.. you were having nightmares again? *Reaper then nuzzles the Tsun* you could of woke me up ya know..then I could of scared the nightmares to Death~ *jokes to lighten the mood*

Hey Paps *the glitch looks sleep deprived, he's been having horrible nightmares about his timeline again*

DontcallmeSans’s Profile Photo⟥G▫e▫n▫o⟤
/The sudden "Hey Paps" out of seemingly nowhere startled the tall skeleton, he nearly dropped the packages of ketchup he was carrying/

⭐Yeah well Dream kinda sent me here on a mission to um..⭐ *he wasn't sure he should admit he was sent to get important information about Nightmare's next attack* ⭐ Well it doesnt matter now as long as they don't come looking for me. We should be fine. It gives me excuse to see you for a bit.⭐

SwapSansSkeleton’s Profile Photo⭐ UnderSwap Sans⭐
Sounds like Dream knows, then again I can't exactly ask him.
I know you'll need to bring back info, I get it you're loyal to your team I'm loyal to mine. only thing I can tell you without betraying anyone, Nightmare needs Dream Alive.
No I don't know why, only that we're not supposed to kill him.
You and Ink are fair game

Why am I starting to have nightmares never used to suffer from them

The brain is a complex thing, we store things away things we can't deal with things that are too traumatic for us. But our brain remembers and sometimes comes out In our dreams Hense nightmares.
I have nightmares that seem so real it's awful I know. I'm so sorry 😞 😔 😟.
I guess it's like flashbacks which I also get but your asleep. .
Hugs 🤗 my friend gazza 😊

Instruments Of Destruction - N.R.G

niallbop’s Profile PhotoThecyberneticphantom
Iron birds of fortune
Adrift above the skies
Cloudy revelations
Unseen by naked eyes
Flying tools of torment
Will penetrate the sphere
Erupt the rock of ages
Bringing final fear
Instruments of destruction
Tools of foul play
It's a vile interruption
Existence drifts away
Does it really matter
When nothing really does
Grave eternal darkness
When you're, drained of every ounce
And when the nightmare's over
The final from the storm
Dust of all creation
To ashes we transform
Instruments of destruction
Tools of foul play
It's a vile interruption
Existence drifts away

Was sind aktuell deine Lieblingsspiele 🌱°•?

SadMilkyWay’s Profile Photo⊹°⸙┋MilkyWay┋⸙°⊹
Ach, es gibt so viele so gute Spiele.
Ich gehe erstmal auf ein paar Spiele ein, die ich selber gespielt habe und sehr mag, bezogen auf 3ds Spiele und danach auf Spiele, die ich nicht gespielt habe, aber dennoch sehr mag. :>
Also ich mag sehr gerne die The Legend of Zelda Teile. Von denen, die ich gespielt habe, finde ich Ocarina of Time am besten. Bis auf Majoras Mask, habe ich alle 3ds und ds Teile gespielt. Bei Majoras Mask kam ich irgendwann ganz am Anfang nicht weiter und habe es nie weiter gespielt. Ich habe aber Mal ein Lets Play zum gesamten Spiel gesehen. Zuletzt habe ich mir Hyrule warriors legends gekauft und das spiele ich aktuell sehr häufig. Weitere Spiele, die ich sehr mag sind Fantasy Life, Theatrhythm, Yo-Kai watch, Miitopia, Terraria, Mario Party, Animal Crossing und die WarioWare Teile.
Fantasy Life gehört mit zu meinen Lieblingsspielen, obwohl ich es ehrlicherweise nicht so weit bisher gespielt habe. Ich liebe es, man kann sich da so viele verschiedene Berufe aussuchen und deren Quests machen. Ich hoffe, ich vertue mich nicht, aber ich glaube, ich habe damals den Alchemist soweit ich konnte durchgespielt, danach als Paladin, Söldner und zuletzt habe ich als Angler angefangen. Es gibt da halt noch viele weitere Berufe und in jedem macht man natürlich andere Dinge. Das muss ich auf jeden Fall Mal wieder weiter spielen. :D
Miitopia liebe ich auch so sehr und das muss ich auch weiter spielen, ich habe mir irgendwann Mal das Ziel gesetzt, es zu 100% durchzuspielen, ich glaube ich bin aktuell bei 97%, es dauert aber noch, bis ich die 100% habe. :3
Jetzt komme ich zu den Spielen, die ich selber nicht gespielt habe. :3
Ich werde bestimmt einige vergessen, aber ich liebe Cult of the lamb, Undertale, Forager, Reventure, The Stanley Parabel, House, Pony Island, Little Nightmares und Life Is Strange.
Die Spiele habe ich alle durch Lets plays kennen gelernt.
Die meisten habe ich bei Zombey gesehen, andere z.B. bei Maudado, Sev, Gnu, Unge oder Corrupted. :3

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*A dark presence manifests in Horrortale, none dare approach him, the menace from the figure is too great, his lone cerulean eye opens as he calls out in a low carrying voice* Horror, we need to talk

WelcomeToMySpecialHell’s Profile PhotoNightmare
Boss? Your the last person I thought about showing up here..you have a job for me or something? *Something about Nightmares presence made him uneasy compared to the other times they've been face to face, even he wasn't comfortable when he saw the dark figure in the distance being his boss*
Liked by: Horror Nova Nightmare

Final Part: It's been easier to forget everything/everyone just start over each time. Their face get blurry but the pain still remains strong.. I can't let go completely. *she grips her skull harder his Aura was making it so much worse now* GET OUT OF MY HEAD!! *She yells in pure distress*

AnarchySkeleton’s Profile PhotoAnarchy | Ana
Oh I'm not in your head "my dear" it's hardly my fault that you're so vulnerable to the power of suggestion that a mere mention of your background is enough to retraumatize you
*Suddenly something lightly touches the bottom of her chin forcing her head back up to stare into Nightmare's, she sees the long appendage had erupted from the back of the literal monster in front of her, seemingly without any effort from him, the touch is strange, it definitely doesn't feel like bone of any sort*
Though I would surmise being in the heart of negativity in the multiverse, in the aura of the king of negativity himself is likely aggravating your condition.
Final Part Its been easier to forget everythingeveryone just start over each
Liked by: Dream Nightmare

*A strange winged skeleton lady is seen wandering the halls of Nightmare's castle it's possible one of his minions let her in or she magically appeared there but her aura might catch his attention. She hums a soft melody touching the walls, a bird song of sorts being hummed. * ...🎵....

AnarchySkeleton’s Profile PhotoAnarchy | Ana
*She hears a slow almost mocking clapping as the lord of the castle seems to step out of the very wall, all she can see of him for certain is his glowing teal eye light and can make out his general Sans shape*
So which of my staff decided to pick up a songbird and then so rudely leave it in my castle
*he can feel the negativity that suffuses her, a wicked smile crosses his face*
A strange winged skeleton lady is seen wandering the halls of Nightmares castle

*He brings a finger to his cheek in his Chara form* You mean he's not in your bed because you placed him in Limbo after he left the save screen? You really think I don't know what is going on here? I saw all ten timelines of XTale happen back when only Ink should have known of it

WelcomeToMySpecialHell’s Profile PhotoNightmare
....*The God falls silent as a dark aura starts swirling around them, hopefully someone got all the AfterDeath children away from home or he just accidentally kiIIed them..
The dark aura was breaking nearly everything in the home, even the floorboards they were standing on were starting to creak and give way, you see the walls start falling apart as a giant ravens skull appears over the Gods head, it was his own blaster, but each time he tries to summon and use it, his aura ends up destroying it by accident..he's hoping this is enough to scare Nightmare though regardless, he just released his powers even though he really shouldn't have..he might of just played into Nightmares plans for all he knows.. it's clear he's there to feed off negative emotions*
*Random but found out Renrink said Reaper will actually refrain from using certain swear words he deems too vulgar/too rude to say, he has actually never once said the F-bomb canonically..he refuses to--is there anything else to make him more of a hidden cinnamon roll xD*

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He brings a finger to his cheek in his Chara form You mean hes not in your bed

Cite 10 games preferidos, vai vai vaaaaai!

ErickNewlands122’s Profile PhotoErick Almeida Newlands
The Last of us
The sims
lollipop chainsaw
Life is strange
Detroit become humanos
Days gone
Little nightmares
The evil within
Faltou memória mas por enquanto é só esses 😪
Que eu lembrei kkk
Liked by: Saki

Эти песни в твоём вкусе?🐱

О, за Тихоходок респект и уважуха👌😉
Обожаю Tardigrade Inferno, спасибо таргетной рекламе в инсте за это😁
У меня в фаворитах Executions Fun, The worst of me, How nightmares die, Mastermind и самый обалденный кавер на We are number one.

Language: English