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Five Reasons Why You Should Be Avoided📍

First, I am a very uncommunicative person... this leads to next point: I am an extremely distrustful person.... for me to start trusting someone, probably 10 years must pass 😂 Third, I hate companies, parties like weddings, noisy places.... fourth, if it does not concern my family, I would prefer the company of books to any other people.... and fifth, I can be very toxic and rude to those who show me disrespect, or try to act smart in front of me without being anything special, or try to instill something in me, although they themselves are far from ideal…. I can add a sixth point,,, but that would be too much 😂

What's the status of your mental health these days?

Stable! I’m doing really well actually. I’ve done a few things which I feel have made a huge difference: I started a new medication for chronic pain management, I bought a walking pad and have been attempting to walk a half to a full mile each day, I quit vaping, I set some boundaries with my partner involving me having more personal space on bad days, I lowered my caffeine consumption, I started taking vitamins as regularly as I can, and I even joined a book club to make friends and read more often.
With my illness it’s sometimes hard to know if I’m actually feeling better or simply on the upswing towards a bipolar high, but I do feel strongly that my baseline has increased due to the changes I’ve made. It’s not as if I don’t have lows still—I had one yesterday. I stuck to my routines despite how I felt, and I’m doing better today, which is remarkable given how easy it is for a low to knock me down for days. I’m excited to see what goals I can reach by following through with my intentions, even and especially on bad days.

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I read something absurd today—apparently some 'rich' people think dishes like potatoes or tomato-cucumber salad are 'poor' food. Do you think food can really be categorized for rich or poor people? What about nostalgia or cultural foods?

M1ssSemy’s Profile PhotoStar. i
Maybe in 19th century poor people ate mostly cabbage, corn and potatoes, meat they had only during Sundays. 🤷‍♀️ Nowadays we divide meals into healthy and not healthy ones. 😅 We are cooking our traditional Slovak meals in our family. They are mostly made of meat, flour and white cream what is not very healthy😅. "Healthy vegetable" is just in the form of soups or stew porridges, and in the raw form only lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber and pepper 🤷‍♀️. The new trend here is to visit Indian, Korean, Arab and Japan restaurants here and to try their meals, but because these meals are unusual and oriental here, they are expensive.

"Just because you think she’s fat or obese or whatever doesn’t mean that she is." Not that anon, and I know you like to defend your friend, but you know that's not how it works, right?

I honestly don’t know why you’re bringing this conversation to me as if you’re going to get your way with what you want

Good to hear broo stay blessed

MehrAR’s Profile PhotoAR Mehr
Thank you, I’m glad you like the idea. I find this initiative and what could come out of it very interesting. As I’ve mentioned to others, spam and exchanging likes are just means to try to achieve my goal more quickly. I’d like to take this opportunity to clarify that my aim is genuine and focuses on creating real global connections, not just getting numbers. I apologize if you receive multiple messages or if my intentions are misunderstood. I will continue working to build this global connection. Likes, exchanges, coins... let’s be clear, they don’t matter to me; they are just tools for a bigger goal and a way to interact. In the past, I’ve tried similar things, like running contests where people uploaded photos and memes, and those with the most likes won a prize (but the real goal was always to encourage interaction). And that’s exactly what I’m doing now. Thanks to everyone who supports this initiative. One last thing: please refrain from insulting; I’ve seen many offensive comments (which I think are due to misunderstandings, and I understand and forgive).

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@Demircankacell 🐣✨💕

sumruuozdenn’s Profile PhotoSumru
Seninle tanışmadan önce yaşamadığımı fark ettim veya ne yaşadığımın farkında değildim. Herşey seninle anlam buldu.🌹Tüm güzel duyguları seninle yaşadım, kendimi ilk kez bu kadar şanslı hissettim.✨ Zaman seninle o kadar hızlı geçiyor ki daha dün tanışmışız gibi bazen 🐣 İlk gün ki hissettiğim duygular hep aynı çünkü sen hiç değişmedin, biz hiç değişmedik 💕 Hala heyecanlanıyorum sana yazarken, yüzümde tebessüm oluşturuyor dediklerin.
Seninle birbirimize lakaplar takıyoruz çok hoşuma gidiyor, herşeyi konuşabiliyorum seninle, beni anlıyorsun, dinliyorsun, her zaman yanımdasın.😍
Böyle kusursuz biri hayatımdayken acaba rüyada mıyım diyorum kendime🤤
Birde seninle kavga etmeyi bile seviyorum özellikle sinir olunca çok tatlı oluyorsun kızdırıyorum seni bilerek ajaja 😍
Senin bana yazdığın her kelimeyi, attığın her emojiyi bile kullanmayı çok seviyorum..bana ilk sevgili olduğumuz zaman sormuştun hatırlıyorum neden benimle aynı randomu kullanıyorsun diye ajaja💛 ben sen olmayı, sana karışmayı, sana dokunmayı, sana bağımlı olmayı sana ait olan herşeyi çok seviyorum sevgilim 💅🏻
Ben seninle değiştim, iyiki hayatımdasın.
Not ; Her fotoğrafını çok seviyorum ama bu en biii sevdiğim🧚🏻‍♀️🥲

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Keine Ahnung was los ist. Heute bin ich irgendwie down. Wie ist es bei dir so?

Allah swt. in the holy quran does not blame everything on the shaytan.
He doesn’t come and say that the shaytan is the reason for every destruction on a personal level.
No. In many times he says what?
It’s the nafs.
And that’s why Allah swt. warned us from an nafsul Ammara bissu.
The self commanding soul with evil.
Even if the devil comes and whispers it’s on u to work on your soul and purify it.
So never blame anything else around u and start to work on yourself.

To you gamers out there, what games are you currently playing through? I’m playing through Cyberpunk for the second time being sure to see and do EVERYTHING in the game as I’m obsessed with the futuristic, dystopian setting!

SlimMan’s Profile PhotoBilly Walker
Just fi wished my latest playthrough of LiS, gonna restart LiS before the storm and am also playing through GoW Ragnarok, then I may go back to detroit become human because I still have so many paths I haven't found yet 😂 I've not tried cyberpunk yet but I might check it out

Do you think it's appropriate for an animated movie to show selfharm?

Depends who the target audience is and how its portrayed, animated doesn't automatically mean for kids (in fact I have a long list of animated things that are definitely NOT for kids) so if you have an animated film that is clearly for adults then they can kinda do what they want within reason and it will reflect in it's age rating, if it's for older kids/teens but it's done in a subtle way to show the distress but not anything graphic then it can be fine, but it's a fine line and as with everything else in life would have to be judged in a case by case basis

Are you the kind of person who stirs up challenges or one who masters the art of solving them? Or do you simply sit back and relish the spectacle as it unfolds?

biya_furqan’s Profile PhotoStardust
Depends on the situation. Generally speaking, I am not someone who likes to stir up trouble or create challenges. However — when faced with a difficult task or problem, I do enjoy the process of trying to solve it - there is something satisfying about using creativity and critical thinking skills to come up with a solution. At the same time, I also believe in taking a step back and enjoying the journey as it unfolds. Life is full of ups and downs, twists and turns - sometimes we have to simply embrace the chaos and find joy in unexpected moments along the way. So while I may be driven to solve problems when they arise, I also try my best to appreciate every moment of this wild ride we call life. 🌻✨️.

has there ever been an instance where allah took the most beloved thing from you and then provided something wayy better that you could not even think of in return?

sightunseen3925’s Profile Photoغیر مذکور
صبح میرا پانچ ہزار غائب ہوا، کہ مجھے یاد ہی نہیں آرہا تھا خرچ ہوگیا یا گم ہوگیا۔
شام میں مجھے پندرہ ہزار کسی نے بطورِ تحفہ بھیجوا دیا۔

has there ever been an instance where allah took the most beloved thing from you and then provided something wayy better that you could not even think of in return?

sightunseen3925’s Profile Photoغیر مذکور
Whenever i stayed patient for Him or to follow His order He always always replaced it with something way better. And everyone can testify to this because this is Allah's promise, and He never fails in His promise though we fall short manytimes.

Married women with kids have to have better things to do in life than to be on askfm.At least seek help from your husband.Tell him to entertain you more.l guess he finds you more annoying than anything to spend more time with.

You realize I'm barely active anymore right? I spend about 10 mins out of my entire day on here and that's IF I even bother to check this app at all. My husband and I spend plenty of time together and with our child when he's home cus believe it or not, he works full time and isn't home all day . You really need to focus on the sht you say so you don't look and sound dumb as fuck. Literally.

have you been to ireland nats, i like going not sure if you were making fun of me its all good, its nice spending time with dad him showing me places i like history, olivia says going is lame xox

zactc’s Profile Photozack vaughan
I haven’t! I’d love to visit at some point, it’s definitely on my list. I think it’s cool exploring the history of places! Liv needs to get stuck into the culture haha. Is she going with you?

today: Elderly Romanian woman used amber nugget worth over $1 million as a doorstop for decades ? Do you think you have something that could help you in your life but you ignore it?

jus57694’s Profile Photo"AI" NotFoundError
Haha yes, I was reading this article about that doorstop too! 😂 I know the value almost of everything in our household, we have several interesting things made of silver, gold, onyx and crystal cut glass but sure their value is not 1 million USD 😂

today: Elderly Romanian woman used amber nugget worth over $1 million as a doorstop for decades ? Do you think you have something that could help you in your life but you ignore it?

jus57694’s Profile Photo"AI" NotFoundError
Yes, I could’ve listened to my dad and learned a little bit about computer programming with his help but I chose not to. I was never really interested in computers and a part of me tells me that I’m better off doing a job where I can express my creativity or teach others about a certain subject that I’m good at.

Is it true that girls can change a boy who is bad ?

Not really. No one can change another person unless they, themselves, want to change for the better. You can tell them about their bad or toxic habits, give long speeches about how their toxicity is affecting you, the harsh truth is that people don't care. There are very few people who realize their mistakes/bad habits and try to change themselves for their loved ones. Otherwise, no one cares about the consequences of their actions because it is not harming them, yet. But Makafat-e-amal exists.

Do you watch The Teacher on Channel 5?

Jasmine20958743’s Profile PhotoJa18
I do not, we don't have broadcast television in our home. We never have. We figured that since we don't watch a whole lot of TV in the first place (most of what we do watch, we either watch online or on streaming platforms) that we'd rather go without it than pay for a TV license.
What's the show about? Would you recommend it? 😊

(I don’t know if I happen to ask this question before)Hey Baal is it fine if I can squeeze “it” down there?if not just say no then.

(You did but ask said no pope pi pi for you)
Baal:... -I am taken aback by your words but I am indeed in a good and generous mood. So, I instinctively go and take a seat. Man-spreading-
Come and have a feel. Do have in mind, you will need to do ALL the work, little sinner. I'm not moving an inch. So, if you wish to squeeze, you'll have to find it first.

Is kandy the only woman you are interested in?

As a dear friend, it would be difficult to find someone who is more loyal. 10/10, would befriend again. Jeans and a red belt not necessary. Come to think of it, she could show up nakie. I may be very accommoDating. "Ahy toots, check out this riff. Atmospheric Sage Metal. In G minor. You know why." 👁️☀️⩑
Note: Any resemblance to Rasputin is purely coincidental. 👀
Is kandy the only woman you are interested in

Do you like when people talk to you anonymously?

it’s not about like i or not…
when i open my ask i not allow any anonymously questions…
and a lot of guys
make a empty or fake account and trying to know about my private life…
or wanted to know me…or what i like
because i wrote it before a lot absolutely dream golden rich and handsome guys wanted date with me
since my teen age.
and i even not ask on messages
they they got my number
i changed my numbers a million times
and after my friends asked allow anonymously questions
why u so
Inna what wrong with u
but it was long time ago…
right i allow anonymously questions
because of him❤️
inside me i feel he all the time with me
maybe sometime i wrong and not absolutely all questions from
but guys u know all my answers
about how i want what i wish
how i feel about us

لُـِـِِـِِِـِِـِـجـ,ـمـْـْْـْآلُـِـِِـِِِـِِـِـ حـًـًًـًًًـًًـًـروُفُـ,ـكُـُ 💬🖤

diaa_momani95’s Profile PhotoDia'a M Momani " Tkoo "
"في مقولة بتحكي :
"Some people love you , but not enough to stay".
بمعنى انه مش كل الناس اللي طلعوا واللي عم يطلعوا واللي قرروا يطلعوا من حياتنا ما بحبونا او بطّلوا يحبّونا.
انك تضلّ موجود بحياة اللي بتحبهم يعني انك تتحمّل اشياء اكبر من الحب.
مللهم- اكتئابهم- عواطفهم المبالغ فيها- حساسيتهم المفرطة، ومزاجيتهم.
لحظات الانانية- واللحظات التافهة والطلبات المش مفهومة.
فلمّا تقرر تضلك بحياة حدا ، انت فعلياً بتكون قررت مش بس تتحمل هاد الحدا - بل تتحمل كل ما يدور بالحياة واللي بدوره بيأثر عليكم.
مش كلّ الناس بارعين بهاد الموضوع، ومش كل الناس بتقدر عليه، ومش كل الظروف بتسمح فيه.
عشان هيك، في ناس ممكن يكونوا حبوكم كثير كثير ، بس - 👌not enough to stay-"

Is it fair to not have fear of the future? Does it cloud ones path to success or the will to do more?

jangiforask125843’s Profile PhotoMarwat
yk not fearing the future can be incredibly liberating - it allows you to take risks and chase your dreams without being held back by doubt or anxiety. It is like walking on a path where every step is filled with possibility and excitement. However, a little bit of fear can also be grounding. It reminds us to prepare for challenges and think critically about our choices. It is not so much that fear clouds our path – rather, it is how we manage that fear. If we let it paralyze us, then yes¿ it can hinder our success and willpower. But if we acknowledge it and use it as motivation to plan better or work harder, then fear becomes just another tool in our journey towards achieving more. 🌻


Why not?... I mean dude... Me gusta tomar la iniciativa en empezar una conversación, me gusta la mayoría de las veces en dar el primer paso en hablar cualquier tema y/o uno que me gusta mucho no importa la cantidad de personas así sea uno, ya sea como conocí de la banda que mas me gusta (tengo mas de una banda preferida), en decir quien fue mi inspiración. Porque a ver son tantos, pero lo que se dicen son tantos los temas los que si o si me gustaría hablar y sin descanso alguno; aunque bueno... Tengo momentos en los que tengo un cierto bloqueo mental y se me complica hablar un poco al principio, pero ya pasado unos minutos no hay tanto problema.

whats the most genuinely (and not cringe) romantic story you have ever seen/heard?

sightunseen3925’s Profile Photoغیر مذکور
I think love and love stories are overrated. Most of the time, it only leads to suffering, with two people spending their lives miserably longing for something they can never have, and then dying without ever truly living their lives. After their death, they become famous for their suffering. The whole concept of love is messed up and sadistic. 🤔

Who do you want to be like and why?

zaidwali915’s Profile PhotoZaid Wali
I think I'm a next-level delusional person. The person I idealize doesn't even exist, at least not in my close circle. And if someone is close to that image and I don't know them completely, I believe it's just one side of the story, and even they can't be the one I idealize...🤔

Language: English