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Did you need glasses to pass your driving test?

I didn’t need them because my sight was fine back then but when I had to renew my license, it was confirmed that I needed glasses. I couldn’t see the line I was supposed to read off of because it was all a blur to me but thankfully, I got glasses shortly after that and was able to renew my drivers license.

". . . actually yes that's exactly what happened, and you said you watched this in an 'anime'? I need to look into that."

Stoicviolet’s Profile PhotoVio
You never heard of anime..!? Wait here a minute..! I'll go grab some manga to show you..! *Raven then hurries off into the corner of his room where there's a rabbit shaped bookshelf and he pulls a couple books from it before heading back over to Vio, showing him the books*
This is Mew Mew kissy cutie! It's my Aunts favorite..! It's about this girl with magical powers that saves the world! I think you should try reading them! She goes through some stuff that's similar to what you guys went through..!
*Funnily enough, you can guess what happens in Mew Mew because it's based on a real anime that exists, Tokyo Mew Mew XD*
actually yes thats exactly what happened and you said you watched this in an

I may be going on a date tonight soneone ask me out but I still love my ex what do i do

sdrogus1’s Profile PhotoShane Drogus
Be honest with your date about your thoughts/feelings and start off as being their friend first. Don’t try to pursue someone romantically until you’re over your ex and can dedicate your time and attention on someone new.

Takie mam pytanko. Co oznacza GR i liczba 571 w Twoim nicku?

Olga05010501’s Profile PhotoOlson
To stare dzieje sięgające 17 lat wstecz. Na asku działałem około pół roku wcześniej zanim założyłem profil. Ówczesna przyjaciółka mnie tak zbajerowała, że nie mając jeszcze konta pisałem dla niej pytania z anonima. W tamtych czasach tak można było. Miałem wtedy około 12 lat, a więc rok wcześniej zanim można było działać na asku. Profil założyłem legalnie w dniu moich 13 urodzin. Trzeba było wymyśleć nazwę, więc wprowadziłem nieco tajemniczości i trochę zmyłek. Teraz mogę powiedzieć, że GR to pierwsze litery mojego nazwiska, jednak w tamtych czasach mówiłem, że uwielbiam zespół Rolling Stones i jego album GRRR https://youtu.be/GDXydD4Mf4Y?list=PLqTrbHMYjYWO1kkdLCwJP0Mzib70r5hGFKubaGR571’s Video 173630874085 GDXydD4Mf4YKubaGR571’s Video 173630874085 GDXydD4Mf4Y The Rolling Stones - Get Off My Cloud (GRRR Live) Co zresztą było prawdą, ponieważ do dzisiaj lubię słuchać Rolling Stones.
W tamtych czasach na asku było modne szukanie wszystkiego co przynosi szczęście. Były strony internetowe, gdzie obliczało się dla indywidualnego człowieka szczęśliwe liczby. Dla mnie taką liczbą okazała się liczba 571. Pewnie coś w tym jest, ponieważ przynajmniej na asku całkiem nieźle mi się poszczęściło. Pamiętam pierwszą moją odpowiedź na asku: „Założyłem konto, oj będzie się działo xD”
Uwaga: to co pisze Wikipedia odnośnie powstania aska to nieprawda. Ask istnieje przynajmniej 19 lat z tym, że wtedy właścicielami aska byli Łotysze, natomiast dwa lata wcześniej ode mnie ówczesne polskie fejmy już działały na tym portalu, a ja się od nich uczyłem

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KubaGR571’s Video 173630874085 GDXydD4Mf4YKubaGR571’s Video 173630874085 GDXydD4Mf4Y

Favourite fizzy drink?

Champagne. 😉🥂
If we're talking soft drinks though, I'm not really a fan of them these days. I used to drink a lot of Pepsi Max but I've gone off it in recent years which, considering that I lost a tooth due to how much I used to drink, is probably a good thing...
Nowadays I usually go for something like flavoured water or iced tea, or fresh fruit juice, rather than carbonated soft drinks.
Liked by: Tobbe “C”ing. Doug

"Here" *Vio kneels down, helping prop Raven up as he has the kid drink a Blue Potion. Blue Potions restore all Health and Magic so Raven should actually be in good health for a few days at least*

Stoicviolet’s Profile PhotoVio
*Ravens eyelight starts coming back into view after Vio helps him drink the potion and he looks up at the hylian before giving him a hug, as long as he doesn't run off and do anything that might strain him, he should be alright for a while* D-did..you save me?

If you were to be an author or singer or any kind of potentially famous public figure, would you use your real name or pick another? Why? If you wouldn't use yours, what name would you use?

Emmagine_This’s Profile PhotoViolet Dream
I would probably pick another persons famous name, maybe Shackleton, to jump off their fame 😂😂😂😂
Who wouldn’t buy “ Shackleton’s tips to save money on electricity” 😇

Do you believe some people don’t like interacting with small accounts if they have a lot of followers on social media and why might someone choose to not acknowledge someone just because of their small follower count?

Froyh’s Profile PhotoMerve
It's called a shallow a$$hole... Better off letting them live in their world.... They'll be the lonely one soon
Liked by: ΣΩ Merve

If you’re in / have been in a long distance relationship, how do you go about sustaining it? 💘🌍

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Not in the romantic sense, but I've had multiple long-distance friendships over the years and though not all have stood the test of time, others have been going strong for over a decade now.
I will admit though, I think a large part of the reason why those friendships have been successful where others have not, has boiled down to who we *are* as people. I’ve always been the sort of friend who can go a while without seeing or speaking to someone, then pick right back up where we left off as though no time has passed at all… And I think I tend to attract similar people.
That said, I do also put in an effort to actually nurture those relationships and stay involved with my friends’ life, even if we don’t talk as much. One thing I think is great about social media is just how easy it is to share little bits of our day to day lives with our loved ones, and keep up with theirs’. I always try to react and respond to my long-distance friends’ posts when I see them, and they do the same for me.
We also send each other stuff pretty regularly! If we don’t have time for an in-depth conversation then we’ll send each other reels, memes, little funny things we think the other person will enjoy, or just a quick message to let the other person know we’re thinking of ‘em.
It may not sound like much, but sometimes it’s the small things that make all the difference, you know? 😊💕

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I have a photo from 1907 that belonged to my great-great grandparents. I’m not sure if it’s the cameras they had back then or if those women really looked like they were hating life. I wouldn't blame 'em. They had like 5 kids and were married off to men they didn’t love. Life was rough for a lady.

I’d say true, but we ended up with one running a newspaper, an author, one running a school and several involved in the running of the family uni. Depends which opportunities were afforded.

Hejka. Jak mija pierwsza niedziela października? 🙂

Julciopat’s Profile PhotoPani w okularach ☺️
Mija spokojnie. Muszę przyznać, że za czasów szkolnych nie znosiłem niedziel. Stresowałem się, bo w następny dzień trzeba było iść do szkoły i się męczyć. Nie lubiłem tego. Odkąd pracuje to niedziela jest moim ulubionym dniem tygodnia. 😄
Trochę taki off top, ale tak mnie coś naszło, żeby się tym podzielić. 😅

U prefer good news first or bad news?

chivalry19’s Profile Photochivalry
Depends on what kind of bad news¿ though I always prefer to hear the bad news first. It is like ripping off a bandage - better to get it over with quickly so I can focus on dealing with whatever comes next. And once you have heard the bad news, any good news that follows automatically feels even sweeter by comparison. 🌻

Masz jakieś zwierzę?

PL: Jak tak dalej pójdzie, to nie będzie żadnych, a ja prawdopodobnie wrócę do swojego miasta, bo mnie to już zaczyna, grzecznie mówiąc, strasznie irytować.
Z Chłopakiem właśnie też się pogryzłam, bo "przecież na wieczór jest spuszczony, to się wybiega".
A nie no, jak go spuszczacie z łańcucha na wieczór, to wszystko w porządku, chillerka ku*** utopia, życie idealne. 🤦🏼‍♀️
ENG: If it continues like this, there won't be any, and I'll probably go back to my home town, because it's starting to really irritate me, to be polite.
I just had an argue with my Boyfriend because "he's let out in the evening, so he can run around".
Oh, right, if you let him off the chain for the evening, everything is fu***n' fine, chill, perfect life. 🤦🏼‍♀️
Liked by: Black_Widow Carrie ♡S

Do you think it's a bad idea to bleach your hair and colour it at home? would you risk effing it up irreparably if you don't have any experience?

As long as you take your time to look into how it works, which brands work best and are less damaging to the hair, don't over-process and don't keep doing it within short periods of time there's no reason why home bleach and dye can't be done safely, but you GOTTA be sensible about it, don't expect to go from a dark colour (especially if you have dye build up) straight to platinum in one bleach, it rarely works out well, always use intensive conditioner and repair products to repair any damage done, let the hair breathe between beaches and If your hair is dry af just leave it or it will start snapping off, let it recover before trying again

how can we stop overthinking at night ?

HadiMalik007’s Profile Photo( ملک هادي)
Man, one moment, I be walking until I feel like passing in my storeroom because my thoughts are unbearable, and the next, I am watching reels and laughing my god damn ass off.
Watch reels, watch a show, make playlists, go through Pinterest, bully your siblings, annoy someone, research about celebrities feud like a madman, or send a risky test to someone. They all work!

How often do you dye your hair?

Shannon678900’s Profile PhotoShannon
I used to bleach the tips and dye it all kinds of colour, quite regularly. Now I've cut all the bleached tips off and I love trying temporary hair colours. I did the orange~red one before my wedding, so like 1 month ago was the last colour.
How often do you dye your hair

good morning, it's Friday! what are your weekend plans?

Good morning! ☀️
My family and I are travelling back from Devon, so once we get home I imagine it’ll be a rest and recoup day!
Thankfully I booked the weekend off as holiday, as I would definitely have been drafted in to work the weekend. I’m hoping to work on my mum’s business (didn’t get around to it whilst on holiday), and maybe plan some sketches for Inktober. That’s about it really! :)

What are you up to today?

GuiTable’s Profile PhotoGuiTable
Today I went back to university after taking an (unplanned) year off due to my mental health, and it was quite a bittersweet experience. It's strange and a little sad, coming back to a place, knowing that no one I know will be there-- all my friends from the previous year have graduated and moved onto other things.
But I'm remaining optimistic. I've met my new classmates and even though I haven't had the opportunity of getting to know any of them over the past two years, as they have with each other, I already get the sense that I'm going to get on quite well with most of them!
I'm also happy to be studying what I love again. I'm glad I'm still working toward getting my degree. I'm glad I didn't just give up entirely... And believe me, at times I wanted to. But I didn't, and I'm thankful for that. 💕

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this is for a special lady on here! you are the most beautiful woman i've ever seen! you are charming. i'd love to meet you one day, but I'm too shy to tell you off anon. i know you would never give me a chance, you're out of my league :(

You're right, they wouldn't agree to meet you because you are on anon, and every woman knows not to meet random strangers off the internet 🙄
Also, it's not a dating app. And for the love of something, please work on your self-esteem. Not so you impress women, but for yourself; you deserve to feel good enough.

If you’re in / have been in a long distance relationship, how do you go about sustaining it? 💘🌍

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Back when I was studying, he was working in Denmark, and I was studying in Latvia. He got a week off after every month, so he would fly here, and I would skip my studies for a week so we could be together. Then, I didn't even wait to get my diploma before I was on my way to move in with him in Denmark. I got it a few months later, when he went to Latvia to get it.
And that's how the long distance ended. Generally, long distance was ki.lling me emotionally, I was crying like 2 days in a row when he was gone, but I still have this problem whenever he leaves for more than one day.
I don't ever want anything like that again. It's horrible. If you don't miss your partner that much, then the relationship is not worth it 😭

What was the last bit of home decorating you did? 🖼️🌿

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Well, at the moment, we are currently in the process of stripping the old wallpaper (which came with the house) off the walls in my husband’s office as well as our downstairs toilet, so that we can redecorate both rooms in the near future!
I also bought a bunch of new art last month, which I'm currently in the process of deciding where to hang up in my hallway/stairwell.
(Pictured: The one piece of artwork I had no issue finding a spot for, it sits proudly right next to our front door as a polite notice to any potential guests! 🤣🐱)
What was the last bit of home decorating you did

why does destiny allow some people to meet, when there's no way for them to be together ?

herpov’s Profile Photothe woman
it all comes down to if they wanted to they would've
ain't no one gonna let someone THEY DON'T WANT touch them or sleep next to them
using destiny or fate as an excuse to fucck off is the biggest proof of one being a pussi who can't grow a pair to step up.. they just wanted to whoore around before whatever the fuk was gonna happen

If you could take possession of my body for an hour, what would you do?

novenaculebra’s Profile PhotoSigrid
No idea and don’t really care.
But I hate when people who don’t know me give me advice I’ve never asked for. What makes them think it’ll help? Or I need their d!mb opinion about stuff they don’t know about?
“You should talk to your parents or you’ll regret”
“You should redye your hair”
“You should buy an apartment”
Like F off.

Why are age gaps such a big deal

You'll never make society happy. If you live by what society thinks is the norm you'll never have a content life. Be true to yourself and live for you not others. There is a survey that says dating older is actually beneficial as they are proven to last longer if you were to date someone around your age. I guess it is because of the maturity of your partner, and both feed off from that positivity behavior.

Do you bid farewell to your colleagues/friends in the event you're moving on? 🎓🏤👬

n11shake’s Profile PhotoShake
? Dude I have zero friends irl. Some of them took off without even saying bye. I don't get that connected to people anymore, "expectations lead to failures/disappointment." Even internet "friends " ultimately turn into this. Some days I really do feel like a robot because I lack connection with humans.

What do you think about the approach to become willingly overworked and overburdened to stop overthinking and overcome sadness

aleena_kamran1’s Profile Photoalee_naaah
Using work to drown out sadness is a double-edged sword. Sure, staying busy can keep your mind off things for a while it is good and all but then what¿ — you can't run from your feelings forever. At some point, you will need to face them head-on or they will just fester and grow. Balance is key; don't let overworking become another form of avoidance. 🌻

I've been trying to lose 15 pounds for a while, but my weight has stayed the same. What am I doing wrong? Should I cut off my daily calories and do more exercise? Any advice will be much appreciated.

FreshICYGirl’s Profile PhotoBe Yourself Always
I'll tell you what I know.
If your weight stays the same, that means that your calorie intake is equivalent to your energy expenditure over time. If you want to lose weight, then realistically, what that means is that you have to spend more energy than what you take in daily. When this happens, your body will break down fat cells to seek the energy your body is demanding.
Every person's body is different. Not only for energy expenditure but for calorie intake. For example, one person eating a 200 calorie meal probably won't give both of you the same amount of calories overall due to factors such as enzyme levels, and how hard your body has to work to deconstruct the food into energy (metabolization). This is one of many reasons why you can see certain people eat like Kirby but seemingly never gain weight, haha
The best way to lose weight is to force your body into remission, which is done by overworking yourself through high intensity physical activity. This process will naturally hurt and make you crave to eat since your body is pulling at your fat cells (stored energy) and wishes to replenish them. At the same time, get a journal and write down what you eat daily, and get a good feel for your calorie intake daily. You can replace some calorie dense foods with fewer calories but just as filling. Celery, for example, replacing pizza as a daily snack. Theoretically, that could be all the change you need.
I would say the high intensity workouts 4x a week for an hour each session would account for 30% of the overall change, while the change in eating habits would account for the other 70% to lose weight. This means you can lose weight with just a diet change, just not as fast.
Hope this helps.

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-I was caught off guard with no clue what to do,I am shaking and wiggling underneath Baal while I try to take it with my eyes shedding tears a bit-

Baal: -I pant and look down at you with my blue cold eyes and chuckle. I smack down with force, not letting you escape. Not until I am satisfied. I pull you hard by the hair and ride on your face with this sadistic grin across my semi-darkened lips-
Enjoying yourself? I hope so~
You brought me all the way here. I expect you to drink every drop of me. If you don't, I'll rip your throat out
-I laugh and smack hard on your lips. Making the bulge in your throat much worse. Of course, I move much faster now. My balls slapping your under-chin, as your saliva and my pre-fluid splash everywhere-
-I growl loudly and ghoulishly-

Would you cut off family members with whom you only exchange "happy birthday" greetings and nothing else? (And when you tried asking them how they are doing, they answered coldly, indicating no further relationship than that.)

M1ssSemy’s Profile PhotoStar. i
Personally, it’s like that with many of my family members already. I don’t feel the need to literally cut them off because we aren’t parts of each others lives anyway, and don’t make any effort to be. They don’t know me, what’s going on with me, and it’s the same for me with them. So, in a way, it’s kind of the same as being cut off, we just don’t make it official. And I mean, the happy birthday greetings don’t change anything for me. It’s not like we expect the other to do that, I think it’s just habit. But then again, some of the family members who don’t know me, don’t even remember when my birthday is anyway. 🤷🏼‍♀️
But, I can completely understand why it feels unnecessary to have “happy birthday” being the only thing you ever say to each other every year. 😅 And especially when you don’t have a good relationship with said people, or they act cold, rude, etc, like you mentioned. I don’t think it’s a bad thing to say “I’m not doing this anymore.” If anything, it may be in your best interest to do so.

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Would you cut off family members with whom you only exchange happy birthday

You need to talk to your friends on here, they are not doing a good job of hiding your name on here. I saw an answer from Reachel yesterday and asked her to take down the post which she did. Today I saw one from Gabby. You have a weird anon desperate to know your name so they gotta be more careful.

The way you started this off is NOT it, you could've just mentioned that people are saying my name on here without telling me what I "need" to do.
I can't control what people do or don't do or say lol🤷🏻‍♀️ and given how I'm obviously not being tagged since I'm never seeing it or being notified of it people really wouldn't even know who they're talking about anyway unless someone said something.
Liked by: Reachel♥️ Jo

Happy first day of fall 🍁

Its very odd how people are targeting the Alien accounts because they don't or can't find the actual anonymous bugging them. I'm sorry to say but if you emailed AskFM multiple times it means its not the people you're accusing, you talk about legal action but what you're doing is misconduct and misleading information trying to silence people or get rid of them off AskFM because you think its them who harass you. AskFM is a place for free thoughts, nobody on here as a problem with them just two people maybe 5 idk.

I've been trying to lose 15 pounds for a while, but my weight has stayed the same. What am I doing wrong? Should I cut off my daily calories and do more exercise? Any advice will be much appreciated.

FreshICYGirl’s Profile PhotoBe Yourself Always
I heard that being on a caloric deficit and burning more calories than you consume is a good way to lose weight. I’ve been drinking green tea over the past few days and exercising daily and lost 2 pounds. Green tea is a good appetite suppressor in my opinion and I think it might’ve contributed to my weight loss. I drink it without adding any honey, sugar, or any other sweeteners to it. Not giving into your cravings and challenging yourself to do exercises daily will help you lose weight more easily.

I've been trying to lose 15 pounds for a while, but my weight has stayed the same. What am I doing wrong? Should I cut off my daily calories and do more exercise? Any advice will be much appreciated.

FreshICYGirl’s Profile PhotoBe Yourself Always
All about burning more then you in take. But you have to eat something small in the morning to start your metabolism. Drink lots of water. And eat less processed stuff

Language: English