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Can Israel's existence be described as a form of colonialism or imperialism?

No. "Palestine" was a barely populated hinterland in Southern Syria, full of barren fields and deserted towns, because the Ottoman unjust tax system left the landowners without practical motivation to invest in agriculture while getting nickeled and dimed for such efforts.
European Jews first came as agricultural investors and communal living advocates. Politics didn't figure out until much later.

Ya viste la luna hoy ?

The 🌙 help everything turns out well 😚 Sinaloas, Muslims, Russians or South Americans are eliminated ❤️‍🔥President Biden ❤️ has already given cruise missiles to Ukraine✨those missiles are called Jassm ❤️‍🔥 (Aparte de los attacsm) . He gave permission for Ukraine to attack with F-16 planes and Jdam bombs❤️‍🔥Those bombs destroyed Palestine and several Muslim countries 🦍.Also, any veteran f-16 pilot from 🇺🇸 can help Ukraine if those who have destroyed the Middle East arrive 😌
Liked by: danahky

What do you long for???

Dunknibba1’s Profile Photoطلحہ
I long for peace. Peace in Palestine, peace in Lebanon, peace in the UK, peace in Yemen, peace in Bangladesh, peace in Pakistan, peace in Uyghur, and peace in all the other countries undergoing ge*ocides and conflicts. This world has become such an ugly place to live in.

Space for Palestine 🇵🇸

mahmoudshokry209’s Profile PhotoMahmoud Shokry
تمتلك مشاعر ؟
لا هو ميت ! اذن ما دليل انك حي؟
كثيرون منذ ٧٠ سنه واكثر يقوموا بتحميسهم
جيل بعد جيل
يبدوا ان ما يورثه البعض (..) هو البلادة والجبن والخسه
لا نقوى الا علي فعل المعاصي ان نخذل اخواتنا ان نخون ان نتركهم !
وربما يضحك علي بعضنا شيطانه
ويعيش بدور نادم ويقول
لما لم يفهمنا احد منذ الصغر ان علينا فعل شىء؟يا حبيبي يامن تريد شماعات بعد فهمك الان ماذا فعلت ؟
تجد انه فى حياته العادية ينفق ويتفاخر بالاحذية والشنط والمحالات الجديدة ويعيش برفاهيه واخوه يلعب مع الصواريخ والقنابل ويهرب منها ! وانجازه انه علي قيد الحياة والاخر ! ربما عالق لانه سمن
ونخاف الشياطين 😂مزحة والله نحن هم اصلا 🎉مفاجأة
او ربما نخاف الحسد😋لذيذ على اي شىء بعضنا يفعلها تجاه بعض
هل ل أجل خِثته وتركه أخواته
ام لأجل شبعه ومباهاته بانواع الطعام
ومن يفخر بطعام الا جائع حديث نعمه! مختل!
من يفخر بطعام واخوه جوعان الا عار علي الانسانية ! ويخاف الحسد🤪😂اغثنا يارب
نحن شياطين بلا شك ان كنا مثلهم
نريد تحميس وتذكير وتفصيل وتوضيح وتخدير
😓ماذا فعلنا
هل نسينا ! هل شبعنا !
هل توقفنا عن المحاولات
مازال هناك عالقين تحت الانقاض
مازال هناك نساء حوامل
يالله يا لطيف
من يريد ان ينشأ حياةثانية سنة وهم يحاولون ان يحفظوا روحهم الفرض
من اولي حفظ السنه ام الفرد !
اتقوا الله يا رجال

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Space for Palestine 🇵🇸

mahmoudshokry209’s Profile PhotoMahmoud Shokry
كل ش ية بيظهرلي فيديوهات لفلوجات حياة ناس قبل وبعد ٧ أكتوبر ، حقيقي فرق السما من الأرض باعتقادي اللي ما!ت ارتقي وارتاح
لكن اللي فجأة اتحولت حياته ١٨٠د
الله يعوضهم من خير الدنيا والآخرة

Space for Palestine 🇵🇸

mahmoudshokry209’s Profile PhotoMahmoud Shokry
آلَلَهّمً إنِآ نِسِتٌوٌدٍعٌکْ غُزٍّةّ وٌأهّلَهّآ، أرضهّآ، وٌسِمًآءهّآ، رجّآلَهّآ وٌنِسِآءهّآ وٌأطِفُآلَهّآ يَآ ربًّ آلَعٌآلَمًيَنِ آلَلَهّمً آنِصّر آخِوٌآنِنِآ آلَمًسِلَمًيَنِ آلَمًسِتٌضعٌفُيَنِ فُيَ کْلَ مًکْآنِ.. 🤍

Space for Palestine 🇵🇸

mahmoudshokry209’s Profile PhotoMahmoud Shokry
اللهم استحكمت حلقاتها
فأرنا شديد بطشك وعجائب قدرتك فى الظالمين
اولاد القِرَدة واحفاد الخنازير ..
اللهم سلط جنودك على من يقتلون اهل غزة وعلى كل ظالم ومن والاهم واعانهم وسار في
ركبهم ..
زلزل الارض تحت اقدام الطغاة ولاترفع لهم راية ولاتحقق لهم غاية واجعلهم للعالمين عبرة وآية...

Space for Palestine 🇵🇸

mahmoudshokry209’s Profile PhotoMahmoud Shokry
أم بعد
الله يعلم بمكنوني انك احب البلاد لقلبي وانك ارض خُلقت للسلام وما رأت أبداً سلام وانك رجالك درر واطفالك رجالا ونساءك سيدات اهل الأرض وأن العز كل العز ف شجر زيتونك وطهارة ارضك مهما صال وجال العدو وانك جميلة والف عدو يتمناكي 🥺
ثم السلام ي عزيزة ي أبية🇸🇩🏼

Space for Palestine 🇵🇸

mahmoudshokry209’s Profile PhotoMahmoud Shokry
وظيفتنا ان لا نثأر فقَط ، وظيفتُنا ان نُحسِن الثأرْ 🌼🔻
تعرض مركبة إسرائيلية مأهولة لهجوم دامي قرب كيبوتس ميراف في شمال الضفة بتفجير عبوة ناسفة بهم وتفعيلها عن بعد
الله اكبر .. ولله الحمد .

Space for Palestine 🇵🇸

mahmoudshokry209’s Profile PhotoMahmoud Shokry
اللهم أنصر أخواننا المجاهدين فى فلسطين .. اللهم سدد رميهم زثبت خطاهم .. اللهم شتت شمل اليهود .. اللهم أحصهم عددا واقتلهم بددا .. اللهم لا تبق منهم على الارض احدا ابدا .. اللهم إنهم ارونا قدرتهم فى اخواننا الفلسطينيين اللهم بحق لا إله إلا الله وأن محمد رسول الله أرنا فيهم عجائب قدرتك 🤍🤍

Space for Palestine 🇵🇸

mahmoudshokry209’s Profile PhotoMahmoud Shokry
الآن يَرتَقِي الشُّهدَاء جُملةً وَاحِدة، أَتَخيَّلُ أبوابَ الجَنَّةِ مُزدحمةً جِدًّا، وَطَريقٌ بينَهَا وبَينَ غَزَّة لَا يَنقَطِع"
{ وَلَا تَحْسَبَنَّ اللَّهَ غَافِلًا عَمَّا يَعْمَلُ الظَّالِمُونَ ۚ إِنَّمَا يُؤَخِّرُهُمْ لِيَوْمٍ تَشْخَصُ فِيهِ الْأَبْصَارُ }
اللهم انصر أهل غز..ه وثبت أقدامهم اللهم انصر اخواننا في فلسطين 🤲 اللهم اجبر كسرهم، واشف مرضاهم، وتقبل شهدائهم برحمتك .🤲
يارب ارحم ضعفنا و قلة حيلتنا
يارب سامحنا على خذلانهم
ربنا ينصرهم و يسدد رميهم و يثبت اقدامهم و يتقبلهم شهداء .

Space for Palestine 🇵🇸

mahmoudshokry209’s Profile PhotoMahmoud Shokry
لمن يهمه الأمر، الحرب تشتد على خانيونس الآن كما لو كانت أول أيامها، والموت في كل مكان، والناس في الشوارع خائفين يرهق وجوههم الفزع، لا يدرون أين يذهبون، أو إلى أي مكان يلجأون، في مشهد أشبه بموقف الحشر يوم القيامة !!
لا تعتادوا المشهد فالله يرى ويشهد، لا تألفوا الصورة فتتلفوا !!
اللهم لطفك بعبادك، اللهم إنا نستودعك خانيونس وأهلها، فاجعلها في حفظك وضمانك، يا من لا تضيع عنده الودائع !!
جهاد حلس

What's on your mind lately?

Met a brother from Palestine just now , can't stop that pain in my heart when am trying to feel him, he is Pakistan for his studies on scholarship and his family is in Hebron , knowing that your family is in danger every second , be far away from them and living a life like that , ya Allah, yet he offered me help if whenever I need it he'll help me with anything in his capacity, his name is Mohammad Ismail

Did the ottoman use the term "Palestine" to refer to the land from the river to the sea?

You need to understand how fuzzy the borders were back then. For the Ottomans, it was all just a plot of land to exploit, the naming, borders, jurisdictions were all but just administrative details, which they mostly handed to natives allied them. Basically they didn't give a sh!t
Places/countries were defined either by its occupants (like Arabia, which had extremely fuzzy borders), or by prominent cities (like Hijaz).
For the Ottomans, Palestine was the combination of Judea & Samaria and the coastal cities starting from Jaffa to Gaza. Judea was Judea, they didn't define its borders themselves, they left that to the natives. And they didn't care for the desert in between.
Also note that Lebanon was only the area of Mount Lebanon, much smaller than what it is now, Syria meant a different thing as well from what it is today, Jordania as well was almost only the river valley.

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I think sadism is a disease, transferable.. not just because of the Palestine massacres.. and others such. People in power usually get this disease somehow.. and I am looking for a cure just like any good doctor would do. If you could stop people from making others suffer for personal satisfaction!?

Chatgpt is such a kutta.
Here is how you can cure sadistics:
1. Education and Awareness
2. Early Intervention
3. Promotion of Empathy
4. Psychological Support
5. Social Norms and Peer Influence
6. Legal and Ethical Standards
7. Media and Entertainment
8. Community Support
9. Research and Understanding
10. Personal Responsibility

Which individual, corporation, country, or organization would you bankrupt if you had the chance?

Morgen_muffel’s Profile PhotoMorgen_muffel
I wouldn’t make it my mission to help run anyone out of business for no good reason but it would probably be the stores that sell clothing items by stealing their ideas from smaller businesses that also sell similar clothing items and if the working conditions weren’t ethical. I also used to always get Starbucks but no longer do since they don’t support Palestine and are supporting the opposite side instead and I believe I can live without having Starbucks for now.

Lagi capek² nya hidup. Rasanya pengen nyerah tp perjuangan kurang sedikit lagi. Gimana ya biar semangat

Kalo capek itu better take a break Nder, bukan nyerah. Merasa capek itu manusiawi kok dan gpp banget kalo mau ambil break sejenak. But never give up or u'll regret it.
Coba deh kita liat orang-orang Palestine. Seburuk-buruknya kondisi mereka, mereka terus melangkah maju, mereka terus memperjuangkan hak-hak mereka dan mereka terus berusaha melindungi tanah Palestine yang seharusnya jadi tugas seluruh umat Muslim. Mereka kehilangan banyak hal, kecuali iman mereka. Dan seperti apapun kondisi mereka, mereka tetap bersyukur dan bersabar.
Lagi capek nya hidup Rasanya pengen nyerah tp perjuangan kurang sedikit lagi

Say something to Palestine 🇵🇸

mohamedkarbawy’s Profile PhotoMohamed
- هم أهل الرباط الي قال عنهم رسولنا الكريم عليه افضل الصلاة والسلام وقد صدق .. يعتقد أبليس بأن مملكته الذي سيبنيها في بلاد العربية وعاصمتها القدس ستكون يوما ما حقيقة ! أقترب ان ينتهى العالم ولم نراها مملكته

Israel is attacked by terrorists, it defends itself against terrorism. why no muslim country accept refugees from palestine? you have rotten heads. you are victims and facilitators of terrorism at the same time.

Terrorists are Israel , America , and all the countries that support these cursed Jews ... Because they are the ones who kill , burn tents, and behead children in Rafah , and their goal is the genocide of Palestinians and No, Palestinians will not leave their land ...
[ these cursed ones are the ones who should leave ] . Everyone who support Israel , like you , is the real corrupt one ...
"Get out of here." , so you don't hear words you won't like !!!

Make a wish. I’ll say ameen!

bint_d’s Profile PhotoHauntedHouse
I wish the people of Palestine are liberated from all this war and terror. I wish peaceful and normal lives for those kids crying and looking for bread to eat and a place to live. I wish they heal in such a miraculous way that they don't remember this catastrophe, and even if they do, it's nothing more than a vivid nightmare. Ameen.

There is a saying: "Showing death and making people accept malaria". Innocent people are being killed in Syria, Ukraine and Palestine. So, do you think people living in other countries are free enough? So, do the heads of state of those countries want to say to their citizens, "Pray, you are alive"?

First of all I want to say that good and peaceful life of inhabitants should be the 1st point on the list "To Do" for all heads of countries. Therefore I did not answer your q. about him. He is really on the lowest point of my scale of values. 👎 So much pain and suffer he caused to his and other people in 21.century gives no sense to me. I am happy and grateful for all my happy years from my birth till now 💟 and I wish the peace to all you mentioned as soon as possible. 🕊️
There is a saying Showing death and making people accept malaria Innocent people

What do you do to try and keep a healthy diet? Like, to not cave into your cravings etc. 🍌🍏🥗

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I don’t make much of an effort to be healthy like I used to in the past but every once in a while, I do remind myself to eat healthier and the good thing is: I love salads. The reason I don’t make myself a salad everyday is because I’m too lazy to wash the lettuce or do anything these days lol. I switched to another antidepressant that opened up my appetite about a year ago so I found myself craving sweets every so often but luckily, as a family, we don’t regularly buy cheesecake or vanilla cakes like we used to in the past because I’d finish them in three days. I also stopped going to Starbucks every so often because of what’s happening in Palestine and because I don’t crave it as much as I used to so that’s good. I usually try to drink black tea on a daily basis out of habit and use brown sugar to sweeten it, which fulfills my cravings for desserts that have a lot of calories. Maybe if I was really unhappy about my appearance, I’d make sure to incorporate exercise into my daily routine as well and wouldn’t be too lazy to make myself a salad. Also, my mom cooks Brussels Sprouts once in a while or cooks carrots, broccoli, and potatoes together for breakfast sometimes so I eat those whenever she makes any and that reminds me to eat healthier/better.

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Guerre Ukraine. Selon-vous, serait-il mieux qu'amis-alliés (OTAN…) de l'Ukraine (contre Russe) défendent le pays et sa population, en se positionnant au sein du pays, laissant les Ukrainiens repousser l'opresseur hors de leurs frontières ?

La Russie n'opprime pas l'Ukraine du tout. Elle aime le peuple ukrainien. Et elle, à sa frontière, mène une confrontation avec les occupants de ses terres.
Vraiment opprimés et opprimés, c'est la Palestine par les sionistes d'Israël. Que vos "chevaliers" ne combattent pas les oppresseurs? Ce sont des doubles standards.

Are u Benjamin Netanyahu supporter?

We will break the barrier of nationalism.We will raise our coming generation for Palestine cause and they will surely come for them, there will be no mountain to hide no tree to give shade we will never forget the crimes of Zionists on our beloved brothers and sisters. Our leaders are cowards we are not. Our next generation is coming for Zionists. They must count the days.

What is the biggest ' what if ' in your mind? ✨

SalmanSamee’s Profile PhotoBiryani .
What if we could put ourselves in the shoes of those living in Palestine¿ What would it be like to experience daily violence, oppression, and displacement without any sense of safety or security¿ Yesterday I came across this video which my heart cant put out in words but at that time I felt that it is so easy for us to feel helpless or overwhelmed when we think about all the suffering happening around the world. But I believe that every little action counts - whether it is donating money, raising awareness, or simply having conversations about these issues. We can't single-handedly solve all the problems but we can always choose to stand up against injustice whenever and wherever we see it. Maybe that is where real hope lies - in our shared humanity and empathy towards one another. 🌻

Do you think we are going to have the world war three?

Sure feels that way. We're still seeing reports from Ukraine two years since Russia invaded. Then there's Israel vs Palestine (the death toll of Palestinians has surpassed 30,000). The likes of Yemen, Nigeria, Somalia are all in conflict. Aware i'm forgetting many others, it's just so deflating

What's your take on genocide happening in Gaza and Palestine?

shayarb’s Profile Photoshayaan areeb
It's All just the Start for the Doom's Day , The depths of Islamophobia that has been spread throughout the world the amount of hate is clearly visible as those monsters and their Supporters as trying to justify themselves and the world has been so brainwashed that they're supporting them ,can't say the whole world but atleast many of Them and some Indians are trying to justify their support to Israel which is just lame as Isreal itself declared that these people deserves to die ،Our hearts bleed out everday seeing them suffer and makes us guilty for living such a comfortable life which was stolen from people of Palestine but we can only do as much as praying for them sharing their posts and donating as much as position, also no action from the Muslim countries is also a big sign that this is the start of the (Qayamah)END .

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Hello, I was born in Palestine, then I moved to Jordan in order to study.. now I'll be in UK to complete my master! what about you?

N_Emo’s Profile PhotoCelestial
UK . . . . is amerry-kaa's dog . . .
& look at this (one of my many followings) :
Tolerating stupidity is perhaps the greatest folly of our times.
Today, we want to present to you a SPECIAL and EXCLUSIVE financial and economic update from our friends at WealthResearchGroup.com, which I strongly advocate that you subscribe and read, as I do myself on the inflationary environment of 2024.
Under the guise of inclusion and open-mindedness to ideas, America has lost its core ability to discern between reality and myth, between productive agendas and sheer madness, all in the name of wokeness.
It is dumbing down the collective IQ of the nation and it's not happening in a vacuum… no, if you think that China, Iran, Russia and other aspiring countries, looking to expand and gain momentum, aren't seeing this for what it is, the decay of the very fabric of freedoms that were central to the supremacy of America's proposition to the world, a place where men could live and choose their path without being told what's accepted and what's correct, you're wrong.
I am looking from the outside and I can tell you that when Americans went to vote for Obama, I knew a screw was already loose.
A person who has a nice smile and a diploma from Harvard, who believes he came to save humanity, and that he knows better than the collective minds of the free society, is a dangerous delusional false anointed one – this is the very kind of self-declared king, emperor or priest that Europeans risked their lives to escape from.
It all went downhill from there!
Obama and his type are nothing more than facists, because they actually believe they know what you need better than you do, and that approach has been rejected the world over… even Americans hate when Washington tries to force other countries to accept democracy, which has only led to trouble.
Lior Gantz's 2024 Portfolio – no holds barred – DOWNLOAD!
HUGE Gold Mining Bull Market coming – CHECK THIS OUT!
Additional KEY REPORTS from Wealth Research Group:
WW3 has begun (in lower orbit) – DOWNLOAD HERE!
Central Bank Digital Currencies – End of Privacy! DOWNLOAD HERE and Part 2 HERE!
Now, with Biden and Blinken at the helm and Obama in the background, they are, once more, allowing the woke masses to chant in the streets for their ideals, which is nothing more than finger-pointing and placing blame upon others and exhibiting hate, the very essence of communism that is the thief of all hope for progress and personal achievement.
It saddens me… it really does, when I look at the free-loaders roaming the streets of America and ignorantly abusing the very freedom they inherited, just by being born in the right place, while never working to maintain or defend it or appreciate how many soldiers in c

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If Egypt can send aid to Gaza why not napak Pakistan?

sick6182’s Profile Photokcn
We all know that Pakistan has been actively providing humanitarian assistance to Palestine. Our country has dispatched over 200 tonnes of aid to the people of Gaza, including hygiene kits, medicines, and food packages.
I'd recommend following Khaled Beydoun on Instagram if you want to know how Pakistan is helping Faleestin.

هَل لَعنتَ الاحتلال اليوم ؟

abed35275’s Profile Photoفلسـ❀تقـ♡ـاتل❀ـطين
Today, as I have done for the past three years, I ask for peace and freedom for Palestine,,, and, in general, freedom for all Muslims, especially Muslim heads of state. I don’t scold anyone, our religion doesn’t teach that.

I have seen plenty of people who post like 100 of stories about Palestine, Genocide, and everything, and the next day, they post a story of sitting in McDonalds and having a date.🙄

MuqdsRiz’s Profile PhotoMuqdsRiz
What more could you expect from a nation that has long forgotten its history and is living in a Hindu culture that takes inspiration from Western culture, conflicting its true identity without having any clue about the situation they are in, and running after delusions created by the shitty normative and stigmatic fucked-up society...!!!

If you had the attention of the entire world for 30 seconds, what would you say? 👀 😇

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ ₜₑₙₐcᵢₒᵤₛ ₜₕₒₘₘₐy™ ▩ ♚ ☻
My word is too weak, but if I could I would stop all wars .... I hope my friend in Palestine is still alive and I would like for all people from Ukraine who found their second home here to have possibility to return back to their houses. We have several such people in our firm and they all are very depressed from this situation, it is difficult to listen it, I am not able to imagine that this could happen to my family.

Sab dukhi hain to khush kon hai 🙄

AaliyaMirza’s Profile PhotoAaliya Mirza
Yesterday night, i was a bit upset and when i was just shedding tears laying down on my bed, inside my blanket. This thought randomly came in to my mind that how easy it is for me to pass my emotions having everything. I am crying over my pain in a warm, cosy environment. I do have my loved ones. I am protected in every way, what about those kids in Palestine that are sleeping in mud water with wet clothes, lost everything, been through hell. Sometimes we think life is so unfair to us but if we look around it isn't. we are far more blessed.

Why humanity is pissed off? 😢

Why is humanity rare? Why is humanity blind? Why have humans lost their humanity, empathy and compassion towards others?
What has been happening in Palestine for 113 days + 75 years and now in Yemen, Labenon and Syria too and the fact that the whole world is just watching the show silently is the clear evidence that HUMANITY HAS DIED..!!!

Language: English