Mikhail: Really? I wonder who made up this rumors! These are spicy~ Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh~ Of course I would dominate Michael. He's a shy man who always needed that push! I'm also bigger than him so of course I'm the toxic and abusive seme. Astaroth: Idk what any of that means but it sounds very anime related.Mikhail: Perhaps is time you become more cultured uwuAzazel: What??????Melech: >_> Baal: -u- Oh boy, feeling professional today, Mikhail?Mikhail: HA! What Nugget would say!Asmodeus: Do you honestly believe any of this?Mikhail: NO! BUT IT'S FUN! :O
I hung some curtains and a tapestry in my bedroom back in June, and in July I unpacked about 7 boxes of books onto my previously empty shelves. At some point during this past month I arranged some photos and magnets on my fridge, but I haven’t had much time for anything else.
I actually find it quite funny, they are so scared by women's individuality and expression that they are digitally altering photos, but they can never alter the original, they can never stop these women from being the beautiful people they are, so it's all such a wasted effort from a sad lonely loser 😂
I do, but I rarely wear them. I only really need them for seeing things in the distance so I can get away without them most of the time. 👀(Pictured: One of the rare photos I could find where I'm actually wearing my glasses. The fact that this was taken almost four years ago speaks volumes... 😅)
First step is to delete all that stuff which made you happy about them. Delete their photos, delete their numbers. Delete chats. Remove their social accounts. With the passage of time, their memories will start to fade away. But if you keep these things, you look at them, your feelings will stay fresh. Secondly, try to keep yourself busy. Do painting, gardening, reading books or anything that you like. Thirdly, stop talking about them, to your friends or anyone. Do not talk about them.
Soziale Kontakte gepflegt, n Film geguckt, spazieren gewesen, Pizza und Eis gegessen, Pommes gemacht, auf Terrasse gesessen und erzählt, Pläne für September und Oktober gemacht, getanzt, Photos gemacht, gelacht, geweint, geschlafen, geb0mst, geputzt, gelesen, mehr getanzt, gesungen, war jut. 🖤
Do you think it's bad that I always use a beauty filter on my photos? I admit, I am kind of an insecure person and these filters do wonders for people like me lol
I don’t think it’s a bad thing unless they make you look like a completely different person and you regularly use that filter which is deceiving for those who want to know what you really look like.
Our one and only class got cancelled. It was raining, so some of the class fellows who were in the University all gathered. We had chai and pakoray. Then we walked around in university clicked some photos. We also escorted a lady to her class as she didn’t have an umbrella. After that we went to eat golgappay from a stall outside the university.
PL: Z zasady nie upubliczniam swoich zdjęć, a tym bardziej zdjęć innej osoby, która nie życzy sobie pokazywać się na nieznanych jej portalach. Mogę za to powiedzieć, że ja mam blond włosy z fioletowymi końcówkami i noszę okulary, a Chłopak ma krótkie, brązowe włosy, brodę i okulary.ENG: As a rule, I don't publish my photos, much less photos of another person who doesn't wish to appear on portals unknown to them. I can say, however, that I have blonde hair with purple ends and I wear glasses, and my Boyfriend has short, brown hair, a beard and glasses.
Know what really works well in communities? When you mind your own damn business and stay out of others. Smartest thing Tim Walz said but does he forget during the pandemic he use to have a call line where you could snitch on your neighbours for not social distancing. If he's going to say such intelligent things as a democrat he better know what the definition of a hypocrite is.
I just adore your IG. You have such an eye for taking perfect photos. I’d love to visit many of the places you post. Q- would you mind if I ever screenshotted any of the photos you took. I would never do it without asking. I’d understand if you said no but I’d love to use them for planning a trip
Aw thank you!! That’s so immensely kind! 🤗🥰Ahh of course, feel free to screenshot away! It’s why I tag the locations; partly so I can look back and remember where they are, but also in case anyone else may be interested in visiting them too! It means a lot that they’re visually interesting, so thank you ✨
🌷 No, what for? But I've used the old school filters just for fun with my friends. If ever, I prefer changing things for real not temporarily just to take photos. So, if I want to change the colour of my hair.... I'll dye it. With eye colour.... I wear contact lenses. But I have not done any of those for a long time now. Last one I did for myself was a hair treatment. 0528*2024*14*08
This might be too disturbing... I'll try to censor everything so it's not taken down...Lately, I've been intensely following the whole Gypsy Rose thing. Mainly, because it's entertaining to me. She's acting like a f00ool, and she's a trainwreck. And most of all, she k1ll.3d her mother 100%. What's been living in my head is that one photo from the crime scene. The eyes of her d3..ad mother. The whole thing has two-sided, and Gypsy is a manipulative b1t... there are a lot of things that came out. Apparently, she did have some of the illnesses due to the medical records, and her surgeries weren't so out of nowhere. All her mother did was play it up to get the goodies and symphaty IMO (also based on some facts, too) Now, I don't understand how malicious one should be to do that to someone. I was emotionally and physically abu5sed, and I thought of k1ll1.ng myself instead of my abuser. NOT ONCE DID IT CROSS MY MIND. I heard this from a video... her mother was profiting from her health issues, she ran a scam. Gypsy said she k1.ll.ed her in self-defense, BUT, how would her mother profit in that if she off.ed her own daughter who clearly was unwell in some aspects. She also played along in the scam, and that's also been proven by her own words that she keeps misplacing and twisting because she's not as bright as she thinks she is. I feel no empathy towards her, and I think that she deserves a lifetime in jail. Also, I believe she 100% took part in finishing her mother. It wasn't all her boyfriends work. I didn't have the gut to look at the photos, I only saw one... let me tell you... anyone who can do something like that... it's so disgus.ti.ng. The photo trau.ma.tised me for days, can you imagine doing that and going to live your life and have babies, etc? F483uck no, that calls for SERIOUS THERAPY. IT'S HORRIBLE. It would HAUNT ME FOR ALL MY LIFEA because I'm not like HER. I'M NORMAL. It's also one of the reasons this psychopath should stay in jail...
Ya he mostrado como son las promedio de Ask✨de mis Redes sociales mis followers son las eslavas 👼 y Jaliscos❤️🔥Barbies jamás tienen los latinos👌influencer son los Jaliscos o mis enamoradas que en sus Photos tienen 200k cuando las presumo pero cuando las mando a la vrg apenas 2k ,los Jaliscos tienen poder no como esos misero influencer 🦍🦊de cualquier pais la mayoría son.
I know several : ))) If you will want more about any let me know, I will write you in details ..... 1. questions for a couple from guests - couple will sit back to back 2. funny tombola 3. 12 tasks for guests (their names will be drawn from hat) 4. dancing of more couples with a balloon or an apple between their foreheads, if it fall down, couple must leave dance place 5. game with pincers 6. scrolling the boiled egg via pants 7. photo corner for taking funny photos with funny hats, boa, big glasses, inscriptions on paper like "who are these people?", "what am I doing here?" , "will I be next? 8. throwing a bouquet 9. Every guest suggest one folk or other song and people nowing it will sing it together. .... and in points 4.5.6. you must prepared gifts for winners :)))
It's a bit of both for me! I am incredibly sentimental, and I like to capture memories so that I can look back on them, but I do also like to get a little artsy with my photography from time to time! In between the years of 2017-2019 I got really into self portraiture, both as a form of self-expression and a way of capturing memories with *me* in them, as opposed to being hidden away behind the lens. During this time, my portable tripod and the self-timer feature on my camera were my best friends! 😂 😂😂It was a lot more effort than just snapping a quick selfie, but I loved the results, so I kept at it for quite some time. Some of my favourite photos ever came out of that era. (Pictured: Myself, in Prague, December 2019...)
You look at 10 photos and laugh like crazy at one, thinking a kid must’ve taken it because it doesn’t make any sense or is blurry. Guess what? That kid is me.
I want more days like these in my life! Today I got to hand feed a zebra, a camel, llamas, alpacas, goats. We also saw this pretty view, which I'll post in other photos 😃 all these animals are so cute and the feeling when they eat off your hand is so funny. Camel was very gentle, haha. 😃
بصراحة انا مو تبع علاقات دايمة وبحياتي ما رح افهم هالحكي هل فعلا الرجال مابيقدر يعمل لايكات لصور بنات عشوائيات عالانستا اذا كان بعلاقة؟؟؟الي بشوف الحكي رجاء جاوبني هل فعلا يعتبر غلط؟؟ انتو بتعتبرو هيك تصرف مابصير؟؟
What is people obsession with outfits pictures on here..is it bacause you like their style or idea for outfits wise for you..would be bummer if someone send picture just in bin bag..nice outfit..yeah I'm the bin lady 🤣
Oh gosh... I mean, it wouldn't surprise me if it's happened at one point or another! I think anyone who puts themselves out there publicly and shares their likeness on line runs the risk of having their likeness stolen. It's not something I tend to worry about, purely because I don't think worrying about it solves anything. If it happens it happens, but I'll cross that bridge if/when I get to it.
I'm not making anything public. I ha e personal photos on there and I'm not going to expose my child or anyone else to you psychos stalking and talking shit.
I put ❤️ to the posts that I like, or those that ask for it, or those that send me a like. I don't ❤️ on guys' personal photos because I don't want to be the reason that someone of me gets upset by seeing likes if the guy is in a relationship or married…. So you don't have to send me a link to your photos😂 I already guessed who the author of this question
No, I’d most likely still be attracted to someone when I see them in person if I thought they were attractive in photos. But, in some cases, my attraction towards them can increase or diminish a little when I see them in person for the first time.
I’ve never used that app before and in the past, I was always bad with computers so I’m not sure if that app is for me (unless you can download it on your phone that is). I remember taking digital art back in middle school and I really struggled in that class.
My world, my family... a sea of books, many children 😂.... kitchen, girlish joys 💄. Mountains and forests, sea and stars... my favorite city, and I'm in a hurry to get to work, but it's so beautiful that I take 100 photos. My world is coffee with dad in the morning and tea with mom in the evening :) My nephews. Loving those who are loved by those whom I love 😂 is strange, but I was able to let into my world and love those who were strangers to you, and now he has become family and the reason for happiness not only of my brothers, but of our entire family... .In general, the world of a slightly crazy but happy person... Alhamdulilah
All ima say is ALL my friends have used recent photos of themselves and one posts photos of herself at the gym working om herself. The other recycles the same 5 photos from the last 3 years and the same 3 bikini pics. Jasmine has kids and managed to lose weight and openly posted new photos. The only one claiming to lose weight but not proving it is syd, and I really don't care if she does or doesn't, but consider how much she body shamed other females. Kasey, jasmine and raechel included. You'd think she'd be honest. now I'm over this girl and topic.
Yesterday’s walk in the botanical garden. Today, my little tomato turns 1 month old. As much as I’d love to show one of her photoshoot photos, babies should never be posted online because they can’t stand up for themselves. Sad, but that's the reality.
It doesn’t since AI photos usually turn out looking good as well as realistic and it’s ok with me since I myself am not the best at art and using AI can help me in that regard. I think it’s a good way to display your artistic side without having people wonder what in the world you were attempting to draw. In a way, you create the artwork by telling AI what you want to see so it’s not like AI did all the work for you.
I haven't really taken many recently apart from my nails cause I like the blue as well as the black this time and I haven't taken a lot of other photos cause i haven't done photography for a while or been anywhere apart from the nail and tattoo shop
I used to bake/make a cake for his birthdays back in Denmark, and I made a cake book where I put all of the photos of him holding cakes. But since we've moved back, we buy cakes because they're so good here. I haven't made anything since 2021/22 😅
Do you ever cringe at your old pics b/c of the past trends? I can't be the only one who looks at old photos of themselves and gags at the style, like the eagle wings eyebrows trend.. ew, what was I thinking Someone must have drilled it into my head to make me commit such cr*mes against my eyebrows
I didn’t participate in any trends except for the time I’d frequently use the dog filter on Snapchat years ago but that hasn’t stopped me from cringing while looking at the old pics I’ve taken.
Discord, Twitch, Youtube, Snapchat, Instagram, Ask.FM, Camera, Photos, Notes, Weather Channel, my banking app, as well as a variety of mobile games I play fairly regularly. 😁
I don’t remember my exact age, but I was in my mid-to-late teens. My first smartphone was a BlackBerry, and I remember being absolutely ecstatic about the fact that not only did it have a camera, but I could access twitter and facebook from it, too. Finally, I could share blurry photos of my bubble tea with the world!Ah, simpler times... 😅 🤳🧋
I just spent money on an app that turns photos into cartoons by mistake. I SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED WITH AN ADULT ATM CARD WHAT THE FUCK. Anyway, if you want to get your photos animated, I guess I'll do it.
In 100 years in 2124, we will all be buried with our relatives and friends, strangers will live in our homes,which we fought so hard to build and they will own everything we have today including that car you spent a fortune on. Our descendants will hardly know who we were how many of us know our grandfather's father, after our death we will be remembered for a few years and a few years later our history our photos our deeds go into the dustbin of oblivion we wont even be memories ,may be if one day we stop to analyse these questions we would understand how ignorant and weak the dream of obtaining everything was, always having more and more without having time for the things that really worthwhile in this life, i change all that to live and enjoy those walks ive never taken
> (anon) posting lots of pics and seeking attention isn't a bad thing now - Not if one enjoys being stalked or encouraging trolls. > we have 'destigmatized' it - Was there a stigma associated with it? 🤔 More like a matter of common sense. I never understood the narcissistic selfie contest but okay.
Personally, I’m not into at all. There are probs photos here and there that are AI but you generally pick em out anyways plus it’s our little human flaws that give us character 🤷🏻♂️
> i’d really love to have one - You wouldn't. Trust me on this. Just hop in my damn car if ya need a lift... 🤣 > i posted a lot of photos and liked attention from men - Like 99.99% of people? Ya just described why Instagrope exists. 🤣🤣🤣 💗
Thank you but it’s fun to be artistic with filters. I’ve posted no makeup, no filtered photos here before too. It’s the internet. Why not have fun with things and be creative? I’m a photographer and photo editor. It’s just in me to fancy up things.