
63 people

50 posts


What's the driving force behind your will to live?! Just wondering...

Although disappointed.. I've seen the life everyone say is very restless.. That money can't buy happiness.. And people who have money don't have the eternal and internal peace.. And i found that they all lie to you... I discovered that there's a non existing barrier a false wall between both worlds.. Trust me when I say.. That heaven exists.. It exists on this planet we'll see about the heaven that's promised when we get there.. Right now the only force driving me to live is to make it to the other side to the heaven that I've seen with my own eyes.. Break the curse.. And I know I am on the right path when people laugh at me and make fun of me.. The way I am.. When they cut me off by saying that he's delusional... He always talks things that are impossible.. Well.. I have dreams.. Goals.. I am and I will be working towards it..

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Do you wanna share something?

There is no one on the planet more single than a married narcissist. While their partner stays in the house, their extramarital love occupies their heart. In the eyes of their new love affair, they live with roommates, only to later realise they are 'roommates' who are actually their wife and kids.

https://ask.fm/Lady_friky/answers/176313448134 no pues si esta medio lucas la abogada zombi porque en planet nombraba mucho a artur como si lo conociera de colchon. ya no te digo mas porque incluye nombres que no te gusta tocar pero gracias por responder el morbo sabroso :v

Quizá pensaba que me desgastaba en leerla, cuando nunca fue así... Es como decir me da asco comer víceras fritas y las como ¿? Kukú hay alguien en casa? Obvio no las comería, al igual es obvio no la leía.. me gustaría saber a quienes no mencionas por incomodidad?..

Do you like Sharing Stories or Listening to Stories? 💬

hussainaliraqe23’s Profile Photo3ra2y
Both! I love stories, I have always enjoyed hearing tales of the human experience (I realise saying that makes it sound as if I am some alien from another planet which... As far as you all know, could be the truth. Wooo-ooooh! 😜 🛸 👽)
In all seriousness though, I have always had a deep-rooted love for stories and storytelling. I think it's such a beautiful way to connect with people, by sharing stories of our lives and listening to the stories that others have to tell.

Now guys, this is a very very serious question..? I will, with your permission like to screenshot answers and post them under this sign, somewhere in my new room eventually 🤣

AppetizingAsh333’s Profile Photo♥future ∞ Mrs. Thick'ems♪™
By earth standards they aren't smart. Aliens are smart under their own principles they're more advanced so in order to understand our technology they have to d*mb things down which makes them less smart than humans because humans live with their own technology. Same as if we went to a planet more high tech we'd extremely uneducated to their technology

Ich stell mir unseren Planeten als winziges Blutplättchen in einem Körper vor. Hast du dir dazu schon mal Gedanken gemacht wenn man so in die Sterne schaut?

AnneWild14806’s Profile PhotoWILDKATZE
Die Vorstellung unseres Planeten als winziges Blutplättchen in einem gewaltigen kosmischen Körper ist ein faszinierendes Bild, das auf die unglaubliche Winzigkeit unseres Daseins im Universum verweist. Wenn wir in die Sterne schauen, sehen wir nicht nur ferne Sonnen und Galaxien, sondern auch einen Spiegel unserer eigenen Existenz. Carl Sagan, in seinem berühmten Werk "Pale Blue Dot", erinnert uns daran, wie klein und zerbrechlich unsere Welt ist; ein winziger Punkt in einem unermesslichen Universum. Doch in dieser Kleinheit liegt auch eine große Bedeutung.
Sagan schrieb über den "blassen blauen Punkt" als Symbol für alles, was wir jemals waren und je sein werden. Dieser Punkt, unser Zuhause, schwebt in einem Sonnenstrahl gefangen und erinnert uns daran, dass wir nur ein Teil eines riesigen kosmischen Tanzes sind. Wie ein Blutplättchen, das durch den menschlichen Körper fließt und zum Wohl des Ganzen beiträgt, so kreisen auch wir, verbunden mit allen anderen Teilchen des Universums, in einem symbiotischen Verhältnis, das weit über unser Verständnis hinausgeht.
Der Kosmos ist in uns; wir bestehen aus demselben Sternenstaub, aus dem die Galaxien geformt sind. Unser Planet, klein und unbedeutend, ist doch erfüllt von Leben, Träumen und Bewusstsein. In diesem winzigen Raum haben wir die Fähigkeit entwickelt, über unsere eigene Existenz nachzudenken und unseren Platz im Universum zu hinterfragen. Wir sind nicht nur Beobachter des Kosmos, sondern auch dessen Reflexionen.
In dieser Verbindung lässt sich erkennen, dass unser Handeln, so winzig es auch erscheinen mag, Auswirkungen auf das große Ganze hat. Wie ein Blutplättchen, das eine Wunde heilt, können auch wir, wenn wir achtsam handeln, zur Heilung unseres Planeten und vielleicht sogar des Universums beitragen. Diese Verantwortung ist tief in uns verwurzelt, und wenn wir uns daran erinnern, wie klein und doch wie bedeutsam wir sind, könnten wir lernen, unsere Welt mit mehr Demut und Fürsorge zu betrachten.
Wenn ich also in die Sterne blicke, sehe ich nicht nur die Unendlichkeit des Kosmos', sondern auch unser eigenes Sein; eine Erinnerung daran, dass wir, so winzig wir auch sein mögen, ein untrennbarer Teil dieses großartigen kosmischen Schauspiels sind. wie könnte ich nicht darüber nachdenken?

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Liked by: Sora WILDKATZE Franzi

Golden mornings or peachy sunsets? 🌄🌅

fried_brainiac420’s Profile PhotoSarr Dard
Iam more of a sunset person but the only thing I like about those magical golden mornings is the sky. The particular 05.30–06.30 sky in the morning is extremely soothing to watch. The sky is not too blue; not yellow but not white. It is hard to describe a particular colour. And like when you wake up and see the multi-coloured sunrise and the calmness of morning; you may as well feel as if you are the only person on the planet and the rich world is being unrolled in front of you like rolls of parchment. Like you feel a sense of peace and a sense of duty. You have things to do today you know. 🌻✨️
Golden mornings or peachy sunsets

Czy kiedykolwiek byłaś z Alvinem u weterynarza? Czy też zawsze sama się nim zajmujesz, gdy coś mu dolega, gdy źle się czuje? Oczywiście nie życzę mu nic złego, po prostu jestem ciekaw, bo sama wspominałaś, że kiedyś bardzo chciałaś pójść w kierunku leczenia zwierząt, udzielania im pomocy.

grzesio92’s Profile PhotoDON GREGOR
Wiesz co Grzesiek, chęci za dzieciaka i oglądanie policji dla zwierząt na animal planet mogłyby mu tylko zaszkodzić 😅 oczywiście że chodzi do weterynarza, jest wykastrowany, regularnie odrobaczony oraz szczepiony :) pierwsza szczepionką była ta na wściekliznę, wiedzieliśmy że będzie wychodzić i że nie ma co ryzykować :) raz w życiu tak naprawdę chorował, miał wtedy zapalenie ucha i zrobił mu się ropień, weterynarz go ogarnął 😁 a no i raz był golony cały 😅

Zasypiasz w ciszy czy musi grać muzyka? 🍓😏

dulce_fresa_’s Profile PhotoP̴a̴n̴i̴ ̴D̴u̴C̴H̴o̴w̴a̴t̴a̴
W ciszy⭐️Dobranoc, kolorowych snów🌛
Ciekawostka -
Koniunkcję tych samych planet, jak na zdjęciu, co jest bardzo rzadkim zjawiskiem, będziemy mogli zobaczyć ponownie: 28 sierpnia 2024 r. oraz 18 stycznia 2025 r. w godzinach przedpołudniowych. Miłych wrażeń ✨✧✧✧ ≖‿≖✧✧✧✨
Zasypiasz w ciszy czy musi grać muzyka

Are you a snob at something?

lnr87’s Profile PhotoLYNDSEY
Clothes. Not in a “you need to wear brands” way. But I honestly think that brands like Primark and Zara are just awful for the planet. As a broke bitch I’m a huge fan of sites like eBay and Vinted. Cheaper for the planet and you 🤷‍♀️
Liked by: C ❀ Jo Doug

Do you believe the planets have an influence on us?

Froyh’s Profile PhotoMerve
On us? It’s hard to say. It does influence many things on our planet, though. I guess it wouldn’t be too far-fetched to consider the possibility. meh
Liked by: Lax ΣΩ Merve

من أنت؟ ‏ضع الإجابة بعنوان كتاب 📚

Aistura’s Profile PhotoAistura
In this cottage I have found many old and new books 📚 and the name of one is 👉 "Arabian world - the other planet" 😁, so I am looking forward to read it, what new things I will know about Arabs after this week? 😁😉👍
من أنت

ضع الإجابة بعنوان كتاب

— Свободный пост | verve

Неожиданно объявился родственник. Прошу заметить, человеческий, а не конкретно мой.
Похоже, что это тот самый Рататуй из телевизора. Небось сбежал, как девочка из "Звонка".
Я придерживаюсь того, что у крыс с человеком больше общего, чем обезьяной. И когда кого-то называются "крысой", они не вкладывают в это слово, как скрытое оскорбление. Скорее напоминают, что геномы человека и крысы совпадают на 9️⃣0️⃣%, быть может даже в позитивном ключе такое звучит, как комплимент!
У крысы очень хорошая память, не редко они отзываются на свои погремухи. Эксперименты с недалёким человеческими родственника подтверждают, что те способны логически мыслить. Крысы считаются более умными и в то же время агрессивными и стайными существами с превосходно развитым интеллектом. Поэтому, "Планета крыс", как альтернатива "Planet of the Apes" не менее реальная.
Крыса даже умнее в какой-то степени за человека. Она не будет попадаться в одну и ту же ловушку несколько раз, а еще и предупредит своих сородичей о возможной опасности, если глупый человечешка установил ловушку, или подбросил отравленную пищу. А вот человек может неоднократно наступать на одни и те же грабли, разбивать лоб и всё равно не вынести из этого урока.
Гризун обладают коллективным разумом, в первую очередь волнуются о выживании вида в целом, а потом думают о себе. Значит способны на самопожертвование и это доказано экспериментально. Если сородича на глазах будут пытать, когда зверёк принимает пищу, то последует отказ от пищи
И не отходя далеко от этой темы, хочу некоторым продолжить пополнить свою коллекцию фобий. Если крыса умна, а что ей мешает отраву перенести в вашу пишу и отправить вас. Я не буду с точностью утверждать, что она точно на это способна, но и отвергать такое не стоит.
Известны случаи нападения крупных видов крыс на человека. Этакие "Мстители" крысиные. Они нападали на заключённых, бездомных и сантехников, которые вторгались в частную красную собственность, нарушая их крысиные права.

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vezhnovets’s Video 174377079988

I still can't get over Richard telling you he wants kids right now as he's sitting in a little room in his mom's apartment, birds making noise, and hasn't had a reliable car in years. I'd ask what he's smoking, but we already know. How does he expect to be taken seriously? Dude is on another planet.

I told him obviously I can’t right now because I need to get into my career to start making money lol

Did you ever have birthday blues? 🤷🏻

ManWithout1plan’s Profile PhotoManWithout1Plan
Not really! I know some people get bogged down when their birthday rolls around, often because they don't like the idea of getting older, but I've never been that way. I've always gotten quite excited whenever my birthday draws near-- another year on the planet! Another year growing and learning and making memories!
Most of my birthdays have been happy occasions. I've had the odd one or two where things haven't gone as planned, or where someone else's behaviour has dampened the mood, sure. But I don't think I've ever truly fallen victim to the "birthday blues". 🎂

If you could travel to any planet in the solar system, which would you choose and why? Considering all of them are habitable. X

gawnferal’s Profile Photohudیٰ
Jupitor: for having 95 moons , shortest day like only for 10 earth hours , i like jupitor's stripy apearance having the stunning shades of colors with the great red spot and it's the biggest one that's why romans named it the king of Gods

If you could travel to any planet in the solar system, which would you choose and why? Considering all of them are habitable. X

gawnferal’s Profile Photohudیٰ
Neptune: It lies on the outskirts of our solar system. Who knows what secrets it's hiding beneath it's icy exterior. So far away from the Sun, it has always captivated me. Still, I believe the strangest planet is Uranus. It's tilted on it's axis. What caused that? Nobody knows for sure.

https://x.com/jasmineelgamal/status/1807135068487303174?t=3k216Tjb7aBxyWFR49gOyw&s=19 هذول شبيهم مهووسين

Pampered socialites who have never been affected by both issues, posing as moral arbiters for the whole planet 🤣🤣
من السيئات الاجتماعية للديمقراطية هي تصدير برجوازيين منتفخين مغرورين كواجهة للسياسة والثقافة بدل النخبة الطبيعية التي تشبعت منذ الصغر بالقيم المناسبة لإدارة المجتمع والخوض في السياسة.

If you woke up in a place that was not your home, where do you imagine finding yourself?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoΣΩ
Oh.. it's an other planet.
We've came here with my team on our space capsules but they've been broken in a moment of crushing here.
There is no any signal from Earth and from our.. time... Are we in future?
Seems it's some quest we need to solve. We cannot d#e here - the cycle starts over and over again from this place and time.
What should we do, Marie?...
If you woke up in a place that was not your home where do you imagine finding

If you ever had the opportunity, would you live in space? 🌌

I have yet to explore more of what this world has to offer so I’d rather go traveling instead and after having tried almost everything, then perhaps I’ll consider that for a change and that is, if I’m tired of living on planet earth and am looking for an out of this world experience.

Tell us something about yourself and attach any picture of yourself. (It is not necessary to see you in the picture, you can add a picture of yourself or a picture you like.)😉

A friend of mine once said: All women are from Venus, but you are from another planet, maybe even another galaxy.💫
I'm a weirdo with a big heart and a wonderful inner world, and I'm also quite pretty.🌼
Tell us something about yourself and attach any picture of yourself It is not

movies or tv series? 📺🍿

aik baar pehlay bataya tha aaj phir bata deyta hoon... mein movies bhi daikh leyta hoon aur series bhi, Pakistani dramas bhi daikh leyta hoon aur Sports bhi, News shows bhi daikh leyta hoon aur Fashion shows bhi,
National Geographic bhi daikh leyta hoon aur Animal Planet bhi,
Youtube ads bhi daikhh leyta hoon aur Tik Tok bhi
Sunset bhi daikh leyta hoon aur sunrise bhi,
Ubalta doodh aur bistar pay sota bacha na gir jaye wo bhi daikh leyta hoon.
aik dou baar SHABBIR busy tha,
uski jaggah bhi meinay he daikh liya tha 🌚

Czy na innych planetach pozasłonecznych może istnieć życie?

Wszystko jest możliwe. Nie wiemy zbyt wiele na temat planet oraz galaktyk które są oddalone daleko od Ziemi. Prawdopodobnie są tam jakieś cywilizacje. A jak oni wyglądają i co robią, jak spędzają życie tego nie wiemy. W Kapitanie Bombie serialu Bartosza Walaszka były pokazane różne miejsca i gatunki kosmitów. Jednak ten serial został wymyślony przez Walaszka i pokazuje wiele rzeczy w śmieszny sposób jak np szambiarzy, pracowników budowlanych itp.
Liked by: Smile Nela KubaGR571

How much do you pay attention to images and their deeper meaning? Have you ever communicated something through an image that your words could not express?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoΣΩ
My fantasy is good 😁, even sometimes I see messages which maybe are not there in pictures 😂. Years ago when my kids were 5 and 7, during walk me and my husband saw one street artist to paint this pic 👇 by spray color and we both felt that we HAD TO buy it because it exactly looked like SYMBOL of our family 😂:
Trees - we two👱‍♀️🧔
Big planet - mother in law 🧓 (on my shoulders 😅 - we did not get well from the beginning 😬🤷‍♀️)
Middle and little planets - our kids 🙎‍♂️🙎‍♀️.
How much do you pay attention to images and their deeper meaning Have you ever

Suggest some good sci-fi or action movies?

biya_furqan’s Profile PhotoAcosmist
Coherence, primer, ex machina, predestination, total recall, planet of the apes (original), starship troopers, A CLOCKWORK ORANGE,
It’s a close tie between abbu kubrick and tarkovsky when it comes to my all time favourite sci fi film
Liked by: Usama HUSNAIN Alizey

To get answers and stay updated I have to marathon psychological anime, kdramas fb memes groups,latest news n trend from every platform and this needs lots of time the toxicity is messing my mind & idk what's this planet all about wt these humans want from life & world

koi barri baat nahi agar aapko kisi meme, trend, news, slang, reference etc
ka nahi pata hoga tou.
itna content na consume karain k
aap khud consume hojayein.
^pata nahi iss ooper wali line ki koi sense bann rahi hai

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