
763 people

50 posts


Do you listen to foreign music? A friend of mine introduced me to this Japanese pop-punk band from the 2000s and although I don't understand jacksh*t in japanese, I enjoy it greatly lmao. It’s the sound that caught my ear

Do you listen to foreign music? A friend of mine introduced me to this Japanese pop-punk band from the 2000s and although I don't understand jacksh*t in japanese, I enjoy it greatly lmao. It’s the sound that caught my ear

i have in the past, but i can't think of any music recently. i used to listen to jpop and jrock as a teenager.
Liked by: Αnnita

Do you listen to foreign music? A friend of mine introduced me to this Japanese pop-punk band from the 2000s and although I don't understand jacksh*t in japanese, I enjoy it greatly lmao. It’s the sound that caught my ear

Yep :) mainly Japanese music too lol
I love Babymetal lol. As well as other JPop songs, more traditional Japanese music, etc.
Then I also really like Oonagh, her music is like a total opposite :)
https://youtu.be/C_pGRMlCM3Ukittiemeowsie’s Video 170957518165 C_pGRMlCM3Ukittiemeowsie’s Video 170957518165 C_pGRMlCM3U
Do you listen to foreign music A friend of mine introduced me to this Japanese

What's the best live event you've been to? What made it so great? 🎙🎶

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Kenny Hoopla last month, he'd so much energy & each song was spot on, took me right back to my pop-punk days... Also Sarah Millican last December, there's no letting up she's non-stop hilarious

Sé que ya pasó pero, ¿En "black friday" compraste de manera responsable, consumiste de manera compulsiva, o te controlaste para no dejarte llevar? ¿Necesitabas lo que compraste o simplemente fue por capricho?

hananelj’s Profile PhotoNobody said it was easy...
Holis Hannah 🐾 Te deseo felices fiestas de diciembre 🥂
No fuimos al "black friday", ya hicimos todas las compras que de verdad necesitábamos en noviembre y diciembre, de ropa, tecnología, comida y regalos 🎁 🍷
🎶 ♪ ♫
Christmas Pop-Punk (2013)
https://youtu.be/fsDY99RqBIUsalquial’s Video 163628802873 fsDY99RqBIUsalquial’s Video 163628802873 fsDY99RqBIU
🎵 ♪
Christmas Metal (2014)
https://youtu.be/NulNqiw35oQsalquial’s Video 163628802873 NulNqiw35oQsalquial’s Video 163628802873 NulNqiw35oQ
🎵 ♫
Christmas Cheers 1 - Iron Maiden (2015)
https://youtu.be/Uz9DMheko0Ysalquial’s Video 163628802873 Uz9DMheko0Ysalquial’s Video 163628802873 Uz9DMheko0Y
🎵 ♬
Christmas Jazz - Smooth Jazz (2019)
https://youtu.be/L_0yBwazV8wsalquial’s Video 163628802873 L_0yBwazV8wsalquial’s Video 163628802873 L_0yBwazV8w
🎵 🤘
Sé que ya pasó pero En black friday compraste de manera responsable consumiste

Hola Salvador!!?? ¿Qué tal te va? Espero y deseo que muy bien ?? Podrías decirme ¿cuál es la mayor enseñanza que te han dado tus padres? ❤ Gracias por tu amable respuesta y por tus visitas a mi ask, pero sobre todo por tus interesantes respuestas!!!?? Saludos y linda tarde ??

Hey Mεlч φҽcσѕιтα, ando agobiado por el fin de curso, pero bien, sobrevivo, espero te vaya bien ?
Mi familia me ha enseñado libertad, igualdad, fraternidad, paz, justicia, ciencia, literatura, diversidad, ecología ?
? ♪ ♬
Pierce The Veil
Nombres: Early Times, Before Today, PTV
Origen: San Diego, California, USA
Actividad: 2006/2019
Género: rock, pop, punk, alternativo, screamo, hardcore, metalcore
Letras: relaciones, parejas, sentimientos, diversiones
Web: www.piercetheveil.net

La banda Early Times se forma en 1998 con Vic Fuentes, Joe Tancil, Ayrton Jara y Mitchell Ballatore.
Cambian el nombre a Before Today en 2004 por problemas de copyright.
La banda decide separarse y los hermanos Vic Fuentes y Mike Fuentes forman definitivamente en 2006 la banda Pierce The Veil.
Early Times publica los 3 EP que se citan (2000/2002).
Before Today publica el album previo (2004).
Pierce The Veil publica 4 albumes (2007, 2010, 2012, 2016)

A Bullet For Pretty Boy, A Day to Remember, All Time Low, Attack Attack!, August Burns Red, Before Today, Breathe Carolina, Bring Me The Horizon, Cancer Bats, Chiodos, Confide, Dance Gavin Dance, Destroy Rebuild Until God Shows, Early Times, Emarosa, Emery, Emmure, Escape The Fate, Four Letter Lie, Four Year Strong, From First To Last, I Prevail, In Fear And Faith, Isles & Glaciers, Letlive, Mayday Parade, Memphis May Fire, Miss May I, Of Mice & Men, Open Your Mind, Polar Bear Club, Silverstein, Sleeping With Sirens, Sum 41, The Chariot, The Devil Wears Prada, This Is Hell, Thursday, Tonight Alive, Underminded, We Came as Romans, You Me At Six.

Vic Fuentes - vocal, guitar (1998)(2006/2019)
Tony Perry - guitar, coros (2006/2019)
Jaime Preciado - bajo, programa, coros (2006/2019)
Mike Fuentes - batería, coros (1998)(2006/2019)
(Mike temporalmente ausente por problemas)
Joe Tancil - guitar1, coros (1998/2006)
Ayrton Jara - guitar2 (1998/2006)
Mitchell Ballatore - bajo (1998/2006)

No Turning Back (2000) EP
Untlited (2002) EP
Roots Beneath Ideals (2002) EP
A Celebration of an Ending (2004)
Album estudio:
A Flair for the Dramatic (2007)
Selfish Machines (2010)
Collide with the Sky (2012)
Misadventures (2016)
Compilacion: (varios: covers pop)
Punk Goes Pop 4 (2011)
♫ ♪
Chemical Kids and Mechanical Brides (2007)
https://youtu.be/9dlbYEOme7Esalquial’s Video 154203539001 9dlbYEOme7Esalquial’s Video 154203539001 9dlbYEOme7E

Caraphernelia (2010)
https://youtu.be/FZVYOriINwcsalquial’s Video 154203539001 FZVYOriINwcsalquial’s Video 154203539001 FZVYOriINwc

Just The Way You Are (2011)
https://youtu.be/K8V2delmsJYsalquial’s Video 154203539001 K8V2delmsJYsalquial’s Video 154203539001 K8V2delmsJY

Hell Above (2012)
https://youtu.be/wq0mbynj4_ksalquial’s Video 154203539001 wq0mbynj4_ksalquial’s Video 154203539001 wq0mbynj4_k

King For A Day (2012)
https://youtu.be/icXUkIfZxygsalquial’s Video 154203539001 icXUkIfZxygsalquial’s Video 154203539001 icXUkIfZxyg

Dive In (2016)
https://youtu.be/fcsnCq-azSssalquial’s Video 154203539001 fcsnCq-azSssalquial’s Video 154203539001 fcsnCq-azSs

Circles (2016)
https://youtu.be/tNqOEt5ptr4salquial’s Video 154203539001 tNqOEt5ptr4salquial’s Video 154203539001 tNqOEt5ptr4

Today I Saw The Whole World (2016)
https://youtu.be/ltqXGUHwX6Isalquial’s Video 154203539001 ltqXGUHwX6Isalquial’s Video 154203539001 ltqXGUHwX6I

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Hola Salvador
Qué tal te va Espero y deseo que muy bien 
Podrías decirme cuál es

Lia, ich möchte dich jetzt mal unterhalten oki? Oki.Aaalso🌺:könntest du mir einige Lieder mit super duper Lyric/Text empfehlen?🎤Bin auf der Suche nach neuen Songs und du hast so nen geilen Musikgeschmack!🎀Kann "Rock" sein oder auch Klassik, steht dir frei.😋 thanks cutie and have a nice day

Da ich eigentlich nur Poppunk und Metalcore höre bist du bei mir irgendwie falsch.
Liked by: psycho. C. Nicole.

punya pacar anak band, kamu gak pernah minta dia ngajarin main gitar, bass atau drum gitu? kamu paling suka ngeliat obi main alat musik apa?

udah bisa gitar, bass, piano klasik, keyboard pop & jazz & poppunk & rock puji Tuhan. soalnya bljr dari 1 sd. trus puji Tuhan juga aku anak band 😊😊
paling suka :
- liat obi main drum
- denger kalo obi nge cover lagu pake gt trus dikirim ke aku 😍😍

Wih keren dengerin blessthefall juga! Iya kak, mending ga usah nyecream2 lagi hehe, itu udah keren kok main poppunk aja hihihi Btw kak, denger2 bakal ada acara Ngabuburit Sore Ram ya? Band kak vokalis ikut ngisi ga? Ngisi dong kak, biar aku bisa nonton kak vokalis nyanyi hihihi

Hahaha iya kak iyaaa takut kalo sakit malah pernafasanya ?
hooh yaaa,iya bakal ada acara ngabuburit di kutoarjo band kita ngisi kok tapi aku gak ikut kakk soalnya ada acara e huhu?

Anche io avrei l'università presto domattina ma sticazzi, si recupera in aula ahahah boh dimmi qualcosa che ti piace, tipo di musica cinema arte sport, quello che vuoi ??

Io avrei una verifica domani alla prima ora e non mi sono neanche degnata di tagliare i bigliettini ahaha
Uhmm di musica mi piace tanto tanto tanto il poppunk e cose simili, ad esempio BAAO, Neck Deep, Roam, Pvris, Asking Alexandira ee molte altre band, a te?
Di cinema e arte non me ne intendo molto, e nemmeno di sport, faccio atletica ma niente di che, e ho una fissa per lo skate ma non ci sono mai andata ahah

Nei piaciuto ho letto una risposta in cui dicevi che difendi il poppunk dagli all time low, ma cosa vuol dire? Non suonano anche loro quel genere?

hahahah non mi ricordavo più neanche di questa cosa
comunque è una cosa complicata, non voglio rompere a nessuno, non mi piacciono gli all time low, tutto qua :D alcune canzoni mi fanno volare, ma alcune cose proprio non mi vanno giù
in ogni caso, ognuno ascolta quello che vuole :D

Emo je punk :D Proste jsou vice do rocku, emo zanr je jen něco kam zarazujou vsechy skupiny, kteří mají lidi s linkama... Vždyť se tam rádi i Fall Out Boy... Jinak poslouchám přibližně 10 skupin a z toho je 5 punkových :D

Christen Cassie
Ja z punku iba Zona A a vision day :D a Ine kafe ale to je poppunk :D a ešte rybičky 48 a HS ty by mali byť tiež punk :D

Puedes explicarme un poco quien es hey violet, desde cuando existen y como se llaman? Ultimamente he oido mucho hablar de ellos y me interesa

Primero que todo siento haber tardado en responder ya que estaba actualizando mi cuenta de Twitter.
Hey Violet son una banda pop-punk de Los Angeles California.
Antes se llamaban Cherri Bomb.
Eran 4 Chicas y la guitarrista llamada Julia se fue del grupo y Casey Moreta ocupó su lugar.
Desde comienzos de 2015 se llaman Hey Violet y debutaron con la canción This Is Why como teloneros de 5 Seconds Of Summer y se unieron a su discográfica Hi Or Hey Records.
Los componentes son; Nia Lovelis (Batería y Voz), Miranda Miller (Piano, Guitarra y Voz), Rena Lovelis ( Bajo y Voz principal) y Casey Moreta (Guitarra lider y Voz)
Si quieres saber más de ellos te recomiendo entrar a su canal de youtube Hey Violet y a su canal de vevo Hey Violet Vevo y ver sus video diarios y videoclips.
También puedes seguirme en HeyVioletSpain en twitter y activar mis notificaciones para enterarte de lo nuevo de Hey Violet ya que doy información diaria.
Y te dejo este link de su ultimo videoclip, single de su primer EP que salió el 17 de Julio de este año (I Can Feel It): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fFYKkneOD1w&feature=youtube_gdata_playerOficialHeyVioletSpain’s Video 131102360636 fFYKkneOD1wOficialHeyVioletSpain’s Video 131102360636 fFYKkneOD1w
Y una fotito.
Espero que te haya servido cielo, besos xx

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OficialHeyVioletSpain’s Video 131102360636 fFYKkneOD1wOficialHeyVioletSpain’s Video 131102360636 fFYKkneOD1w
Liked by: UltraViolet_Fan

Ciao, scusa la domanda, non voglio essere cattiva. Assolutamente. Ti piacciono anche i 5 seconds of summer? È un gruppo pop punk (o poppunk come lo chiami tu😀) dicci cosa ne pensi anche di loro se ti va...

Non è che lo chiamo io "poppunk"
E non fanno assolutamente poppunk. Il poppunk è proprio un'altra cosa ahah
Quei tipo fanno uno pseudo pop commerciale che imita il poppunk.
E no, ho solo ascoltato una loro canzone che apprezzo. Dovrebbe essere "she looks so perfect"

Szia:3 Milyen műfajú zenéket szeretsz? Mi az oka, hogy ezt szereted? Melyik előadót/bandát szereted? Mióta? Mi a kedvenc számod ? Milyen számok tetszenek? Gondolok itt a témára, hogy pl. szerelmes, partyhangulat meg ezek:D #NapiSCH Este jövök a képes dologgal^^

szia ☺
hááát r'n'b kicsit a pop :D :D meg egy két poppunk és punk szám ahw imádom :3
http://music-daily.hu/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/Avril-Lavigne-Give-You-What-You-Like-2015.png best ♥♥♥
totális példakép imádtam amkor fiatal volt (mondom én :D ) és vad nyakkendős punkkirálynő volt ahw *--*
de most eskü megsirat :"D olyan jó szíve van hogy nem lehet leírnni van egy saját ruhamárkája ^^ ( http://www.abbeydawn.com/ )és annak a nagy részét arra költi hogy, az Avril Lavigne Alapítvány olyan gyerekek támogatására jött létre, akik súlyos betegségekkel vagy valamilyen fogyatékossággal élnek, és a különleges olimpiára külön írta nekik a Fly-t és ahw olyan megható volt *-* ^^
a dalai fülbe mászóak egyediek és ő írta a legtöbb részüket ( sőt ) , és a ritmusukra nagyon jól lehet táncolni ☺ .
kedvenc bandám konkrétan nincs de a marron5 és a the script is nagyon jó banda :)
jönnek a kedvencek :3
https://youtu.be/-rF-_4vwiMsDandaNilla’s Video 130151102788 -rF-_4vwiMsDandaNilla’s Video 130151102788 -rF-_4vwiMs
https://youtu.be/BPgEgaPk62MDandaNilla’s Video 130151102788 BPgEgaPk62MDandaNilla’s Video 130151102788 BPgEgaPk62M
https://youtu.be/YqeW9_5kURIDandaNilla’s Video 130151102788 YqeW9_5kURIDandaNilla’s Video 130151102788 YqeW9_5kURI
https://youtu.be/y74UPiaK7u0DandaNilla’s Video 130151102788 y74UPiaK7u0DandaNilla’s Video 130151102788 y74UPiaK7u0
https://youtu.be/8PLifPUIuicDandaNilla’s Video 130151102788 8PLifPUIuicDandaNilla’s Video 130151102788 8PLifPUIuic
https://youtu.be/WIm1GgfRz6MDandaNilla’s Video 130151102788 WIm1GgfRz6MDandaNilla’s Video 130151102788 WIm1GgfRz6M

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DandaNilla’s Video 130151102788 -rF-_4vwiMsDandaNilla’s Video 130151102788 -rF-_4vwiMs

Qual è stato l'evento della tua vita che se non fosse accaduto non ti avrebbe permesso di trovarti dove ti trovi oggi?

Credo sia stato quando scelsi la scuola media (e no, non sto scherzando).
Dovevo essere iscritto ad un altra per problemi di residenza ma, dato che c'era un mio caro amico in quell'altra scuola, i miei mi iscrissero in quella.
È un avvenimento importante perchè, se fossi stato iscritto in quella vicino casa mia, non avrei mai conosciuto il mio migliore amico, non avrei sbagliato (insieme a lui) a scegliere le scuole superiori e probabilmente non avrei fatto insieme a lui tutte le esperienze (belle e brutte obv) che mi hanno fatto diventare la persona che sono ora.
Quindi boh, poppunk ?.

Ciau persona che seguo! Ho bisogno di nuovi gruppi da scoprire e mi affido a te :3 Se non sai i miei gusti ti dico solo che preferisco poppunk e punkrock. Se invece li conosci consigliami gruppi simili agli Amity Affliction /As It Is / Chunk! No, Captain Chunk! e mi rendi felice♡ Buona serata~

Pierce The Rick
Scusa l'ho visto solo ora, comunque non so, bless The fall, sylar, upon this dawning. Se ti fanno schifo non ti preoccupare puoi dirmelo ahaha

Ciau persona che seguo! Ho bisogno di nuovi gruppi da scoprire e mi affido a te :3 Se non sai i miei gusti ti dico solo che preferisco poppunk e punkrock. Se invece li conosci consigliami gruppi simili agli Amity Affliction /As It Is / Chunk! No, Captain Chunk! e mi rendi felice♡ Buona serata~

Pierce The Rick
Oddio non saprei... prova con i Neck Deep, Our Last Night, Real Friends, Brand New, Born Of Osiris, Veil Of Maya, Betraying The Martyrs... boh.

Ciau persona che seguo! Ho bisogno di nuovi gruppi da scoprire e mi affido a te :3 Se non sai i miei gusti ti dico solo che preferisco poppunk e punkrock. Se invece li conosci consigliami gruppi simili agli Amity Affliction /As It Is / Chunk! No, Captain Chunk! e mi rendi felice♡ Buona serata~

Pierce The Rick
Buongiorno:3 premettendo che non sono un'appassionata del genere e che dei gruppi citati conosco soltanto gli Amity Affliction, i Rea Friends e i Neck Deep potrebbero piacerti molto (sempre se non li conosci già) http://youtu.be/erwryLrNHpILithium11’s Video 129135926146 erwryLrNHpILithium11’s Video 129135926146 erwryLrNHpI http://youtu.be/AbOEGnDksKQLithium11’s Video 129135926146 AbOEGnDksKQLithium11’s Video 129135926146 AbOEGnDksKQ

Ciau persona che seguo! Ho bisogno di nuovi gruppi da scoprire e mi affido a te :3 Se non sai i miei gusti ti dico solo che preferisco poppunk e punkrock. Se invece li conosci consigliami gruppi simili agli Amity Affliction /As It Is / Chunk! No, Captain Chunk! e mi rendi felice♡ Buona serata~

Pierce The Rick
Ti consiglio dei gruppi che sono sul pop punk/punk rock/ easycore, te ne consiglio un bel po', se te piasano dimmelo che te ne consiglio altri uwu
Teenage Bottlerocket - Skate Or Die
https://youtu.be/-03q9VE0sOkAlessandroHos’s Video 128092787445 -03q9VE0sOkAlessandroHos’s Video 128092787445 -03q9VE0sOk
Lagwagon - May 16
https://youtu.be/SnusAz6i1ykAlessandroHos’s Video 128092787445 SnusAz6i1ykAlessandroHos’s Video 128092787445 SnusAz6i1yk
Veara - Next Stop Everywhere
https://youtu.be/c4V2QKTiXo8AlessandroHos’s Video 128092787445 c4V2QKTiXo8AlessandroHos’s Video 128092787445 c4V2QKTiXo8
Veara - We Have A Body Count
https://youtu.be/ketOqVw5gIgAlessandroHos’s Video 128092787445 ketOqVw5gIgAlessandroHos’s Video 128092787445 ketOqVw5gIg
The Story So Far - Empty Space
https://youtu.be/jQg9pZal5_8AlessandroHos’s Video 128092787445 jQg9pZal5_8AlessandroHos’s Video 128092787445 jQg9pZal5_8
The Story So Far - Quicksand
https://youtu.be/_vACAiPfAlcAlessandroHos’s Video 128092787445 _vACAiPfAlcAlessandroHos’s Video 128092787445 _vACAiPfAlc
Man Overboard - Where I Left You
https://youtu.be/G1Dfw_puM8AAlessandroHos’s Video 128092787445 G1Dfw_puM8AAlessandroHos’s Video 128092787445 G1Dfw_puM8A
Man Overbard - How To Hide Your Feelings
https://youtu.be/83p9qN-Rp7QAlessandroHos’s Video 128092787445 83p9qN-Rp7QAlessandroHos’s Video 128092787445 83p9qN-Rp7Q
Neck Deep - Losing Teeth
https://youtu.be/8PRymK0tM80AlessandroHos’s Video 128092787445 8PRymK0tM80AlessandroHos’s Video 128092787445 8PRymK0tM80
Emmure - E
https://youtu.be/f5EdZbRan8kAlessandroHos’s Video 128092787445 f5EdZbRan8kAlessandroHos’s Video 128092787445 f5EdZbRan8k
City Lights - Promises
https://youtu.be/NWO2aAk8QaYAlessandroHos’s Video 128092787445 NWO2aAk8QaYAlessandroHos’s Video 128092787445 NWO2aAk8QaY

Ciau persona che seguo! Ho bisogno di nuovi gruppi da scoprire e mi affido a te :3 Se non sai i miei gusti ti dico solo che preferisco poppunk e punkrock. Se invece li conosci consigliami gruppi simili agli Amity Affliction /As It Is / Chunk! No, Captain Chunk! e mi rendi felice♡ Buona serata~

Pierce The Rick
Ciao a te!
Our hollow,our home
The color morale
Hands like houses
Poi fammi sapere se ho scelto bene ahah
Liked by: Pierce The Rick

Ciau persona che seguo! Ho bisogno di nuovi gruppi da scoprire e mi affido a te :3 Se non sai i miei gusti ti dico solo che preferisco poppunk e punkrock. Se invece li conosci consigliami gruppi simili agli Amity Affliction /As It Is / Chunk! No, Captain Chunk! e mi rendi felice♡ Buona serata~

Pierce The Rick
Sex pistols, The Clash, Ramones, Dead Boys, The Adverts, X, The Addicts, Misfits, Charged GBH, The Exploited, Germs, Damned, Buzzcocks, Bad Brains, Dag Nasty, Husker Du, MDC, Minutemen, Minor Threat, Black Flag, Bad religion, Social distortion, Suicidal Tendencies, D.O.A, New Bomb Turks, Rocket form the crypt, Electric Frankenstein, Agnostic Front, Sick of it all, Madball, Satanic surfers, TSOL, NOFX, Rancid, Dropkick Murphys, Fugazi (anche se è post-punk...), Adolescents, Circle Jerks, Crass, Cockney Rejects, 4 Skins, Dead Kennedys, Descendents, Gorilla biscuits, Poison Idea, Raw power...

Gaia ho visto che tu parli sempre di musica sopratutto quando si parla di relazioni (: ti importa così tanto dei gusti msicali di una persona? 🎶

Non la ritengo una caratteristica essenziale tipo "deve per forza ascoltare la mia musica altrimenti cilecca"
Però ti dico che, quando ad una persona normale comunque, gliene interessa un'altra, va diciamo a notare il particolare nel viso,
Oppure il piercing,
Oppure la maglietta che indossa.
Io la prima cosa che metto avanti, è la musica. E come scrissi, se mi piace la tua musica, hai fatto 100.
Ho questa esigenza primordiale ahaha
Ma molto spesso può capitare che non si apprezzi la mia di musica e viceversa, ma mi adeguo alla fine, sorpasso la cosa.
Io ancora mi ricordo una frase che veramente, fa troppo poppunk "mi ricorderai per la mia musica",
Me la tatuerei, veramente. Però dopo piangerei sangue misto acqua misto zolfo.

helow togar oppanim! kenal gk sama life style 'straight edge' pasti kan pasti dong? kan lagi meroket2 banget tuh anak muda berasosiasi tentang gaya hidup itu dan denger2 juga ini berawal dari band2 punk? coba dong jelasin gar!!! i'm so curious, really! thankchuuu

hai, gua udh kenal lama dan kenal baik sma gaya hidup straight edge itu, memang itu awalny dr band gua jg lupa nama bandny klo kg slah genreny poppunk ((coba di googling)) gua kg join jd kg bgtu merhatiin, setau gua itu gaya hidup yg positif tanpa rokok, free sex sm gaya hidup yg mabok2an? gua pgn masuk cuma gua perokok, dan maaf gua kg bs jelasin, coba tnya yg udh lebih dlu join :)

Asko: bè bè cosa facciamo qui ? giocatore incallito di schedine, mega simpatico e ragazzo molto abile nei ciccioneggi all' LD da quello che sento dire. Domanda sullo stile: porti mai calze alte tipo Alberto Bonicelli ? hahah buona serata Padulano :D

Filippo Bonicelli
ormai l'era delle schedine è lontana, sono in astinenza :'( no scherzo ahahaha
Comunque si all'LD me la cavo, con tuo fratello.
E no, non porto le calze alte come lui perché il poppunk mi piace, si, ma non quando arriva fino alle ginocchia ahah
Buona serata Fili

♜Vale, haber como estoy un poco cansada de hacer colectivas que no tienen que ver sobre "ti" ... había pensado que aquí a continuación me pusieras 10 cosillas para conocerte un poco mejor y que no lo tengas ya puesto en la descripción obviamente, y si no te apetece, Espacio Libre ♡ Un beso ♜

1. Soy skater
2.me quiero teñir
3.amo green day
4.mi novia es lo mejor del mundo*-*
5.me encanta el dubstep
6.me encanta el rock / poppunk /punkrock / metalcore /hardcore etc
7.quiero tatuarme mucho
8.quiero varios piercings
9.quisiera dejar de vivir con mi madre
10.estare con mi novia eternamente y nuestro hijo se llamara gunter

lagu western yg seru yg vokalnya cowok kalau bisa genre hardcore metal,rap,dance. kasih tau gua dong #thanks

wes bro nny2 deathcore hardcore metalcore poppunk melodic sok ka aing, blink 182, linkin park, a7x, sleeping with sirens, om&m, blessthefall, pierce the veil, bring me the horizon, mayday parade, new found glory, a day to remember, all time low!!! puny lokal mah gua pegang billfold dah
Liked by: tae hyung jongkook DOFI

1. siapa mantan kamu di 10enam? 2. kaki kmu kok putih bgt?haha 3. enak pacaran sm anak hiphop ato poppunk?;p 4. kenapa meletan mu menggoda?haha 5. aku ganteng kn vi?wkwk

hbiebmuhammad’s Profile PhotoMuhammad Habieb el Faiz
1.kalo uda tau gausah ditanyak-_- wkwk
2.pulak ku tutupi terus, gapernah kebuka, ya putihla, bnyk yg gapercaya kalo ini kaki karna lain sama mukaku yg itam-_- wkwk
3.karna aku suka poppunk, ya poppunk ajala:D
4.bangke=)) karna niup" trmpt makanya aku sering melet wkwkwk
5.iya ganteng, tapi kenapa kok masih jomblo?:p

As a lover of the punk genre,I have to ask you this,do you really think youre punk enough for the world oranything?I mean all you listen to is poppunk and Indie rockYou just happen to like a genre that is associated with Punk rock.Sorry I just hate everyone with similar taste in music. Nothing Perso

suck my dick hah
I like NOFX to Sex Pistols to motherfucking Fall Out Boy to Zebrahead. You dont know shit about my music taste.
You know what punks dont do? Admit they're punks. Hahaha you're cute.

5q: 1. Pengen punya pacar kayak apa?? 2. Punya twitter?? 3. Recomended lagu galau?? 4. What do you think about mama?? 5. Pap random face?? Ow: Cans baik ramah good girl. Hacep kayaknya?

1. Yang pas dihati *mie burung dara enaknya nyambung terus eaaak*
2. Uss @fiucha_dannis
3. @SCSpoppunk SECRET STUDENT - Cerita kita, SECRET STUDENT - Pergilah, SECRET STUDENT - Berdiri Tegak. Lagunya POPPUNK tapi galau-galau wkwk
4. Seperti ow kamu yang buat aku :D makasiih yaa
Thankkkkssss ow nya :)
Hacep? Haha, terimakasih :)

Kerropa muutama artisti/yhtye/säveltäjä tai yksittäinen biisi, josta pidät kovasti mutta joka ei ole kovinkaan tunnettu. Jos ei mitään mielestäsi tarpeeksi hipsteriä löydy, kerropa sitten jotain guilty pleasure -musiikkiasi. (Seurattuja spämmin taasen, moro.)

Lost Society - Terror Hungry
Jyväskyläläinen helvetin kovaa thrashia soittava poppoo. Mitäpä siihen lisäämään.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lnzZpDWrqRYJointti’s Video 112660169214 lnzZpDWrqRYJointti’s Video 112660169214 lnzZpDWrqRY
Founding Neverland - On My Own
Jälleen Jyväskylästä heilaava porukka, jotka soittavat erittäin menevää melo-hctä lievällä poppunk tuntumalla. Henkilökohtainen suosikki, pusipusi.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Jy_x42aGvgJointti’s Video 112660169214 6Jy_x42aGvgJointti’s Video 112660169214 6Jy_x42aGvg
Ruger Hauer - Jokaiselle jotakin
No kuka vittu ei Ruger Haueria tunne? Silti vitun siisti video, so what evs.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kw-GGxLAM_AJointti’s Video 112660169214 Kw-GGxLAM_AJointti’s Video 112660169214 Kw-GGxLAM_A

Markiplier ist ein berühmter Let's Player~ Naja in deiner Beschreibung steht PopPunk und Metalcore also einfach deine Lieblingsbands aus den beiden Genre xD

Sasa Quinn
Ehm puuh das hab ich eig schon ein paar mal aufgezählt D:
A Day to Remember
All that Remains
Attack Attack!
As i lay Dying
Avenged Sevenfold
Betraying the Martyrs
Billy Talent
Blink 182
Bring me the Horizon
Breakdown of Sanity
Chelsea Grin
Chunk! No, Captain Chunk!
Crown the Empire
Courage my Love
Death of an Era
Deez Nuts
Die Apokalyptischen Reiter
Dropkick Murphys
End the Century
Eskimo Callboy
Eyes set to Kill
Ghost Town
Heaven Shall Burn
I See Stars
Ill Niño
In Flames
Like Moths to Flames
Mayday Parade
Make them Suffer
Memphis May Fire
Miss May I
Motionless in White
More than a Thousand
Never Shout Never
Of Mice & Men
Obey the Brave
Parkway Drive
Papa Roach
Rise Against
Sleeping With Sirens
Stick to your Guns
Suicide Silence
Sum 41
System of a Down
Texas in July
The Devil wears Prada
The Sorrow
The Plot in you
The Ghost Inside
Through Arteries
Thy Art is Murder
Upon a Burning Body
Woe, is me
We Came as Romans
You me @ Six
Your Demise
...die fallen mir grad spontan ein D:

View more

avril no es una artista que haga musica de calidad, te puede gustar y no lo critico pero si hablas de bandas o musicos de calidad ella no estaria incluida

Nadie hablo de calidad hueona, dije que la estética de muse no me gustaba, porque no me gusta y punto, que tienen que ver otros estilos?el poppunk ha sido parte d mi vida siempre y me gusta, y ahora y pediré que cuando vengas a hablarme o a tratarme casi de idiota, leas bien las cosas para que no quedes como tonta.

que haces con una foto demi novia en tu fondo del ask? ¬¬ sacala<33 jaja broma me encanta esa foto la tuya pues ni se diga<3<3 ok no, sos muy linda me gusta tu estilo sos rockera hardcore?

Sólo me gusta el poppunk y ella me gusta desde hace mucho, no tengo estilo definido, me gusta la música simplemente.

Stop calling yourself pop punk. Teasing your hair and blacking your eyes is scene. You piss me and other actual pop punk kids because we are pop ounk and you're literally just a scene girl. It's annoying. You're not pop punk, do you even know what pop punk means? You're not. Shut the fuck up.

that wasn't very poppunk of you

uhm, what's the 'name' of your style? if it has one:3 you're absolutely perfect and gorgeous omg*-* ^-^

I'm just myself and I like what I like I don't like to restrict my style, I guess the best way to call me is well punk, I like dark stuff but at the same time lighter things that's why kind of like a joke somewhat I call myself poppunk because yeah I also love that genre of music but poppunk Is a lighter version of punkrock and more core things it's like punkrocks little brother trying to be like him but also likes to cuddle a lot c:

Language: English