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اعطوني افلام امريكية دراما او قصة عادية حبيتوها ومن الزمن القديم مثل زمن الثمنينات والتسعينات ؟...🥰💗

Ladysereen26’s Profile Photolady.sereen♥️
Forest Gump
Léon The Professional
The Shawshank Redemption
Good Will Hunting
Schindler's List
The Prince Of Egypt
Crimson Tide
A Few Good Men
Beauty and the Beast
The Lion King
The Hunchback of Notre Dame
Toy Story
Toy Story 2

جيل التسعينات .. ما تفكرونا كده بألعاب زمان مين هنا كان بيلعب كونكر .. ريد اليرت .. صلاح الدين ..gta .. أو كونتر زي ما كنا بنسميها half life

complex216’s Profile Photo3laa_elaydi
لعبت مع رفيقتي لعاب قديمي متل Prince of Persia التلت جزاء و Sly Cooper التلت اجزاء و Fable 1 و Castlevania Lament of Innocence و Castlevania Course of Darkness

Je suis vraiment curieuse à savoir quel est ton livre préféré ?

ce fut longtemps que je n'ai pas reçu de question personnelle ici, merci
Comme livre préféré je considère un livre que je prends partout avec moi, que je peux relire sans m'en lasser et ce livre est Le Petit Prince de Antoine de Saint Exupéry 🥀
C'est un livre très court et très profond, doux, qui m'a beaucoup touché
C'est un peu un petit guide que je garde précieusement et que j'emporte partout avec moi ce pourquoi c'est mon livre préféré bien que ce soit une "petit livre" qu'on lit souvent aux enfants

Во что поиграть на ноутбуке если он тянет игры вышедшие до 2011 года а после нет

Sergey10031996’s Profile Photoсергей степанов
Значит, вы можете понастальгировать по двухтысячным :)
Из того, что я помню: Oblivion, Morrowind, Overlord, Prince of Persia, Dark Messiah of Might and Magic; The Sims 2 и The Sims 3 (но кроме Райских островов, их даже современные компьютеры не тянут 😅); Madagascar, Shrek 2: team action или можно Super slam, Chicken Little;
Warcraft 3, если его классический облик не заменили рефорджем везде и всюду; Winx Club 2006, если не боитесь уровня с болотом 😎
Может что-то и подойдёт под ваш вкус.

— Your methods, Von Doom, have often veered into tyranny. True progress requires cooperation and understanding. You can do better.— Prince said with a firm expression and she was not impressed by his words.

The_wonderwoman’s Profile PhotoDiana☆
Victor nodded, he was barely listening to her suggestions but she caught his attention.
"Princess, this world don't need any compassion.
If you turn your back, they will s.tabb you!"
She was so naive, he thought then he stood up from his throne and walked slowly to her with a certain energy that was filling the room.

Das waren alle Usernamen, die ich gefunden habe 🙈 wenn ich jemanden vergessen habe, tut es mir sehr leid! Habt ihr Lust, ein Moodboard von euren Götterfunken-OCs zu teilen? Und optional noch ein paar random facts? ☺️

vanillekaffee’s Profile Photovanillekaffee
Ahhh ja total gerne mein bebe ist jetzt ja auch offiziell auf der at choice seite :D
- intern hat Ray den Spitznamen "McKnackarsch" was an seinem FC Owen Lindberg liegt, der als Model arbeitet und in seinen Shoots die meiste Zeit nur das nötigste trägt. Wenn man nach Gifs sucht, wird man auch mit so manchen Details beglückt, die man so vielleicht nicht erwartet hätte xD
Aber ja darauf bezogen und weil er einfach ein hottie ist, heißt er McKnackarsch
- Um eben oben genanntes sinnvoll zu verpacken und weil er ein Sohn von Apollo, dem Sonnengott, ist, wurde ich tatsächlich von Bonnie dazu inspiriert, dass er auch ne erhöhte Körpertemperatur a la Twilight Werwölfe haben könnte und deshalb ständig im Sommer oben ohne rum rennt, weils sonst einfach zu warm ist. Beziehungsweise hat er auch eher die Sonnenkräfte seines Vaters als Heilungskräfte, die Kräfte sind also dementsprechend etwas ausgeprägter. Und man kann ja zeigen was man hat, wa? Die Aphroditehütte nimmts bestimmt dankend an. :D
- Beim FC war es liebe auf den ersten Blick. Ich hab ihn gesehen und dachte mir, dass er quasi Apollo ist und musste Owen deshalb als Fc haben.
- Seine Mum war Tierärztin
- Sie hatten einen golden Retriever der Apollo hieß (a lil revenge by Mum, fair enough)
- Er war einige Jahre auf einer Militärschule
- Sein Spitzname auf der Schule war Prince D, abgeleitet von Princess Diana

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Das waren alle Usernamen die ich gefunden habe  wenn ich jemanden vergessen habe

Habt ihr irgendwelche pet peeves, wenn es du mmffs kommt? Sowohl aus der Sicht als Autors, sowie als Teilnehmers?

Was für eine interessante Frage!
Ein wenig Hintergrundwissen zu mir, ich komme ursprünglich aus dem RPG Bereich. Mit 12 Jahren habe ich mit Written Roleplay im Romanformat begonnen und seit einigen Jahren spiele ich mit Freunden eine D&D Kampagne. Das bedeutet, dass die meisten Pet Peeves aus dem Bereich so ein bisschen überschwappen.
Meine Pet Peeves:
- Charaktere, die sich außerhalb der gesetzten Parameter des Canon Universums bewegen. Ich LIEBE Lore. Deshalb versuche ich meine Charaktere so nah wie möglich in die bereits existierende Welt einzubauen und alle Details, die ich hinzudichte an die Lore der Welt anzupassen.
- Altersgerechte FCs. Ich glaube das hat man bei dieser MMFF gemerkt. Aber ich bin vorgeschädigt aus meiner Zeit als Teenager, wo jeder entweder jemanden aus Supernatural oder Vampire Diaries als 16 Jährigen gespielt hat. Habe natürlich ähnliche Fehler gemacht mit meinen ersten Charakteren, also verstehe ich es irgendwie. :D
- Super tragische/edgy Charaktere deren Hauptgrundlage Alkohol- und oder Drogenkonsum ist. Ein wenig Wild vielleicht, aber ich habe bei einigen Geschichten teilweise so viele Charaktere gesehen, deren einziger Punkt dieser Faktor ist. Ich glaube, dass es durchaus ein interessanter Aspekt sein kann, es sollte aber nicht das einzige sein, was den Charakter ausmacht.
- Ein ganz bestimmtes Pet Peeves für HP MMFF: Stereotypische Slytherins with no Depth. Aka Pureblood. Rich. Dark Arts Student. Arrogant. Manipulative. Ice Prince. Hater. Etc… Man muss nicht immer extrem von der Norm abweichen, Stereotypen können auch interessant sein, aber am Ende sollen es doch Charaktere sein mit Tiefe. Auch ein stereotypischer Slytherin kann seine Katze wie ein Baby betüdeln (wenn auch ihm Geheimen) oder bricht unter dem Druck der Familienerwartungen beinahe zusammen? …
Alles natürlich persönliche Empfindungen. ♥ Ich glaube was anderes fällt mir spontan nicht ein.

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Dzień dobry! Widzę, że klasyka kina nie jest Ci obca. Obiecałam sobie docenić mniej znane, stare filmy, więc postanowiłam zwrócić się do Ciebie ze skromną prośbą. Zechciałabyś może polecić mi tytuł/y, które Twoim zdaniem są najbardziej kultowe albo szczególnie zapadły Ci w pamięć?

Dzień dobry! Jeżeli chodzi o rodzime produkcje w mojej pamięci trwale zapisały się tytuły: "Kukułka w ciemnym lesie", "Zmory", "Kochankowie mojej mamy", "Zaklęte rewiry", "Konopielka", "Dybuk". Co do filmów zagranicznych silne wrażenie wywarły na mnie "Dersu Uzała" i "Małgorzata, córka Łazarza", mam duży sentyment do "Maurice" (i niezmienne pragnienie do przeczytania książki), a z nastoletnich lat do "Towarzystwo wilków". Dobrze wspominam seans filmu "Morgiana", a uroczo oglądało mi się "Lekarstwo na miłość" (to akurat nasze podwórko) czy "Sabrina". Z animacji urzekły mnie z kolei sowiecka "Mała Syrenka" z lat 50-tych czy japońska "The Sea Prince and The Fire Child" (znalazłam ten film pod tytułem anglojęzycznym i mam nadzieję, że go nie przekręciłam).

Recuerdas cuál fue el primer videojuego que jugaste?

Fresamor’s Profile PhotoFresamor
Los primeros videojuegos que jugué fueron el Tetris, Comecocos, el del tenis, el de la rana, Prince of Persia, uno de esquí para el PC, uno de las Tortugas Ninja, uno de unos drsgoncitos muy kawaii que comían cerezas o algo así que no recuerdo de qué iban, los Mario Bros, Pokémon, los Zelda, Bomberman, Duck Hunt, los Sims... Y luego los de la primera Play Station y la segunda como los Final Fantasy, Crash Bandicoot, Spyro, Rayman, Rachet and Clank, Tekken, Kingdom Hearts, Mortal Kombat, MediEvil, Hércules, El Emperador y sus locuras, La ruta hacia el Dorado, Digimon...

— He has dark hair, wears a cap and is very muscular.. it's okay if you don't see who he is. I hoped you knew him because I haven't seen him for months..— Prince was making circles with her finger on her cup.. she didn't want to give much details about his identity if he didn't see who he was..

The_wonderwoman’s Profile PhotoDiana☆
Steve hesitated on revealing that he knew the man but he never spoke about it to anyone.
- I see who he is, in fact I've heard that someone was after him.
He paused and approached slowly, making sure nobody would hear the conversation.
- A certain Mr Wayne?

Na co se nejvíc těšíš?

Já se těšit nemusim... Král Já první už křiví držťku při sladký hostině, král Miroslav Krasomile už střevíček zavázal, osel ušatý alias král Kazisvět šestý, hlava pomazaná už zdravil prince Radovana a očekávám ještě Mrakomora, Vaška s Helenkou, Jasněnku, Rozárku s Juráškem a YIPYKIYAEY MOTHAFUCKER!

Do you watch any movies during the Christmas season? You have any favorites? 🎄📺

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
My favorites Christmas movies:
Home Alone, Home Alone 2: Lost in New York, A Boy Called Christmas, A Christmas Carol (tradition version and Barbie version).
Other movies which I often or sometimes watch during Christmas:
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Kaspian, The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, Harry Potter, Happy Feet and Ice Age.
P.S. I recommend you 'Slumberland'. 💚
Do you watch any movies during the Christmas season You have any favorites

Les gusta las series de humor clásicas?, que prefieren? Series de Chespirito, Películas de Cantinflas o Los 3 chiflados?

MadaraGamer11’s Profile PhotoMatiiKing1891
/Mh, fíjate que mis series favoritas clásicas que me gustaban unos que eran The fresh prince, Los simpsons, Mr. Bean, Friends; eran de las que me agrada ver a cualquier horas más que todo por la tarde y por la noche. Y eso sí, no te voy a mentir, pero no he visto absolutamente nada de lo que se trata de la serie de Chespirito, pero de cierta manera me recuerda al padre a mi mejor amiga más que todo por el personaje de don Ramón (no me acuerde porque razón lo apodan así). Ahora en lo que se trata de las películas de Cantinflas esas se las ha visto todas mis padre y no se aburre de verlas y siempre reírse con estas. Espera, no se porque me da la leve impresión que en algún momento llegué a ver la película de Los 3 chiflados, no me acuerdo en que año me la vi pero de que la vi, la vi al lado de mi familia y si llegó a robarme unas cuantas carcajadas.

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When you were a little girl, did you dream about the man of your life and the wedding? Did you dream about the princess-like dress and the prince saving you from the tower etc?

Not really, no, I did dream of having the fairytale romance of meeting one person and being with them forever, having 2 kids and a nice house etc. But I never wanted a big wedding or a Prince to swoop in and save me 😂

What about the trending drama ‘Ishq Murshid’ ? M loving it 😍

ikainaa_’s Profile PhotoKaina
It's good, I mean, of course, coming up with a different storyline is a good initiative. As for the fact that it is totally unrealistic and unfair for the female protagonist and her father.
I also watch the drama for the sake of novelty and entertainment, but really, I feel the ending would break us all.
I mean, when the truth will unveil, everyone would be badly hurt, their trust would be broken.
On a serious note, it also highers the already sky touching expectations of us (Pakistani women) about the Prince Charming of our fairytales. (I'm over it but I'm worried about the newbies)
Plus, there's a thing called seed and nourishment.
If you sow the seed of a pea. And give all thr nourishment you can give, and expect it to grow into a wheat plant.
It wouldn’t.
Same goes to 'lies'.
The seed of a "lie" sown by the protagonist (hero) would bear fruits of something negative as the seed, not something pure and spiritual as 'love'.

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Day 5 cita una serie TV anni '90

Ila_cre’s Profile PhotoIla♥️
Sono cresciuta con le serie TV che raggiungono la fine degli anni '90: Charmed, Dawson's Creek, Full House, The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, Buffy the Vampire Slayer e Freaks and Geeks MA, una delle mie preferite è sicuramente X-Files.
Mi ha affascinata sin dalla prima volta che l'ho vista, è una serie TV di fantascienza-mistero che segue gli agenti Mulder e Scully, che lavorano per l'FBI, insieme indagano su casi di misteri inspiegabili. La serie ha una trama creativa e affascinante che mi ha sempre fatto volare con la fantasia, quindi X-Files è la mia serie preferita degli anni 90.
Day 5 cita una serie TV anni 90

Siete persone che amano la lettura? Se si, quale romanzo/libro è il vostro preferito?

monosisamuele4342’s Profile PhotoSaaaam
Liked by: Saaaam ROXY ANGEL 87

We always have a good time in my dreams..

i’m sorry …
but if you are not him❤️
i don’t want to be in your dreams
why you let someone have dreams about me…?!)))
i’m only his… anonymous
and do not
feel absolutely nothing about another men
sorry ‘ but
it’s true.
i answer like this because i don’t like give hopes…
(i’m about men)
and you could meet your real love… and have good time not only in dreams…
dreams it’s so beautiful…
and never stop dreaming…
just change your dreams

i’m not coming true …
and don’t waste your time…
i became more kind … ( about men who loves me) because i answer here
before i even not answered
not here every where … not meeting
just didn’t want …
because how i answered a ‘million ‘men …no it’s not true i just didn’t want
i was like Cinderella ‘prince - in that mean
don’t care about men…
he didn’t care from word absolutely about girls
till he meet her.( i’m mean. - in this meaning)
and i always feel my self as Thumbelina… ( not about height, her prince was near her height because he was for her)
everyone wanted marry her…( from ‘first see’)
but no one approached her… because her prince … was from ‘another lands’…
i maybe one time here write about
i don’t remember…
but i’m not talk about but inside
and every time i tried avoid …
when you know like about some guys o, Inna that rich guy fall in love with you… he want marry you
i tried quickly abstract…
you know like Inna you will have so beautiful life…
and in that moment it was a lot of times because from my teen age someone every time wanted marry me…
and really guys … not about i’m magic or i feel even not about inside me i was so upset
like my life over.
is i born for this..?! was that question in me
yes absolutely about
absolutely rich family …beautiful guys … nice
i was felt so
but … and every time love and ‘strength’ the one with whom i will be win.
yes, i’m like this i didn’t need beautiful dates …or places or travel waste my beauty or after break with them… answered on messages or
from anyone …
i didn’t know from where … but it was in me from my childhood.
yes i want everything … and even more …but from whom i love
i stubborn .
when you feel how
it’s easy …
i never let myself be with someone whom i don’t love…
and don’t let myself love someone who don’t love me!
(but not exist men who see me and not immediately fall in love )
and i was right.
i feel ‘meet’ him
i’m his…❤️
only and will.

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Związek czy przyjaźń?

Fruubus’s Profile Photoa̷nett
PL: Najlepiej żadne z powyższych, przestałam wierzyć zarówno w miłość, jak i w przyjaźń.
Nie wiem, może pewnego dnia ktoś odmieni moje myślenie, może zdarzy się bohater, książę bądź księżniczka na białym rumaku, nie wiem, zobaczymy.
Póki co jestem zniszczonym psychicznie dzieckiem, które boi się uczuć i emocji.
A przecież uczucia i emocje są rzeczą ludzką...
Ja jestem jedną, wielką, chodzącą sprzecznością...
ENG: Preferably none of the above, I stopped believing in both love and friendship.
I don't know, maybe one day someone will change my thinking, maybe there will be a hero, a prince or princess on a white horse, I don't know, we'll see.
For now, I am a mentally damaged child who is afraid of feelings and emotions.
As I said, feelings and emotions are human things...
I am one big, walking contradiction...

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Do you support Palestine or Israel?

I don't really know the history of either Palestine or Israel.Therefore,I cannot choose who to support.And listen to people who,on one side and the other, shout that we are not attacking,and that such a country does not exist at all.It’s like between Ukraine and Russia,when Russians don’t know the history of our Ukrainian state,and they say that Ukraine is a republic.They talk about the non-existent“All Rus'”, although there was Kievan Rus.They say that Crimea was taken because Vladimir Monomakh was baptized there, and they call him their prince, although all history textbooks say that he is the prince of Kievan Rus.And that in general there was a Muscovite kingdom,and it did not touch Kievan Rus in any way, that they were not together.And it was in Muscovy that they had their own rules suitable for the cartoon“Julius Caesar”(you watch it, and then you will recognize and understand the propaganda).

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Conte-me algo sobre a Ucrânia?

The only thing I want to show you is that Ukraine is not a republic,as many people say in Russia.Ukraine immediately began to be after Kievan Rus,became a Cossack State,and acquired its international and legal status.And it became the Cossack state in 1648-1649.
And if you don’t know how to read Ukrainian, you know what to do in this case. Just save the photo and translate it in the translator. Everything is written there in capital letters.
The second is, of course, that Muscovy always entered this state, and, as always, tried to establish its own rules. Especially Catherine the Second, who believed that Ukrainian was a dialect of the Polish language, and forbade speaking it.
Just imagine if some similar German woman, Catherine II, who was of Russian origin, but had a German passport, came to you and told you that the Portuguese language is a dialect of one of your neighboring countries, and that Portugal is not at all a state, and a republic?! And the fact that it has long had its own legal status on Earth is a state, they somehow don’t care about it, you know?
It is also very often said that Putin seemed to have taken Crimea because Vladimir Monomakh was baptized there. Vladimir Monomakh is the prince of Kievan Rus. And naturally, it was his parents who had the right where to baptize him. This once again proves that Crimea is Ukraine, because Kievan Rus is Ukraine.

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Conteme algo sobre a Ucrânia

Diana reached out to Steve through their secure communication. She knew it was time for them to meet at their determined location chosen — First part of the job is done — Prince spoke through her device and was on her way..

The_wonderwoman’s Profile PhotoDiana☆
Steve acknowledged her words and replied.
- Roger that, I'm on my way.
As Steve reached their rendez vous point, he found Diana waiting with a smile on her face.
They had successfully completed the initial phase of their mission, and the stolen items in their possession marked a significant step toward achieving their goal.
- It is good to see you.
It took me time to have this but patience is the key.

If you lost your shoe at the annual ball and a Prince went around the town looking for a woman who’s foot the shoe fit on, how would you feel?

I had a such moment when i lost my shoe… not on ball yet
of course…
not with my Prince yet …
on street… i was with my beautiful mom
and i was called Cinderella…
and i heard about myself
she so beautiful
something special in her
(it’s long story i wrote here and everywhere before….)
with the question Cinderella where is your Prince ?!
you know anonymous your question makes me absolutely happy …
reason know only two people in this world
me and my 🕸❤️
and i think about before …. The Prince was meet with the Cinderella a few times
but always forget how she looks
ok at first time she was looks like little slob…
but face
and on the ball
he was talking to her a couple of minutes ago… and suddenly forgetting how she looks
how so…?!
and made all the women of kingdom measure Cinderellas shoe…
of course the are always and will be those why want to try on fate
especially such beautiful one…
who will refuse no one … a lot of women even “fighting “ for that
adjusting a lot of things…
but love is love …
and it’s story about true love .
and i have already written about Prince absolutely didn’t care about those “ladies “
or about love …
around him …
who tried to ring him
until he met his Cinderella…
world not change… “ladys “
purpose the Prince , Princes
they are on every events where be Prince…
try devolop rumors…
And Prince …?! Prince don’t care
he doesn’t meet his Cinderella yet…
we not met to each other yet.

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مرحبا مستر حيدر .. خلاصة الأفكار لكورتيس يارڤن .. اللي ترجمتها حضرتك .. هل هو كتاب مكتوب عنه أم مدونة 2007 .. أو تلخيص كامل لما كتب وحتى Grey mirror of the nihilist prince موجودة من ضمن الكتاب .. وشكراً .

لم أترجم شيئا كهذا بعد. إذا تسنى لي الوقت (بين المساق الدراسي المكثف وترجمة كتاب توينبي) فسأعدّ للطبع "الحرية بمفهومها الصحيح" لهانز هوپه (مع إضافة محاضرات أحدث يتناول فيها موضوعات مثل كورونا والناتو وحرب أوكرانيا) و "ما هي العودة الجديدة" لپول هانت الذي يشرح مسائل محورية من فكر العودة الجديدة والمدرسة النمساوية في شكلها الأحدث.

⠀⠀⠀⠀❛❛⠀ᵐᵉˢˢᵃᵍᵉ ᵗᵒ :⠀ @DXRKHORSEMAN

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀━━━━━━━━━━━━━⠀ ⠀⠀❪⠀ℛ & ℳ⠀❫⠀ ⠀⠀━━━⠀❜
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ᵐᵉˢˢᵃᵍᵉ ᵗᵒ  DXRKHORSEMAN

I think its about time I asked YOU a question! So, have you ever been to the UK? If so, what did you think of it? Be honest, I can take it! I myself have been to Stockholm, but I was only there for an hour! We stopped off on the way from Finland to Denmark.

AnitaakaMabel’s Profile PhotoMabel Bloggs
I've been to London a few times, yeah! But not really anywhere else in the UK, which I hope to remedy sometime! First time I was there we even saw the queen! When we were gonna cross the street near Big Ben we got stopped by a few armed guards. Then a whole convoy of cars drove past, with the queen and prince Philip in a car somewhere in the middle. My dad even managed to snap a good picture of the both them! I also remember swimming at the aquatics centre, probably the most epic place I've gone for a swim 🇬🇧
I think its about time I asked YOU a question So have you ever been to the UK If

De quoi es-tu nostalgique ?

Probablement du fait que j'ai créé ce compte alors que j'aimais pour la première fois de ma vie, et me sentais enfin appartenir à la plus haute frange de l'humanité de par le sentiment que j'éprouvais.
Probablement des multiples rencontres que je fis ensuite, et qui m'apportèrent toutes la confirmation de qualités que je m'ignorais et qui ne se sont plus manifestées depuis ; la faute à pas de chance, ou plus vraisemblablement au fait que je leurrais efficacement mon monde.
Probablement du fait que je recevais chaque jour des commentaires dithyrambiques pour des textes médiocres, qui m'incitaient à croire en un génie que les années n'ont cessé de me nier depuis.
Probablement du fait que nul ne guérit de son enfance.
Probablement de l'exaltation de me trouver presque intelligent lorsque, ayant cédé à certaines passions éthyliques, je relisais avec admiration ce que j'avais, ici, écrit ivre la veille.
Probablement d'un temps lointain où je ne portais pas le faix de ma propre détestation.
Probablement d'un âge à jamais évanoui où l’avenir était si imposant, qu’il se masquait lui-même et dissimulait sous son propre monolithe l’aspect funeste par lequel, toujours, il termine.
Toutes ces illusions ont justement pris fin, à mon dam et celui de ceux qui ont eu la malchance de me côtoyer, alors. Ils étaient avertis. Il est écrit, en italique : Malheur à la ville dont le prince est un enfant.
Les choses sont rentrées dans l'ordre. Pour rien au monde je ne reviendrais à l'être vain, maupiteux, détestable que je fus ; mais il m'est pourtant loisible, parfois, de regretter les manifestations d'amour qu'il parvenait à susciter. Ce n'est qu'un jour sur quatre ou cinq, et à l'occasion de la faiblesse la plus humaine qui soit. Il s'agit simplement d'abhorrer qui l'on fut pour les autres, et d'aimer qui les autres furent pour soi.
Il est permis, même au plus faible, d'avoir une bonne intention et de la dire, disait l'autre, ou un autre.

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⸻ to my lovely princess: I wish you were'nt born ♡

IMSTARVINGDARLING’s Profile Photo⠀≀ killian ⊰
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀.⠀⠀⠀.⠀⠀⠀.⠀⠀⠀.⠀⠀⠀.⠀⠀⠀.⠀⠀ .⠀ ⠀⠀.⠀ ⠀⠀.⠀⠀⠀.
⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ‛‛ ⠀ *⠀⠀ GHOST⠀——— ⠀ ̷ᵖ̷ᵃ̷ⁱ̷ⁿ̷ ̷/̷ ̷ˢ̷ᶜ̷ʳ̷ᵉ̷ᵃ̷ᵐ⠀ *⠀⠀ ’’
⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ᵐᵉ ᵃⁿᵈ ᵐʸ ᶠʳⁱᵉⁿᵈ ̷⁽̷ᵈ̷ᵉ̷ᵛ̷ᵗ̷ʰ̷⁾̷ ᵃʳᵉ ʷᵃⁱᵗⁱⁿᵍ ᵗᵒ ᵉ*ᵗ ʸᵒᵘ..̶ ̶ ̶ ̶ ̶ ̶ ̶ ̶ ̶ ̶ ̶ ♡
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ═══════════════════════════
⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀You belong to me. / You little piece of sh*t.
to my lovely princess I wish you werent born

Just checking am I still on your wallpaper?

okay anonymous….
i have been asked about this …. a lot in last time…
in different versions….
but essence of question is the same….
who’s on your screensaver….?!
and why not him….🕸❤️
i really don’t know how someone found out …. but someone really want to know about ….
on my screensaver….
Edo…☀️Prince Charming….
only me call him like this….
Edo have a partner….
his orientation….
and choice…. it’s his private life ….
i don’t want to talk about ….more…
but i know i’m special for him….
and he miss me…. or not
it’s not important
why i don’t change the screensaver to his….🕸❤️ photo ….
because…. because anonymous….
because i want our …. together….
probably a lot of ….
inside me …. but i want to write only this
i know that i’m loved and read my millions
and i can’t be outspoken…. but
you are not Prince Charming….
even your question started with the words I checking
but if it’s you Edo….☀️
hello….✨ Prince Charming…
no , no….
i don’t think …. and i don’t feel….
he’s ….🕸❤️even a little bit jealous
because honestly…. i was think about….
if we start being
jealous of each over ….
we’ll have to be jealous of the whole world of women…. and even men
because men like him too…
but he isn’t gay…. and not bi
and he is jealous of the whole world of men …. and even women….
i don’t believe that i write this …. but it’s true…
i believe in power of love….our love…
and…. and… and …. o lot of inside

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i won the lottery fr, thank u for being with me through thick & thin and also thank u for letting me be a part of your life and create special memories together let's keep being happy and create more memories together, i love you so so so so much my little prince charming🙈💗💗

elizabethquezadaa__’s Profile PhotoBeth
You must mean I WON the lottery!! Thank you for waiting all this time and fight for us it really means so much to me how deeply you care, i will always make sure you get the queen treatment you deserve and to keep making our bond strong, i love you my beautiful princess aurora❤️

Do you think prince Harry has sold his family out??

horneyman77’s Profile PhotoStan Matthews .
For someone who left to stay out public eye He not really doing great job I don't feel sorry for him you don't make it public got problem with your family do it in privacy don't see the king or his brother doing live interviews slagging him of tickle me when he says he wants apologise of them and want relationship with them I don't think going on live TV and writing a book about them will ever made amends I think he has sick of seeing him over the news he boring me with his sob story now

What is Anne of Green Gables?

It's based on a 1908s novel about an 11 year old orphan named Anne Shirley and her adventures. She is sent by mistake to two middle-aged siblings, Matthew and Marilla Cuthbert, who had originally intended to adopt a boy to help them on their farm in the fictional town of Avonlea in Prince Edward Island, Canada. You have to watch it with Megan Follows. It is my ALL TIME FAVORITE FILM 💕
I almost named my son after this film but he doesn't look like a Gilbert.

The saddest part is...????

It isn’t even about the platform you’re using. My LinkedIn is full of random (not professional) msgs and they’re all by men. One even had the audacity, to endorse me for certain skills when he doesn’t even know me?? Do you think you’re using Facebook? Ajeeb they’ll do anything to start a conversation and here? Guys go around making fake accounts and talking shit on shoutouts just another fucked up way to seek attention.
Likewise the concept of privacy has gone to hell. Women are treating every other platform like Instagram and it will always be beyond me how people go around giving their snapchat Ids to random people? **If you’re not an influencer or a public figure** why are you hell bent on making your life, public? That too knowing VERY WELL the kind of perverted people we have in our society? Adding the people you know or get along with, is fine! But literally distributing your personal account id’s like candies? What do you think it signals about you? Your Prince Charming isn’t going to find you this way and he certainly wont be added with every other woman, out there lol.
It’s saddening how people are so deprived of basic love and care in their lives that they desperately seek it from the wrong places.

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Girl, du bist die, die ich brauch' und begehre Neben dir fühl' ich mich, als wenn ich nichts wäre Und wenn du jetzt glaubst, das alles ist hier nichts Dann hast du falsch geglaubt, denn Girl, ich liebe dich...💕

Schritt 1:
Lass dir eigene Worte einfallen und hör mit dieser Möchtegern Prince charming Scheisse auf. Welches Mädel will so angesprochen werden, bist du high oder sowas?
Schritt 2:
Sag es ausschließlich EINER und vor allem einer wo du es so meinst und lass es, sowas als Shoutout zu versenden, oder bist du dumm?
Schritt 3:
Zeig dich, verdammte Axt noch Mal. Wenn du nicht mit deinem Gesicht und deiner Identität zu dem stehen kannst, was du sagst, dann sind deine abgedroschenen Worte Bedeutungslos und Fake.

Why do a lot of black men only date and marry white women? Do they are ashamed of their origins? Asked by an Italian woman

Black women are the strongest women on earth in a way, but a sister is gonna tell you up front: nigga I will f*ck you up. you then know what you're dealing with, contrary to the white woman cuz white women are sneaky, they act till they achieve their goal and are less picky and problematic, lets not forget that most brothers will not submit to a woman like most simps nowadays specially on social media sites where every girl is a queen or a princess, simps put her on a pedastle and worship her, so with a sister as your wife oh man life won't be as easy.
black sisters aside, women in general tend to like a masculine man who carries himself with lots of confidence, ego, social status... etc.
it's not really a black man hooking up or marring a white woman case scenario, not at all, it's the issue where men are becoming feminine and girls are becoming more masculine, the modern white man is so fu*ked up to the point that sites like "only fans, twitch" and many many others are making billions of weak lonly pethetic males, don't be surprised that 95% of women desire less than 5% of males, those 5% are top tier men with lost of cash, carisma, and social status, they may be actors, singers, or whatever version of prince charming in their vision.

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-I mean she isn't exactly wrong, I am the prince of Darkness, or Demon Prince, I used to lead armies of monsters-

forgottenfifth’s Profile PhotoShadow
*Vio signs to Shadow meaning @AnimalOc can't understand their silent conversation*
-Shadow, we've been over this, yes you may still be a creature of darkness, but you have a heart and morals of light. You are not a monster.-
*he pauses in his signing for a moment*
-How about we go stargazing tonight, that always cheers you up, and I love seeing you smile Shads-
I mean she isnt exactly wrong I am the prince of Darkness or Demon Prince I used

J'aimerais avoir autant de flow que toi à 30 ans

J'ai l'impression que les gens ici ont beaucoup d'idées reçues concernant la trentaine. Tu sais on est encore jeunes, nous ne sommes pas supposés se transformer en prince Philippe à cet âge là, et rien ne s'arrête.
Ce chiffre vous fais peur, surtout aux femmes. Mais tout ça c'est à cause du patriarcat et de la pression sociale. Comme si nous étions des produits avec des dates de péremption.
Reste authentique, c'est tout ce que j'ai à te dire. Si on t'accepte pas pour ce que tu es, apprécie ta propre compagnie. La plupart des personnes de mon âge ici en France me trouvent "intriguante" comme si j'étais un objet d'étude, ils veulent me côtoyer par curiosité et pour moi ce n'est pas tolérable. Du coup je passe du temps seule, je mange seule dans les restos, je voyage seule, je décline les invitations aux fêtes, je garde ce mode de vie jusqu'à ce que je rencontre des personnes qui m'apprécient pour de vrai. Et si ça n'arrive pas tant pis. Je n'ai pas perdu de temps à attendre leur validation ou leur disponibilité.
Bref, avoir du flow comme tu dis n'est rien d'autre qu'être soi-même, ya pas de secret.

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So you've run into a Half Angel and a Demon Prince, two beings highly dangerous to you

I'm fragile much more fragile being an lesser demon.. If I'm going to free my brethren I'll need to stay out of their sight.. I fear the angel destroyed a shard I needed for the gateway through hell.. I may be able to sneak out the cracks but most of my kin remain trapped... *she frowns still trying to recover from the celestial attack she endured*

Language: English