
112 people

50 posts


Who is your go-to person when you are sad or lonely?

HamzaKhan199929’s Profile PhotoHamza Arshad
It's not just one person, you see. 😈 It's people, hundreds and thousands of unknown people. 😈
- I post long unfiltered paragraphs on Reddit
- I often post anonymously on groups when my problem is a serious one 🌚
- I call my friends and talk to them on miscellaneous topics. 🎀
I don't share my problems with real-world people who know me, except for my immediate family. 🤷🏻‍♀️

You just accidentally got invited to Ambani's wedding..... What's your first reaction??

MMaryamKhan’s Profile PhotoMaryam Khan
After reading all the 'tea' on Reddit, I'd first want to make sure that I'm being invited only after surpassing all the red flags. Otherwise, I won't go. It was a waste of time, they're saying. 😏😝

سؤال قد يبدو ساذج أو غبي لكن لابد منه.. هل حد عنده معلومة عن الشغل في مجال التعليم والتعلم في الخارج أيه الدولة اللي أحس فيها إني مرتاح نفسيا مش خايف أو قلقان ميكونش فيها عنصرية أو كره للمصريين أو العرب المسلمين ؟

AbdoTaha96’s Profile Photoعبدالرحمـٰن طـه
للأسف معنديش معلومات عن الموضوع، لكن ممكن تسأل على reddit وتلاقي ناس عندها تجارب مشابهه لسؤالك ويقدموا لك إجابات مفيدة.

On Reddit there's this thread for advice on all kinds of stuff, including dating tips and I've noticed that it's full of people, particularly young adult men aged 18-25 who always ask if they're ug!y and if that's why women won't date them. It's weird, why are so many of them so insecure?

Perhaps they’ve had people call them ugly in the past or they’ve convinced themselves that they’re ugly.

If you could only bookmark 6 websites which 6 you gonna choose?

That's a tough choice!
Here's my list:
1. Google - For search needs.
2. Wikipedia - For quick information on almost anything.
3. PubMed - Essential for a medical student to access research papers.
4. BBC News - For staying updated on global news.
5. YouTube - For tutorials, entertainment, and more.
6. Reddit - For community discussions and diverse topics.
What about you?

What's keeping me up, are my thoughts, we don't tend to sit well together at times. I don't need to ask you why are you up, I just have a feeling darkness and lack of light is where you thrive

I guess it's that I find nights so cozy and comfortable. I can see a nice show or listen to music on my laptop and scroll through different apps like ask reddit, 9gag, and write stuff, order food, and just enjoy being me away from sunlight... I can't stand daylight... it gives me anxiety.

What do u guys do for fun? -besides sleeping 😆-

lost_duck’s Profile PhotoGE
- Watching Tutorials for things i want to learn.
- Reading articles on Quora, Reddit and any other sites about them too.
- Reading Quran.
- Playing Chess on my mobile.
- Watching Films.
- Momken انزل اخد خمساية بالعربية اشرب قهوة.
- اكلم صحابي وانزل.
- افكر، ممكن اقعد افكر واخطت بجد لاودام بس.
- ممكن اعمل اكلة حلوة.
- ممكن بس دي قليلة انزل اسطاد حمام معايا بندقية ألماني جامدة فعلا.
- بقالي فترة عايز اجيب كتاب صحيح البخاري واقرا قصص عن الصحابة.
كدا يعني.

I know most probably don't use Reddit but there are plenty of advice subs and it's full of teenage guys asking why girls don't like them. This 19 y/o asked if girls don't like him b/c he isn't buff. I wonder, were we that insecure as teenagers? It's been so long since I was their age... I forgot.

I have always had some kind of weird mix of high self esteem and insecurities. Even now. Not sure how that works but… 🤷🏻‍♀️

Sok férfi egy hitvány vesztesnek tart ezért mert sok lehetőségem lenne és nem élek vele, de én azzal tudok lefeküdni és szeretnék szeretkezni akihez vágyaim érzelmeim ébrednek, öszintén vonzódom és szeretem.

Létezik a Facebook, az Instagram, a Reddit, a Twitter stb. Ezeken jól mutat bejegyzésként az ilyesmi, a kommentszekcióban nagyszerűen lehet beszélgetni róla. De te kiválasztottad azt az egyetlen helyet, ahol biztosan semmi keresnivalója: aszkefemen a kérdések között.

لسه بدأه اقرا كتب باللغة الإنجليزية، مستوايا بين b1.: b2 عايزه ترشيحات لطيفة تحببني في القراءة بالانجليزي

لمّا وصلت ل B1 كنت بقرأ مقالات منفصلة بإستمرار من مجلات ومواقع مختلفة وكنت بستخدم كذا أبليكشن زي:
بيوفروا مقالات وموضوعات مختلفة بمفردات مختلفة فكنت بقرأ لسببين الأول تثقيفي والثاني لخاطر أثري مفرداتي .
مجلات :
•National geograpic magazine
•new scientist
•popular science
ليه كنت بستخدم Reddit لأنه بيوفر أفكار وموضوعات مختلفة وطرق تعبير مختلفة من Natives و Non natives لكن مقرأتش كتب إنجليزي كتير ديمًا كانت بتكون موضوعات منفصلة ولما احتجت أظبط أموري أكتر روحت Gateway في الدقي عملولي اختبار تحديد مستوى وعجبني الطريقة ال شغالين بيها وبس يعني .

Is Facebook predominantly used by boomers now? My grandma's profile is booming. Her pfp has like 200 likes and, like, 100 comments mostly from her boomer friends. Boomers are wildin' there. I'm curious if any of you zoomers/millennials still use it actively.

I haven't used it in years🤷🏻‍♀️ It was just a cesspool for drama, politics, bullshxt etc so I just deleted the app. My daughter (almost 12) has one & I obviously go through it & make sure she's being safe on the internet but other than that I couldn't care less for it. I don't even really use insta much anymore either🤷🏻‍♀️ Reddit has been my go to.

do you think ip-ban is extreme? that's how it is on reddit. if you get banned, you get ip banned. and reddit doesn't allow access if you're using vpn so like, if you f up, you're gone forever lol. it didn't happen to me personally, but it did to people i know

No it's not extreme. Its necessary. Look at how people on here get, harassing me for 3+ years & making 10 new accounts in 5 minutes just to keep harassing. That's what extreme imo

Yeah, I guess I'm not used to it because I never really play online. this is probably super mild compared to the wild things some say/do, like the Reddit gamers who dox women. But like, we were a team and I even shared MY hard earned resources with him, smh. Someone failed to raise this... human.

My husband plays Call of Duty online sometimes and the things people yell is outrageous. It's like- if all the ask bullies were really into 360 no scopin' noobs

Come distingui un nice guy da un bravo ragazzo per davvero? C’è una definizione online??

Di solito i nice guy sono quelli che si mostrano apparentemente gentili non perché effettivamente lo sono, ma perché si aspettano qualcosa in cambio e, se non si presenta questo ricambio, poi mostrano la vera natura insultandoti.
Esempio banalissimo:
"Ciao, come stai? Sei bellissima"
"Ciao, tutto bene, grazie mille! Te come stai?"
"Bene bene, ti va di uscire con me?"
"Guarda apprezzo il pensiero e ti ringrazio, ma non mi va"
"Ok trøia, non sei davvero bella comunque, fai schifo al cäzzo"
Una persona che è veramente "bravo ragazzo" non dice sei bella al solo scopo di uscire con te per insultarti dopo che la rifiuti ecco, magari dispiace il rifiuto ma lo accetta educatamente.
Un altro modo per distinguerli è che spesso i nice guy si autoproclamano bravi ragazzi (la tipica frase "i bravi ragazzi come me vengono sempre rifiutati -sottinteso: da quelle trøie che la danno ai cattivi ragazzi che le maltrattano", azzardo che un 90% è un nice guy e solo il 10% è realmente una brava persona).
Poi online c'è sì la definizione vera e propria, ma i nice guy, che tal volta vanno a braccetto con gli incel* redpillati, sostanzialmente sono così (idem per le nice girls, ma credo siano numericamente molte meno)
>*mi riferisco esclusivamente alla categoria redpill che sono effettivamente tutt'altro che bravi ragazzi, non a tutte quelle persone che semplicemente non sono riusciti ad avere ancora rapporti pur essendo comunque persone a modo
Per avere chiare reference di niceguy ci sono i reddit dove condividono screen di conversazioni dove il nice guy esce allo scoperto in tutta la sua "brava e gentile" personalità

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If your in a relationship but you meet somebody and fall in love with them literally at first site are you wrong for leaving the person you was with?

shane57644’s Profile Photoshane Uzzle
you're**, sight**
also, yes.
this sounds like a little AITA reddit thread though.
you need to clear up the mess you made for the previous person. probably give a closure, like a good human, and then, move on.

які подібні до аску соцмережі ви знаєте? можете порадити?

⠀З подібного можу назвати Reddit та, здається, F3 що підв'язане під Instagram. Однак, друге, на мою думку, значно недопрацьоване і незручне (хоч і додаток Ask.FM не може похвалитися зручністю), а Reddit має дещо іншу структуру та призначення.
⠀Задля розваги міркую над тим яку б платформу-аналог хотілося бачити особисто мені, але поки не можу дійти до конкретного висновку. Можливо, ви мені підкажете — які функції та формати ви би хотіли бачити?
які подібні до аску соцмережі ви знаєте можете порадити

@Thomas_SmithX jelentsétek hogy húzzon már el a picsába innen

Nem jelentem, mert ugyanannyi joga van a reddit, a gyakorikérdések és különböző újságcikkek címét szétküldözgetni, mint neked személytelenül az eltűntetésére buzdítani, mert zavar, hogy kérdezz egy kérdező oldalon.
Mire használjuk ezt az oldalt, ha ne kérdezésre? A kérdések és válaszok minősége igencsak a lakosság mentalitását takarja és a jelentésre buzdítás is sok mindent elárul. Mindenki döntsön úgy, ahogy szeretne, de én nem veszek részt virtuális kivégzésbe, az biztos!

Vagytok még itt olyanok, akik 2012-13 körül regisztráltak és aktívak? Feljöttem pár év után és kíváncsi vagyok, vannak-e régi arcok.

SlothyFromNemMondod’s Profile PhotoSlothy
En is akkoriban toltam es most a reddit miatt tertem vissza megnezni mi a szitu😃 a regi fiokomba mar sajnos nem tudtam belepni pedig jo lett volna azon nevetni😄

https://ask.fm/natalehjayne/answers/172927249836 - I listen to massage and soft whispering ASMR videos, unlike in the past they can't make me fall asleep, but they help me relax enormously 😅

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ ᏖᏋᏁᏗፈᎥᎧᏬᏕ ᏖᎧᎷᎷᏗᎩ™ ▩ ♚ ☻
Oh I love a good head/scalp massage asmr! I listen to a lot of soft whispering crime cases or like reddit stories. I think if you listen to it too much when you're trying to sleep you become a bit immune to it although I've found taking a break for a little bit and coming back to it works for me. Either way, so good for instant relaxation 🤌🏼

Hola, espero que estés pasando un buen día. Hoy vengo a preguntar sobre algo un poco polémico: ¿Qué opinas sobre el feminismo actual? ¿Crees que van por buen camino? ¿Qué es lo positivo y negativo que ves? Si no quieres contestar, espacio libre para ti. Los leo, buen día. 🌸

kanatossakamaki’s Profile PhotoPromise; 민윤기
No creo que exista un sólo tipo de feminismo, me parece que es un movimiento bastante poliédrico, obvio las cosas que más se hacen notar son las que muestran los medios de comunicación, pero también hay mucha literatura, arte y política, de hecho, mucha política y no de un solo lado 👈 👉. Sabias que existe feminismo islámico? hace tiempo recuerdo leer en reddit una discusión entre feministas, unas eran de países islámicos que defendían el uso del velo y otras eran anglos que les parecía horroroso que feministas defiendan eso. Me parece curioso que no exista feminismo cristiano o católico(¿.
Yo creo que los movimientos, como el feminismo, al igual que otros movimientos en la historia evolucionan, algunos desaparecen, pero siempre dejan huellas de que existieron, y de hecho, el feminismo del siglo pasado ya ha marcado varios hitos en la historia. El feminismo actual dejará sus propias marcas, lo positivo y negativo quedará bajo juicio de las generaciones venideras.

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Adrenaline junkies and thrill seekers of Reddit, what's the closest you've ever gotten to dying?

Jumped of a 30ft cliff after my buddy. Since he went first the Rock was wet at the point of the jump. Fell about 6 inches away from the wall thought I was going to smack into some rocks at the bottom. While I missed the rocks at the bottom I hit the water on my side. Air immediately left my lungs. It was one of those moments where I was swimming for the top of the water and wasn’t sure if I’d make it before I passed out. Obviously I made it, but I really though for a moment that was it! Jumped out of a helicopter when skiing. My skis were stuck in my parachute so I dropped them 4000 feet in the air. This was in backcountry Switzerland so I had to make my way 40 miles to the rendezvous in 3 days hiking. Not a fun trip. Almost fell 4000 feet without a parachute, was frost bitten, almost died of infection, and got sent back to Canada without my personal belongings.
Oh, quite a few times. Surfing big waves blitzed had a few wipeouts where I didn't know where up was... Warzones, for sure, several times... Trying to jump onto a trampoline from the roof to catapult into the lake... Actually trying the stuff with the wagon from Calvin and Hobbes near my parents' house as a kid... Locking us in the camper, starting a fire in the kitchen while I tried to make coffee, and getting stuck on a bunk when the table fell apart when my cousin and I were 4... Waking up on a deserted island after losing a boat after a tequila misadventure... Waking up in a body bag after mixing alcohol and heroin.

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Jakou používáte aplikaci na učení cizích jazyků?

Blueman 81
YouTube. Netflix. Reddit. Tumblr.
...jo a Etsy. Komunikace s posahaným Američanem že středozápadu, co nechápe, že zboží z přírodního materiálu používáním změní mírně barvu, protože to je vlastnost toho materiálu a nelze ji ovlivnit. Teda lze, ale to tu věc musí vystavit na výstavku a nepoužívat....

How would you describe yourself and your "type" of girl (or guy) in a few sentences?

I'm reasonably intelligent, ambtious, a smart ass and reasonably extrovert. I like to read, play piano, dick around on the internet and listen to classical music/jazz.
My type is a girl who is about as intelligent as I am (or smarter), ambitious, a smart ass and not too socially awkward. I would get bored if she was too submissive, not very intelligent or if she wouldn't have a life/career of her own. Slightly introverted, not so much intelligent as incredibly fast at thinking. I love stories and take pride in the fact that I can do my work in dangerous and difficult conditions that break other people. I am also incredibly lazy when I can get away with it.
Me: Introvert and quiet until I warm up to people after we have talked a fair amount. Fairly confident but certainly not fearless. I can spend long periods of time with 1 person but more than a few people drain me. I like dicussing concepts and ideas, and making terrible jokes. Generaly very laid back and calm at most times, though I love competition and get fired up over it easily. Homebody who does not do clubs or rowdy parties but I will go out to a lounge or sports bar for drinks once in a while.
I have found myself to be pretty introverted, to my surprise as I always thought I was otherwise until I really understood what that means. I have spent a lot of my life learning to just take things as they come, a day at a time, and I like to imagine that makes me pretty laid back. I can tolerate most things in other people as long as it's not to do with deliberate ignorance or something they flat out know is not a good idea (ie. complaining about something that they could fix but won't, picking fights with others to try to find some affirmation for their life choices, etc.). I used to be a pretty hard core neck beard, but without a beard, and have been working very hard over the last few years to change that. I can only hope this self improvement has been working, but that's really for me to judge. I like me more, so there's that I guess.
I'm 5'10 (a good height I think). Good looking, manly chin, nice build. I'm pretty even keeled in terms of personality. Wouldn't say that I'm intro or extroverted because I can be both. I'm ok with peace and quiet, sitting in my room browsing reddit. I also have fun going out to parties and hanging out with people. But I do mind my own business, as opposed to some people who seem to have a need to bother and talk to others for no reason. I'm confident, willing to put my money where my mouth is. I don't believe in limiting myself, I want to experience all that the world has to offer. I'm intellectual, and well traveled, so I know what I like. I'm openminded, and appreciate the same in others. I look good in sweats and a v-neck, even better in a suit. A lover and a fighter.

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Alguien me ayuda a opinar de unas fotos en Google chat para ver qué opinan de mis avances haciendo ejercicio?

KenBerry443’s Profile PhotoKen Berry
Lo que vos querés es clavarle fotopijas a alguna mina que se deje; andá a cagar. ¿Sabías que en Reddit hay espacios de bodybuilding y fitness para mostrar tus resultados? ¿Por qué no mejor vas allá y le enseñas tus fotos a gente que sí le podría interesar, en vez de venir acá y quedar como un depravado en potencia?

Titeket melyik szleng vagy szófordulat irritál a legjobban? Én például a "mindent is" hallatán reflexből torkon taposnám az illetőt. Ha félig angolul beszél, akkor meg megölném késsel.

Ez a reddit / 4chan szókincs.
Ezeknek az embereknek egy mondatát nem értem, pedig magam is zoomer lennék.

How would you describe your own personality?

I am a gentle, kind-hearted, romantic, sympathetic and compassionate individual. I always look for people who are as kind hearted as I am. My friends say that I am kind hearted, caring and tender. My easy-going, kind-hearted temperament is ideally suited to working with people. I try to give an helping hand to all those who are most in need of a helping hand. Peiple say I am the sweetest, most kind-hearted person that they've ever known. I am broad-minded, kind-hearted, perfectly informed, clear-sighted and congenial. I loved experiencing the different cultures of the two prefectures and learning more about their kind-hearted people and Japan. I am so soothing, so smart, and do kind-hearted deep inside. I am kind-hearted, always nice and quiet and try my very best to be helpful to everyone I meet along the way. My master is a kind-hearted and sympathetic man, but, he didn't agree to help me.
You're a handsome, kind-hearted, young man, and any girl would be lucky to have you in her life.
A man of great modesty and shy by nature, he was kind-hearted and generous.
I have told many stories of the enterprising, generous and kind-hearted people that live in this community.
He was their kind-hearted teacher and mentor and guide from whom all drew inspiration.
She has a warm personality and she is very kind hearted.
Quick to laugh and kind hearted, I was a happy child.
I expect the man I am looking for will be be reliable, caring, intelligent and kind-hearted.
I’m a really open hearted, giving, loving person. Though I get wrapped up in emotions very easily and that sends me into a downward spiral of depression. I always want my love to be reciprocated which is so selfish I know. Another horrible thing about me is that I seek attention. I have a loud personality. Most people find me a lot of fun to be around but for some I might be too intense. I’m complicated 😐
People generally tell me that before they got to know me they were scared of me or thought I was cool. I personally just see myself as kind of distant and detached but I also care deeply about lots of things. Also I have really thin skin and it kind of shows.
This is a hard one. Most people that meet me, and even know me well, tell me I’m one of the nicest people they’ve ever met (I was voted “nicest person” in 8th grade) but I don’t feel that way at all. I feel like if they knew my thoughts, they wouldn’t believe that. I’m quite critical and cynical, though I mostly keep it in my thoughts and in my reddit comments, hahaha. I do try to be a good person though, and I would say I’m fairly generous and loyal. I care deeply, but that also means I get worked up over injustice easily.

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Hörst du gerne Podcasts?🎧

Kaeltesturm’s Profile Photo☆*Lilith*☆
Ja, ich höre sie mir gerne nebenbei an. :D
Wer es ganz kurz haben möchte, sieht sich einfach das Bild an, auf dem sind 12 Podcasts drauf, denen ich folge. :D
Ich habe aber von manchen noch keine Folge gehört. :3
Okay, dass sind jetzt alle Podcasts, die ich entweder höre oder mir Mal vorgeschlagen wurden und sich interessiert anhören.
Die Podcasts, die ich aktuell immer Mal höre sind
- Hobbylos
- Schreib mich ab
- Gemütlich Nachsitzen
- Nicht mehr ganz Twitter
- Kottbruder
- Reddit Stories.
Bei den restlichen habe ich noch keine Folge gehört, finde sie aber ganz interessant.
Ich habe mir ebenfalls den Podcast "Plötzlich schwanger" von Herr Bergmann und Paluten angehört, den habe ich allerdings schon durch und er wird auch nicht mehr fortgeführt, weswegen er nicht auf der Liste ist.
Wenn jemand eine kurze Zusammenfassung oder einfach meine Meinung zu einen/mehrere/alle Podcasts haben möchte, die ich aktuell höre, muss nachfragen.
In dieser Antwort habe ich leider nicht mehr viel Platz, um wirklich darüber zu schreiben. Ich schreibe hier aber Mal ganz grob ein paar Details.
Schreib mich ab ist ein interaktives Hörspiel, wo eine erfundene Geschichte erzählt wird. Wenn du dir die aktuellste Folge angehört hast, kannst du auf Instagram gehen und das weitere Geschehen der Geschichte beeinflussen, falls man es möchte. :D
Reddit Stories höre/sehe ich eigentlich immer auf YouTube, die Folgen werden nämlich ebenfalls auf dem Kanal "Fufu Stories" hochgeladen. Wie der Name es schon sagt, geht es um Stories von Reddit Nutzern. Oft bekommt man da ein paar negativen Gefühle gegenüber bestimmter Personen in der Geschichte. ;D
Bei den restlichen genannten Podcasts geht es immer um 2 Youtuber, die einfach ein bisschen reden. Die Folgen sind meistens sehr lustig. Meine Favoriten davon sind "Kottbruder" und "Hobbylos". :333

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Hörst du gerne Podcasts

ماذا تعرف عن الـ (نوفاب NoFAB) ؟

هو مصطلح يعني لا للاستمناء (العادة السرية أو الامتاع الذاتي)، وتم ترويجه سنة 2011 في مناقشة علي منتدي Reddit، بعد كده المناقشة دي بقت موقع مستقل.
ماذا تعرف عن الـ نوفاب NoFAB
Liked by: Norhan Elhanbaly

Just recently I came across a post on Reddit about elephants and how they 've evolved to be tuskless bc of ivory poaching. That's the result of massive elephant k*lings. That gif reminded me of it. Humans are disgustingly evil.

Elephants are gorgeous creatures! It truly breaks my heart that they are endangered :(
That's why my brother gifted me an elephant adoption for Christmas just gone! It goes to WWF and helps protect elephants!
My elephant is called Clarabelle :3
Just recently I came across a post on Reddit about elephants and how they ve

So i have a lot of prblm and i have one friend left for me i cant tell her any of my prblm bc am so scared to lose her too I feel soo lonely and have no one to share my thought with

You could post in r/offmychest in reddit. It's like a big forum where people share their problems or just say whatever. It's also anonymous.
People are usually kind, but it's also the internet so expect the usual idiot every once in a while.

Do you believe that good/bad karma exists?

Karma as a spiritual force, no. But I would argue being a good person will oftentimes (but not always) lead to others being good to you. Bad people, however, even the scales by cheating. So even if being a good person helped you out, bad people have means at their disposal to help them too.
I think social karma exists. People see someone doing good and positive acts and the karma passes onto other people.
You are more likely to tip at the counter if the person ahead of you already tipped.
The same goes for bad karma. You know how if one person doesn't acknowledge a situation (like a fight in public or a homeless person asking for change) that the rest of them usually do the same?
It works like that. I don't believe in a metaphysical force though. If it existed there would be a lot of homeless hedge fund bankers.
Karma probably doesn't exist. It's a very comforting thought, knowing that the bad guy gets punished and the good guy eventually gets a reward. Unfortunately, the world just doesn't work like that.
I don't think the universe keeps a numerical value like reddit does, but some people get what's coming to them, and others are on the side of the angels, they're just good people.
If you're nice to people, people will be nice to you. That's how humans work. If you're nasty to people, people on the whole will be nasty to you/ignore you. Again, that's how humans work. If you're mean to people and then get hit by a truck, that's just an unfortunate (or fortunate for everyone else) coincidence.
I don't believe in karma, I believe in statistics. If you're a good person and always do nice things, statistically more good things will happen to you. I don't believe there is some system keeping count of the good things people do.

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I'm trying to see some subtle and major differences between different INTJs. Describe yourself like telling us about your hobbies, interests, talents, what your personality is like, etc.

I'm complex as hell. No one ever sees the full me because of that. My family sees one piece. People I work with see a totally different piece. People I like/friends see something else. And you people on Reddit see mostly a different piece from everyone else. When people from any of these four elements see me in one of the other elements, they get really confused. Some people think I'm intimidating as hell while other people think the idea that I'm intimidating is completely laughable. I'm old, but I look significantly younger than I am, i.e. at least a decade younger. So, I get a lot of amusement from people because of all of these things. I like dark blue and black and wear those colors almost all the time. I actually love sports, but I treat it like an academic subject. I'm into politics, psychology, reading, research, learning, social issues, pretty much all kinds of music (no "I have eclectic taste" followed by "I hate pop music," though, admittedly, I'm less familiar with modern music--but I just like anything that sounds good to me), old sitcoms. I like philosophical discussions. Great career, but always thinking about what the next step is and positioning for it. "Forever alone"--too weird and different to find someone who is compatible with me and actually wants me. Not "girly." Very calculating and always staying a step ahead of others. Usually have a plan B or a contingency plan. Very unemotional on the outside, more emotional and romantic on the inside. I'm on my early 20s. Very introverted. I find it hard to connect with people. I am picky with my relationships (platonic and romantic). Quite elitistic and arrogant. Loves fine art and the violin. Adores dogs. Pragmatic. Loves money money money! 🤑
I am kind of motivated but unmotivated most of the time. I am a highschool student and I used to go to a boarding school. It taught me a lot about people. And I dream of becoming an engineer and make stuff. I made friends when I used to attend the school, but only talk to one after leaving the school. And I don't really have a person to talk to a lot, but that dosent mean I am alone, have family and friends (2), but just lonely. Closest thing to a friend I have is a random french girl I found on omegle. I rarely talk, to a fistfull of people. I am just shy. Oh and the compliment I get the most by few people I talk to is "weird in an interesting way"
I am also interested in philosophy and psychology, especially applying it to my personal life or analysing the behaviour of others around me. I have grown more confident over time but I still feel very awkward or out of place. I am a very reserved person but I enjoy talking with my friends about meaningful topics. I usually mind my own business but I enjoy giving insightful advice to my friends because I know it will be useful for them. I have two cats. I like iced coffee. I am a good leader.

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It would be really interesting to see how you perceive yourself to be in one word. As a starter, I would consider myself as "imaginative," just because.

Circle. Because I always want to be holding things together, whether I am at work or being with my family. It is one thing always striving to be the center of the world, and it is another to be the one everyone knows they can turn to at any given moment.
Uninterested. I cannot genuinely be interested in something I do for more than a couple days, weeks at the most. When it comes to getting bored easily, I am your man. Nothing online, or on TV holds my attention for more than an hour or so. Even reddit fails to hold my attention for more than an hour and I don't even know why. I frequently get bored of my girlfriend. I have changed many majors...so on and so on. I wish I could change it, but don't know how.
Never thought about a psychologist. That's not a bad idea. Its not that bad, I just try to find A LOT of things to do. Its really depressing when I have to not listen to certain songs because I like them. I know if I listen to it more than a few times in a day, they will get boring. But overall, its not that bad. I don't even really notice it until something like this comes up.
You may suffer from something i've coined as: Genius-Syndrome. You are so intellectually advanced that your brain processes through tasks so fast and easily that you can not focus on anything and are usually bored. I've found that advanced mathematics does the trick for me. Here's to hoping you can find something to put your mind at ease.
In all the world, there is no one else exactly like me everything that comes out of me is authentically mine because I alone chose it - I own everything about me my body, my feelings, my mouth, my voice, all my actions. Whether they be to others or to myself - I own my fantasies, my dreams, my hopes, my fears - I own all my triumphs and successes with me - by so doing I can love me and be friendly with me in all my parts - I know there are aspects about myself that puzzle me, and other aspects that I do not know - but as long al I am friendly and loveing to myself, I can courageously and hopefully look for solutions to the puzzles and for ways to find out more about me - However I look and sound whatever I say and do, and whatever I think and feel, at a given moment in time is authentically me - If later some parts of how I looked, sounded, thought and felt turn out to be unfitting. I can discard that which is unfitting, keep the rest, and invent something new for that which I discarded - I can see, hear think, say and do I have the tools to survive, to be close to others, to be productive, and to make sense and order out of the world of people and things outside of me - I own me, and therefore I can engineer me - I am me and I am okay the way I am. idealistic. I hope for the best in everyone, everything, but am usually disappointed.

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How would you describe yourself?

I am a naturally sane and good-natured person who always looks on the bright side of life. I look out for everyone. Shy, honest, anxious, determined, cat lover, antisocial, pluviophile, funny, boring. I try to bring out the best in people. Caring, oblivious, vindictive, creative, trustworthy, indignant, self-pitying, verbose, introspective, affectionate. I am a very caring person who's looking for making people's days a bit brighter and
Insecure, shy, reserved, distrusting, understanding, ride or die, funny, witty, intelligent, chunky but funky
Empathetic, self-motivated, nonjudgmental, endlessly curious about the human condition, introspective. Empathetic, dog-lover, insecure, easy-going, wine-lover, intelligent, sensitive but strong, hard working, perfectionist. How would I describe myself? Three words. Hard-working, Alpha male, Jackhammer. Merciless. Insatiable. You and me both. Worst part is knowing it and knowing that I'll suspect tremendous potential until the day I die, having achieved nothing to measure up to what I suspect could have been.
I'm happy and funny and smart and good looking and radiant and medium build and brown eyes and well read and I love rock and roll and I live in the city but I wish I lived on a farm but not too far out 'cause I like to party and socialise and go to movies and shows and i like shoe shopping and sometimes I feel a bit guilty for eating all the ice cream but mostly I'm OK with roast beef for dinner but I also like pizza for a change and I like Reddit a lot and I sometimes play Guitar Hero but only when there isn't any Mock the Week on repeat on Dave and sometimes I like to cycle to the park and sit and check all the hot mommas out and every time I go home and touch myself I die a little inside.
I got asked this in a job interview not too long ago. It completely threw me off guard (it was my first real job interview) and I really had a hard time coming up with a good answer right away. I was literally slurring my words. Needless to say, I didn't. Visionary, I suppose. I have the habit of always drifting off into thought and coming up with ideas, theories and explanations randomly in my head based on stuff I see. It's a habit of mine, I guess. I always like to come up with my own solutions for things. Check out the synonyms: admirable, alluring, angelic, appealing, attractive, beauteous, bewitching, charming, classy, comely, cute, dazzling, delicate, delightful, divine, easy on the eyes, elegant, enticing, excellent, exquisite, fair, fascinating, fine, foxy*, good-looking, gorgeous, graceful, grand, handsome, ideal, lovely, magnificent, marvelous, nice, pleasing, pretty, radiant, ravishing, refined, resplendent, shapely, sightly, splendid, statuesque, stunning, sublime, superb, symmetrical, taking, well-formed, wonderful.

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Seid ihr eine eher kreative Person oder sucht ihr euch woanders Ideen (zb Pinterest)? (Egal ob zeichnen, Hobby oder etc)

tiffanyhyer’s Profile PhotoTiffy
Inspiration und Referenzen zu nutzen macht einen nicht weniger selbst kreativ imo. Im Gegenteil, gestützte Praxis und Übung können einem den Zugang und die Weiterentwicklung eigener Kreativität erleichtern bzw. ermöglichen.
Ich bin selbst kreativ und genau deshalb lasse ich mich auch gerne von anderen inspirieren. Manchmal habe ich Lust, etwas zu schaffen, aber keine konkrete Idee. Dann gehe ich gerne auf Reddit oder nutze Prompts. :>

A woman took to Reddit to ask whether she was in the wrong for telling her mother-in-law that she wasn't allowed to sleep in her and her and her husband's bed. Thoughts?

Shannon678900’s Profile PhotoShannon
I hope she realises that she is married to Oedipus .
She must force , insist that her mother-in-law plays that song by Elton John, over & over - til she understands she can-NOT let the son go down on her . . .
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a6LpM83JERkigotamatch’s Video 169995311226 a6LpM83JERkigotamatch’s Video 169995311226 a6LpM83JERk

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