Disapprove my skepticism of 'nothing' being enough.
Imagine you're going home from work. You go work every day and are quite satisfied with what you do and what little you earn from it. You've made your mind that there's nothing else you really want from life, you just want to stay the same and be content with what you have. On your way, you run into a small bag full of money. You pick it up and check it. It's more than you could make in years with your job. You're really happy that your life is now going to be better. It will change. For good. Lost in all those thoughts of fortune, you walk a little more and you come across a man looking for something he lost on his way. That something is what you're holding in your hands. With a sigh of relief he extends his hand, expressing his gratitude. In a matter of second, all the thoughts of a fulfilled destiny become.. just thoughts. That bag, it wasn't yours to begin with. That change, it wasn't meant to come. But is change really something you were looking for in the first place? Weren't you content with what you had until the idea of having something else changed your mind? Isn't anything you find along the way just an additional blessing to the countless you already have, enough to be satisfied with even though to some, they might just be nothing. You can be content with 'nothing' or be addicted to something more. In either case, nothing is enough. It's really cool how a simple phrase can mean two entirely different things depending on how you look. I don't know if I disapproved your skepticism or further endorsed it but I thought it'd be nice to make a story out of it.