
412 people

50 posts


Do you watch The Teacher on Channel 5?

Jasmine20958743’s Profile PhotoJa18
I do not, we don't have broadcast television in our home. We never have. We figured that since we don't watch a whole lot of TV in the first place (most of what we do watch, we either watch online or on streaming platforms) that we'd rather go without it than pay for a TV license.
What's the show about? Would you recommend it? 😊

Do you pay your streaming services monthly or yearly? Mine used to be monthly payments, but I've switched to yearly as that saves you some money.

I currently don’t pay for any. We have Netflix included in the internet contract and my partner pays for prime video.

Paghereste un extra di 1,99 euro per non vedere pubblicità su una piattaforma streaming che già pagate?

Leogpone’s Profile PhotoLeopoldo Cagnone
Ho abbandonato diversi servizi di streaming come Netflix, Hulu e Disney+ perché spesso includono delle opzioni aggiuntive che, a mio avviso, dovrebbero già essere comprese nel pacchetto dell'abbonamento base. Ora utilizzo principalmente Amazon Prime Video. Non è sorprendente che molte persone si rivolgano a siti pirata, considerando la frustrazione legata ai costi aggiuntivi e alla complessità dei vari pacchetti offerti

Were you a teenager when Poker Face by Lady Gaga came out? I'm an elderly 😆😭

FreshICYGirl’s Profile PhotoBe Yourself Always
Yeah it was annoyingly played on the radio like every morning some kid would phone in and request it and thats what i miss about radio is the live song requests when music streaming didn't really exist unless you had a MP3 player or iPod nano

Netflix o prime video?

Scegliere tra Netflix e Prime Video dipende dalle tue preferenze personali e dalle caratteristiche che cerchi in un servizio di streaming.
Se preferisci una vasta gamma di contenuti originali di alta qualità, Netflix potrebbe essere la scelta migliore. Se desideri un servizio che includa anche vantaggi per lo shopping e una buona selezione di film e serie TV, allora Prime Video potrebbe fare al caso tuo.

Cavolo dai però non hai fatto vedere la scena finale del doctor strange nel multiverso della follia, che è la più bella quella del super combattimento potevi farlo vedere no? Quello finale.

Va così la vita. Al massimo prendilo in dvd o vedilo in streaming. Io me la sono gustata da solo molto bene, te lo assicuro. Bel film davvero.

Do you listen to relaxing music before going to sleep?

KubaGR571’s Profile PhotoKubaGR571
Hmm yes and no. Whenever my ASMR-trist is streaming live, I watch her. She has some relaxing music in the background, since her goal is to make people sleep.
Whenever she is not streaming, I don’t listen to anything at all. ☺️

When a new movie that you're interested in watching comes out, do you usually see it at the cinema or do you prefer to wait until it becomes available on streaming platforms?

We quite often go for a movie date so if somethings on that looks good we will go and see it most of the time. Sometimes we forget about a film and end up watching it later streaming tho 🤷🏻‍♀️

What’s your average screen time and the amount of time you generally spend on social media?

Froyh’s Profile PhotoMerve
I have the clothing auction on at all times, so a lot but I’m usually not paying attention to it. Also streaming series most of the time even if not paying attention. Not much, if any daily in social media besides Ask.

Welche Art von Filmen schaust du am liebsten?

sunshinesophia1’s Profile PhotoSophia
Früher war ich ein absoluter Filmfan. Egal welche Genre, aber ein bisschen Action musste schon drin sein. Doch heutzutage interessieren mich Filme oder Serien fast gar nicht mehr. Viele Filme wirken nur noch hingerotzt oder erzählen das ewig gleiche (Marvel). Ich schau kein Fernsehen und auch so gut wie kein Streaming, daher kann ich die Frage gar nicht wirklich beantworten
Liked by: TOBUWABOBU1 avy

Is it just me or people don't go to the cinema anymore like they used to in the past decades?

i certainly don't, but i think the pandemic changed things for people — more and more movies are being released on streaming services shortly after being in theaters, so why bother spending so much money at the movies when you can watch it in the comfort of your own home?

And then there came a day, when I decided I’ll…..?

dreamer05_’s Profile PhotoNoor Shaikh ✨
...let her go. It was the hardest decision I had ever made, but it was one that needed to be done. We had been together for years, shared countless memories, and weathered many storms. But the love that once brought us together was now tearing us apart.
Our relationship had become a battlefield, filled with arguments, tears, and heartbreak. The girl I fell in love with was no longer the woman standing in front of me. And I, too, was not the same man she had fallen for.
I remember the day I told her. The sky was overcast, mirroring the storm that was raging in my heart. Her eyes, once filled with love and warmth, were now filled with confusion and pain. But she had decided to leave already.
She didn't say anything. She just stood there, tears streaming down her face. I wanted to reach out, to comfort her, but I knew it would only make things worse. So, I turned around and walked away, leaving behind a piece of my heart with her.
As I walked down the familiar streets, I couldn't help but think about all the memories we had created together. The laughter, the love, the dreams we had shared. But now, all that was left were the echoes of a love that once was.
And so, I left. I left the town, the memories, and the girl I still loved. It was the end of our story, a sad ending to a once beautiful love story. But sometimes, love means letting go, even if it breaks your heart. And that day, I decided I'll let her go.

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Which music streaming service do you use? How many songs have you liked or saved on that platform?

amycheetham09’s Profile PhotoAmy Rose
Definitely Spotify I have saved more than 100 songs I think I use it a lot👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Liked by: Alany João Henrique

Do you watch TV? If you do, what do you usually watch on TV (streaming platforms, live TV, movies only, etc). If you don't watch TV at all, ignore this question. 🌿

M1ssSemy’s Profile PhotoStar. i
Typically, I watch movies and documentaries. On very rare occasions, I’ll watch TV shows, but that’s usually if I’m with family or friends who likes a specific show. For example, my dad and I used to love watching crime shows and such together, so whenever I’m with him, we always enjoy it. ☺️
I’m such a sucker for finding new documentaries to watch, on various topics though. These topics range from nature, outer space, history, to beauty/fashion related, animals, world events, etc. 😄
Do you watch TV  If you do what do you usually watch on TV streaming platforms

What movie are you most excited to see come out this year?

savlolo’s Profile Photosavlolo
Dolls Kill is doing a thing with that movie Imaginary. Like a killer imaginary bear or something. So I’ll probably check that out since DK is involved. But I’ll wait until it’s streaming. I hope they make a M3gan sequel also. Only recent horror movie character that has been kinda cool.

Describe an average day for you? 📅

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I wake up at 6:30 and get ready. Then I work from 8:00 to somewhere between 16:00 and 17:30. Then go home, relax a little or I go to the gym. After that I have dinner and after dinner I game with my boyfriend until it’s about 21:30, then I go to bed. 😊
I am usually not into ASMR, but I found an ASMRtrist that really knows how to trigger me well lol. When she’s streaming I fall asleep in like 10 minutes. 😂 it’s incredible. So I usually watch her after 21:30.

You can play lossless music files on laptop, PC or your iPhone (ALAC, WAV or FLAC through the Apple Files app). There are portable lossless players too. Think of them as today's Walkmans. 🤣 Not sure about 8-track tapes but maybe Sage can try. Ya know, his name means a wise person... 🤣🤣🤣 💗

talionislexx’s Profile PhotoLex Talionis
I think it’s that I always needed my music to scrobble with last.fm and iTunes wouldn’t load anything except for mp3s. I’m fine. I used to listen to music through my MacBook and it sounded like a tin can. A whole new experience with my headphones. Plus streaming has made it easy to find more music. Back in my teens I would buy a cd without ever hearing it. Mostly when I knew it was a metal band with a female vocalist. I can’t afford those luxuries anymore. I’d tell you about the absolute best way to hear music from my acid days and how you can hear every little intricacy but I know you don’t want to know about that. 🤣🤣🤣💗
Liked by: Smile Gilbert Thomas

Schaust du noch normales Fernsehen oder nutzt du ausschließlich Streaming Angebote?

cherrymoonchild7’s Profile Photocherrymoonchild
Das letzte Mal als ich normales Fernsehen geschaut habe war, als ich zu Besuch bei meinen Eltern war. Die schauen um 20 Uhr immer die Tagesschau. Danach gibt es aber Filme von mir per Laptop abgespielt auf dem Fernseher. Damit meine Eltern auch mal was Gutes schauen und nicht den Schrott der im Fernsehen läuft.

Do you watch TV? If you do, what do you usually watch on TV (streaming platforms, live TV, movies only, etc). If you don't watch TV at all, ignore this question. 🌿

M1ssSemy’s Profile PhotoStar. i
I usually watch TV news and these days skiing and flights on ski - I was shocked that nowadays men reach the distance 240 metres in it 😱
Do you watch TV  If you do what do you usually watch on TV streaming platforms

Do you think the word film has lost its meaning as compared to the word movie because it is mosty digital and streaming visual media? How would you explain to a child why it is called film when they've never seen a projection or even a VHS?

In Dutch it hasn’t lost it’s meaning because we literally call a movie a film.
I’ve grown up with films all my life, but I don’t know why it’s called a film either lol. Doesn’t take away the pleasure and importance of a film though.

Yo metiéndome en el anuncio del trabajo de contestar o atender clientes por ws y cuando me dan la información es una vaina de vender un "software/plataforma/servicio de streaming" y que de paso tienes que pagar 2$ para entrar. Eeeeeeh. Nop. ¿Alguien más se ha encontrado con esos "trabajos"?

No se me haría extraño que tú cayeras en esos engąños; si siempre has contestado a perfįles falsos y anónimos que me atacan; como asumiendo que son verdades las pendejądas llenas de resentimięntos que dicen de mí; hasta he llegado a pensar que eres un perfįl de esa personita resentįda enfermįta descerebrąda que lleva tiempo atacándomę, ¿por qué?, pues porque las personas normales/reales no responden a esas cuentąs que atacąn a los demás; sólo el ser resentįdo desde sus miles de perfįles se responde a sí mismo para hacer creer que le atienden a sus pendejįsmos; te diré, no estoy muy claro en eso, mas tú y la tal NEBRASKA son perfįles muy dudosos, al parecer se hacen las normąles y son cuentąs de la persona resentįda que me atąca desde hace un tiempo. Ok, no estoy seguro; te doy el derecho a la duda, te doy el derecho a réplica; hablemos en este "hilo" a ver qué tal ;). Te pediré disculpas si mi duda está errada, pero así has hecho percibir la cuestión con tu acción, con tu accionar.

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What do you do to cut costs and save money? I've begun cooking more instead of ordering out, and I've started meal planning. Not only does this reduce expenses, but it also minimizes food waste. In 2024, I intend to quit smoking. Smoking 2 packs/day ($155weekly) is burning both my lungs & pockets

we don't get takeaway as often (and when we do we try to get it ourselves rather than ordering through uber eats), we eat more veg-based meals, we get fewer "little treats" when we have to run into the supermarket, and we've cancelled most of our streaming services.

If you use Spotify, what did your Wrapped of this year look like? 🎶⏪

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
✦ ───────────── ✦
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✦ ───────────── ✦
So, this was my Spotify wrap-up for 2023.
I posted my most preferred Genres and my most listened-to artist. My streaming minutes and top artists and songs are within the photo collage below.
If you use Spotify what did your Wrapped of this year look like

Kenapa wanita semakin di kejar semakin menjauh?

sjoni9881’s Profile Photonnds.pt_
Jadilah seperti air
yg mengalir dari DATARAN tinggi
ke DATARAN rendah
mengejar lawan jenis ibarat menyalahi hukum fisika berat massa jenis
Demi Allah anda MUSTAHIL! mendapati air menempel, melekat, melengket pada sebuah batu, saya ulangi dgn ketikan CAPSLOCK agar benar mudah diingat
ANDA TIDAK AKAN MUNGKIN MENDAPATI AIR MELENGKET, MELEKAT, MENEMPEL PADA SEBUAH BATU atau bola khayalan imajiner yg mana konon air tersebut tidak tumpah terhambur padahal bola kartun CGI menurut dongeng pseudosains berputar superrr duperrr kencang dgn kecepatan bualan 1670 km/jam 😁
jg mustahil anda akan melihat air berkelakuan konyol membentuk kurva/lengkungan/bulat dalam kehidupan nyata. kecuali sdg asyik streaming nonton film2 science fiction.
Air akan selalu dan selamanya rata
ia horizontal lurus sempurna, datar sempurna
dimanapun kapanpun dengan siapapun ia berada
kenali sifat-sifat keunikan air, hydrological cycle,
kedahsyatan hikmah penciptaan air
Sederhananya gini tak perlu mengejar lawan jenis
Mengalirlah apa adanya
bermanfaatlah sebesar-besarnya
Seperti air
Di bumi datar yg tenang nan indah ini

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What’s your pet hate?

hotsummer16576’s Profile Photohotsummer
It used to be people who stood in front of the ticket barrier and blocked it while searching for their ticket, like it's some sort of surprise that they might need it.
But I now have a new one.
People who get to the top of the escalator and then stop and stand still, oblivious to the constant line of people streaming up behind them with nowhere to go. Idiots.

why is it so hard to find old series to watch in a good quality even on paid streaming services? ofc i don't expect something that was made in 2009 to look today, i'm not absurd and i understand technology was less advanced back then, but still.

I used to use Kodi. You could find almost anything for free on it but it’s complicated and has to be re set up every so often. Internet Archive has some stuff too.

Ciao! Mi consiglieresti un podcast interessante?

Ti consiglio questa radio in streaming, che si chiama GSP " GridStream Productions" questo è il loro sito: http://www.gridstream.org/
E' una radio nata nel 2002 e creata appositamente per Anarchy Online, un mmorpg futuristico-fantasy. Sul loro sito puoi trovare la scaletta delle canzoni ed il programma di ogni giornata con i vari dj. L'aspetto interessante è sicuramente l'interazione con il gioco, ma anche la vasta scelta musicale, dall'elettronica al metal, oltre al fatto di poter fare specifiche richieste.

Stai trollando quel film che hai come sfondo di che anno é? 2021

Siamo a 5 mesi circa dal 2024, ma é vero che é un film del 2021, dopo ho disdetto prime, anche se mi pare solo i primi 5 minuti avrò visto, era una noia già, senza tv la mia vita è migliorata, così come ogni sevizio di streaming che sia a pagamento. Così come ora come un bel samsung da 70 euro.

Con qué te entretienes durante el día?

/Uso mi celular para poner un poco de música, lo que salga de primera, o mis playlist la pongo en modo aleatorio y dejo que todo fluya, no miento en decir que rara vez en los que reproduce una canción de Luis Miguel, no me quejo de ello se disfruta de esta mientras me la ocupo en limpiar toda la casa. Como también me gusta leer un poco (aunque debo terminar el que tengo pendiente siendo el de Stephen King), el escribir (desde que el 2015 le he encontrado sat*sfacción de hacerlo y a cualquier hora), también en ver un poco de TV (tal vez no consumo de este, pero hay un canal que si me gusta ver y en este dan todo lo que me gusta documentales, casos, juicios y entre otros). Voy a empezar con algo nuevo, y es que haré el ejercicio. Y claro, el estar en Twitch, llevo ya casi dos en los que consumo de esta plataforma para el streaming, me gusta el apoyar como tener la oportunidad de ser moderadora en unos de ellos.

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¿Qué deseas para el futuro de tu carrera?

Suelo decir que voy donde hay buenos proyectos que me llaman la atención y pueden aportar valor. Cuando estaba en Argentina me hacía la pregunta: “imagínate ir a España y rodar una serie como 'Élite'”. ¿Porque no? Hay cosas que necesito preparar más para poder hacer. Quiero Hollywood, por supuesto. La pandemia y el streaming han globalizado aún más las cosas. El acceso y el contacto son más rápidos. En Brasil, también quiero hacer un proyecto genial. Sueño con continuar lo que hago por mucho tiempo

Language: English