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Какие монстры тебе кажутся интересными из the Witcher ? Есть ли тематические вещи у тебя по этой вселенной ?

Мне больше нравились падальщики: гули, кладбищенская баба, яга. Специфичный внешний вид и места обитания. Также нельзя не отметить базу - утопцы, докучающие на первых порах игры, а после легко одолеваемые и потому игнорируемые, как пустая трата времени. Мем есть, точь-в-точь характеризующий эту ситуацию.
Особо запомнился оборотень и леший. Они не представляли отрицательных персонажей, квесты с ними были интересны.
Вампиры, имея в виду Региса и Детлаффа. Их не назовёшь обычными монстрами - они разумны, выглядят, как люди, только имеют особенности в потребности крови, избегают солнечного света и живут за сотни лет. Регис и понятие чудовища - вообще 2 разные вещи, ибо Регис отказался от крови людей, занимается наукой и желает остановить зло. Детлафф - противоположность. Он безумен, но и его хотелось остановить, не умерщвлять.
Меньше всего мне нравились одичавшие собаки (мелкие, маловредные, но стаей могущие обречь Геральта на гибель, приходилось тратить время на противодействие этим неудобствам) и полуденница (заинтересованность вызывает история появления (убитая девушка-невеста), но в игре Геральт был слишком слаб сравнительно с этим призраком, потому тяжело было его одолеть, к тому же, на полных солнечного света полях - я предпочитаю тёмные места).
Вещей тематических по «Ведьмак» у меня нет. Никто не дарил, сам не покупал. Из особенного можно разве что поваренной книгой возобладать и настольной игрой по «Ведьмак» (но сначала нужно испробовать рецепты блюд «Гарри Поттер» и монополию по его вселенной). Кружки лишними не бывают, но пока других достаточно («ГП», из деревянного черепа и новогодняя).

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Какие монстры тебе кажутся интересными из the Witcher  Есть ли тематические вещи

How are you feeling at the moment?

espresso6785’s Profile Photoummay
I feel like crying. Not normal crying, I feel like bawling my eyes out yk. But how can I cry like that without any reason in front of my family? I don't even cry the normal amount in front of them, and here, I feel like crying for hours. So, I am watching sad/traumatizing movies. Just watched Kal ho na ho, it was emotional. But not traumatizing enough. Now omw to find smth else to watch. 💀 Maybe I will watch Shiddat or Laila Majnu. 💀

PLEASE, TELL ME Lottie : jaki smak ma Twoje pierwsze wspomnienie, zaraz po zamknięciu oczu?

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀. * ⠀⠀Let's ⠀⠀drink to the hard-working people.
⠀⠀⠀⠀Let's drink to the lowly⠀of birth. Raise your glass to
⠀⠀⠀⠀the good and the⠀evil. Let's drink to the⠀salt of the ⠀⠀⠀⠀earth⠀⠀.⠀⠀&⠀⠀Der Rat Keller Rock and Roll Circus
PLEASE TELL ME Lottie  jaki smak ma Twoje pierwsze wspomnienie zaraz po

Me mountains me aa gya hun.

You are a parasite we just can’t get rid of.
Ig we need to burn this parasite and put the ashes in a radioactive chamber. Then add those radioactive ashes to a highly concentrated sulfuric acid solution. Get that solution to NASA and launch that mf into outer space and then Goddamn nuke it

Подстраиваться на собеседовании - НУЖНО ЛИ ? 🦧

royal84456’s Profile Photoroyal
Welcome to my world
Подстраиваться на собеседовании — это тонкий вопрос. С одной стороны, адаптация к культуре компании и ожиданиям интервьюера может быть полезной стратегией, чтобы показать свою гибкость и умение работать в команде. Однако, с другой стороны, подстраивание не должно превращаться в фальшь или утрату собственной индивидуальности. Рассмотрим два аспекта:
Адаптация к контексту:
Подстройка под стиль общения интервьюера и корпоративную культуру помогает лучше донести свои мысли и может показать, что вы понимаете специфику компании.
Например, если компания более формальная, лучше придерживаться официального тона, а если наоборот, предпочитает креативную и свободную атмосферу — можно быть более раскованным.
Оставаться собой:
Важно сохранять свою аутентичность. Если вы полностью изменяете свои принципы или убеждения ради получения работы, это может привести к внутреннему конфликту или неудовлетворенности в будущем.
Лучше представлять себя таким, каким вы есть, но с учетом особенностей компании, чтобы обе стороны могли объективно оценить, насколько вы подходите друг другу.
Главное — найти баланс между подстраиванием и сохранением собственной индивидуальности.
And that's the bottom line, cause Stone Cold said so
Thank you and Goodbye. I hope we meet again
Date: 11/09/24
Time: 17:10

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Подстраиваться на собеседовании   НУЖНО ЛИ

Is being too much outspoken considered cool on ask?

HamzaKhan199929’s Profile PhotoHamza Arshad
I guess it depends on the context and how you present yourself on any platform. Being outspoken can be cool if you are sharing your genuine thoughts and standing up for what you believe in like it can be a double-edged sword. On one hand, it can make you seem bold and interesting, attracting people who appreciate honesty and directness. On the other hand, it might also invite criticism or backlash from those who prefer more diplomatic or reserved responses. It is all about balance. If you are genuine and respectful while being outspoken, many people will likely find that cool. But if your outspokenness comes off as rude or insensitive, it might not be received as well. Sometimes, it is not just about what you say but how you say it that makes all the difference yk. So, as long as you are thoughtful and kind while being outspoken, I have to say that is pretty cool. 🌻

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If you were to describe the person(you) buried in the grave what would you write?

Lucifersays_hi’s Profile Photoزینب
Something like — here lies, the girl who painted life with colours of kindness and laughter. She had a heart as big as the sky and a smile that could chase away clouds. She saw beauty in every little thing, from blooming flowers to passing clouds. And even when faced with darkness or hardship, she never lost her spark of hope. 🌻

Which animal's life journey do you believe holds the most intrigue, one that you'd be captivated to listen to?

MMaryamKhan’s Profile PhotoMaryam Khan
I always find butterflies sobeautiful and the life of monarch butterflies is fascinating cause how they start as little caterpillars and transform into these delicate creatures with vibrant wings that can travel thousands of miles during migration. And then there are the giant pandas - such gentle giants who spend most of their time eating bamboo and sleeping in trees. Their lives may seem simple on the surface, but when you think about all the challenges they face to survive in their natural habitat, it becomes truly inspiring. 🦋🐼♡✨️.
Which animals life journey do you believe holds the most intrigue one that youd

How do you deal with rejections in your life - related to anything?

belief in destiny---6 pillars of faith---nothing can go wrong when the king is by your side---he takes something that is evil and returns something profound, something beautiful---he protects you even when you disobey him.
you are never on your own. he appointed the guardian angels for your security. what could possibly go wrong?

Share something deep!

HamzaKhan199929’s Profile PhotoHamza Arshad
there ya go
The distance between us,
mere illusions of what I hold,
a memory, a wound,
forget this delusion...
It aches through,
Drowning to the core,
lost in comprehension,
save me from myself...
Perished moments,
Steps taken towards you,
Now astray and hazy,
worthy of it any?
my fractured heart,
casts a shade to whats next,
dubious of today,
of what will never be...

Do you see yourself moving in the right direction? 🤔

Ahmednorthowed’s Profile PhotoAhmed Mahmood
You know how the roads are in the mountains when we’re driving. They are in a zigzag pattern with the steep slopes, and are difficult to navigate sometimes. But when we reach at the top, we see a beautiful landscape with meadows and lakes. Similarly, our life is a journey. We might have a difficult path to travel through, with unexpected obstacles and challenges. But we have to be positive and optimistic about ourselves that, at the end of our journey, we will eventually make it, and we will reach our destination. The key is to keep moving forward, no matter if our speed is slow, or if we have to stop for a while to regain our momentum.
So, the answer to your question is, yes I am moving in the right direction. Alhamdulillah.

why dont people just block him?

Sage is impossible to block. He has several accounts going at any given time. Had around 70 or 80 of them terminated. No exaggeration. He returns with the same nonsense and spam over and over again. If there is a nuclear strike, rest assured that he will still ask people to post pictures of themselves in jeans and a red belt.
why dont people just block him

Hey what’s the best known beer in Ireland, is it your dads fav?

Bearhead01’s Profile PhotoGilbert Thomas
I don’t drink beer so it’s hard to know 😂 but you do know we”re famous for the black stuff right ? “Guinness” that’s what my dad drinks. My brother would prefer an ipa or craft beer they’re becoming more popular, Heineken would be popular and Bulmers cider would also be popular too basically it depends on what the individual likes 😅😂
Hey whats the best known beer in Ireland is it your dads fav

Lexi make another profile for these pretty please ? 😆

For what purpose? We already have a Sage... 🤣
Check out some of these pearls:
"Tips on texting" - Smash your phone.
"I am a terrible person" - No argument there.
"I wanna take you on a date" - Keep wanting.
"Prevent abortion" - The least of your concerns.
"My number is 3866313937" - Nobody gives a damn.
"Let's make out" - Why? You'd probably hurt yourself.
"I have to delete Snapchat" - Too difficult to use, huh?
"What to do on a first date" - As if you'd ever have one.
"I am a outgoing person" - From one asylum to another?
"Friends with benefits" - How about a pension plan too?
"I don't feel comfortable around" - I guess you're a fence.
"Have a boyfriend" - Congratulations. Stop hitting on me.
It just goes on and on and on and on... 🤣

What was the most memorable field trip / study visit you went on? 🚍

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
A school excursion somewhere in the 4th or 5th grade.
We were traveling around the city on a bus with a tour guide, I was sitting next to a former childhood friend, we lived nearby, so we walked home together. It was great then, but, alas, there were no more such cool moments, I later realized that she did not consider me her friend and did unpleasant things behind my back, said all sorts of nasty things about me.
What was the most memorable field trip  study visit you went on

لمشاركة بعض من أفكارك 🚶🏻‍♀️💖

shahdbadr71’s Profile Photo"شَهُود"
I pray today that those who love to play with others' emotions and mental health, may Allah introduce the biggest players of the history into their lives, who will treat them the same way; emotionally and mentally. I want them all to taste their own medicine, but in excess. Karma exists, after all. ☺️✌🏻

Have you ever fallen for a scam? If so, what was it?

Fatimess72219’s Profile PhotoFatimess
I was crossing a pedestrian bridge once, and this little girl asked for money, so I gave her some. She saw the pocket I kept my money in (I didn't have a wallet back then). Anyway, a girl fell and I ran to help her up. As I was doing that, the little girl took money out of my bag.
I am not sure if this counts as a scam but, yes, I was robbed by a kid. I looked at her, horrified, when I realised that she did that, but she started crying, so I left.

Can I come over on a beautiful fall sunset 🌅 day with hot 🥵 chocolate ☕️ & just when you think it couldn’t get better ❤️‍ pull out Irish ☘️ cream 🥛 baileys 🍾 out my hoodie and just enjoy a quality camp fire 🔥 with you babe :*

How romantic! Can we cuddle too? The anticipation is almost too much to bear. How soon can you get here? ❤️
Can I come over on a beautiful fall sunset  day with hot  chocolate   just when

Which animal's life journey do you believe holds the most intrigue, one that you'd be captivated to listen to?

MMaryamKhan’s Profile PhotoMaryam Khan
Some people are so good with words. Their words have the power to evoke strong emotions in you. You can get enlightened and lifted out of the shadows by listening to someone who knows what to say and how to express their opinions in the most captivating way.
خواب گاہوں سے نکلتے ہوئے ڈرتے کیوں ہو
دُھوپ اِتنی تو نہیں کہ پِگھل جاؤ گے
تُم ہو اِک زِندہ جاوید روایت کے چِراغ
تُم کوئی شام کا سُورج ہو کہ ڈھل جاؤ گے۔
Which animals life journey do you believe holds the most intrigue one that youd

Are you just gonna sit there and throw a never-ending pity party for your wounds?

MMaryamKhan’s Profile PhotoMaryam Khan
Ten minutes, she told me it would take ten minutes
To break my heart, oh no, she didn't
Fuck livin', I'ma drown in my sorrow
Fuck givin', I'ma take not borrow
And I'm still sinnin', I'm still losin' my mind
I know I been trippin', I'm still wastin' my time
All the time given, am I dyin'? Am I livin'?
It's fuck feelings, my sorrow go up to the ceilin'
Are you just gonna sit there and throw a neverending pity party for your wounds

Γιατί πιστεύετε στις μέρες μας ότι πολλοί φοβούνται να κάνουν σχέση με κάποιον άλλον;

""Why do you think many people nowadays are afraid to have a relationship with someone else?""
Perhaps this is a mis-perception ; phase related ?
Otherwise: it is most certainly caused by PORN ~ which is a lie . . . . causes brain damage . Such actors are criminally insane ~ r*p*sts &/or r*p*-victims .
Such actors require to be restrained in an institute for the criminally insane & re-adjustment . . . .
Also . . . 'hollywood/disney' was an illusion created by 'THE WEST' & presented to 'the eastern peoples' - to confuse & disillusion their young people . . . . ultimately to crash their economies ~ and eat their souls ~
Γιατί πιστεύετε στις μέρες μας ότι πολλοί φοβούνται να κάνουν σχέση με κάποιον

Which do you find more tiring, physical exercise? 🏋️ 🏋️‍♀️ 🏋️‍♂️ Or mental exercise? 🧠 😇

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ ᏖᏋᏁᏗፈᎥᎧᏬᏕ ᏖᎧᎷᎷᏗᎩ™ ▩ ♚ ☻
Neither...it's the psychological one 4 me as one tryna hype themself up all the time, dust themself off & look at the bright side... tryna be positive & flexible to fit in anything... how tiring!

My love is the al ens my hero's of AskFM i love you my tribal sisters 🙏🏻 we are the ones

I don't have low self esteem i have pride, I'm happy that i don't rely on others, its not my fault people on here want @ItsTiffyTime on the American leaderboard, she and a few others ask actual questions thats probably why, shes also the kind to people but like everyone she has her breaking point where she gets irritated with certain people she doesn't want to look at on here

انا شوفتك النهارده ف الشارع مع واحد وواحده كنت لابسه فستان ازرق انتي احلى من الصور انا مكنتش متخيل انك تطلعي حلوه كدا

دي اختي وخطيبها
وشكراً ع كلامك بس لي مكتوبلي ان المسدچ مبعوته from the girl واللي كاتب ، كاتب مكنتش متخيل؟؟!

Gen z dictates lives like politicians do, bit too much. They dont deserve phone like Gen x not gave us any phones, we had to buy our own & working ones were after hs

That may be how some of them are but that’s not how all of them are. Also, someone told me how we are obsessed with boba tea and they called me out for being a gen z just because I didn’t like the idea of bringing back flip phones lol. I’m anything but someone who dictates how others should live their lives.

مرحبًا، ما هو التحدِّي الأكبرُ الذي تُلاحظه في العلاقاتِ الحديثةِ؟

l0_ki’s Profile Photoحُـورَسْ
I believe it's crucial to build a questionnaire, conduct several interviews, and engage in meaningful conversations before committing to a relationship. Otherwise, it becomes a gamble with slim chances of success and a higher likelihood of suffering.
Effective communication and truly getting to know the other person before involving your heart are essential. If you skip that step, you may end up suffering greatly! Never compromise on understanding the person before committing.
Honestly, I'm just tired of dealing with people like this. 😔

Sariel, what made you join the hierarchy?

Sariel: What made me join? Easy, I needed something and they have access to what I needed. I was willing to place aside my wrath for my desires and wants. It was quite a hard deal to accept BUT they found a way to make up for the past. What’s the use of holding onto a grudge if they are willing to fix it. -Smiles, biting his lip thinking of something. His eyes wander off in the next room- Now, I am quite happy.

What's the best relationship advice you know/heard?

hussainaliraqe23’s Profile Photo3ra2y
Wouldn't say was best but guess they open my eyes that was blinding for a while well not to settle that derseve more from relationship that if they won't change for you they never will as they stuck in their ways from that open my eyes and walk away from my relationship I like mean I don't live with no regrets .I had relationship and love that person when feelings was there and was good part of my 20s but when went sour and feelings went I know my happiness was in my hands I took that leap and got shit for it but in long run it's wasn't fixable and work out putting myself first somtimes hardest decision is being that little selfish in life somtimes

Which animal's life journey do you believe holds the most intrigue, one that you'd be captivated to listen to?

MMaryamKhan’s Profile PhotoMaryam Khan
An adult Male lion. From being a cub, the life lessons of hunting like a female, to an adult when he is kicked out living like a lost mystic to having a right to breed nd own a territory. If he wins he wins alot and if he die he die trying.
Its so fascinating to see a young lion doing something soo courageous for females cubs and territory.

Language: English