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What's your opinion on all these anti tourism protests?

Shannon678900’s Profile PhotoShannon
Unfortunately, I'm not informed enough about the situation to have a strong opinion on it... But from what little I have heard, the issue seems to stem from the way certain tourists tend to behave when visiting their country-- ie. getting belligerently drunk and behaving in a manner that is inconsiderate and disrespectful.
In which case, I absolutely empathize with the locals. I don't blame them for being sick and tired of having tourists come to their home and treat it like a playground, showing little to no respect for their culture or the people who live there. I reckon I'd be fed up, too.

Do you receive tourism in your country? Which places do tourists usually come to visit? 🤔

ManWithout1plan’s Profile PhotoManWithout1Plan
Around 65 million overnight stays are registered in Sweden each year, which equates to quite a lot of tourists, considering Sweden's population is around 10.5 million people! Considering Sweden is a quite tall country, there's a big difference in climate between the north and south 🇸🇪
But generally, many tourists visit the historical city centres, places like Stockholm's old town has many buildings, some even date back to the 1400s. Many castles and mansions also dot Sweden's landscape 🏰
Sweden has the most islands of any country in the world and ferries take people out to many of the picturesque towns out in the archipelago ⛵
Compared to many countries in Europe, Sweden has a lot of untouched wilderness with forests as far as the eye can see, so many tourists go on various hiking trails! 🌲
Up north above the Arctic circle you can hike in the vast tundras, watch the northern lights and live at the famous ice hotel ❄️🏔️
(Not my pictures)

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Do you receive tourism in your country Which places do tourists usually come to

What's your opinion on all these anti tourism protests?

Shannon678900’s Profile PhotoShannon
~ Too much time too little to do . . . .
I suppose they may have got a bad quality of 'tourist'
Spain & islands has for many decades 'prostituted' itself to the trash tourists . . .
~ the disease , perhaps, has spread to the more respectable regions ~ they don't like this sewage ~
*Two women spray tourists with water guns during a protest in Barcelona on July 6.*
Whats your opinion on all these anti tourism protests

Do you receive tourism in your country? Which places do tourists usually come to visit in your state? 🤔

ManWithout1plan’s Profile PhotoManWithout1Plan
Althought it's harsh & rough weather in Kuwait specially in Summer time but still so many places u can enjoy ur time there. Like Al.Khiran Resorts,Malls: the Avenues,the Capital,360°,Marina, al-Kout,Al-Hamra & so many others. Most famous place in my country is Kuwait Towers✌🏼🇰🇼
Do you receive tourism in your country Which places do tourists usually come to

❗️ If you're in a long-term relationship, what are some tips you could give to others for life-long happiness?

M1ssSemy’s Profile PhotoStar. i
My best advice is to involve him to everything what is necessary to solve with kids or in household and to have common interests - we have tourism, cycling, we love to arrange our vacations and chose new and new holiday houses together, various trips to attractions in our surrounding, cinemas, theatres, castles. Let him to make decissions for you both, just do things together! 🙂 Our happiness is that we both hate conflicts and we both are more introverts and none of us does feel like to be boss at home 💞 🤷‍♀️. And special thing on my husband is that he knows how to make me laugh! 😃

India culture anyone that didn't know about it how would you describe to a person who never visited India ?

missygls’s Profile Photoᴳᴸメ
Incredible India they say ! It's the cultural roots and diversity of traditions that make this country standout from a tourism and business point of view! And as far the people here who think of Indians as creepy in the first impression... Well look around askFm there are creepy people from all regions, language and religions in bundles here! So that exists everywhere around the world 🌎
India culture anyone that didnt know about it how would you describe to  a

Crees que hay vida en otro planeta?

The next question was what your name means, my name means brother, Germany and also war that's why I like it. This question says: Do you believe in aliens? In my state there are thousands of pyramids that's why it has more tourism than several South American countries combined ✨ those are pyramids, not like Peru and other places that are pure small stones 👌 the Argentine pope saw my city years ago, the president of Mexico also lives In my state, Mexico has 32 states and my state is the greenest and most beautiful in nature along with Jaliscos and Quintana Roo. This last state receives more tourism than all other Latin countries combined, in my state they did Predator vs Arnold Schwarzenegger. No islam
Crees que hay vida en otro planeta

How can I remove bad thoughts

Keep yourself busy like studying, talking, music, reading, and sometimes going out to watch movies with family or friends.
Watching Murmuration where many birds fly together in the sky in a pattern that can make people feel lucky to have witnessed it.
Enjoy tourism of different places like doing a safari or a place where you can get pictures clicked with birds, beautiful scenery, going on a trek. Playing games. :)
Moreover, just start connecting with nature, yourself and reflect on your thoughts that what action needs to be done to overcome such worries.
How can I remove bad thoughts

Have you ever been to Los Angeles?

Not yet but I would love to know it is a very rich and promising country in terms of culture and tourism, not to mention that most of the most consented rock bands in the world were built there and that are successful and that made and made rock known 'N Roll all over the world
Have you ever been to Los Angeles

f you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?

Mustafa_hassan1010’s Profile Photoمصطفى حسن
First, I will go to "Mecca" to perform Umrah, then I will go to see the mosque closest to my heart "Al-Aqsa Mosque", I have a great passion for seeing the old "Damascene houses", tourism in "Japan", and finally maybe I will go to see the Seven Wonders of the World !

What are you studying and how old are you?

I have already finished my studies
I have finished Flight Attendance Program at the academy and have taken the cabin crew qualifying course from EgyptAir Training Academy and I was a flight attendant for 5 years
Now I’m trying to establish my own startup Tourism Agency with some of my friends, so wish us luck ✌🏻✌🏻
I’m 26 years old but I will be 27 soon

Does anyone have any idea of umrah packages? Like per person package for 10 days?

Untick and ask as a personal question, with a number you can be contacted at... You will get the call on monday... The call would be from a travelling and tourism company... It will address all your queries... Salamat rahiey 🙏🏽💐

اجمل موقف او اجمل ذكرى تتذكرها من طفولتك ؟

mshaqbah’s Profile Photo؏ــدنۨــٰٱ̍نۨ
The most beautiful memory from my childhood? 🙂 They are from summer vacations mostly. From age 7 till 15 every summer I spent 3 weeks in camp with other 200 children - it was about fun, tourism, sport, dancing and children loves ❤️😁 + 2 weeks with my parents and brother in the cottage in forest - every year in other part of my country ❤️👍
اجمل موقف او اجمل ذكرى تتذكرها من طفولتك

هل تجد العراق بلداً ناجحاً في السياحة ( إذا كان هناك اهتمام بهذا الخصوص من الدولة ) ؟ 🌸

رب الناجح لان اولاً العراق يعتبر قبلة لجميع شيعة العالم " سياحة دينية قوية " ، + سياحة اثرية ، + الجانب الترفيهي والطبيعة " الشمال والاهوار "
بس على هالاهمال هذا لوما النجف وكربلاء ننسى اكو شي اسمة ايرادات سياحية بالعراق 🐸
العراق احتل المرتبة ١٣ من اصل ١٧ دولة عربية بمجال السياحة لسنة ٢٠٢١
السياحة بالعراق جانب مهمل لكذا سبب اولاً ماكو تخصيصات مالية بيها حظ نشتغل بيها ونأسس استثمارات ومشاريع سياحية
ثانياً قطاع السياحة تم دمجة مع قطاعات صناعية اخرى رغم انو منظمة السياحة العالمية التابعة للأمم المتحدة " العراق عضو بيها " اقرت بأهمية فصل القطاع السياحي ومعاملته ك قطاع منفصل عن بقية القطاعات الاقتصادية ، وهذا الفصل يسهل الوصول لقيمة الدخل السياحي "Tourism Income " ..
الصورة الجوة مسح سوتة مديرية احصاءات التجارة سنة ٢٠١٩ توضح قيمة انفاق السواح في فترة الذروة بالعراق 👇🏼
لاحظي السياحة الدينية شتجيب مصايب
طبعا ايران هي اكثر دولة يجينة منها سواح بنسبة ٧٠٪؜ والباقي تركيا على لبنان على باكستان على عراقيين متغربين ..

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هل تجد العراق بلدا ناجحا في السياحة  إذا كان هناك اهتمام بهذا الخصوص من الدولة

If you had the opportunity to travel anywhere in the world right now, where would you go?

Off the top of my head I'd say Dublin, Ireland! The weather isn't too bad out there yet and it's beyond peak tourism season. I'm not so sure about the fall colors or not, I think we might've missed that.
TBH, I just really want to visit there! First thing I'd go see would be the castles!! 😍I sooo want my own castle, complete with a mote, draw bridge and cannons! 😁
Liked by: Neo

Do immigrants undercut wages, decrease property value, increase the crime rate and terror threat, import diseases (corona), import negative aspects of the third world whilst simultaneously refusing to integrate and adapt to their hosts new way of life?

No. Employers who take advantage of immigration undercut wages. People who trash places devalue properties. Our interference and destabilisation of other nations increases terrorism. Tourism and holidays abroad have caused corona to spread. Your racism is based on flawed logic. Be better.

halo kak! aku mau nanya, biasanya organisasi (engeneering, leadership, ASEAN, ASIA, Internasional) yang bisa diikutin sama mahasiswa inter di korea apa aja? Terus aku sering liat post ka gas ada logo wowkorea nya, itu semcam intership or apa yaa? thx!

banyak organisasi disini yang bisa diiikutin, aku lagi ikut AYNK ASEAN Youth Network in Korea, organisasi pelajar ASEAN
WOWKorea itu semacam korea tourism ambassador dari seluruh negara asia + timur tengah~

With summer fast approaching, at least for me, how are the upcoming months looking like for you? Got any vacation plans? ☀️🏖

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Already paid 😍 - 2 weeks in August on 2 cottages - planned tourism in our forests and see some new things in Slovakia 💟👍
Liked by: Tobbe Me - Larry

Interesting question: If you had the authority or the legitimate power to control the global market and the economy today. How would you feel and react?

akalmulla_’s Profile PhotoAhmed
Nice question brother, to clarify I will talk about Kuwait in simple explanation not going into intense business words. Briefly we need to put our emphasis on up coming generation to build new system to avoid the corruption that is rife in the new government, I’ll focus on the generation learning system to raise up new generation with ethics and saving the planet environment,(i will raise up enforcement learning ethics from nursery and primary school) since I’m true believer of an implant that grows as a child grows.
•I will change the power of الواسطة to build productivity.
•I will take advantage of youth potential in placing them in the right place.
•I will open tourism and choose youthful ideas to make an economy move forward.
•I’ll definitely change some regulations and laws.
Eventually in time, everything will rebuild as a new global.

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I loved your answer, you answered more than I asked. 😍 I went to google to see some images of these abandoned buildings and there are some buildings that could restore and could bring money from tourism. Is tourism in your country good? The idea mentioned in the question below is very good. 😊

AdrianaRafaela98’s Profile PhotoAdriianna Rafaella
Some of the buildings can be restored, yes ✔
But nobody wants to. I grew up in Riga, I've seen so many abandoned buildings. One used to be right next to a huge shopping center named "Domina"
It used to be a world famous mini camera / radio fabric. But it was already collapsing, I have been in the building we took a tour, it was illegal to go in it, it was cool and frightening 😂
But they took so much time to bulldoze the thing.
I'm looking for a picture, but can't find any 😥😥
There's a webpage with abandoned houses 😂 but it's in Latvian. https://grausti.riga.lv/ you can click around and see the pictures of how bad the situation is. 😄
+15 answers in: “If you could rule over one country which would it be? 👑”

3- Debatable question Do you think tourism does more harm to a place than good? Your opinion and we respect what you believe in🖐🏻

akalmulla_’s Profile PhotoAhmed
I’m not quite sure about my opinion, all I know is tourism revives the economy, and I guess tourist cause environmental damage in some places ( I’m talking about kwt) idk really what do you think?
Liked by: SSZ Ahmed
+1 answer Read more

3- Debatable question Do you think tourism does more harm to a place than good? Your opinion and we respect what you believe in🖐🏻

akalmulla_’s Profile PhotoAhmed
First: i love how you pointed out the you respect the other opinion! Thats rare.
I don’t think tourism harm the place. The opposite. And honestly idk why there is such thing called “Tourism”! Don’t we live on the same planet? Why people have countries.. it messy. I belong here and there.. i am a human. I am a seed of this earth, I should go and come without this “airport thingy” but I think it’s all because of money! They make countries and if u wanna go to them u should buy money (even though that will leave people with identity crisis especially if his country or whatever he live in is bad, he start asking himself questions such as: who am i!? Am i Kuwaiti? Is that what identify me?) and that bring us back to main question is tourism does more harm? I think my answer now will be it does both harm and good. Idk.

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Our monarchy, castles and such brings with a lot of tourism so I don't think our tax money is going to waste honestly 😅

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
▪️ I think that even if there was no monarchy, people would still visit the castles but they do nothing but spend money.
▪️I visit castles, and palaces where I live, and the good part is visiting places where there was history. (💰)
▪️In my case, I would not visit Sweden, Spain, because of the monarchy but because of the monuments, among other things.
▪️But it depends on people's opinions, in this case yours is different from mine. We live in different countries. 🙂
+1 answer in: “No, since I also count constitutional monarchies like the one we have here in Sweden. That our king only acts as a symbol and do not have any power 😊”

What are some topics that interest you ?(:

Tourism . Because I can get information of new tourist destination. tourism make me be happy and enjoy. Also I love traveling and visit have a lot of tourist destinantion. Furtheron to tourism I know about new route of tourist destinantion In Jakarta and arround Jakarta. I hope tourism of sector can crowded and can result of finance for Indonesia also World. I think so.

i just lost. saya coba nyari kan ka "tourism journal" tapi yg muncul kaya cuma articles atau a few pages of journals. i dont get it, how do you find a journal to read? how do you do it? do you just go to google and search science journal and got what u want or what?

Ya jelas tidak ketemu.
Bahasamu bukan bahasa ilmiah.
Yang keluar di Google jelas hasilnya adalah hal-hal yang tidak ilmiah.
Aku kasih contoh deh. Kalau kamu mau cari dampak kebanyakan makan yang manis-manis. Kalau kamu google "dampak kebanyakan makan yang manis-manis", kamu takkan ketemu jurnal. Cuma artikel.
Tapi kalau kamu cari "excess glucose consumption", dan kamu scroll ke bawah sedikit, kamu akan menemukan dua jurnal. Satu sudah disitasi 11 kali, satu lagi 376 kali. Dari situ, kamu baca dua jurnalnya. Kalau kamu kena pay-wall, kamu salin DOI jurnalnya, dan cari jurnalnya di sci-hub.tw. Sudah dibaca? Lihat sitasi dari jurnalnya. Jurnal pasti menyitasi jurnal lain, dan jumlahnya bisa belasan atau puluhan. Baru deh, kamu akan terjun ke dunia jurnal.
Masalahnya, kalau kamu tidak tahu apa yang sebenarnya sedang kamu cari, gampang sekali buat gagal googling. Bahasa ilmiah itu adalah bahasa yang harus kamu pelajari sendiri dari pengalaman. Sama seperti bahasa kantor yang banyak jargon, bahasa ilmiah juga banyak jargon. Gula itu basically glukosa+fruktosa. Kebanyakan makan itu basically excess consumption, atau excess intake. Bahkan untuk "tourism", kalau kamu cari "tourism" di Wikipedia bahasa Inggris, kamu akan dibawa ke halaman berjudul Tourism. Dan kalau kamu scroll ke bawah, kamu akan menemukan 126 sitasi (termasuk jurnal) mengenai turisme.
You have to ask the right question to get the right answer.
Pertanyaannya cuma apakah kamu tahu cara bertanya yang tepat. Dan cara untuk tahu adalah dengan belajar, dan berpengalaman.

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as a tourism study, I had a course, where I only talked about it. You said everything, what I learned in 6 months.

MartaAntunes8’s Profile PhotoMarta Filipa Ribeiro D.Antunes
Mindfulness is about love and loving life. When you cultivate this love, it gives you clarity and compassion for life, and your actions happen in accordance with that.
+2 answers in: “Even knowing that a country will only be rich if it has many cultures, why is it still not acceptable to have a plurality of cultures?”

Many people say that space tourism will get a lot more common in the future. Are you excited? Would you be willing to spend money on a short trip to space if the price wasn't too high? 🤔🚀

Well idk if it's not that expensive why not
Liked by: نعمل انور

Many people say that space tourism will get a lot more common in the future. Are you excited? Would you be willing to spend money on a short trip to space if the price wasn't too high? 🤔🚀

Me and my friend were discussing this the other day as we watched the SpaceX rocket launch!
Once it had been commercial for a while and definitely safe I’d like to go up yeah!
But only with a friend not by myself 😂

Many people say that space tourism will get a lot more common in the future. Are you excited? Would you be willing to spend money on a short trip to space if the price wasn't too high? 🤔🚀

I can’t imagine ever being able to afford going on a trip to space, but sure!! I think it would be exhilarating, terrifying, and awe inspiring. Imagine being on the moon and looking back at earth... 😯

Many people say that space tourism will get a lot more common in the future. Are you excited? Would you be willing to spend money on a short trip to space if the price wasn't too high? ??

I'm not really bothered by that. I mean, there are plenty of amazing places that are worth visiting here on our planet and I'd rather do that! Space travel must be and exciting thing but it's just not my cup of tea. I'd be terrified and that would ruin the whole experience.
Liked by: Szebi

Many people say that space tourism will get a lot more common in the future. Are you excited? Would you be willing to spend money on a short trip to space if the price wasn't too high? 🤔🚀

That sounds dope. Do take my money

Many people say that space tourism will get a lot more common in the future. Are you excited? Would you be willing to spend money on a short trip to space if the price wasn't too high? 🤔🚀

Nah I m not interested in floating in the air with my hair all over the place and also wouldn't like to recycle my urine and drink it. It is just so ewwww. Lol🤣

Many people say that space tourism will get a lot more common in the future. Are you excited? Would you be willing to spend money on a short trip to space if the price wasn't too high? ??

I think I would, but at the same time I tend to get dizzy real quick so I don’t know if it would be something for me
Liked by: Strangerslyfe

Khoon ka rishta unse hota hai jo tumhari kadr kare, aaj pakistaniyon ki wajah se he tourism poora rook gaya hai. Pakistaniyon ne jaisa pakistan ko garibi or berojgari k ilawa kuch nai diya hai. They alsi killed their country own people like baloch people.

What on earth is berojgari?
+3 answers in: “Here is a question that millions of people want to know? Why do Kashmiris love Pakistan so much?”

Well not being rude I just wanna say that as of fact its not true now. Pakistan's image has grown better now. We are seen as a terrorist state no more. Pakistan ranked as No. 1 for tourism. And we saw a rise in the tourist numbers this year and net is full of videos of appraisals in this regard.

I know that. But still, if pakistan was ever famous that was bcz of terrorism, Pak was famous as terrorist country 😂 u can't deny this fact...yeah No doubt, now pak's reputation has become way better..❤️
+3 answers in: “Pakistan is famous for....”

I'm Muslim ☪️ the translation of Islam by Arabic is Beace , I have a question please , I wanna say enough caz all the Arabic country now have a war inside and kill caz u midia we never do bad any thing but u do every bad thing , and tell us we are tourism good ,we kill original people of America,

Omg why you saying this me
+1 answer Read more

Hi I’m Selena,What’s your name? I would love to get to know you! Tell me one interesting thing about yourself❤️

Selena Gomez
Hi I'm Haether.
One interesting thing about myself?
Well.. Idk hahaha

But, I study tourism business management, I'm entrepreneurship, I'm 18 years old, I love the languages, my favorites is English, Germany and Russian, my language native is Spanish.
And that's it..
Tell me about yourself💙

Hi Guys, I need some help related to research/project/assignment. The topic is Rural Tourism in Pakistan and Rural Tourism in China. If anyone of you know any content, documentary, book or any kind of source do let me know. Plus any of you who has ever done research please guide me. Tia.

zainiikamran_19’s Profile PhotoZainab Zahrah Kamran
For online research: Academia/Jstor
Plus the following books might aid you as well:
- Pakistan: A Hard country
- Pakistan at crossroads
- China-Pakistan Axis

Language: English