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К чему относишься иначе, проще или сложнее?

Надивлялась собі житло, щоб хоч трохи ближче до роботи і бачу це.
От скажіть - з якого часу людей на підселення обирають по його смаковим/ціннісним вподобанням?
І аналогічно людина, яка шукає житло, - вона шукає житло, а не клуб за інтересами.
Оце б я завалилась до них зі своїм м'ясоїдством і підйомом о 7-8-9 ранку, якщо нікуди не треба. Якщо треба, то 6-7 - тут без жодних проблем. Я і о 2й ночі на завод вставала😅😅
Блін, дєвчьонкі, прасціці, але житло шукають і орендують, щоб було де жити, спати, помитись і поїсти, а не разом дихати маткою за приготуванням vegetarian food😒
К чему относишься иначе проще или сложнее

People who have QUIT being vegetarian or vegan-- What made you give it up?

I was vegan for five years during my early twenties. Though I suppose, given that the reason for my veganism actually had nothing to do with not wanting to eat animals, "plant based" might be a more accurate label for what I was. Prior to that I was pescatarian, then veggie.
These days I'm neither vegan, vegetarian, or pescatarian, and there are a bunch of reasons why that is. The main one being that eating a strictly plant-based diet made my already rather disordered relationship with food much, much worse.
Another reason why the diet became unsustainable for me is because I also like to travel, and when I go somewhere new, I like to be able to experience the culture as much as I can-- including the food. Being plant based made that very difficult and sometimes even impossible, depending where I was.
Also, selfishly? I just missed a lot of the foods I used to enjoy. Eggs, real cheese, milk chocolate... Plant-based replacements just weren't cutting it for me.
In the end I just sort of reached the conclusion that my diet was making me sick, tired, and needlessly miserable. So I started steadily introducing animal products back in. I didn't start eating red meat again until earlier this year though, after I was diagnosed with an iron deficiency and advised to either go on supplements or change my diet.
I suck at remembering to take pills, so changing my diet seemed the logical choice. 😅🤷‍♀️

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What did you eat today?

Since I haven’t eaten much yet today, I will tell you what I ate yesterday.
For breakfast I had mini ‘eierkoeken’ which are typically Dutch. They’re basically flat cake like discs. I ate some with Nutella and some with jam.
Then when I came home I had a small piece of hazelnut pie. Then my parents and I went to visit relatives. There we had a small shell cake with whipped cream, a mini stroopwafel and a strawberry on it.
For dinner we had barbecue. I had vegetarian barbecue food. I also ate some baby potatoes and a salad. For dessert we had a scoop of ice cream with a mini lava cake! ☺️

Name your top 3 restaurant to go 👌

hussainaliraqe23’s Profile Photo3ra2y
The only one I am willing to name is House of Fu in Leeds. I make a point of going there every time I’m in the city. Their spicy miso tantanmen with plant-based crumbles (image below, from their website!) is my favourite dish, and I always order it with a soft-boiled egg.
My other two favourites are both small, independent places that are quite local to me, hence my reluctance to name them! The first is a cocktail bar turned burger joint based in the attic of an old record shop. They play rock and roll music exclusively and have an extensive vegetarian menu, which for me is a massive win because I try and avoid red meat (personal preference- I don’t like the taste) and it’s nice to have options!
The second is a pan-Asian restaurant that opened up in my hometown not too long ago. They serve predominantly Chinese and Japanese food, and also do all-you-can eat sushi for a set price. Sushi is my favourite food of all time, so I get very excited whenever I get the chance to eat there! I’m actually thinkin’ of going back for my birthday in a couple of weeks. 🤗🍣

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Name your top 3 restaurant to go

Spaghetti lubisz z mięsem mielonym?

PL: Owszem, zawsze takie jadłam, do momentu, aż nie zostałam wegetarianką. XD
Teraz spaghetti robię sobie z tymi kuleczkami wegetariańskimi z Biedronki i jest super. 😎
ENG: Yes, I always ate it like that until I became a vegetarian. 😆
Now I make spaghetti with these veggie balls from Biedronka and it's great. 😎

How much are you into gardening / keeping plants? 🌿🌷

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
✦ ───────────── ✦
. συт σf ρσтαтσ qυєєи
✦ ───────────── ✦
Not much as my cat tries to eat everything green within his reach, even those potentially toxic plants. x'D The only plants I have are sunflowers on my balcony. X'D
I bet my cat was a vegetarian in his former life. XD

"THE QUESTION": Have you ever eaten a 'McPlant' ? If so, how did you find it ? (as in, how did it make you feel! ?) ~ personally, I can't believe what I've sank to, visiting such a place, and consuming such nonsense! "INFO": "this is the first time I've sent a silly question using 'the app' "

igotamatch’s Profile Photoigotamatch
The McPlant is a McDonald's sandwich, right? I am a vegetarian and have never visited such places. I'm sorry I can't leave you a review about it. So have you tasted it? How it was?

"THE QUESTION": Have you ever eaten a 'McPlant' ? If so, how did you find it ? (as in, how did it make you feel! ?) ~ personally, I can't believe what I've sank to, visiting such a place, and consuming such nonsense! "INFO": "this is the first time I've sent a silly question using 'the app' "

igotamatch’s Profile Photoigotamatch
Hello) How is your health? I hope everything is fine. I haven’t tried Mac Plant and don’t even want to) A vegetarian burger for me is a food perversion) As for the “stupid” question, I’ll argue, it’s an interesting question. And even “stupid” questions sometimes happen for the first time once)
Have you ever eaten a McPlant  
If so how did you find it  as in

What is your favorite kind of food to order from the takeaway?

lostineden’s Profile PhotoLost in Eden (MT)
Japanese food, sushi in particular! There never used to be any Japanese restaurants in my area at all but over the past few years, a couple have opened up, snd they all deliver, too!
I'll normally get a mixed selection of sushi, including both fish and vegetarian varieties... If I want something hot instead, then I'll order a pumpkin katsu curry. 😋

What’s your goal in life or maybe in this year?

milamson’s Profile Photoחנה
My goal in life is to simply be happy! And one step in particular I'm trying to take right now is to eat better! Now when musical stuff is over, I have plenty more energy and free time, which I've been using to cook more whole meals! I can workout how much I want but if I don't make any changes to my diet, I won't get anywhere. And since I probably won't work over the summer, in a few weeks I'll have even more free time to craft a more healthy lifestyle! Last Wednesday I made a vegetarian pasta casserole, based on a recipe given to me by one of my closest friends 😋🍝
Whats your goal in life or maybe in this year

What is the most stupid thing you have seen somebody get upset about? 🙄 😇

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ ᏖᏋᏁᏗፈᎥᎧᏬᏕ ᏖᎧᎷᎷᏗᎩ™ ▩ ♚ ☻
Some people get really upset when they find out I'm a vegetarian. I've never understood why. It shouldn't matter to anyone what I do and don't eat. People often say vegetarians and vegans are the judgemental ones, but I've found a lot of meat eaters to be the same. Obviously I'd prefer if everyone stopped eating meat, but I don't judge others for doing it. I ate meat for 23 years, so it's not my place to judge at all. I often get people rolling their eyes at me, trying to take the p!ss out of me, giving me lectures, trying to make me see I'm wrong and stupid for being vegetarian. It's exhausting. You do you, let me do me. 💁🏻‍♀️

What are some of your favorite vegetarian dishes? 🥗

anonamouse89887’s Profile Photoanonamouse
I love a lot of Indian dishes and Italian pasta dishes!
Some Indian dishes I love:
Aloo gobi, aloo matar, aloo paneer, saag, dahl, kadhi and butter paneer. 🤤
Some Italian dishes I love:
Pizza, pasta (penne) al’arrabbiata, pasta pesto, pasta garlic, casseroles.
What are some of your favorite vegetarian dishes

What is the most expensive meal you have ever eaten? Was it worth the price? Where were you?

Ya_7abibi’s Profile PhotoDiaa
262 £
330 $
15500 egp
But the food was for two people.
I thought it was worth it. I used to eat there a lot. I remember trying the most delicious lasagna there, and it wasn’t even with beef. It was a vegetarian lasagna, and I’m not a vegetarian. That’s how good it was.

What's one thing you refused to try eating? For me it was cow tongue.

I refuse to eat anything with meat, fish or insects in it.
Also anything an animal had to die for. This means I don’t eat all cheeses. Rennet, which is a main ingredient for cheese, is made from a substance in a calf’s (yes, you read that right, a baby cow’s) stomach. Luckily they make microbial rennet nowadays, which is vegetarian!

Wyczekujesz już na sezon grillowy czy moze jednak nie przepadasz za mięskiem z grilla? 🍗😅

TheBestOfMee’s Profile PhotoDżastina
PL: Jestem wegetarianką. XDDD
W każdym razie jeśli chodzi o grilla, to mam w domu grillownicę i w sumie taki chlebek czy jakieś inne rzeczy mogę sobie zrobić w domu. 😌
A do tego jakaś sałatka i już mamy dobry, wegetariański posiłek. 😌
A jak babcia czy mama będą chciały sobie zrobić jakąś kiełbaskę, boczek, karkówkę, szaszłyki czy coś tam jeszcze z grilla - też oczywiście mogą, tylko niech mi potem tę grillownicę umyją. XDD
ENG: I'm vegetarian. 🤣🤣🤣
Anyway, when it comes to the grill, I have a grill at home and I can actually make bread or other things at home. 😌
Add some salad and you have a good vegetarian meal. 😌
And if grandma or mum want to grill some sausage, bacon, pork neck, skewers or something else - of course they can, but wash the grill afterwards. 🤣

I won’t be vegetarian, I believe in a different religion, fam won’t speak the same language, I had more rules than you growing up, i’m actually a loner with a few superficial friends

I relate to the part where you said you won’t be a vegetarian and are a loner with a few superficial friends.

Je tady někdo vegetarián? Popřípadě jaký máte na vegetariánství názor?

Reálně si dovedu představit, že bych jedla maso 2-3x týdně. Nic méně bych si to bez něj úplně nedokázala představit.
Ať si každý jí, jak uzná za vhodné, ale není dobré to ostatním vnucovat, když o to nemají zájem.
+Některé stránky na toto téma berou fotky ze slabších zemí a vydávají je za podmínky v ČR. Což není úplně v pořádku a byla bych ráda, kdyby začali udávat pravdivé informace.
Jednou jsem se bavila na toto téma holčiny, která byla semi-vegetarian (to je celkem funny, protože se u nás ty kuřata mají asi nejhůř, but whatever) a nedopadlo to úplně nejlépe. Byla hodně agresivní a dostaly jsme se do bodu, kdy vlastně naznačila, že jsme vůbec ty krávy neměli šlechtit a tím, jak se jim snažíme třeba trochu pomoct, tak je to týrání zvířat. Konkrétně jsme se bavily o tom, že se provádí díry až do bachoru, aby k tomu byl lepší přístup, protože přešlechtěné krávy mají problém s bachorovým obsahem a když to nastane, tak mohou i chcípnout. Mi teda určitě přijde lepší, jak pro veta, tak pro zvíře tato metoda, než aby tam museli píchat obří jehlou a vysát obsah bachoru. Jo jinak tento zákrok se provádí ve Švýcarsku a USA a u nás se provádí zřídka.
Jinak zajímám se na toto téma celkem hodně a z některými věcmi souhlasím. Některé už jsou prostě přes čáru.

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What drink doesn't appeal to you ?

missygls’s Profile Photoᴳᴸメ
These are or were real drinks, and none appeal to me, and not just because I’m vegetarian
❌ Baby Mice Wine (China)
❌ Coffee pooed out by palm civets (Indonesia)
❌ Palm Civet poo beer (Denmark)
❌ Whale testicle beer (Iceland)
❌ Stag Semen beer (New Zealand, thankfully discontinued)
❌ Cow Urine soda (India)
❌ Pig placenta drink (aka Placenta 10000, Japan)
❌ Tuna Tears (tuna eye lenses in gelatine, South Korea)
❌ 3 Pe*is Liquor (China)

https://ask.fm/nebelung1717/answers/174087246062 - Eat chicken soup and drink tea 🤘 Maybe eat some garlic, it contains natural antibiotics, vitamins and minerals too 🤪

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ ᏖᏋᏁᏗፈᎥᎧᏬᏕ ᏖᎧᎷᎷᏗᎩ™ ▩ ♚ ☻
PL: Rosół dla wegetarianki... 🤔🧐
W każdym razie, herbatkę to ja cały czas piję, natomiast chyba zrobię sobie właśnie jakieś warzywa na patelnię z czosnkiem, cebulą, może ryżu do tego dodam, zobaczy się. xD
Dzięki za porady, mordo! 😌
ENG: Chicken soup for a vegetarian... 🤔🧐
Anyway, I drink tea all the time, but I think I'll just stir-fry some vegetables with garlic, onion, maybe add some rice, we'll see.
Thanks for the advice, man! 😌

Idziesz na burger drwala?

PL: Byłam, wzięłam bez wszelkiego mięsa i potem musiałam jeszcze wydziubywać boczek z bułki.
No de**l... 🤦🏼‍♀️
To się kompletnie minęło z celem, no ale tak to jest, jak się zapomni, że Burger Drwala ma boczek i mięso mielone w sobie, a Ty jesteś wege... 👀
ENG: I was, I took it without any meat and then I had to pick out the bacon from the roll.
Well I'm an id***... 🤦🏼‍♀️
This completely missed the point, but that's what happens when you forget that the Drwal/Lumberjack's Burger has bacon and minced meat in it, and you are vegetarian... 👀

Podchodzę do Ciebie i oferuje randkę z takim zestawem, cr?

Murzyniopl’s Profile PhotoMichał
PL: Jestem wegetarianką, także pizza z szynką nie bardzo, ale gdybyśmy mieli kupić najtańszą serową pizzę na spółkę i wypić najtańsze, ciepłe, wygazowane piwo - wchodzę w to bez zastanowienia.
ENG: I'm a vegetarian, so pizza with ham is not for me, but if we were to buy the cheapest cheese pizza together and drink the cheapest, warm, decarbonated beer - I would do it without a second thought.

🇬🇧 What will you eat tonight? 🇮🇹 Cosa mangerai stasera?

ilabunny’s Profile Photoilabunny
This is the choice:
Item Dish Quantity
Soup of the Day Spicy Parsnip Soup
Wet Dishes Pork Belly
Lamb Stew
Pasta/Noodles Broccoli and Parmesan Paste Bake
Vegetarian Dish Vegetarian Curry
Potatoes Steamed Potatoes
Crushed Potatoes
Rice Steamed Rice
Prepared Vegetables Steamed Fresh Mixed Vegetables
Roast Pumpkin
Gravies/Sauces Gravy
Daily Dessert Rice Pudding
Custard/Sweet sauce Custard

What's your favourite restaurant?

It was a little café in the city. They were a vegetarian menu, but they had an amazing array of teas!
Whenever I went with either friends, or my mom lol, I'd always get the vegetarian hotdog with chips! The hotdog had lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes and grilled onions! It was all delicious and not greasy which was great!
I miss it so much!
I don't really have a favourite anymore lol
Whats your favourite restaurant

Which restaurant chain would you have wanted to get free food for life from? 🍔🍟🌮🍕🍜 What's your go-to order there?

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
It would have been the café in the city that has now closed :(
They were an all vegetarian café but the food they did was so damn tastey! Lovely herbal teas too :3
I use to order the hotdog! So a vegetarian hotdog in a white bun with lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber and red onions, chunky chips, and then varying drink!
Which restaurant chain would you have wanted to get free food for life from

Have you ever considered becoming vegan?

Alphabearry’s Profile PhotoJoel
There is none such thing . . . . it's all a delusion .
It is good & honorable to be pro-vegan, or vegan-friendly . . . or vegetarian (the latter which I was for 8 months ; 27 years ago . . . but)
My work in bio-control systems , in intensive agriculture , proved absolutely that veganism is a delusion .
You either eat small animals (insects, parasites, micro-organisms , even larger predators . . . .) or you support their destruction , one way or another
Life is dependent on death
Have you ever considered becoming vegan

Do you always cook for your guests when you invite them over for dinner? I always do because I was taught that's proper etiquette though it can be totally tiresome, especially when you have vegan friends, diabetic friends, lactose intolerant friends etc. Pleasing everyone is hard.

Well I’m a diabetic and a vegetarian and I’d hope none of my friends found me a nuisance.
I never cook for anyone, and these days if I’m visiting friends or family of an evening we usually do takeaway food.
I’ve never heard about the ‘etiquette’ that you should always cook for visitors, I think someone probably just made that up.

If you could have your dream three course meal, what'd it consist of? 🤤

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Oh no this will be difficult xD
🌸 First course:
I'd either choose a light salad with a nice dressing, or a consommé soup! We had then a lot in Austria at our hotel and I loved them xD
I don't have a preferred flavour, they were all nice lol
🌸 Second course:
Again... hard choice! Thinking about meals that I've had in varying places that I loved lol
I'd love to have the vegetarian hot dog that I use to get at a cafe in the city.. but sadly it closed! (Pic is what I use to have)
Or I'd have chicken tikka masala with chips! Again another favourite!
Or hunter's chicken with chips and cherry tomatoes on the vine. A rustic restaurant that my boyfriend and I have been to for anniversaries does that! Delicious!
Or I'd have wiener schnitzel with parsley potatoes and cranberry sauce! Again a regular dish on holiday in Austria!
🌸 Third course:
Chocolate fudge cake with ice cream :3

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If you could have your dream three course meal whatd it consist of

How do you feel about vegan foods?

agustingovea2022’s Profile PhotoJR
idk about being vegan but i think i can definitely be vegetarian. like i genuinely enjoy eating meat alternatives idk why😂 i think i can live without meat but like sushi is life so idk😮‍💨
Liked by: vc JR sop

Do you release the Karen when they don't get your order right at a restaurant?

No, I don’t release the Karen when I don’t get a right order at a restaurant haha 😂.
I will tell them that it’s not what I ordered if it’s a completely different dish though. It’s also important that there’s no fish or meat in the dish they served due to the fact that I’m a vegetarian. 🍟🧆🌯🥗🍝🍜🍕
Do you release the Karen when they dont get your order right at a restaurant

Do you perhaps have any suggestions for games one can play to get to know each other better? Tomorrow I'll be hosting a dinner for novices at the student organiation I'm a part of, us mentors are tasked with coming up with such a game each 🗣🎲♣️

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
One I often used to use is “People Bingo”.
You can make your own version appropriate to the type of group and people in it you are working with.
Basically print off some bingo type cards or sheets featuring 12 - 16 boxes with statements in them like:
🥕 Find a vegetarian and get them to initial (or sign) here.
🎧 Find someone who likes techno music and get them to initial here.
🐇 Find someone with a pet rabbit and get them to initial here.
🤸🏽‍♀️ Find someone who regularly practices a sport. Find out which sport and get them to initial here.
(And so on)
The first person to get all their boxes initialled/signed shouts “Bingo” - or you can continue until everyone completes, if you wish.
If the group know each other well and are comfortable, you can throw in tasks like “sit on someone’s knee and get them to initial here”; if they don’t know each other you could go more for “Find someone whose name contains a Y and get them to initial here” and so on.

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