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What will you avoid in 2022? :)

saadniazi61’s Profile PhotoSAAD NIAZI.
most of my relatives including my grandma and her rude questions about when i'm going to be married (not on her watch), when i'm going to get my driver's lisence (i'm nothing like my sis, only when i'll have my own vehicle of cource), why i hate my natural hair color and how long i would like to be [crazy] a vegeterian

So y should a meat restaurant compel itself to go through the complexities of having to prepare vegeterian food for just a few select people

Well the restaurant didn't say meat only so why not have some vegetarian food
Liked by: Shir Ling

Hey, I read that you're a vegetarian and I'm just wondering how do I avoid the urge to eat meat? I recently became a vegetarian due to religious and ethical reasons but it's hard for me resist the temptation of meat. Also how do vegetarians get their protean if they can't eat meat? Thank you!

I am sorry, I don' speak english as good as you think. So, sorry.
I am not only vegeterian who don't eat meat, I don't eat any animals products (milk, chees, eggs, nothing). I get protein from legumes like beans, lens, peas, chickpea or (unsalted, unburnted) nuts or seeds, wheat, rice, fruit or vegetables.
I am not ethic vegan, my food is plant based, because I think, that it is healthier than food with meat, milk or eqqs.
If somebody wants me to eat meat, I tell him I don't eat friends...

Ο αλλος ειπε βρηκε σκουλικι στο μπροκολο κ αηδιασε. Εγω καταρχην αηδιαζω ποιο πολυ με το μπροκολο παρα με το σκουλικι😭😭🔫♥

Milas se vegeterian so..agapameee mbrokolo:((💪

UNILLÖ UNIBÄES 💗😚 höw wÄs yÖur day ?? 😉 rmb my unibäes are beautiful & FÄbicorn as always🌅✨ HAHA unibaes pleasë take cÄre cos schÖöl is coming zz CAN SCH START LTR OMG 💩🔫🔫 oops HEHE uniloves ü 👑💞💃god bless u 🙊✨💞öH unipoöpie >; what meals do my unibaes like to order @ mÄcdonald 🍔🍟 ??? fÖöd is lÖve

: *.⋆unibäe⋆.*•✧
Im vegeterian so i cant order mac set 😥

αυτο το πραγμα που εμεις π τρωμε κρεας, οταν ο σουβλατζης κοβει τον γυρω μας τρεχουν τα σαλια.. το παθενετε και εσεις οι vegans με την μηχανη του γκαζον?

HAAAAAAAA.den itan asteio kai den eimai vegan eimai vegeterian

Co to znamena byt vegan?:O A co takový lidi například jedí a nejedí? A čím. Se to co nejedí da nahrazovat? Jste nekdo vegetarián nebo vegan? Dekuji!❤️

vegeterian neji jen masi vegan ani mlecne vyrobky vajicla a maso najrazuji to ovocem ryzovima mlekama alpro vyrokama fazolema soyou tofu ryzi spaldovym chlebem a tak dale pomazanky a tak vegan ani vegetarian nejsem😃 lidi si mysli ze jdi jem travu ale neni to tak☺

Cheese is from cows!! THEREFORE YOU'RE STILL KILLING COWS CAMILLE, i think but omg yay ur a vegeterian 💕💕

the cow doesn't have to die to make cheese tho ! & ive been vegetarian for like 5 months
Liked by: val lorieeeel (:

Takže Ari je jenom veganka ... nejí nic živočišného původu ale maso ji ... to nedává smysl ??? protože si psala ze vegeterian nejí pouze maso a Ari vegeterian není tak jak tomu mám rozumět ???

Když si vegan tak nejíš ani maso, protože je také živočišného původu.

Můžu se zeptat jakej je rozdíl mezi vegeterianstvim a veganstvim? Vegeterian je ten kdo nejí maso a vefan je ten co nejí to co produkovalo to zvíře např. mléko,vejce,sýry,jogurty atd... je A ti ve banka a vegeterianka a nebo jenom veganka?

Vegan nejí nic co je živočišného původu (vejce, sýr, jogurty atd)
Vegetarián nejí pouze maso ❤
A poslední otázku jsem nepochopila ale asi nejspíše se ptáš jestli je Ariana vegan nebo vegetarián. Ariana je veganka ❤

If someone said they'd pay u like 100 million dollars to stay vegeterian for the rest of your life would you do it I know i couldn't LOL

Yup i'd find ways to make brocoli or lettuce taste like beef with the money and live my life chilling on hawaii or some sexy place in the world having a bite out of my brocoli meat burger

مادري يعني بس فلوس الطليان بذاكه الحساب لو انتو vegeterian بعد احس تقللون الصرف و عندج اا فولو بعشيرتنه ب 5 ملايين ال انفولو 10 ملايين ال فولو وره ال انفولو 15 مليون و البلوك يصير طشار دم 😓😓

Mustafa Muhammed
الجماعة يموتون عالمفطح محد يحب الفﻻفل
كسر بجمع 20 مليون علمود هالعگل الخيرة 😂

Bara så du vet så får du i saliv och det är tekniskt sätt animalisk föda så ja.. Du är inte vegeterian. JK JK 😂 kan folk sluta vara dryga på Siris ask tbh, hon ÄR EN VEGETERIAN (och värkligen inte en slampa för den delen heller..😠) Sluta dryga er allihopa👎🏻 Xoxo, Gossip girl 😘

Hahaha king är du 😘😄

Sorta. I'm vegeterian trying vegan things. Interesting. I'm still trying things out. The chocolate one was good. I love plain cheese pizza. Beats any other pizza, honestly.

I agree about the plain cheese xD It's just classic. And good luck on your food journey xD (send me anything delicious)
Liked by: Khan Zenkei

Salam nak tanya. Macam mana kita nak jawab kalau non muslim cakap yg islam ni jahat sbb buat ritual korban lembu etc setiap tahun. Diorang cakap islam xde belas kasihan. So, macam mana kita nak reply balik pendapat mereka tu ye??? Mohon reply. Sbb esk ustaz nak tanya. Maaf... Dan tq

kalau macam tu, semua manusia harus jadi vegeterian lah . kan daging itu protein kepada badan, dan salah satu keperluan untuk memenuhi pemakanan yang seimbang? kalau orang islam tu tiada belas kasihan, sudah tentu dia membunuh haiwan tu dengan kejam, tetapi islam mengajar kita cara penyembelihan yang betul sehingga tidak menyeksa haiwan tersebut sebab haiwan itu akan mati dalam masa beberapa saat. islam buat upacara pengorbanan itu bagi menunjukkan kesyukuran kepada Allah,
... sorry. tgh xde idea

Zosiu dziękuje za inspiracje, jestem pescaterian, kiedy jeszcze jadłam mięso jadłam go bardzo dużo, teraz czuje sie o wiele lepiej schudłam, jestem żywsza:) może jak bede dorosła to przejdę na full vegeterian ale teraz musze chodziaz jeść rybę bo boje sie ze nie urosnę(dużo ludzi mi z dokucza)

super ze ograniczasz mieso, ale bialko mozna znalezc w weganskich produktach, nie musisz sie o to martwic ;) ja uroslam 3 cm od wrzesnia kiedy zostalam weganka wiec chyba dziala :)))

Paul McCartney said: "If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be a vegetarian." What do you think about it?

Omfg, I watched that video !!
And that's the whole reason I started to become VEGETERIAN OMG, please DONOT watch it! I couldn't get past the first 2 minutes of it....before I cried ;((((

Jo, det gör jag. Då jag varit vegeterian i två år så var jag väldigt underviktig, även om jag åt flera gånger om dagen för att försöka få i mig allt jag behövde. Då jag började äta kött igen så kom vikten tillbaka.

Wow. Vilken forskning. Skrev du en vetenskaplig rapport också? Ett tips. Ät en påse chips varje dag så lovar jag att du slipper vara underviktig. Eller gråt. Du väljer.
Liked by: nihil-sten Fanny

#pitanjedana-napokonhaha Koje je tvoje misljenje o vegetarijanizmu, i bi li htio/la i mogao/la ikad postati vegetarijanac? <3 / #dailyquestion-finallyhaha What is your opinion on vegetarianism, and would (could) you ever become a vegetarian? <3

Već tri godine pokušavam postat vegeterijanka, no sigurna sam kako bi se svi u mojoj obitelji tome protivili. Uz to burek, pizza, piletina ... Najveća motivacija mi je Onision tj Gregory s natpisom 'My food doesn't scream' i ostalim njegovim nadasve briljatnim 'quotes-ima' u vezi toga bcs he is vegeterian so yeah.
Like okaay meso you should leave. .-.

Tbh-aloo bengan your really nice 8) and trustworthy it's really fun talking to u and Mattie VEGETERIAN MURGA SQUAD FOR LIFE ??????? your really pretty to and good at Bhangra too even tho Shane sucks ? your my bestie even tho your usually on drugs or alcohol not good puth

Thanks nimboo? and you don't even know how we do Bhangra so awks... And tfr I'm a good puth ?

Your super pretty! I always see u in school but i never have the balls to talk to you. Your perfect tbh! your a vegeterian (something i wouldnt be able to do. EVER) Your figure is AMAZING! Your smart and great style sense. I really hope u realise how amazing you are ❤❤❤❤❤

Awh that's so cute thank you so much :') , please talk to me haha I don't bite and being vegetarian is honestly so easy tbh, who is this ily :) <3 xxx

Försöker inte påpeka hur du är som person. Försöker påpeka hur det du skriver på din ask tas utav andra, inte nödvändigtvis mig då jag inte bryr mig så mycket men utav de som nämner sitt ogillande. Med hat menade jag i stort sätt ''inte här av negativa skäl''.

Jag vill inte verka otrevlig på något sätt eller så, men jag behöver faktiskt inte veta hur jag skriver tas av andra.
Oavsett vad skulle folk ta illa upp utav det jag skriver. oavsett hur jag formulerade det.
Jag kan vara ärlig och säga att jag tycker Kissie har en jättefin kropp (och fin i överhuvudtaget) och då kommer folk tycka att jag förespråkar ohälsa, uppmuntrar tjejer till att dem inte duger eftersom kissie har opererat sig. etc
Skulle jag säga att jag ÄLSKAR KÖTT och inte har problem med hur det kommer till!
Ja, då blir nån som är vegeterian lack istället.

I've heard that you are a vegetarian! Go you! I would really like to become one too! I was just wondering how long have you been vegetarian and how I should like become one? :)

Yes I am vegeterian! It's probably one of the best choices I have ever made! It's only been about a month but I already feel so much healthier and happier! Um, if your truly serious about going vegeterian I would suggest starting off slow! Like cut out red or white meat first, which ever you perfer (I cut out red meat first) and then set a date for when you are going to cut out meat completely! But make sure you only eat whatever meat your not cutting out first in moderation, so you can work up to being vegeterian! I can not stress enough how important it is that you make your having all of your proteins and irons though! So, make sure you eat lentils and things like red kidney beans too! If you have anymore questions just mail me! :-)

Language: English