
185 K people

50 posts


ktora lepsza ? Sam Smith - "Stay With Me" vs. Tom Petty - "I Won’t Back Down" „Stay With Me” ma bardzo podobną progresję akordów do „I Won’t Back Down”. Sam Smith ostatecznie uznał Toma Petty’ego za współautora piosenki. ;)

womanwithgoodheart’s Profile PhotoDziewczyna z Dobrym sercem ♀❥
Tutaj Ciebie zaskoczę, ponieważ nie wybiorę żadnej z piosenek z dwóch linków do wyboru, natomiast zaprezentuję Tobie piosenkę, w której następują słowa "Stay With Me" Piosenkę wykonuje zespół Shakespears Sister natomiast tytuł piosenki "Stay" https://youtu.be/YCYaALgW80cKubaGR571’s Video 173634935781 YCYaALgW80cKubaGR571’s Video 173634935781 YCYaALgW80c Zauważ, że jest to zupełnie inny gatunek muzyki, oraz zupełnie inny okres, w którym piosenka była wykonywana. Ciekawość mnie zżera czy podoba się Tobie piosenka "Stay" w wykonaniu Shakespears Sister? Jak oceniasz ścieżkę video, która jest tłem do tego teledysku. W tym wypadku pewnie nie tylko audio, ale i video tworzą nierozerwalną całość?

Masz muzycznego idola wśród współczesnych piosenkarzy, czy może wolisz nieco starszą muzykę? Kto obecnie jest Twoim idolem?

Soniaczeq’s Profile Photo»Jinkaku«
Nie posiadam jednego muzycznego idola, ponieważ moje zainteresowania muzyką są olbrzymie, przez co nie dzielę muzyki na gatunki tylko na dobrą muzykę i na muzyczną chałturę brzdąkaną przez szarpidrutów uważających, że potrafią grać na gitarach i śpiewać. Tacy owszem potrafią niszczyć u słuchaczy słuch muzyczny. Tym razem dam przykład piosenkarki z idealnym głosem muzycznym, do którego żaden krytyk muzyczny nie mógłby się doczepić, ponieważ gdyby to zrobił sam skreśliłby się z zawodu krytyka muzycznego! O to arcydzieło muzyczne – miłego słuchania. Niech się ktoś w pytaniu odważy napisać, że mam zły słuch muzyczny! Tylko w takim razie niech pisze w pytaniu, a nie w komentarzach, na które odpowiedzieć nie mogę! https://youtu.be/mLz61g0JLxQKubaGR571’s Video 173629381605 mLz61g0JLxQKubaGR571’s Video 173629381605 mLz61g0JLxQ Within Temptation - Shot In The Dark (Official Music Video)

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KubaGR571’s Video 173629381605 mLz61g0JLxQKubaGR571’s Video 173629381605 mLz61g0JLxQ

Do you ever get paranoid when you use delivery services because you fear them touching the food? I saw a video of one delivery driver eating chow mein out of a customer's order in the parking lot before leaving to deliver it.

I get paranoid about everything related to my food. But the problem is. If I let these paranoid thoughts win. I would never eat, so that's why I go to therapy and take my meds in order to try and live a semi normal life lmao

Comunque se hai pagato 86 euro che sia un iPhone 📱 12 o sopratutto 13 chiunque lo avrevbbe preso credo Già. A così poco. Nessuna persona se lo faceva scappare.

Bhe il mio ultimo era stato il 6s che non ricordo neppure quanto sia cambiato da un iPhone 📱 12 o 13 di ora. Ma ha fatto passi da gigante la tecnologia Apple 🍏 dai tempi del l’iPhone 6s. Ho trovato questo video per chi come me non si ricorda dell’iPhone 6s. https://youtu.be/tHvxdEXthB0?si=2-Z7eruHKzw9lbKisonounapersonacomune’s Video 175418173343 tHvxdEXthB0sonounapersonacomune’s Video 175418173343 tHvxdEXthB0
Liked by: Ange light

Jak myślisz lepiej jak ktoś zaśpiewa z playbacku czy z chrypką ? ;)

womanwithgoodheart’s Profile PhotoDziewczyna z Dobrym sercem ♀❥
Zależy jak duża byłaby to chrypka? Niektórzy piosenkarze dzięki delikatnej chrypce zdobyli sławę: https://youtu.be/OcW-BSEB3ngKubaGR571’s Video 173624793061 OcW-BSEB3ngKubaGR571’s Video 173624793061 OcW-BSEB3ng Chris Rea - The Road to Hell Pt 2 (Official Music Video) Ogólnie nie trafiają do mnie występy z playbacku, ponieważ podobnie jakby ktoś płacił na przykład 100 złotych za bilet wstępu na koncert, aby posłuchać muzyki z YouTube lub płyt CD, a na artystę popatrzeć na żywo

Say you could live in a world/universe of your choosing from a video game, movie, book, etc. Where would you pick? What are some of the first things you’d want to do/experience once you were there? 🤩🗺️

anonamouse89887’s Profile Photoanonamouse
This is a question I found surprisingly difficult to answer, and I think a large part of that is because a lot of the fiction I enjoy tends to be fairly grounded in reality already. I tend to gravitate more toward well-written character drama than to extraordinary scenarios and magical settings… And the few works I enjoy that veer more toward the realm of the fantastic would probably be bloody awful to actually live in! Full of all sorts of danger.
The one exception I can think of is whatever world Kiki’s Delivery Service (the Studio Ghibli film) happens to take place in. Now that world, seems like a lovely place to live. Calm and friendly with just a splash of magic.
I can see myself living quite happily as a witch in that world, settling down in a city much like Kiki herself did in the movie, starting up a business in which I use my magic to help the townsfolk, going out on regular broom-flights... I reckon that'd be a nice little existence. Quiet and peaceful with just enough whimsy to keep things interesting!

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Say you could live in a worlduniverse of your choosing from a video game movie

Su Ask a volte non si capisce sempre se è ironia o parli seriamente. Comunque si ho capito il tuo discorso. Detestiamo ciò che è contrario ai nostri valori e a ciò che amiamo. Esatto?

Ma non è per forza detestare, a volte è semplice incompatibilità. Certo se uno mi viene a dire che picchia le persone è qualcosa che detesto, ma se mi dice che magari si vede benissimo a vivere in città e non vuole andarsene da lì, non potrei prendere quella persona in considerazione per una possibile relazione quando io in città ci soffro. Non è che la odio per questo, ma c'è semplicemente incompatibilità. Così come non potrei stare con una persona che ha un modo di esprimere l'amore diverso dal mio, perché poi ci soffrirei. Con i gatti è lo stesso, io non posso vivere senza gatti in casa, per cui stare con una persona allergica ai gatti o a cui non piacciono o che mi prende per scema ogni volta che mi sciolgo guardando video di gatti, non mi sembra una buona idea. Questo non vuol dire che io detesti queste persone, semplicemente non ci vedo un futuro insieme. Ci sono cose su cui i compromessi sono fattibili, altre no, e sono molto soggettive

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Skoro lubisz ogladać dzieci to co myślisz o tym występie ? 😉 https://youtu.be/-QrsocI1Aho?feature=shared

womanwithgoodheart’s Profile PhotoDziewczyna z Dobrym sercem ♀❥
Ta dziewczyna ma genialny głos muzyczny. Ja byle czego nie subskrybuję, a ją subskrybuję od dawna. Obawiam się tego, aby muzyczne media z Amelii nie zrobiły tego samego co zrobiły z Roksaną Węgiel? Obawiam się, aby utalentowana muzycznie dziewczyna nie sprzedała się niedorobionym artystycznie choreografom, czyhającym, aby na utalentowanej dziewczynie nie wybić się jako zawodowi choreografowie – co pokazały na przykład występy piosenkarzy w Eurowizji poprzez ścieżki video jakie zastosowali przy występach piosenkarek i piosenkarzy! Obawiam się, aby Amelia za szybko nie wkraczała w zmanierowane życie artystów show biznesu, które zniszczy życie kilkunastoletniej dziewczyny od środka.
Skoro lubisz ogladać dzieci to co myślisz o tym występie

Comunque sai pare che sai un mio collega che sai lui fa video musicali e faceva dei concerti privato ecc poi sai faceva cover

polle85’s Profile PhotoAnge light
Ho fatto bene a Farmi Netflix sai? Ho visto Che esce questo su Netflix il 7 ottobre. Anche se me lo potevo vedere prima In streaming.
Comunque sai pare che sai un mio collega che sai lui fa video musicali e faceva
Liked by: Ange light

What's the hardest game you've played? 🎮🤬

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
This is gonna sound very “baby gamer” of me, but since I haven’t played too many video games outside of Sims, I’d have to say Sea of Thieves has been the hardest… 😅
Given, it’s been the one game I’ve been trying to get used to and learn for over a year now, and I still wouldn’t say I’m “good” at it, but I do feel like I’ve improved a fair bit. From not even knowing basic movements at the start, to now, actually being able to cooperate with other people I’m playing with to some level, it’s definitely progress. But still got loads to learn before I’d say I’m truly good at it in any capacity. 😂
Whats the hardest game youve played

Have you ever posted a video of eating your dinner? 😂

I have not because I’m just not that into food 😂 I can kind of appreciate when something I’d good but I’d be just as content with cheerios 😅
That being said, had a very fun dinner tonight. I haaaad scallops and salmon aaaaand this Camembert which is an Achilles heel of mine 😂
Have you ever posted a video of eating your dinner

Podobno lubisz wesołe piosenki, natomiast czy lubisz wesołe Disco Polo, na przykład Braci Figo Fagot? https://youtu.be/OHJuGEiI4uQ BRACIA FIGO FAGOT - Hot Dog [OFFICIAL VIDEO]

KubaGR571’s Profile PhotoKubaGR571
Lubię wesołe piosenki, ale ostatnio myślę o jeździe autem, więc łap piosenkę ode mnie ;)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zl_rtIUCWcUwomanwithgoodheart’s Video 174725323291 Zl_rtIUCWcUwomanwithgoodheart’s Video 174725323291 Zl_rtIUCWcU

Perché la gente secondo voi si fa i tatuaggi ? ( Nei miei canali social è uscito un video che ne parla )

ValeriaMorettiilaria95’s Profile PhotoMental Coach Valeria
Ci possono essere tanti motivi secondo me, c'é chi li fa per moda, o per un solo gusto estetico.
Ma c'é anche chi li fa perché hanno un significato, perché rappresentano un qualcosa che si sceglie di portarsi addosso per tutta la vita.
In un certo senso i tatuaggi raccontano la storia e la vita di chi li porta.

Ti senti di non vivere il presente? Come mai i tempi devono scorrere così velocemente da farti apprezzare solo quello che ricordi e non quello che vivi? Sei d'accordo con me su questo? Sarei curioso di che lavoro fai e i tuoi progetti per il futuro, non per farmi i fatti tuoi ma perché ti stimo

sento di vivere con la testa aggrappata al passato
sto cercando di darmi una risposta al perché non vivo più nel qui ed ora: sto crescendo e ho sempre più responsabilità e sempre meno spensieratezza
quando arrivi alla consapevolezza delle cose ‘da adulti’ si diventa apatici, o almeno, nel mio caso è stato così
non riesco a godermi più nulla, ogni giorno mi pare monotono e anche le attività belle non le vivo a pieno
quando ero adolescente, fino ai diciott’anni circa, era sicuramente tutto più facile e tutto più bello
penso sia normale avere nostalgia dei tempi passati nei quali si è stati bene, ció che non trovo normale è essere a terra ogni giorno e voler tornare a tutti i costi indietro nel tempo (pur sapendo che, scientificamente, non è possibile)
per quanto riguarda il mio lavoro, io mi occupo di produzione video (riprese, produzione e post-produzione) per un’ente di formazione accreditato ai professionisti (architetti, ingegneri, geologi, ecc..)
i miei progetti futuri sono incerti, sono contenta del mio lavoro e mi trovo molto bene all’interno di quell’ambiente ma non nego che mi piacerebbe avere più tempo a disposizione (lavorando otto ore al giorno dal lunedì al venerdì, non ho molto tempo e il weekend vola) e magari rimettermi sui libri, peró ho talmente tanta ‘sete’ di conoscenza che mi piacerebbe studiare di tutto, in caso di un’eventuale ingresso all’università
per me qualsiasi scelta, dalle cose più semplici alle cose più complesse, risulta complicata perché farei di tutto contemporaneamente
spero di essere stata abbastanza esaustiva

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Today I watched a video. Do you agree that reading romance or smut novels is cheating?

Shannon678900’s Profile PhotoShannon
No, I don’t. To me cheating is when a person goes behind their significant others’ back and engages in intimate acts with another person. When someone reads a racy novel, there is no other person involved… Unless you count entirely fictional characters. To call it ‘cheating’ feels like a rather extreme leap to me.
I would be interested in watching the video you mentioned though, if anything just to hear the opposite perspective! I'm genuinely curious as to how someone could think that enjoying a piece of fiction is anywhere within the same ballpark as infidelity.

Come si a mettere impostazioni video 4k su iPhone 📱 13 per esempio? A me non da l’impostazione video 4k sul mio iPhone.

Dipende se il tuo smartphone lo supporta o no. In genere credo sulle impostazioni video se c’è la possibilita dei video in 4k. Per esempio questo è in 4k.
sonounapersonacomune’s Video 175405787551
Liked by: Ange light Daniele

Do you remember the first book that grabbed you, the one that made you feel more than any before it or the one that made you realise you loved stories? What was it?

Emmagine_This’s Profile PhotoViolet Dream
The funny thing is, I actually don't. And I'm aware that might sound a little odd given how outspoken I am about my love of literature... But it hasn't always been a passion of mine and, as a child especially, I don't think I was ever really fussed on reading until I was in my early teens.
My love of storytelling actually came originally from video games. Namely Spyro The Dragon. Some of the first stories I ever came up with were inspired by Spyro. Most of which I never even wrote down, I would just daydream and imagine all the adventures I would have if I was a character in that world...
I don't think I realized it at the time, but that was when the storyteller in me first started to emerge. 👀

If you’re in / have been in a long distance relationship, how do you go about sustaining it? 💘🌍

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I’m gonna answer this a little bit differently… I’ve not been in a long distance relationship, but I am close to people who are, and have been previously.
1. Something I see a lot of people do is any spare moment they have, they’ll call/FaceTime each other during the day and talk. Even if it’s just for a minute or two while walking somewhere, or while out and about, just to let your partner know you’re thinking of them and you love them. And then setting aside time at night to talk (or whenever works) and catch up. If you can’t call, of course, texting throughout the day is great too! Communication is top priority though. Make sure you’re weaving your partner into your daily life as much as possible!
2. Random acts of affection go a long way. For example, randomly sending your partner a love letter. I think it’s so sweet to just express how you feel about each other without prompting! Or if they like it, send them flowers with a little note to put out, or something else you know they’d enjoy, a care package with their favorite snacks, a little thing you found that made you think of them, etc. 💝
3. Finding alternative ways to spend time together. Gaming is great! Or another hobby you both are interested in that maybe you could learn together. Also, streaming movies/TV shows while on a video call with each other. Like how on discord, you can share your screen. So that way you can have little movie nights, even from far apart. I think this, personally, is such a cute thing to do. 🥰 It’s not the same as physically cuddling up together for a movie, but still, a really sweet way to bond.
4. Plan virtual date nights! I think one way to do that is for both of you to either get food or make food, and then have a video call so you can eat together and talk! Sure, it’s a little different than having dinner together at a restaurant or something, but it still can be made very special and romantic with a little creativity!
5. This is probably obvious, but seriously, any chance/reason you have to see each other in person, take advantage of it! One thing I think is especially unique about long distance couples is the byproduct of spending so much time physically apart, is that once you are actually together again, those tiny moments become infinitely more important and meaningful! 🥹
6. This is another super important one. You really have to trust each other. Since you are so far away, it’s easy to become nervous about not knowing who they hang out with, what they’re up to, etc. So be as open and honest as you possibly can!
And while being apart is never truly ideal, I find it incredible the relationships you can form from it. Like, long distance to me feels like a big test, especially if it’s that way from the start. So, if you and your partner can overcome that and remain strong and connected throughout, you’ve got one solid relationship. In my opinion, that proves there isn’t a whole lot you two can’t overcome, or get through together. ☺️

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If youre in  have been in a long distance relationship how do you go about

Buongiorno e buona domenica! Parlami di te: dimmi 3 o più curiosità che ti riguardano. ✨

EliisaPerdichizzi’s Profile PhotoPer_Elisa
Adoro le scimmie cappuccine 🐒; Guardo i video di ambience di qualunque tipo per rilassarmi o se mi serve un background uditivo; Quando esco ho il potere di apparire brillo anche quando bevo cocacola 💀
Buongiorno e buona domenica Parlami di te dimmi 3 o più curiosità che ti

Tie revival skupiny o ničom. Si budujú kariéru na cudzích pesničkách? Tie revival skupiny o ničom. Si budujú kariéru na cudzej tvorbe.

dnešné deti si vedia užiť aj video ako niekto komentuje niečie video... aj revival Beatles sa dá urobiť zle ak niekto nevie spievať, alebo hrať na hudobný nástroj... oceňme, že to niekto robí dobre... žijeme predsalen v dobe kde sa recyklujú staré veci...
Liked by: Smile Miya andrea

Have you ever used the share screen feature on PS5?

I haven't needed to. I use the zooming feature more than anything. (I can't play video games because my brain is delayed and dumb now with whatever is medically wrong with it. ) Anyways my sis plays it and I use it mostly as a DVD player/streaming device.

Neue Frage Runde 🌸 - Thema Influencer (Insta) - 🌸 Wie findet ihr Juliabeautx? 💅🏼

Seitdem sie damals Diät-Shakes an ihre minderjährige Bubble verkauft hat und in einem Video lachend meinte, dass sie damals andere in der Schule gemøbbt hat, finde ich sie unerträglich. Verstehe auch nicht, warum viele sie so feiern. Da ist wenig Substanz in ihren Videos. Wahrscheinlich finden sie viele einfach nur hübsch, weil sie perfekt ins Schönheitsideal passt. Das reicht mir persönlich aber nicht. Hab noch nie gesehen oder mitbekommen, dass sie mit ihrer Reichweite etwas Gutes tut🙌
Verlosungen zählen für mich nicht, weil Influencer:innen das nur machen, um Steuern zu sparen. Sie tun sich damit also selbst etwas Gutes🐥

Si fueras gigante por un día qué harías?

Arrasar a los sinaloas, sudamerica, Muslim, black ,Indian etc 🔥pero pasa✨ el vídeo de abajo sinaloa 👌 del diario videos gore en Culiacán y Alrededores🔥 20 eliminados al día ,ya entraron al top 10 de las ciudades más violentas del 🌎
Liked by: Mariamvvn

Esiste un video 4k di doomsday vs Superman? Bella la lotta finale.

Un piccolo frammento. Che la registrazione video qui non dura molto. I video da mettere qui durano poco le registrazioni da smartphone 📱 da mettere qui. Non so se sia davvero 4k però bella domanda.
sonounapersonacomune’s Video 175390248095
Liked by: Daniele

Io mi trovo meglio con android che con iOS però ti dirò. Certo sono due sistemi diversi molto diversi. Ma come ti trovi con iOS ora? Bhe considerando che il 6s è stato il tuo ultimo poi.

Stavo provando il video 4k di un parco. Tanto mi Han chiamato dal lavoro che mi sa non gli stanno andando bene gli affari mi sa.
sonounapersonacomune’s Video 175390238623
Liked by: Daniele

Poi sai vorrei dirti secondo te è normale che una donna incinta debba viaggiare nei suo stato per paura che il marito non le voglia più se non la segue più? Ti dico chr poi lei sta male per il viaggio e ha dolori che durano per giorni?

polle85’s Profile PhotoAnge light
Guarda che bello. Non è solo la risoluzione video 4k dell’iPhone. Che non sapevo fin’ora come funzionava. Ora lo só.
sonounapersonacomune’s Video 175317599135
Liked by: Daniele

Porque dijiste que no te gusta onlyfans? Explicate porfa, si no te importa😃😄

Sii mi cielaa! Sin problema, no me queda visualmente atractivo el consumir porn# gratis, imaginaos que alguien de vuestra familia lo tiene, ahora...imaginaos que luisita tu prima viene mazo emocionada a enseñarte un perfil nuevo q se ha abierto en tal sitio
Y tu ahi con la intriga
Y viene y t enseña que con ( supongamos la edad 18, 24, 30 me da lo mismo) equis edad verle el culo en una foto o en un video vale lo mismo que un menú del burguer king
A mi es que no se, me parece chocantisimo todo este gremio carnicero, carne por dinero
Porque dijiste que no te gusta onlyfans Explicate porfa si no te importa

Znam tego artystę z "Piosenki, które ry*ją ba*nię". 😂 Ta i tak jest najlepsza: https://youtu.be/ev2GqboS6ZA?si=VbnhVrsjIQZ1GGOb

MargaretWINTEaR’s Profile Photoмαʀɢαʀєт к.
Dziękuję za link i trafne spostrzeżenie. Sandu Ciorba produkuje piosenki, z których nie można się nie śmiać, dlatego taka muzyka jest najlepsza, gdy ktoś ma doła. Posłucha piosenek Sandu Ciorby i dół sam znika. Polskim odpowiednikiem Sandu Ciorby są Bracia FigoFagot: https://youtu.be/aLyiBV6V8S8KubaGR571’s Video 173595531237 aLyiBV6V8S8KubaGR571’s Video 173595531237 aLyiBV6V8S8 BRACIA FIGO FAGOT - Karolino (KOCHAM CIĘ) [OFFICIAL VIDEO] Nie wiem, które z piosenek są bardziej powalone, jednak nic lepiej nie zasypuje doła jak głupie, zwariowane piosenki 😂

If you’re in / have been in a long distance relationship, how do you go about sustaining it? 💘🌍

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Regular video calls, 'date nights' either playing games online together or watching films together, we had a lot of fun showing each other some of our old fav films! Making time to talk every day, trying to visit each other as often as possible, that kinda thing. It's hard to keep a bond strong when you can't see each other often but it definitely can be done if both parties commit to making it a priority and can communicate well over distance

I just passed the driving test . Should I buy a car? And if I buy will I be ok? Will I be safe?or I will crush with the first time alone?should I drive far away or on unfamiliar roads?and what if I loose my job after I buy a car?

congrats on passing the driving test! as for buying a car, think of it like getting a real-life video game, except instead of extra lives, you have insurance،
And if you lose your job after buying the car? Well,at least you’ll have a way to escape to another planet , or at least the nearest restaurant to ask for a new job! 😂

Te hecho 20 años en el video del columpio, y supongo que es en tu pueblo?

Hace cosa de un mes, una vez que te rechacé por conversación privada, después de unos tres años rondándome tímidamente por aquí, publicaste uno de mis mensajes en el que sólo queda de manifiesto que no quiero nada contigo. Cerraste la cuenta, ya que como todos tienes varias y a tirarle a otras que estén más receptivas. Les dejo tu Instagram para que se disputen mis deshechos.
Te hecho 20 años en el video del columpio y supongo que es en tu pueblo
Liked by: igotamatch

Stop letting people get to you

This story is about Wayne and Bonnie Tournquist and their two children
When the world ended Wayne walked to Maldon Middle School to get his two sons after them hiding from going into Vault 75, both Wayne and Bonnie didn't trust the government or vault tec which is why they opted to escape to their own bunker. What ended up happening is Bonnie got stuck at The Mass Bay Medical Center while Wayne and the two sons love in their bunker at West Everett Estates, the Ames family built a car wall around their houses but Lance Ames brother ended up telling raiders about their settlements location and ended up gotten overrun so Wayne and his sons escaped the area unscathed but his wife Bonnie was never reunited with them. My protagonist found her holotape at the hospital she worked at 200+ years later. I couldn't post the full video only 40 seconds is acceptable on this app but it's really sad, Bonnie ended up finding away out of the hospital hoping to find Wayne and her children.

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ErinFiveV’s Video 176180854784

Ho conosciuto un ragazzo in chat, lui è single qualche volta lui mi scrive e mi manda il video e il foto divertenti, mi scrive buona serata tesoro cucciola "vuoi venire sul divano con me?ecc e emoji 😘🥰🤣🌹 è interessato? Poi lui mi dice sono timido, lui non è ancora mi chiede uscire?

Ho capito la metà di quel che hai scritto. Comunque per sicurezza chiedi al diretto interessato, solo lui può saperlo.

Sin conocerme, cuantos años pensarías que tengo? 🙋🏽‍♀️ Saludiiis !!

pochoolate11’s Profile Photo♕SrtᥲOrᥱo♕♀️
Te echaría entre 22-24 años. Se me da fatal esto de acertar con la edad. Le he echado un vistazo a tus fotos y son un popurrí a través de los años como las mías. Por lo que te reto: si tu edad está entre ese baremo, subo un vídeo y me dices cuántos años me echarías en este.
Liked by: igotamatch

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