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How can I eat healthy food and diet ?

Tamerabad’s Profile PhotoAngel rose
8 tips for healthy eating
Base on your meals on higher fibre starchy carbohydrates. ...
Eat lots of fruit and veggies
Eat more fish, including a portion of oily fish. ...
Cut down on saturated fat and sugar. ...
Eat less salt: no more than 6g a day for adults. ...
Get active and be a healthy weight. ...
Do not get thirsty. ...
Do not skip breakfast
Ex ~ Healthy eating emphasizes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, dairy, and protein. Dairy recommendations include low-fat or fat-free milk, lactose-free milk, and fortified soy beverages. Other plant-based beverages do not have the same nutritional properties as animal's milk and soy beverages.
~ the best diet for a healthy body : Emphasizes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and fat-free or low-fat milk and milk products. Includes a variety of protein foods such as seafood, lean meats and poultry, eggs, legumes (beans and peas), soy products, nuts, and seeds. Is low in added sugars, sodium, saturated fats, trans fats, and cholesterol.
People always asked me can I eat healthy and still lose weight when my answer to that ?? You can lose weight by eating less, but adding physical activity allows you to burn more calories than dieting alone. Any weight-loss plan that includes regular exercise is not only more successful — it's also healthier. By eating a healthy diet and exercising, you're keeping your bones, muscles, and heart strong.

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My healthy teas for longevity and for weightloss

Take tea pan add jasmine tea grated ginger lemon honey 5 mint leaves 2 cup water boil 4 minutes put strainer on cup take out
2) take tea pan add 4 roses petals , 4 cinnamon stick ,2 cardamom seeds 2 cup water 2 tbs honey boil 4 minutes put strainer on cup take out
3) take tea pan add 5 tbs Kali harr grated ginger 4 cup water boil 5 minutes put strainer on cup take out
4) take tea pan add 4 cup water tsp cumin, tsp carom seeds (ajwaeen) , tsp fennel seeds (soonf) grated ginger lemon juice boil 4 minutes put strainer on cup take out
5) take tea pan add 4 cup water 2 tbs lemon grass grated ginger lemon 4 tbs honey boil 4 minutes put strainer on cup take out

With summer (or winter) not too far away now, do you have any plans for the upcoming months? ☀️🏖

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Not really. We have to make passport for my son so that we can visit my family in slovenia after the summer but no specific plans until then.
I am just trying to handle single parenting and housekeeping best i can, trying to keep daily contact with both families and to support my husband as he has goes through a big project in his career. Any time left i plan on spending learning chinese and french + i am deeply invested into psychology atm and i am learning a lot about specificaly personality disorders. Mainly BPD to be precise.
I am also eventually gonna continue my weightloss during summer but for the time being i am so preocupied with everything that i am just working on maintaining until i have time for exercise again. We used to go on walks a lot during winter but summer here is sooo hot that leaving the house is something we try to avoid :'D

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Min Helhalm, ada saran ga workout buat cewe yg lagi fokus buat weightloss ? Mending lebih ke cardio kaya kelas rpm, body combat, ato ke weightlift? Thankyouu

Any kind you want to do it in the long run, like there's absolutely no restrictions. Selama kamu menikmati proses dan hasilnya silahkan saja.
Hanya saja kelas dengan cardio only cenderung membuat tubuhmu kurus dengan masa otot rendah karena yg dilatih hanya slow twitch muscle yg tahan lama tapi lemah. Dan weight lifting membesarkan fast twitch muscle sehingga tubuh lebih terlihat isinya. Tapi tenang aja, wanita dengan testosterone alaminya gak akan bisa se bulky laki-laki. Dan ngasih massa otot itu gak semudah mengangkat barbel. Kamu perlu nutrisi yang tepat, timing makan dan latihan yg benar, dan pengaruh gen juga. Jadi saat latihan, angkat beban seberat yang tubuhmu ijinkan
Weight loss pun juga lebih kepada bagaimana kamu membuay defisit kalori sehingga tubuhmu menggunakan cadangan energi di tubuhmu
Berbagai macam diet seperti low carbs high protein diet, low fat high protein diet, ketogenic, paleo, vegetarian, etc etc. Semua goalnya bermuara pada kalori defisit untuk mendapatkan hasil penurunan berat badan. Justru malah, latihan walau memang sangat penting untuk vitalitas dan bentuk badan. Olahraga gak terlalu penting untuk weight loss

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1, You don't seem to understand much about weightloss/health. Exercise is very healthy and everyone needs to do it regardless of their weight. You simply cannot be fit unless you exercise. Weightloss is very complicated and just because you have an ED doesn't mean you'll lose weight rapidly.

Im not answering any of these because you know nothing about me and my body
Go harass someone else

Hai selama km ngekos makannya gimana? Apa masih dgn pola diet sehat? Kan makanan anak kos kebanyakan seadanya doang. Sharing meal plan km sm meal time dong di kos :) thankyou

Well good question bgt. Jujur pertama ngekost beratku naik loh sampe 58 kgs an karna tergiur makanan2 yang gak pernah aku cobain sebelumnya terus ngerjain tugas sesuka hati tengah malem beli cemilan. Pokoknya gak sehat and lots of junk sama fast food gtu and also exercise aku terganggu. Terus aku mulai sadar sama perubahan ku slama ngekost dan aku gamau dong terus terusan kaya gtu atau balik ke berat ku yang pertama :") akhirnya aku mulai sadar diri well how?
1. Coba buat balikin motivasi diri. Aku sih dengan cara liat2 video2 weightloss yang berhasil terus liat2 body goals ala victoria secret (cieeh) terus aku sampe pakein wallpaper hape yg aku custom buat sendiri tulisannya "LOL STOP EATING OR U WILL BE FAT" atau "ARE YOU GONNA BACK TO THE OLD OF YOU" terus aku pake2 wallpaper gajelas2 gtu dan ya itu berdampak lah lumayan, terus aku tulis2 motivasi aku di tembok kost aku tempel pake kertas kaya "reason to lose weight" "hit these goals" nah yg hit these goals bener2 motivasi aku banget jdi aku planning goals2 weight aku kedepannya , kaya 55 53 50 48 terus aku centangin setiap aku berhasil ngereach goals aku.
2. Setelah motivasi kamu kuat dan niat kamu bulat , ya semuanya harus diawalin sama niat dulu ya gak. Terus mulai deh aku jalanin healthy diet ala anak kost. Jadi paginya, 1 slice of wheat bread thats all, siangnya aku makan buah2an terus kadang besoknya salad ya itu aku buat sendiri, beli di pasar buah2nya dan sayurnya rebus sendiri dan cuma pake olive oil, malemnya aku makan roti gandum lagi nih, kadang beli tahu tek tanpa lontong, kadang beli bubur tanpa krupuk, kadang beli ketoprak tapi isi sayurnya aja. Atau kadang aku malemnya cuma makan 2 biskuit roma sari gandum plus 1 plain yogurt. Thats all. Dan aku slalu track kalori aku pakai myfitnesspal. Aku gak setiap hari makan gtu kok, kadang seminggu aku sekali2 makan burger lah atau apa gtu tapi diatur aja aku boleh makan setelah 4 jam (khusus buat cheat day) awalnya susah sih karna wktu temen2 ke kantin aku slalu diem di kelas hiks:( tapi gpp aku slalu bawa air mineral biar ngilangin laper, oh ya malemnya juga bikin air anget pke jeruk nipis atau green tea with a pinch of sugar. Agak gak rela sih slalu nolak ajakan orng2 buat pergi makan, maklum kan anak kost slalu pergi makan diluar jadi aku slalu berusaha nolak, kalaupun ikut tapi tadinya aku makan dikit dan wktu diajak makan aku bakal milih menu yg menurutku gak trlalu too much fat and calories
3. Exerciseee. Well ini nih yg penting, aku harus menghilangkan sgala kemalasan ku dan meninggalkan beberapa tugasku demi olahraga. Aku olahraga gak tiap hari pling 4x seminggu klo sibuk2 bgt sih kayanya gabsa dihindari. Olahraganya aku pake home exercise from youtube dan jogging di jogging track di daerah kost ku, soalnya jogging tracknha betahhhhh bgt cozy plus pemandangan yg bikin gapngen pulang (lebay) ya gtu deh sejauh ini aku smpe di goals 50 kgs and i hope ill reach my last goal dan end this diet terus cuma tinggal jaga bentuk tubuh aja

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How do I stop thinking about food , weightloss and the desire to restrict / excercise 24/7? it's exhausting!

There r more important things in life like dogs tbh
Liked by: julia Scarlett

Ko penggunaan fat burner dalam proses weightloss apakah berpengaruh signifikan? Kalo iya merk yg oke punya apa ya ko? Thx alot

Perlu diketahu terlebih dahulu bahwa fat burner itu sifatnya meningkatkan atau mempercepat pembakaran kalori. Artinya, hasilnya tergantung pada seberapa banyak pembakaran yang terjadi setelah mengkonsumsi.
Jadi kalo minum fat burner lalu tidur siang atau nonton TV, ya tidak ada yang dipercepat. Fat burner bukan pil ajaib yang saat diminum akan membakar kalori sendiri sambil tidur siang ya.
Gue selama ini pake Ultra Rip.

Hello Dapurfit, do you have the idea of weightloss plateau? Do u know how to reduce more weight? I'm stuck at these weight even i'm doing a very strict diet (i am not skipping any meal). Oh yeah, i hope you will soon upgrade your serving widespread and reach surabaya! Need you!

Luisa Tjiputra
Tentu banyak caranya. Memang turun berat badan itu mudah, turun terus sampai mencapai target yang tricky. Butuh banyak tehnik. Sisa2 lemak terakhir paling sulit.
Mestinya paling mudah itu dari awal jangan langsung terlalu strict, dituruninnya pelan2.
Kalau sekarang sudah stuck padahal sudah makan sedikit, coba tambahkan olahraga, terutama weight lift untuk meningkatkan metabolisme. Makan 50% meal dalam 1 hari itu tepat setelah weight lift.
Lalu coba ganti komposisinya jadi 40% carbs + fiber, 35% protein dan 25% healthy fats (omega 3, 6, 9).
Coba minum air 2x total yang biasa kamu minum.
Kamu mungkin sudah menghindari obvious junk foods, sekarang coba hindari juga less obvious junk foods.

malaiiii you hella inspire me to lose weight yo like fo real, when i saw your before and after pics i was like wOW!!!?!!! COS I WANNA HAVE BFORE AND AFTER PICS TOO SO YA THENKS! X ALSO YOU LOOK HELLA FINE BEFORE AND AFTER REGARDLESS OF THE WEIGHTLOSS OK STAY SAFE BB BYE!!

Yo thank you so so much. You are too kind i really appreciate it <3 <3 <3 have a good night whoever you are x

ko makanan apa yang bisa untuk diet weightloss dengan budget 200 rbu untu sebulan ko untuk anak kos ko?

G respect u ada niat buat diet
Tapiiiii ....
Kebutuhan air manusia 1 hari 2 liter ya.
minum aqua aja 3 botol / hari ya .
3 botol yang 600 ml ya aqua nya .
1 botol kan = 2500
3 Botol aqua 7500 x 30 = 225 rb.
Buat air aja kurang c 200 rb sebulan.
200 rb = 30 .
Sehari 7 rb .
Lunch : 3500
Dinner : 3500
Mau makan apaan cuma 3500 .
Bisa aja c jajan aja gorengan 3 biji -> 3000 + Aqua 1
Buat seharian ya tapi.
Please u dah ngekos g anggep dah kuliah dah ada ktp.
Tapi Logika nya aja ma anak sd kalah .

Lol what skinny people get shamed as much fat people do. But i bet you they're more "lose weight" products than gaining weight

no, they're just promoted more. and it's because America is obese and they promote weightloss products
skinny people aren't shamed nearly as much as "fat" people
the word skinny isn't an insult, the word fat is used as one

Your not even that skinny and your pulling your shorts to make it look like you are 😂😂 your milking it no one cares

You're wrong. The picture of me in my shorts is one of my weightloss pictures you absolute pleb! they're my old shorts & i took it to show my fucking progress! Which I am pretty fucking proud of! If I hadn't held the shorts up they would've fallen down so please be gone & don't hassle me again, you vile monster

Mozes mi dati neke vjezbe da skinem salo sa bedara i nogu opcenito. Inace sam jaka u butovima, pa me decki zezaju i zovu me debelom. Zelim na 1. dan doci u skolu lijepo građena i dokazat im suprotno:$

Plizpliz imas blog, imas ispod nekoliko odg o prehrani i vjezbama za gubljenje sala.
Trcanje uz to.
Samo pisi: legs cardio, weightloss cardio, i slicno na yt.
Liked by: Tatjana Krga .a.

http://ask.fm/brodibalo/answer/125890626111 tentang ask kakak yang ini...saya pengen nanya tentang http://ask.fm/slimbeautyproduct menurut kakak gimana?kalau ga enak bales disini,ask saya aja.

This is an interesting question..
First of all, slim beauty itu mengandung
Kumis kucing / Orthosiphon stamineus atau Orthosiphon aristatus
Jati belanda / Guazuma ulmifolia
Kebanyakan dari studi2 yang gw baca ttg tanaman2 ini...
masih kurang jelas.
Gw rasa belom banyak ahli botany bule yang menyelidiki potensi tanaman2 tsb sebagai weightloss supplement.
Setelah mencari online..
Gw cuman bisa menemukan sedikit artikel ilmiah yang membahas tanaman ini..
dan gw dapetnya cuman orthosipun stamineus..
Khususnya utk kumis kucing:
"Nevertheless, there appears to be promise for this herb as a fat burner since the 70% ethanolic extract has been noted in two studies to stimulate leptin production in fat cells and increase in leptin have been noted in serum following oral ingestion of the leaf;"
Kumis kucing meningkatkan produksi hormon leptin.
Semakin banyak leptin dalam tubuh = kita tidak merasa lapar.
Slimbeauty MIGHT WORK..
But gw tidak menganjurkan menggunakan jalan pintas dalam dunia kesehatan...
Pikirnya gini aja..
Dalam ask fm slim beauty..
Mereka bilang ga usah olah raga juga bisa turun berat...
Mungkin bener...
Tapi gw lebih menganjurkan turun berat dengan mengatur pola makan dan olah raga yang rutin..
Orang2 jaman sekarang itu pasti nyari jalan pintas buat segala hal dalam hidup..

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kak kan katanya kaka suka searching motivasi diet? itu dimana aja sii kak? hehe maaf merepotkan ya kak?

Di youtube ke banyakan! Aku suka nonton extreme weightloss itu acara tv show orng/ yang too obese gt atau nntn amazing transformation :) hehe gd luck

go back n watch your videos from 2013 I watched one just to see if you really had made any changes in your life over the last almost 2 years but you have not your doing the same shit talking about the same weightloss you dont put effort in to your a lazy person that makes excuses

I'm glad you're keeping such tabs on me.
Obsessed much? Lol.
Liked by: summerfun25

hey amy i hav just startef working out and when i do cardio.. after 3-4 exercises i feel my heart beat rised and i feel tired.. hw can i lose wt like dis. and also i heard drinking green tea just after meal or jst before wont make any diff. v shld drink it on partial empty stomach. pls help

Hey, good that you've started working out, I think you should firstly start with basic brisk walking for half an hour or so, for a week, keep increasing by ten minutes everyday, and then when you feel your stamina has built up, go for a mix of jogging as well as brisk walking, after a month of this, you can start with the workout videos, if you wish to, then you can do the workout videos twice or thrice a week with walking/jogging everyday, and the main problem is your stamina, so eat something like an energy giving pre workout small meal like an hour or so before the workout, like have a fruit, banana is the best, or you can workout when you are fresh, and not tired, get really motivating music with you, and trust me it seems hard at first, almost impossible, but it doesn't get easier, you get stronger, don't push yourself too much if you can't breathe, feel faint, or anything, I suggest basic workout videos for beginners would do for you. Regarding green tea, never have it on an empty stomach, its fine if you have it post dinner, and partial empty stomach as in an evening mug is fine, so yeah, you can lose weight you just have to be focused.
Lastly don't keep checking your weight, every other day to see any changes, because weightloss is different for each of us, you might not lose fast but maybe you tone up faster, and look leaner than before!
But take progress pictures, in the same position, wearing the same clothes at the same time of the day, you'll notice how much your body has changed eventually and even if its a minor change keep going! <3
If I can do it, so can you! =)

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How long did it take you to lose so much weight at home and at uni? Does it ever shock you how much you've lost? Shock about the weight and other things you've lost...

Well overall it took me 6-7 months to get to my lw and then I stopped trying and got stuck between 92-96 for like monthssss. My weightloss doesn't shock me at all, i should have lost more,i need to lose more but i know id sink deeper into my ED and i cant afford that right now. Iv lost so much.. my teeth are getting pretty bad,i find it hard to concentrate and my mind feels like its dying.. I find it hard to structure sentences.. like, my grammar is so bad atm because my mind isn't getting enough nutrition to function properly

If the recovery community wasn't helpful enough why return to it now? Why tell the world of your weightloss and intake? Looking for praise Hollie?

I'm not part of the recovery community, my account is a venting account :)
Liked by: iona Jem Ameriah

Hi sam! I was wondering if I could ask you a few ?'s. 1) Do you have any weightloss tips? I'm overweight and my doctor wants me to lose 40 lbs. 2) How did you enjoy doing school online? 3) How do you continue to have friends/boyfriends while being shy/doing online school? Please answer soon :)) xoxo

1) not rly bc I've always been naturally skinny but just try eating healthier & working out!!!
2) I loved it, although it was sometimes hard to make myself do the work cause I had college classes + a job but it was rly easy & my teachers would always help if I needed it!
3) I just had my close friends i occasionally hungout w/ n we made time like on the weekends & w/ tyler that was easy he worked nights n I did school stuff/job while he slept n then I'd finish n stay w/ him til he went to work that night!
being shy affects me a lot in making friends tho, since I've moved I haven't rly made any other than who the guys have met
Liked by: ♡ hannah ♡

I'm not the same Anon who asked for Weightloss advice, but I really want some, and I'm afraid of u or anyone knowing who I am. You're so beautiful and so is your body, I don't have much to lose ]: 10-12lbs Max

WHAT don't be afraid of me please :( Also my body is so chubby and ugly just don't... but I have friends who are so fucking skinny. I am a really nice person but I understand that you might be afraid to come out and ask for advice cause it is scary :( Honestly all you needa do is be patient. I lost 15 lbs in a year just cause I wasn't commited but like if you are commited you can lose up to 20lbs in a month. I eat only 2 meals a day max and most of the time I eat one and that is because I don't want to eat which is different from starving yourself. Also try to eat a lot of breakfast if you choose to eat breakfast cause as the day goes on, you will be at school working your ass off. Also stick to water. TRY TO DRINK A LOT OF WATER cause you might seem hungry but it is because you don't drink enough water. Also please stay away from a lot of sugar and just don't eat junk food. They will make your brain think you are hungry when you got enough food because the sugar blocks your brain from thinking you are full. I never really liked junk food so I was able to resist :) Just tell yourself "Would I be able to eat this food after I lose weight?". And if you can answer it yes, don't eat it. ONLY EAT WHEN YOUR HUNGRY AND YOU CAN LOSE SO MUCH WEIGHT. Good luck!!!

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And didnt the dieting cause hairfall ? How did you manage to keep the glow on your face consistent while the weightloss happened?

Hahaha seriously? My mum keeps yelling at me cause of the loss of skin colour. She hates me working out and all.
Btw I don't believe in dieting. I believe in eating healthy.
Drink loads of juices and eat veggies.

Anorexia isn't just a physical illness it's mental too. You don't have to be underweight to be anorexic everyone needs to shhh

Can you people either listen to what Im saying or get the fuck away from me?
The weightloss is a symptom of the problem. In order to get help with the problem they have to correctly diagnose you. For the umpteenth time YOU CANNOT BE DIAGNOSED WITH ANOREXIA NERVOSA AT ANY WEIGHT BECAUSE YOU MUST FIRST REACH THE CRITERIA.
Liked by: Tilly clare

Ok bela, im gonna start running for 20 mintues everday and cuttin back junk. im not really looking for weightloss because i know that muscle is more than fat but i just wanna drop pant sizes, and i guess ill mark it like that, could i give you a daily update starting tommorow just to motivate me? (:

YES! I'm so excited for your journey! Goodluck! I believe in your potential!

would you be able to give me some tips on how to get a rocking bod like you i would really appreciate it :)

Haha! oh anon
well the first thing is to stop comparing yourself to other people! And focus on your weightloss goal only, everybodys different so the amount of time it takes and excerise routines vary
but its 80% what you eat and 20% what you do! what suits me is a low carb, high protien and a high fibre diet!!
eg, tuna, salad, eggwhites, ect
Always have breakfast! kick starts your motob & gives you energy for the day
but a trick is to have green tea before you go to bed cause its super good for you filled with heaps of antioxidants but it also boosts your motab so youre basically making your body burn fat by drinking it! & celery is a goodie! Its basically water so it takes more calories to eat a celery then it does to consume one so there again your losing weight by eating haha. Also if youre trying to eat clean and you have sugar cravings ( i feel them feels) try a tea spoon of peanut butter! You'll find it stops all sugar cravings >:) but yeah non processed foods and home cooked meals are the go, dont eat it if you dont know everything thats in it! but bad food is good once in a while but if you learn to have it only once in a while you'll totally cherish it more :P thats me with pizza :P
hope that helped sunshine xx

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Are you a tea fan? Not just regular Lipton tea, but like a variety of different teas? You know for stress and weight loss and stuff

Yea i mean anything for weightloss :) altho ive not tried fit-tea and tea-tox yet.. green tea is my favorite :) so u can say im not a tea fan but a green tea addict :p

Ci pls bantu dong pls banget yg efek turunin brt badan dlm 2 minggu gmn cii please aku butuh bgt aku 62 skrg mau ke 57 bs ga ci?

lain kali dibaca dulu ya
1. Perut kosong bakar lemak? Air dingin bikin gemuk? http://ask.fm/JesseyEdlyn/answer/115041120878
2. Metabolism booster food? http://ask.fm/JesseyEdlyn/answer/115040792174
3. Mengurangi porsi makan? http://ask.fm/JesseyEdlyn/answer/115040913774
4. Air lemon melarutkan lemak? http://ask.fm/JesseyEdlyn/answer/114789302894
5. Meal plan? http://ask.fm/JesseyEdlyn/answer/114710898542
6. Hanya makan sekali? http://ask.fm/JesseyEdlyn/answer/114710574702
7. Oatmeal menurunkan berat? http://ask.fm/JesseyEdlyn/answer/114588087150
8. Water fasting? http://ask.fm/JesseyEdlyn/answer/114456109934
9. Foto before after? http://ask.fm/JesseyEdlyn/answer/114451524974
10. Workout mengecilkan bagian tertentu? http://ask.fm/JesseyEdlyn/answer/114436720750
11. Perjalanan diet aku? http://ask.fm/JesseyEdlyn/answer/114434202222
12. Buah membakar lemak? http://ask.fm/JesseyEdlyn/answer/114434282350
13. Susu dan yogurt yang bagus? http://ask.fm/JesseyEdlyn/answer/114434185326
14. Apa itu kardio? http://ask.fm/JesseyEdlyn/answer/114432843630
15. Cara diet aku? http://ask.fm/JesseyEdlyn/answer/114431806062
16. Perbedaan weightloss dan fatloss? http://ask.fm/JesseyEdlyn/answer/114434279278
17. Mau detoks? http://ask.fm/JesseyEdlyn/answer/113661443694
18. Snack diet? http://ask.fm/JesseyEdlyn/answer/115500388718
19. Makanan yang dihindari? http://ask.fm/JesseyEdlyn/answer/115500149102
20. Makan setelah olahraga? http://ask.fm/JesseyEdlyn/answer/115500027758
21. Makan malam? http://ask.fm/JesseyEdlyn/answer/115498415982
22. Tujuan olahraga? http://ask.fm/JesseyEdlyn/answer/115499789934
23. OCD? http://ask.fm/JesseyEdlyn/answer/115502957422

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I'm suffering with weight problems. I just needed some help, if you could please? :) 1. Did you get stretch marks after the major weightloss you did? 2. How many times a day did you visit the gym while you were trying to lose weight? 3. What did you do to prevent lose skin? Please answer this:)

1. Yes.
2. Once.
3. Toning. ( weights )

Salam! I take weightloss tablets and they also make you feel less hungry I was wondering if I have to stop taking them during Ramadan ?

Praise be to Allaah.
Fasting in Ramadaan is one of the pillars on which Islam is built. Allaah tells us that He has prescribed it for the believers of this ummah [nation], as He prescribed it for those who came before them. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):
“O you who believe! Observing As-Sawm (the fasting) is prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you, that you may become Al-Muttaqoon (the pious”
[al-Baqarah 2:183]
“The month of Ramadan in which was revealed the Qur’aan, a guidance for mankind and clear proofs for the guidance and the criterion (between right and wrong). So whoever of you sights (the crescent on the first night of) the month (of Ramadan i.e. is present at his home), he must observe Sawm (fasts) that month, and whoever is ill or on a journey, the same number [of days which one did not observe Sawm (fasts) must be made up] from other days. Allaah intends for you ease, and He does not want to make things difficult for you. (He wants that you) must complete the same number (of days), and that you must magnify Allaah [i.e. to say Takbeer (Allaahu Akbar: Allaah is the Most Great)] for having guided you so that you may be grateful to Him”
[al-Baqarah 2:185]
Al-Bukhaari (8) and Muslim (16) narrated that Ibn ‘Umar (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Islam is built on five (pillars): the testimony that there is no god but Allaah and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allaah; establishing prayer; paying zakaah; Hajj; and fasting Ramadaan.”
Whoever does not fast has abandoned one of the pillars of Islam, and is committing a grave major sin. Indeed some of the salaf were of the view that he is a kaafir [disbeliever] and apostate – we seek refuge with Allaah from that.
Abu Ya’la narrated in his Musnad from Ibn ‘Abbaas (may Allaah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “The bonds of Islam and the bases of religion are three, on which Islam was founded. Whoever gives up one of them becomes a kaafir thereby and it is permissible to shed his blood: the testimony that there is no god but Allaah, the prescribed prayers and fasting Ramadaan.”
This hadeeth was classed as saheeh by al-Dhahabi, and as hasan by al-Haythami in Majma’ al-Zawaa’id, 1/48, and by al-Mundhiri in al-Targheeb wa’l-Tarheeb, no. 805, 1486. Classed as da’eef by al-Albaani in al-Silsilah al-Da’eefah, no. 94.
Al-Dhahabi said in al-Kabaa’ir, p. 64.
Whoever does not fast in Ramadaan without being sick or having any other excuse that allows him not to fast is more evil than the adulterer or drunkard, indeed they doubted his Islam and thought that this was heresy.
And when you fast you are going to lost weight I think, so ramadan is with you not against you.
And Allah knows best.

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Which green tea is the best one? Can i make it at home? Please answer, i need to know. I wanna lose my weight. Please help Ikra. I've heard this from many people that green tea helps in reducing weight but i'm afraid. Tell me some good brand? Or the recipe?

Ummm. Idk if green tea DRASTICALLY helps with weightloss and you won't lose weight by JUST drinking green tea, you have to exercise and eat clean for that but I've been drinking green tea for years and it definitely makes your skin all glowy. I personally love Tapal's jasmine green tea. Yes you make green tea at home, just put a few strands of dried tea leaves in a cup of hot HOT water, let it steep for 5 minutes and then drink awayyyy.

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