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{ ۞ إِنَّ اللَّهَ فَالِقُ الْحَبِّ وَالنَّوَىٰ ۖ يُخْرِجُ الْحَيَّ مِنَ الْمَيِّتِ وَمُخْرِجُ الْمَيِّتِ مِنَ الْحَيِّ ۚ ذَٰلِكُمُ اللَّهُ ۖ فَأَنَّىٰ تُؤْفَكُونَ }
[ سورة الأنعام : 95 ] ( التفسير الميسر )
إن الله تعالى يشق الحب، فيخرج منه الزرع، ويشق النوى، فيخرج منه الشجر، يخرج الحي من الميت كالإنسان والحيوان مثلا من النطفة، ويخرج الميت من الحي كالنطفة من الإنسان والحيوان، ذلكم الله أي: فاعل هذا هو الله وحده لا شريك له المستحق للعبادة، فكيف تُصْرَفون عن الحق إلى الباطل فتعبدون معه غيره؟
( بواسطة تطبيق المصحف على أندرويد )

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أحس مادة الفنون اللي يدرسوها الأطفال في تلك الدول اللي التعليم عندهم متقدّم، تعتبر علاج بالفن أكثر من تخصص العلاج بالفن نفسه! أريد من أعماق قلبي أنضمّ إلى كذا فصول يومية قريبة من بيتنا مجانية أو بسعر رمزي، و تعرفوا شيء؟ لو يخصصوها حال فئة معيّنة من الناس، الفئة اللي أنا أنتمي إليها بيكون حتى أحسن و أحسن!

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لعل هذا الحساب يكون في يوم من الأيام ذكرىٰ تتذكرون بها محمود وتدعون له بالرحمة !
فلا تغفلوا عنّي يآ أخوه وهذا واللَّه أكبر ما أتمناه منكم ، أن يُضاء قبري بأمر اللّٰه وبسبب دعوة حبيبة منكم لي في يوم من الأيام!
إنا للَّه إنا للَّه ولا حول ولا قوة إلا باللَّه' ..'
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🦋ლ⁦Post whatever you wantლ🦋

‏"أحسنتَ تربيتي ، رعيتَ مشاعري
وجعلتني في بيتِ قلبِكَ مُكْرَمَةْ
وصنعتَ منِّي طفلةً ما إنْ تُرى
حتَّى يُقالُ : لوالدٍ ما أكرمَه
إنَّ ارتباطَ اسمي بإسمِكَ نعمةٌ
اللهُ أولاها لأشْكُرَ أنعُمَه
إن كنتَ تعلمُ يا كريمُ محبَّتي
فعظيمُها لاينجلي، كي تعلَمَه"
- أبي🤍

Half a year ago you asked me to follow @Sokari2909 This person writes nasty things about you. What is this internet drama about?

magdamagdalena90’s Profile PhotoMagdalena ¥ =)=
Thank you for your good attention. I admit I was wrong about this person. I've known this woman for three years. You sent a link to her, I don't want to have anything to do with her, so I'll call this lady the letter P. She had already made me sad on her previous profile. She created a new profile and apologized to me for what she had done previously. I forgave her and recommended her account to be followed so that her profile would start to prosper. I was wrong and it was my big mistake. Mrs. P started telling me that she was at the house of a certain family - Mrs. D1 and Mr. D2, a former policeman who had been expelled from the police. The man is 20 years older than the woman, which makes them look like father and daughter, not husband and wife. I told Mrs. P not to write to me about such matters because I am not interested in other people's personal affairs. Everyone arranges their lives the way they want. A few days later, I wrote to her that I was receiving many different sexual questions from the D1 account that were cluttering up my inbox and I had to delete the questions. I guessed that these were questions sent by this woman's husband, Mr. D2, on her behalf from her profile. He probably wanted to see how I would react. It no longer amused me, because I already suspected that it was the beginning of an online tragicomedy, which is often created to get readers interested in a dead profile. Such internet dramas are done to liven up the profile. I don't have time for online games, so I told Mrs. P to stop sending me such insinuations, because if she doesn't stop, I will block her. I guess it helped because I don't get that kind of information from her anymore. I apologize again for recommending this person. I unfollowed Ms. P and you do whatever you want. I don't dictate what you do with it. I just showed what the situation looks like. To apologize for recommending an irresponsible person, I have a photo of a kitten for you. Best regards and I wish you a nice and warm evening

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Half a year ago you asked me to follow Sokari2909 This person writes nasty

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أَمَّنْ هُوَ قَانِتٌ آنَاءَ اللَّيْلِ سَاجِدًا وَقَائِمًا يَحْذَرُ الْآخِرَةَ وَيَرْجُو رَحْمَةَ رَبِّهِ قُلْ هَلْ يَسْتَوِي الَّذِينَ يَعْلَمُونَ وَالَّذِينَ لَا يَعْلَمُونَ إِنَّمَا يَتَذَكَّرُ أُولُو الْأَلْبَابِ(٩) الزمر
[9] أهذا الكافر المتمتع بكفره خير، أم من هو عابد لربه طائع له، يقضي ساعات الليل في القيام والسجود لله، يخاف عذاب الآخرة، ويطمع في رحمة ربه؟ قل -أيها الرسول-: هل يستوي الذين يعلمون ربهم ودينهم الحق والذين لا يعلمون شيئاً من ذلك؟ لا يستوون. إنما يتذكر ويعرف الفرق أصحاب العقول السليمة.

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There is forest park between house of my parents and our house, I was walking there today and it is full of fresh plant called Allium ursinum - (Bear's garlic) and full of garlic smell 😅 but it is very healthy for eating in salads because of minerals and vitamines, good for our health 🤩👍
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Liked by: Simon Me - Larry

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و ان سألوك عن الحب... قل:
هو... سلطان بلا جيوش
يغزو القلب فترتجف النفوس
من هول سطوته.. ننسى كل الدروس
و نغدو تلاميذا للحب نرتاد الصفوف...

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أحبك يا جسداً يخلق الذكريات ويقتلها قبل أن تكتمل .. أحبكِ إذ أطوع روحي على هيئة القدمين ـ على هيئة الجنتين , أحك جروحي بأطراف صمتك والعاصفه .. أموت، ليجلس فوق يديكِ الكلام , يطير الحمام , يحط الحمام. - محمود درويش

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« يحب على حضرات السادة الأشراف أن يلزموا أماكنهم وبحافظوا على حيدتهم؛ فإني أشعر أن عصاي تتلهف شوقاً إلى التهام شرائطهم
وأوسمتهم ! »
سيرانو يتحدث إلى القادة في الجيش😂
إياكم أن تتدخلوا🏹😡
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🦋ლ⁦Post whatever you wantლ🦋

بتمنى شغلة وحدة بس...
بتمنى كلشي عملته يرجعلي لأني ببساطة عمري ما أذيت شخص ولا أتمنيت لأي شخص الضرّ ولا كان طالع بأيدي أساعد أي شخص وتأخرت عليه وما بحب أشوف شخص زعلان وأتركه لحالة طوّل عمرها نيتي صافية إتجاة كل شخص قابلته بحياتي
الحمد لله نيتي دائماً خير واللي جوا قلبي هو نفسه إللي بعامل الناس فيه أنا شخص لا بعرف أنافق ولا أزيف شعوري وهاي من أعضم النعم يلي أنعمها علي ربي
ما بدي إشي من الدنيا غير كلشي قدمته يرجعلي

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"كَتَبَ رَبُّكُمْ عَلَىٰ نَفْسِهِ الرَّحْمَةَ"
لا أدري أيهما أكثر طمأنينة
لفظ "الرّحمة"، أم "ربكم" الذي نسبنا إليه رغم معاصينا.

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بعض من الحضور غياب
‏وبعض من الخيال روزنامة واقع
‏وبضع من البعض موعظة لك
‏اتت على حين مغفرة
‏قد شكرت تلك خطيئة بالف ذنب بلا توبة لاجلها
‏تلك امراة ألبست
‏اضلع التجرد ثوب الدفء
‏في ليلة جنون
‏على توقيت العقلانية
‏لازالت تتكلم عني
‏وانا اخرس امام سطور كتبتها

😋 hey could ya post the recipe for the chicken, broccoli & bacon pasta bake 🙏

Bearhead01’s Profile PhotoGilbert Thomas
Easy mate!
All I do is cook my pasta, I use stock in the water as well, extra flavour & whatnot. Remember to always save a cup of pasta water for later.
I then add my cooked & shredded chicken, cooked & diced bacon & frozen broccoli pieces together.
Once pasta is cooked, add the sauce, chicken, bacon & broccoli to a baking dish. Mix it all together, add your pasta water to keep things moist, sprinkle some cheese on top & voila! Super simple, but delicious. Add whatever herbs or spices to it. I would have added garlic but I don’t have any atm. Enjoy!

> (ape) and now we have a fed wielding swampy looking to destroy whatever it is she's looking to destroy... she doesn't even know yet - Exactly. Dafuq she's trying to accomplish with this is beyond me... > (you) i’ll bring you out some vegan fish - No donuts?! Don't ever speak to me again! 🤣🤣🤣 💗

talionislexx’s Profile PhotoLex Talionis
It’s more about Joshua than any of us since we’re all him. 🤣 Well all I’ve got besides vegan fish is protein bars and whiskey. Care for a drink? 🤣🤣🤣💗

Lol why some people don’t use emojis when they talk. How the hell am I supposed to know how you feel?? Seems like they don’t want to talk/or are just mad. Am I wrong?

I get it. I love using emojis to help deliver whatever I’m trying to say. I feel like older people don’t really use them, and that’s why their messages always kinda have a “are they made at me” vibe… maybe?

Post whatever you want 💭

صباح الخير يا رب ✨💙
_أنا بحاول كتير انى اكون شخص أثره حلو فى قلوب إلى حواليا .. بس كتير جدًا بفشل ومش بقدر احقق دا على طول .
اوقات طاقتى بتخلص بدرى ، وأوقات مش بيكون عندى القدرة انى اكون شخص لطيف طول الوقت .. بس انا بحاول وبجاهد صدقنى ..
بس للاسف ساعات بُحبط من نفسى ... بس ممكن تساعدنى ممكن تدينى القبول لأن أدركت محاولتى من غير نعمتك وسندنك نتيجتها صفر .
ساعدنى اقدر اسامح ..
وساعدنى ارجع احب كُل الناس تانى زى الاول .
وساعدنى مستناش مُقابل ...
يمكن اكبر طِلبة ليا انى اكون شخص وجوده خفيف ولطيف .. وبسعى جاهدة .. بس مش دايمًا بأكلل بالنجاح .. أنا قدرتى وطاقتى محدودين جدًا جدًا ..
لكن انت غير محدود ..✨💙

What kind of alcohol do you make (bourbon, wine, whiskey, etc.) and what made you want to start making alcohol? 🤔

I use a reflux stil using sugar and yeast so it’s basically just pure alcohol then you flavor it to whatever you want using little stil spirits flavors. It’s a hand me down from grandad, then dad and it ends up costing and 10% of pub costs so if you’re saving and want cheap grog it’s for you 😂
What kind of alcohol do you make bourbon wine whiskey etc and what made you want

If you were forced to sleep in a noisy environment, what'd you do to make that easier? 😴🎧

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
"Forced to sleep" sounds wrong. No one forces anyone to sleep! It's a natural process and my favourite activity!
If I had no option but to sleep in a noisy environment, first of all- I'd become crazy. 🤪
If you're very sleepy, you'll sleep through the world war.
But I'm a light sleeper and often get woken up by sudden noises. I went through horrible trauma yearsss ago - sleep related.
I cried because there was nothing I could do. Headphones don't help because the situation still exists. Also, how loud are you supposed to put the music or whatever on so you can fall asleep and not hear the background noise?
One option is no headphones, having radio or TV running in the background so it cancels noise around you as well, not only in your head. Although it depends on the situation. (I had to listen to 👉🏻👌🏻 noises, NOTHING could fix it... the disgusting sounds went through every crack and hole)
I also know that people talking loudly is pain in the arse, when every other word sounds like a scream. 👀
Sleep medicine. Prescription one. The best option.

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5 ваших любимый песен которые выслушает в данный момент?)😉

milaxa959’s Profile PhotoНастюша
Welcome to my world
Интересно, кто выслушает🤔😀?
1) OneRepublic - I Ain't Worried
2) Ava Max ft. Kygo - Whatever ( припев взят из песни Shakira "Whatever, wherenever" (точнее основа припева).
3) Ariana Grande - We Can't be friends (wait for your love)
4) Miley Cyrus - Flowers
5) Dua Lipa - Illusion
And that's the bottom line, cause Stone Cold said so
Thank you and Goodbye. I hope we meet again
Date: 12/04/24
Time: 10:42
5 ваших любимый песен которые выслушает в данный момент

Y do ppl care if guys are bi but no worry’s bout girls being bi? Frfr it shouldn’t matter….

But it does matter because it’s a preference. You wouldn’t force a lesbian to be with a man, would you? A gay man with a woman? No. I’m not saying it’s not okay to be bi either, because that’s definitely your right to be whatever way you wish, but the reality is you can’t force others to want you if you’re not what they’re into. Now no one should ever disrespect you for that, because you deserve respect, but outside of that, it’s okay not be into someone, as we should respect ALL sxxualities. I mean this in the most respect way, too. 🖤
If they’re just being an a$$hole, then they’re not worth your time. There are plenty of other people who are perfectly okay with who you are. 🙂

How do you find balance between work, personal life and self care??

It’s a tough one. I used to be a full-time student, who used to work and hit the gym all at the same time.
But the past year has been exhausting, the gym part took the biggest hit even when I don’t have to worry about my studies anymore.
Finding the balance, for selfcare i.e gym, working out, you have to have consistency, more than motivation. 1 din gym jaa k don’t skip 4 days. What I did is just pay 3 months of your gym fees in advance, phir to apke daddy bhi jayen ge hxhx.
Regarding the personal life, you have to spend atleast 1 hours talking with your family. Its the best therapy one can have. Think of it as they need someone to talk as well, so do it for them. There are weekends as well, have chai with your boys, talk shit/business or whatever you want to. Sometimes you wont like going out, but trust me its worth it. 22-27 is the age of saying goodbyes. Most of my friends are leaving and we’re all scared. The best moments of my life has been with them, all we can do is maximise whatever we have left.
Yes, work is important, but so is your mental health. Paharon me jaa k thora time guzaro, sb yaheen rehe jana he.

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Why are "final goodbyes" always sad and emotional?

Hugs get tighter, words get heavier, and tears flow freely because we know that it might be the end. An end of a relationship or connection, whether it's with a person, place, chapter of life, or even with a TV series that made you feel really happy.
But that's just how life is. In the end, you just really have to accept it.
Bid a final goodbye with gratitude for the past and welcome whatever may come in the future.

If you make art of any kind: Who/what do you draw inspiration from for the things you create? Was there something/someone specific that inspired you to get into the kinds of art you do now? ✍🏻🎨🖼️

anonamouse89887’s Profile Photoanonamouse
I think I started drawing mostly cats and pokemon and went from there, now I love drawing whatever weird thing pops into my head 😂

I had previously worked as a principal. Because I was very bent upon ethics and morals, I resigned as I had to do stuff which I didn't like. Now I am in a company. I don't dream big anymore. I just want to earn a bit and stay low. Is it a bad change?

Um. Change is good. B-u-t why would you not dream big anymore? That shouldn't be it. Also, what kind of stuff you had to do, if you don't mind me asking?
But I hope you had your concerns answered and whatever you may pursue, I hope you find happiness doing them.

mjy chor ky sari dunia khush hain

No, that's not true. We all have our ups and downs in our life. Life is never a bed of roses for anyone, we have our struggles and low moments. But yk what, we just bear it patiently b/c we know that Allah Almighty is watching us and He's the best disposer of affairs. I hope whatever is bothering you, it gets resolved soon. May Allah Almighty send unlimited blessings your way, Ameen. Sum-Ameen.

What fact amazes you every time you think about it? 🤩 😇

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ ᴛᴇɴᴀᴄɪᴏᴜꜱ ᴛᴏᴍᴍᴀʏ™ ▩ ♚ ☻
It's not going to be a fact, I don't follow rules 😪
But I want you to think about something. Think about space.
How amazing is space?
Every time I learn a new fact, my mind is blown. The whole thing actually amazes me. How do we exist? How do things even work out there? I know there are explanations and facts, but it's beyond my understanding. It's almost as weird as how cameras work and how phone calls work, you know 👀
Planets, black holes, space dust, whatever! 🤯

Salam! I want to ask you people if you pray Tahajjud. Can you share your experience and did you get what you asked Allah in Tahajjud. Thanks

Yes. I can vouch on this. Whatever you ask for, either you get it after some time, or you get an alternate for that, which is a thousand times better than what you were asking for. I've tried, tested, and experienced this. 🌸 Alhamdulilah, MashaAllah.
Although I hate boasting and showing off this part of my life, there are times when you just want to cry like a baby for not getting what your heart wants. However, if you divert all this anxiety and restlessness towards your tahajjud prayers, kuch na bhi miley tou sukoon bohut milta hai, and I guess this was the most anticipated part of the bargain, right?
They say you don't want something until you're serious enough to pray Tahajjud for it. I don't want to go into the details of testing this theory, but all that I would like to say is this - Ramazan nights and Tahajjud - what else is it that you need to get your prayers accepted?
Please do remember me in your prayers too, if even a single line made a difference on your heart and mind. 🌸

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Liked by: SAAD Pir Fahad Cupid

Soo I'm here and trying to ask what happened?

I know, I know. I'm sorry I dozed off right after, and then I had a long day ahead. Anyhow, whatever you wrote in that chat was correct. In fact, this was the very reason behind me leaving. This, and some other 'real world issues' that needed to be addressed, but khair. I didn't plan on coming back but eventually had to. Not by choice, as you already know what my views had been on this whole platform and everything. They still stand true.

Многие люди соглашаются от того что не в состоянии спорить? 🙄

Норм вопрос, кстати)
Сперва тут нада подушнить: в среднем по планете ситуация, всё же, противоположная, и, спор не дискуссионного характера, в ней, так сказать, выступает как "подпорка" своей состоятельности, точнее, состоятельности мысли: перефразируя наоборот, многие люди ТМ не_соглашаются [воспринимать твою или множественные точки зрения] потому что это угрожает основам основ их картины мира и мышления в целом. Таким образом, спор, на самом деле, уже не является спором, а только компиляцией вопросов и утверждений подводящих тебя к тому, чтобы ты условно согласился с оппонентом — которому твоя позиция, строго говоря, вообще ехала-горела, он с тобой не дискутировать пришёл. Всё это есть ни что иное, как, имхо, не всегда сознательная манипуляция — чтобы вербально получить свои валидации, "закрепиться", окружить себя единомышленниками, булки расслабить, whatever.
Обсуждать спорные темы я люблю)
Более того, если копнуть, этих спорных тем даже между хорошо знакомыми человеками поднимается больше, чем они представляли себе в своём идеальном идеале. Так вот, соглашаются ли такие человеки друг с другом чисто из-за своей несостоятельности в качестве победунов в споре?) Ну э. Дааа, сия Вселенная полнится персонажами, которые радостно признают свою беспомощность перед аргументами других персонажей))) В общем, автор вопроса нормально вбросил, но... Справедливости ради, да, плыть по течению уже готовых мнений и аргументов — очень просто, удобно, и, что важно, практически не подвергает тебя риску. Поэтому, имеем достаточное количество пассивно-безучастных ребят. Насколько часто ситуативно ты становишься одним из них?

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Многие люди соглашаются от того что не в состоянии спорить

Do you think having a female bestie can really groom a boy into a man?

abdulbsb16’s Profile PhotoAbdul Bari
Only if the "friendship" is boosting his testosterone.
Nothing can change who you are and what you are by anything except giving you opportunities you didn't have before.
You can't ever imprint on someone mentally unless they're an absolute dummy with no opinions of their own, which is, highly unlikely.
Everyone has opinions, anyone going by yours is just suppressing theirs for whatever reason.

Language: English