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25 posts


An obese coworker is proud of her husband working-out and losing significant weight after the last of their adult children moved out. What's the best way and time to tell her that he won't be her husband for much longer?

how shallow are you? you do realise there’s more to a person than looks. he’s married to her so he clearly loves her for who she is. maybe mind your own business and worry about your own life.

Isn’t it sad that you can’t even go to the gym with your s.o cause they look at everyone so much to the point where it makes u uncomfortable..? Hella annoying

ᵇᵘᵗ ͨºffᵉᵉ f'ʳˢᵗ
Well for starters I'm sorry this is happening to you, but honestly I don't have this problem. My hunny honestly loves workingout and ignores everyone around him.

eveyonearound is prertterthan mehave can't getprettyhow much i tryworksohard workingout years thsn someone sayto mei am fathardworkdinthelp when familythink so too when somegoingbein my coner i am nevergoingbe pretty and skinny i been feeling ugly i been crying feel likenot good enough

Hey cmon don't be sad. Like i said before every one has it's own character plus ! They're jealous because you are perfect. Naah don't be sad you're pretty act

Hey lulu. Tricky that question. I’ll tell you in my experience men and women it’s very very rare that they can be friends if not at all. I’ll tell you why I believe so. One side catches feelings for another most of the time always then someone gets hurt usually always. Page 2 coming lol

FeelFreeToAsk2017’s Profile Photo1+1 = Window True Story
Hey Andrew! :) Kinda tricky yeah😂..... idk about you but for me i do have boy "friends" that i never actually felt that way towards them it's like i do love them but just different kind of love...😂 idk about them actually...... maybe because it kinda hard for me to find girls to get along with because i don't like girly stuff!! 😂😂😂 setting there and they are talkin about makeup.. clothes.. shopping.. silly parties.. & I'm like WTF is this SHIT (I'll be yawning all the day with them) 😂 take me to a freakin place where ppl talk about football... PS4... metal music... workingout :p... idk FOOD maybe 😂 I do have alot of girl "friends" & one of them is my friend since 4th grade lives in another country tho :( (she is my fav) even if we have different interests xd and many other childhood friends but idk i just like being friends with boyz cuz they do understand me better 😂

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Jos vise sam se motivirala,pijem vise zelenog caja i vode sad,zamislila sam tijelo koje zelim,nasla neke predobre workoutove i poboljsala prehranu💪 danas je moj 15.dan so I'm proud of myself for that postignuce😊😂 jako naporno je but I'm still workingout and trudim se i zdravo hranim..kako ide?#S

Heeej dragaa,konačno si mi se javila dugo sam te čekala to iskreno moram ds ti priznam.Treba da mi se jave još nekoliko,nisi jedina.Pa gdee ste ljudi,pogubili ste se totalno.Jako ali jako mi je drago zbog tebe.Vidi se da sve daješ i mnogo si bolja nego što si bila ranije.Šta da ti kažem?Najbitnije je da ne menjaš skoro mišljenje sada si trenutno u fazi kada želiš rezultate pa neprestano razmišljaš o tome i o vežbanju.Znam potpuno sve što pričaš baš te u svemu razumem,i jako mi je drago zbog tebe.Samo nastavi tako,i ja mislim da je meni danas 15 dan,i dobro ide.Mogu reći onako,sinoć sam malo vežbi odradila trebalaa sam dosta više ali potrudiću se da to definitivno promenim.Baš lepo,iznenadila si me svojim tekstom i baš mi je drago što si tako snalažljiva i snažno motivirana.Ja se iskreno nadam da će tvoja motivacija trajati još dugo dugo.Meni ide onako,zaista ću i ja da poradim da promenim neke stvari jer mi se ne sviđa način vežbanja uopšte ali okej.Iskreno u zadnje vreme definitivno gubim motivaciju,ali trudim se da svaki trening odradim pa da mogu mirno da uživam ili šta već drugo radim.Malo naporno zvuči,ali dobro.Mnogoo mi je drago zbog tebe da ponovim čak milion puta sigurna sam da neće biti dovoljno jer svakako ne mogu da zamislim kako se sada osećaš i verujem da ti je sada duplo bolje kada si više motivisana.Za sad si napravila veliki korak,a ja želim da napraviš još veći.Ne zaboravi da sam ja uvek tu,da uvek možeš da potražiš motivaciju ili bilo koju drugu pomoć od mene.Ly baby,goodbye.☺❤

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Work out😳😳😳😳 u r a girl girls donot work out n y r u working out ? musles r 4 boys Not u ! what type of working out do u do? god u such a tomboy

first of all workingout is healthy for both genders ..
second im not workingout to be like the body builders .. just to have a healthy body and to lose weight ..
third im not telling you what im doing im keeping it for myself ..
im satisfied with the little results im noticing .. im just in the beginning of an intense exercise journey ..
just understand one thing ... burning fat and replacing it with muscles .. thats it ..
i will not look like those freaks with muscles poping out .. because those are not healthy looking .. just steroids .. not real muscles .. FAKE !
what do you mean by tomboy ???

KC is your bf ? he comes in jerai . what an athlete at the age of 17@_@ not hot bt attractive srsly. i just go flat when i see him workingout *_* his abbs OMG!$_$ and what a couple yal both make a beautiful gal and a fit guy i luv yal both sty blessed gal :* i wont untck sry dont mnd i luv yal :*

Aww thank you so much xx ❤

Did you stick to any food diet to get those abs *.*? Or you just worked out for a whole year.. Cuz im a girl and i want abs but i love food i can't stick to a diet and i've been workingout for 2 months now. :/

heheh actually eggs,milk,rice, tuna and chicken , its avery tiring diet , but i eat alot of chocolate w hek , im still a bit fat :3 not shredded :")

ya allah leh hek mo5k smeek :) u said u workout everyday f ana s2ltk how u keep going without quitting fs2lteni sho howeh f2ltlk workingout w 2ltili malo ?? fhmtee ?jl6tene <ahm she kolo eltlk w 2ltili :)) f hl2 btro7y mtl elsha6ra w btrj3y tqr2i elas2lh w tjawbi !! w shokran

Tara a3sabk bjeeni aktar men so2al w kolo anon shu b3rfni eno ur the same person :) w 3adi I just do it coz I love to

we pick who we like, us ladies like hockey players because they have features we like, unlike people that dont, they sit around & play video games like faggots! not saying all of them are! but honestly stfu up, your jealous

Nigga I don't play video games at all really 2 of all I am probably more active then any hawks athlete, I do 7/8 hours of training each week not including workingout at home and I am also outside alot and most of all I am not the jealous type so catch that maybe.

No no not stupid at all i hate workingout and doing sport either and when the teacher ask us to run at school i always walk -__- . well good luck in staying fit kkk. i never care about my wieght acthualy i need to get more weight but cant !!!!!! NO matter what i eat it's still the same -_-

Hahah you're one of those lucky people hahah the key for your problem are late snacks. You need to eat and then go to sleep in order to get weight. Trust me it'll work. :)

Sorry quote girl i have something to say,I am afraid that you are wrong about the part of exercising and eating whatever you want,Research have proved that workingout could not overcome a bad diet,So it is eat clean and exercise to get resluts,sorry to say.

Shahrukh Shafqat.
Okie ^ so we have people with the right advices. :') Btw, if you Untick(that anon) I can help you out with this. I have a friend Jennifer Shana, she is a beachbody coach. She helps With Clean eating, working out and making miracles happen in just 21 days. Untick and I can introduce you to her, for help :))

pap, des, imp, fi bostaaaa dong. papnya yang cantik yaaaaa. soalnya belom di post pun aku merasakan getaran pap jelek nih :')

Nathazha Bostanova E Sipasulta
des: lumayan tinggi, berototttt, tanned skin, katanya sih 'kriwul', punya pacar. kl lg ulangan sering kebelet trs glodakan sendiri. kl dduk kakinya mesti gerak trss. cerewet. careless? wkwkwk cheerful. a too-positive-thinker. buaiknya ngepol lah. a good workingout advisor. kl udh megang hp, the world means nothing. kl ngchat mesti ga emotlesss huahaha
imp: "aduhh aku takut dpt jelek looo" *dulu awal2 kl abis ulangan sering ngmg gt tp lama2 ws kebal kyknya :))
"bsk mau catokan dulu aaah"
"he mas jojo loooo blabla"
"hihihihihi" ini ketawa mautnya pas lg ada maunya
"bos pergi yuk" "yahh kyknya ga bisa papa gig di rumah"
"aku bw mobil loooo"
ini dulu joshua hardi-bosta "bosta kunci mobilmu kelindes ban" "haaahhh?" "kunci mobilmu kelindes ban. td satpamnya bilang" "hah apasehh kunci mobilku di tas looo haaahh apaseh yapa ini" ini kudu ngakak liatny pdhl yg bner ban nya gembos:)
sering bagi bekalnya kl dia lg kenyang ;;;))))))
"berangkat yaaa" pcyalah dia baru smpe on the spot 2 jam kemudian pdhl deket
"OIYAAA YAAA aku lupa kl ada janji sm tmn gereja"
"iyaaa iyaaa" ini kl pas lg tak paksa dgerin ceritaku smbil muka2 keibuan, sok2 ikhlas dgerin tp lopyuhh:'*****
sering ngruwel2in rambut, megang2 rambut. ruibet lah kl liat dia kyk gitu -_-
mesti jd tempat penampungan mkanannya misel :)) m:bos mau jamur aa b:mau lah m:bos mau wortel a b:MAUUUU. semua mau :)
apalagi ya boss buanyak looo pkknya love you lahh ({{{{[}}}}) kl udah di aussie jgn lupa salamin sm yg dlu pernah nempel di hati yaw wkwkw :))))

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there's this guy that was extremely close to me. He loved me and I did too but I messed up. I was friends with people he despised. He changed and thn i apologized and I spent a year trying to fix things but couldn't get him back. We do talk but its not the same. I really want him back. :(

Sometimes holding on to someone as it is , requires a lot of patience, first of all great work that you've got the ability to wait that you've spent 1 year with his changed behavior, not to forget it was both yours and his mistake, your mistake was that if you need your relationship to be a perfect one, all you gotta do is trust the person blindly, by that you've to do whatever he/she asks you to but not even going to the extreme parts of such stuff, secondly you've to know that a relationship is nothing without Compromises, they say Trust is the base of every relationship while for me Compromise is from where we start a relationship, your lover was once your Friend only , then he became your bestfriend, things changed cuz both of you struggled to be together and made compromises and told eachother that you guys won't ever fight and will trust eachother no matter what the situation will be, but as the time passed he imposed some restrictions on you which you couldn't handle and he changed himself according to the situations, Now we come onto his mistake which is that he's making you feel as if you don't really exist as per what you've shown that its been 1 year you can't get him how he used to be like, cmon even he must've felt that whatever is going on , that's wrong and should be done correctly, you both need to sit up, talk in a polite way, bar bar poocho k mujhmein kya kami hai, and ask him k mein kya kya behtar karu ta k hamara relationship perfect rhe, wo jo bole tum maano and if he asks for something k jese mujhpe restrictions na lagao, toh don't force him, just compromise and you'll see things workingout your way, uske sath beth k discuss karo k you miss each tiny lil things that he used to do and need everything as it used to be and yes you're very sorry for whatever you did but it was all a year ago, we can still make the things in our way and lead a perfect happy life :')

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name:______ : birthday:______ eye color:_______ nickname:________ boy bestfriend:________ girl bestfriend:___________ fav.color:__________ hair color:_______ hobby:________ fav.song:______ fav.food:_______ fav.drink:________ ^^ <3

asem / 12_7_1996 / dark brown / dmitri slavoscki / osama , amir and abd / --- / black / dark blonde / workingout / there's too many :D / there's alot too / water :D

You're reallly fat & a hoe. Just workout some & guys might start finding you attractive oh & stop being a hoe.

haha. i really dont get why you people actually think i care what you think about me.
1) im deff not fat, its called being thick. & i love it
2) its not my fault, i LOVE to eat.
3) i hate workingout therefore im not going to do it, till i need tooo.
4) i could careless if guys find me attractive, theres someone out there that will & does find me attractive
5) im not even close to a hoe. i hibernate for a living. ive made out w/ people & thats all
but okay. just call me day the hungry hippo hoe. but tooodles to you cunts, fuck off & burn in hell. xoxo, me. :*

lol so I video snapchatted my friend and I was on the trealmeal and I couldn't really keep going because i was very tired from workingout and she said I need to get in shape because i couldnt last a long time, should I let people bring me down or what ? its a girl

Don't ever listen to people! My favorite quote is "pay less attention to your critics and more towards your creator."

Language: English