
162 people

50 posts


I always thought women are the weakest gender unless I met a wrestler

Strength comes in different forms, y'all using a very narrow definition when you make it purely physical. Not to mention, women go through childbirth and then get up and walk around right after. I don't think men would 😂

Have you ever been hurt physically by a partner?

yes all the time, but not in negative way 😂 it’s like i was a WWE wrestler or boxer in my past life or something 🤣🤣🤣 cuz i’ll randomly pick fights & i get super aggressive and competitive with my partner 🤷🏻‍♀️😅
Liked by: vc Will sop

Ar fi ingrijorator pentru tine faptul ca un tip se compara cu Chris Benoit sau ai crede doar ca e un pusti edgy care inca nu s-a maturizat desi are 25 de ani? Benoit a fost un wrestler cunoscut care si-a omorat sotia si copilul si apoi s-a sinucis, deci, evident, un om cu grave probleme netratate.

Poate se refera strict la partea de wrestling?
Eu as intreba mai specific ce apreciază la el și ce părere are despre gestul lui. Nu as fi putut sa nu întreb astea, dacă mi ar fi zis asa ceva

Ar fi ingrijorator pentru tine faptul ca un tip se compara cu Chris Benoit sau ai crede doar ca e un pusti edgy care inca nu s-a maturizat desi are 25 de ani? Benoit a fost un wrestler cunoscut care si-a omorat sotia si copilul si apoi s-a sinucis, deci, evident, un om cu grave probleme netratate.

Tipul descris de tine pare un cinic care vede violenta ca pe o manifestare a divinitatii, o divinitate inventata de propriul sau orgoliu si de intunericul in care traieste. Din pacate, nu este prima si nici ultima persoana care vede violenta drept unic raspuns in fata tuturor intrebarilor vietii. Prea putine lucruri sau masuri se pot lua pentru a proteja societatea de un astfel de individ. Adesea, abia dupa ce demonstreaza de ce anume sunt capabile aceste persoane sunt inchise, iar asta e deja prea tarziu, cand deja au ranit sau chiar luat o viata sau mai multe.

If you got hired as a manager for a wrestler who would you pick (has to be someone from mid card) bonus question (optional) what would ur gimmick be. I’d be a dodgy advisor in a suit, negotiating matches for my client like a boxing promoter, carrying a briefcase or something that doubles as a weapon

Joey Janela from AEW. I'd be in a clown suit. Wouldn't that fuck everyone up?
Liked by: The Special One R$$

Erstelle einen Steckbrief zu deinem Charakter. Name/Geburtstag&ort/Wohnort/Familie/Berufung/PassendesZitat/PrägendesEreignisInDerVergangenheit/Gute&SchlechteEigenschaften/AktiverSchreiber?/RandomFact/StorylineDeinesCharakters(zB aus Serie, Buch)/Top3Lieder/Kontaktinformationen(Kik, Wire, Tumblr, Vz)

name: jonathan good (but just jon will do fine. mox if we ain't familiar, thanks)
birthday: december 7th, 1985 in cincinnati, ohio
residing in: las vegas, nevada
family: granny good, 2 older brothers thomas & trevor
occupation: professional wrestler
quote: your life changes when i'm your enemy!
meaningful event from the past: i had the privilege to be loved once.
positive traits: a truth teller, attentive, thriven, great listener & i love analyzing shit, i like learning
negative traits: i swear a lot and i tend to have bad temper. violence is my main language
writer's status: active but slow paced
random fact: i defended my world championship in madison square garden and banged my hot girlfriend on time square after so don't @ me with your "your job is stupid" kinda sht because my life is pretty cool tbh
background: jon moxley is a professional wrestler from the all elite wrestling promotion. priorly competed under promotions such as czw or njpw as well. before coming to aew he was wrestling under the name of dean ambrose in the world wrestling entertainment.
top 3 songs: 1. this ain't the end of me / white comic 2. all i want / a day to remember 3. bad boyfriend / garbage
contact: t / combatcrafted.tumblr.com or vz link in the bio. all old kik or wire contact data is no longer in use.

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Liked by: Karen Page Harry

Hello everyone how are you and what your favorite wwe Superstars wrestler ?

Tamerabad’s Profile PhotoAngel rose
Hi I’m doing well thanks :) hope you are too. As far as wrestling goes tho I don’t really watch it or follow anything to do with it so idek any wrestlers in general. Not really a fan lol sorry!

What kind of body you like on guys? Guys will steroids ones Skinny with abs Huge natural desi wrestler type Ya you can tell your specific taste

See, stay fit and healthy! Doing only good to your body will get anyone a great body not only from the outside but also from the inside. Have a proper diet, doing a regular fine workout will lead any person to a great life ahead. Not only men but women too! Stay happy and always think of doing good will be great for everyone, right?


Trenuje zapasy od prawie 11 lat, nie uświadamiaj ludzi doświadczonych jak nie masz żadnego pojęcia o tym XD
Ty zdecydowanie nie wiesz nic o sporcie jakim zajmować się Twój ulubiony wrestler XD Skoro nie wiesz to poczytaj, bo każdy raczej kto się na tym zna wie, że jest to rozrywka sportowa z elementami walki (zapasy ze stylu klasycznego oraz amerykanki) i spektaklu.
Jakbyś się znał to byś wiedział, ale się nie znasz wiec plujesz jadem jak poparzony XD
Jest to reżyserowane widowisko wiec już mi tu nie pajacuj, bo jest to żałosne.
+3 answers in: “Jaki jest twój ulubiony zapaśnik? Moim jest The Rock”

Ssssalve a tutti oggi con la lettera S ditemi un personaggio reale o no che inizia con quella lettera e ovviamente il nome deve iniziare con questa lettera, ne avevo tanti ma tanti in mente , dico Stone Cold Steve Austin , uno dei wrestler che ho sempre amato, uno dei miei preferiti di sempre

NicolaNickCagninStifler’s Profile PhotoHorrorManiac
Salve, il primo che mi viene in mente è Steven Universe ahah

I hate to ask a question that pertains mostly to the Original Series but was this half-alien wrestler from Ready to Rumble partly from the same species as Argit? https://ben10.fandom.com/wiki/Porcupine

As far as I know those guys were mutants of non alien origin. Before UAF some weird stuff happened on Earth too, it wasn’t all aliens
+1 answer Read more

Se potessi eliminare qualsiasi parola dal dizionario, in modo che nessuno potrebbe mai più usarla, quale parola sceglieresti?

Non eliminerei una parola specifica dal dizionario, cancellerei tutte le parole di odio.
Non tutti riflettono su quello che dicono o scrivono, non capiscono che potrebbero ferire gli altri. Ha senso offendere, soprattutto una persona che neanche si conosce? Per me no.
Le parole hanno un grandissimo peso, bisognerebbe pensarci prima di insultare qualcuno. Ne vale la pena? Quel commento serve? In Giappone hanno persino creato un video del genere per sensibilizzare su questo problema. Un uomo è stato capace di godere del suicidi* di una wrestler su Twitter. Persone del genere meriterebbero la galera.
Liked by: Ilovegirls Elle.

🤣 I've been trying to get her to want to be friends with you, but I think I blew it when I said "Tbf Marjy, I think the best wrestler won", she way she looked at me was terrifying 😹

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ ᏖᏋᏁᏗፈᎥᎧᏬᏕ ᏖᎧᎷᎷᏗᎩ™ ▩ ♚ ☻
The way i see it is HER LOSS hahahahhahhaha 🤣🤣. Im sure she will forget all about it when her booze kicks in haha.
+16 answers in: “Do you prefer sunbathing or swimming? 😎 🏊‍♂️ 🏊‍♀️ 👍”

Yeah. AEW is only 1 year old but they're already giving WWE competition in the US & are become very popular worldwide. IMO = In my opinion. Yeah but they can make money with many other better wrestlers too :) Oh AEW Dynamite just started! 😃

Arthur Fleck
▪️ I found a Portuguese wrestler who is at AEW.🙂
Yeah AEW is only 1 year old but theyre already giving WWE competition in the US
+11 answers in: “Im not sure how popular WWE and pro wrestling is in Portugal but have you ever followed it?”

so wait, does this mean is asuka not gonna have a mitb cash in moment and was the women’s mitb match just completely pointless?

Yeah it's done. The MITB was basically a ladder match for the Women's Title. Tbf I'm sure that wasn't the plan before the whole Becky Pregnancy thing and the whole transition was done rather well in my opinion. Plus Asuka is Champ and apart from the most number of title reigns, she is one of the most accomplished Women's wrestler on the roster right now.
Liked by: Rocky AEW Mark DMR

Pick a wrestler (past or present) you'd cast as the following roles: Jason Voorhees, Hannibal Lecter, Freddy Kreuger, Pennywise, Frankenstein, Dracula

I suck at these.
Jason- Kane
Hannibal- Al Snow or Roddy Piper
Freddy- I have no idea
Pennywise- Bray
Frankenstein- Khali
Dracula- Gangrel

is there a wrestler before your time that youve always liked and read up on/watched their matches etc. for me andre the giant

Uh, I guess Bret Hart kinda counts since he left for WCW around the time I started watching the WWF
Liked by: AEW Mark Rocky

Alguna vez te ha tocado presenciar algún acto de violencia contra un niño o mujer? Si es así, cuál fue tu reacción? Exitosa semana. ?

Hola Vii™, ten buen día. Hemos presenciado violencia contra cualquier persona y hemos intervenido. Observamos que esos actos son cometidos por gente cualquier sexualidad.
"Pi" -- "Pi: Faith in Chaos" -- "Pi, fe en el caos"
Estreno 10-07-1998

USA (1998)
Duración: 85 min
Producción: Planttain, Harvest, Protozoa
Distribución: Artisan
Music: Clint Mansell
Guión: Darren Aronofsky
Dirección: Darren Aronofsky
Sean Gullette, Mark Margolis, Ben Shenkman, Pamela Hart, Stephen Pearlman, Samia Shoaib, Ajay Naidu, Kristyn Mae-Anne Lao, Lauren Fox

Basada en:
Idea y argumento del gionista y director
Darren Aronofsky (USA, 1969)
Director movies:
"Pi" (1998)
"Requiem for a Dream" (2000)
"The Fountain" (2006)
"The Wrestler" (2008)
"Black Swan" (2010)
"Noah" (2014)
"Mother!" (2017)
Clint Mansell, Orbital, Autechre, Aphex Twin, Roni Size, Massive Attack, David Holmes, GusGus, Banco de Gaia

Independent Spirit
Festival Sundance
Lanzada también en DVD
Taquilla Mundial: 5 millones de dólares

Película ambientada en:
Chinatown (Manhattan, USA)
Años de 1997

Max Cohen - matemático
Sol Robeson - profesor
Lenny Meyer - matemático judío
Jenna - amiga de Max
Devi - vecina de Max
Marcy Dawson
Rabino Cohen

Max es matemático y vive en un apartamento en Manhattan.
Está bastante cerrado en sus investigaciones sobre teoría de números.
En psicología, Max tiene algo de paranoia, esquizofrenia, ansiedad.
Max programa su PC Euclides, para descubrir modelos matemáticos que hacen predicciones sobre el mundo bursátil y económico.
Se relaciona con místicos judíos que le muestran la numerología de la Cábala.
Introduce la numerología en su programación, le aparace un extraño número de 216 dígitos, el programa se bloquea, sufre dolores de cabeza.
Después trata con su profesor, con el club de judíos, con los agentes de una firma de Wall Street.
Se interesan por el programa y las predicciones de Max...

Cine de Intriga, suspense, matemáticas, números, juegos matemáticos.
Buen argumento y guión del director en su primera película. Filmada en blanco y negro (B/W).
Toca temas místicos como "Nombre secreto de Dios", "Kabbalah", "Quran", "Torah", "Gematria", "Messianic Age".
Se muestra el número Pi (3,1415926526312453...), cuando en realidad es (3,1415926535897932...).
Se dan propiedades a Pi (Golden spiral, Serie Fibonacci), que son del número aúreo Phi.

https://youtu.be/jo18VIoR2xUsalquial’s Video 157024903481 jo18VIoR2xUsalquial’s Video 157024903481 jo18VIoR2xU

https://youtu.be/dfXJta4pje4salquial’s Video 157024903481 dfXJta4pje4salquial’s Video 157024903481 dfXJta4pje4

https://youtu.be/jrHvw_y0Fggsalquial’s Video 157024903481 jrHvw_y0Fggsalquial’s Video 157024903481 jrHvw_y0Fgg

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Alguna vez te ha tocado presenciar algún acto de violencia contra un niño o

Welche Wünsche und Träume hattest du als Kind für dein erwachsenes Leben und welche davon konntest du bereits verwirklichen?

Not gonna lie, as a child I also thought I'd get married and have a family and all that. I always thought growing older was my way out of the shitshow I grew up in. But through the years it changed. I realized that those dreams I aspired are not for me. I am not made for these peaceful things, I am not meant to settle. So, I realized the dream of becoming a wrestler but gave up on the others. I made peace with my fate.

Nach welchen Dingen oder Vorbildern richtest du dein Leben aus? Wie möchtest du gern sein, bist es aber noch nicht?

I mean, I obviously only portray this whole lunatic finge thing for the cameras and there's a huge other side to me, so much more that people often refuse to see. But, I must admit that this gimmick is mainly based on parts of my real life. Things that really happened to me and shaped me to this sort of person. My childhood was weird - all sorts of messed up, i guess, even though there's probably no person in today's society who won't claim this. But let me assure you, growing up between p.ostitutes and d.rugs is no place for a child. Violence shouldn't be on the daily menu, you shouldn't be pushed from one public housing to another and dad's shouldn't change like your mom's underwear. There's just some stuff that kids shouldn't be exposed to. Coming to the point though, I guess those are all reasons why I was lacking any sort of idol in my life for long until wrestling came around. And as much as I picked up on my past through my wrestling persona, I obviously also followed the leads of other great athletes. - Bret Hart (which al of you uneducated people probably don't even know) is just one of them. Generally though, I focus all of my life on wrestling. It's the one and only thing that has always been there for me, that saved me, that gave me a direction in life. And for that, I will always thrive to be the best wrestler the world has ever seen. May my character, my body and my soul die while I try, I don't care. To sum it up in my own words: "You beat me up, you leave me laying, you hit me with a sledgehammer in the head, I just don't care."

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Haha, maybe? You don't know your fav wrestler for sure? That is the reason people ask from google about different stuff... :P

Fahad Mughal
haha nope.. he's playing for RAW in raw vs smackdown.. and he's not like my most favourite wrestler..or bhi hn... roman,seth,randy and i don't know if i should say this but THE MIZ is one of my favouritessssssss😂😂😂😂😂
+8 answers in: “Meme, joke, memory.. At what you laughed the hardest today? Share...”

So Triple Thread oder Fatal 4 Way mit heissen Spielchen, fummeln und so. 😃 Nein Spaß. Heiss ist es in der Tat. Ich sterbe.

Zum ersten Teil: Nein. Ich bin Wrestler und für jedes ernsthafte Match zu haben, ob nun Singles, Triple Threat oder 4-Way. Die betonung liegt aber auf ernsthaft, da ich diesen Sport tatsächlich ernst nehme.
Wetterbedingt lässt sich die Temperatur der Matches und Shows nur leider im Moment nicht regulieren. 😅
Liked by: Marcel Jeß Marrow
+1 answer in: “Wärest du auch für einen heißen Bitchfight zu haben? 😃”

Welche Accountidees kannst du hier gar nicht mehr sehen? Welche Ideen würde dein Interesse hier wieder wecken? (Zum Beispiel: Geister, Indianer.....)

FakeVz Tagesfragen
Wenn ich noch einen weiteren Anhänger Satans treffe, noch einmal den Teufel persönlich, mir noch irgendein Killer über den Weg läuft und irgendeine andere aaach so böse Kreatur, dann schlafe ich echt bald ein vor Langeweile. Bringt doch mal ein paar Wrestler her :) Dafür muss man ja nicht mal wrestling geguckt haben, um da jemanden zu finden der einem gefällt, lol. Oder man ist halt doch cool genug um der Sache mal ne Chance zu geben und zu sehen das Wrestling eben nicht sinnlose Schlägereien sind sondern einfach nur unterhaltsam und witzig ist.

Is there any wrestler who you used to be a fan of but now you don't like? I used to think Kevin Nash was cool but now he just pisses me off.

Dean Ambrose
I really liked him in the Shield and then he got on my nerves

Drama queen hai wo, aor best defender nae, best wrestler hai wo. Poor Salah. If he didn't qualify for world cup, chorna nae hai isko awam ny. Intehae sick insaan hai wo. Even madridiots don't like him much. 😏

Ap pheley mughe ye tou bata dou ap konsi team k ho? Agr Barca ko support kertey ho phir tou apka bolna Banta hi nahi hai na😂
+8 answers in: “Oh, GOD! Madrid fan spotted. Chali jao nazron sy dur. 😏”

I formulated the question badly, I wanted to ask you, when a wrestler hits another wrester with a low blow, how does the wrestler not get hurt?

Who says he doesn't? ;)
Unfortunately, we need to keep at least some secrets to ourselves.
Liked by: Marrow Marcel Jeß

nicky, but when you girls in the ring hit a male wrestler with a low blow, how does the male wrestler not get hurt?

The same way how a ale wrestler won't get hurt when ANOTHER male wrestler does it.
Liked by: Marcel Jeß Marrow

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