

Ask @tai851

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What would be a perfect job for you?

Video game tester, food critic, mattress tester, or all 3...I could work with that :3

What was the last life-changing decision you had to make?

Good Friday, the day after Easter vacation my grade 12 year of high school. I had a choice after dropping Marcus off to head home or take one more spin out to point rich in my car. I had already taken the turn to head home but changed my mind at the last second to go to point rich. On the way out to the point my car hit ice and that resulted in me crashing my car. That crash changed my life drastically. I mot only lived but came out almost completely unscathed and thus I understand that life should not be taken for granted. I consider myself extremely lucky and even though it was bad at that time I learned a great deal from crashing my first car. That one tiny decision resulted in something that could have easily killed me...

What makes you special?

Red hair
O- blood
Green eyes
Evolved from cats
I'm a werewolf
I'm funny
I'm awesome
I'm great
I love me...
Is that enough?

If you could choose to stay a certain age forever, what age would it be?

19. So like next month...be great if I could freeze time!

What is one thing your parents allowed you to do that you would never let your kids do?

Nothing! My parents let me do what I felt was right and that's how I'll treat my kids.

What is the best thing about being your age?

I'm 18...the only new thing I'm able to do is vote...but there isn't an election so I guess I'll vote for driving being the best thing.

If you were an activist what would want to protest against?

Demolition of the rainforest, sewage being pumped into the ocean, animal rights, toxic waste disposal, etc...

What is your attitude towards cannibals?

Don't eat me?
What the fuck kind of question is this!? Am I supposed to say, "oh yeah, cannibals are awesome! They eat their own species and that's perfectly fine! Do they own thang!"
Hell no! Jesus! That shit is messed up!
Fo real!


Language: English