
Danil Reshetnikov

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Latest answers from Danil Reshetnikov

Hey Diamond, a huge fan here. What do you think about Rek Sai atm and why do you think she disappeared of the competitive play?

Daniel Martins
It was mostly tryouts. At the end I came to the conclusion that cinderhulk->tank is always better, unless ur team is totally dumb and they cant do shit on their own so rek'sai needs to damage for them(which happens quite often in soloq, but almost never in teamplay). Warrior isn't so bad if enemy team is full of squishy targest who wants to fight you melee(like yasuo), but you need to watch closely if ur team needs that damage at all, or just a tank to peel for them.
She isn't godtier, like she was before, but definately a tier-1 along with gragas/olaf/eve/nida. Tho godtier only consists elise due to her insanely OP cocoon and ability to build most broken items(Zeke's and Banner).

Hi Diamond, is it true that Gambit were beating Fnatic during scrims recently? In fact would it be the reason that led Huni to say they didn't want to face Gambit on playoffs?

Nelson Rocha
Before split ended we had a good score against them, then we got a 2 week break. Right after returning to practice we played only one bo5 with them, if I remember correctly, losing 2-3.

where do you think you wouldve ended if you played in the gaunlet yourself?

1st or 3d, depending on results against OG. We practiced a lot against other teams from the gauntlet just before they played it, and there was no chellenge beating anyone of them except OG(we couldnt finish our scrims with them due to some electicity problems).

what do you think about amumu,and why hasnt mumy come through on ranked play?

he is bad in scirmishes and thats soloq is all about right now for a jungler(if you wanna win, ofc). in teamplay he would fit some all-in comps, but they are not popular atm, so he is garbage there aswell.
though I really like that champ and hope he gets a bit(to not make him op) of love in near future.

If you could remove a character lol....which would dispose ?

RikiMunoz’s Profile PhotoRiki Muñoz
I would not remove anyone, even tho some champs I truly dislike. I'd rather nerf some of their spells(kalista ult+jumps, darius Q and some knockups)

Hi! Can you describe to me how you prepare for relegation matches ? Do you afraid about GMB?

TomekZso’s Profile PhotoTomek Zso
Our practice is going good, dispite my worries in the begining. Yet we shrekt all gauntlet teams in teampractice bo5's, except OG(couldn't finish scrims with them due to electricity problems), so if we continue growing I see us having little problems with relegations.
I really like playing with Kris again, both as a player and as a person.

Who do you think will be strong in patch 5.16? do you have any ideas planned for it?

joe royales
I don't look closely to this patch as we are playing relegations on 5.15 for some reason, but currently I know that skarner is op in jungle and darius is a strong toplaner. Also I'd suggest to try new items for tanky-dps champions, they seems cool.
Full ap/ad comps struggle even more with new patch (thornmail with stacked armor destroys ppl, and all the magic-resist items are stronger). But in balanced comps ad damage became much better against tanks for champs that dont have crit (kalista and every top/midlaner, except yasuo) in comparison to ap dmg, because of omen/fh change along with all the mr items buffs.
New aegis->locket is even stronger and easier to build.

Hey diamond I love your jungle style and followed you since beginning season 3. I'm having some struggles lately with soloq and it seemed that i dropped 2 divisions in 2 days. My main lanen is jungle and I play alot Nidalee but even though I have a good kda I seem to still lose, what can I do?

RoyalPurplezz’s Profile PhotoVictor ?
If u already have a good kda, try to die even less, especially when it matters the most(death at 50th minute will cost u the game, while death at 1st minute will only give a slight advantage to ur opponents).
Also if u have good stats - you are the one on ur team having advatage and it becomes ur resposibility to snowball it further. You can make it by spotting the least protected turrets of enemies and killing them 1 by 1.
Another thing u can improve is that when u see ur teammates argue about something - tell them politely to stfu, otherwise they might tilt or afk at some point, which will lower ur chances of winning.

1.What do you think about Vi?Can you give me some runes for her? 2.Runes for Elise and Gragas? 3.Elise will be good everytime ?

CalinConstantin’s Profile PhotoCălin Constantin
1. Vi is an all-in jungler and it doesnt fit the current meta with all the saves and disengage tools being used nowadays. as/ad/arm/cdr.
2. ap/as/hp/cdr+mr for elise, arm/as/hp/cdr+mr for graga
3. her power is in scirmishes and CC. if u avoid this all-game long, she is becoming bad in mid-late game against tanks with hard CC and burst midlaners.

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