
Danil Reshetnikov

Ask @theDiamondprox

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hi diamond! 1. What are the most underrated jungle Champs atm (other than noc) 2. What do you think of Reignover? 3. Top 5 junglers in EU

Ahmed Alaa
1. Maybe Zac, nothing else comes to my mind yet.
2. His junglepaths are great, as well as his pressure on lanes and engages in fights. However he sometimes doesnt play OP champs.
3. RO and Sven were top ones in the end of summer. After them were Loulex, Jankos and Amazing.
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Hi Diamond. Big fan of yours since season 2. You're currently spamming Nocturne in soloQ, and I've started to do the same now, I feel like I can win pretty much every game when I get jungle, but not when I get other roles, what sould I do ? Dodge or just train very hard other roles in normal games ?

Sébastien Chatelain
I personally chose to play champions I love on roles I've been forced to play. Not hard-trolls obv. I play sup karma/velkoz, top quinn/rene, mid veigar/viktor, adc ezreal/quinn. I'm not a hard-carry on them, but I can atleast stay relevant with them(on quinn/rene I win lanes usually) for the whole game, and thats what you need to do when ur role has been stolen. Just accept that u are not so powerfull and get carried.
And the most important reason why I pick those champs is that I like playing them, so even if we lose I got some fun out of it, and practiced my lane mechanics.

I am honestly having a hard time jungling. I seem to use up 2 pots at one half of the jungle and I have no idea which lane to gank and how to approach. What advice can you give?

Adrian Vale
1. steal proper runes/msteries from pros if u dont have them yet.
2. learn best jungle paths for ur champion. you can watch it on the replays of recent tournaments by pros(if ur champ is used often) or find it on ur own by trying in custom games. I suggest to do both.
3. if u lose too much health just due to ur champion - u can often cooperate with ur toplaner(if he doesnt mind using TP to get lvl2 and help u) by making ANY 2 camps together. in this way its best if he takes all the small ones and u take big ones, meanwhile he tanks all the dmg.
Liked by: Turtle Sergio

Hi Diamond, big fan of your jungle style. What do you think is the best way to snowball a lead as jungle in solo queue? Also, could you possibly make a jungle tier list for solo queue?

freshbelf’s Profile PhotoFresh Belf
To snowball the lead in soloq it's best to identify enemies vulnerable and your strong lanes at first. Then kill opponents there untill u get enough leed to take towers there, then ask fed guy from that lane to visit another lane with you to get towers there and so on. Also you can make nash, if feeling like it.
Jungle tierlist is something like that atm:
tier1: reksai gragas elise nida noct (maybe ekko) rengo(tier2 competitive) eve. those are almost equally strong overall and you just need to find the best one fitting ur comp/countering opponents.
tier2: j4 lee shyvana seji olaf nunu
tier3: everything else

what do u do with your free time? when u not playing lol or spend time with gf

trungnam23’s Profile PhotoTrungNam
Usually in that time I'm thinking what can I do better in LoL/relationships and planning things for future. Other than that I'm playing other games, going out with friends or just chilling.
If there would be a game equally interesting to, for example, 2003-08 WoW, I'd spend tons of time there, but all the new online games are really terrible in past 5-6 years, so I have more of free time ;)
Liked by: MissLovelie

Would you recommend Skirmisher's blade or Stalker's blade on Nocturne? Skirmisher's seems better because it can mark your opponent, resulting in easier ults, but I'd like to hear your opinion.

Stalker's, almost always. It allows u to gank w/o ult and also helps to use the strongest noct's spell - fear. It's also great to run away.
Liked by: Waiching NG A

hi Diamond! what do you think about the sated devourer? is it viable? or other jungle items are more stronger?

reginald de chavez
There are really few champions who can use this item in the meta, but in terms of cost-efficiency and power it's the best. Personally I don't think anyone except nocturne can use it competitive. I know there is shyvana, but in the current team-compositions everyone's using she is just compeltely useless even if farmed(just try to play against good thresh/janna/any viable midlaner/gragas and you'll immidiately abandon the idea of playing that champ).

how much time did you spend in platinum?

Severin Stillhard
In the begining I was 44/14 when I got in plat, and then in 50-100 more games I got to diamond. But I practiced TONS of games in normals before going to play rankeds, especially with something new. So those game were not spammed, but mostly played 1-5 per day.

what do u think about kha jungle nowadays?

Ianmini’s Profile PhotoIvan,Aparicio
He is terrible if nobody feeds him. And it's really hard to get fed on him if opponents are not dumb. His jungle clear is also bad if you dont get purple smite.
Riots seem to either not understand the affect item+jungle changes have on some champs, or they just want some champs "gone" after awhile they were usefull.
Even the initial nerf to his W was kind of questionable, but then... In two months Kha lost Lizard(which was better than warrior on W-evolved Kha), his W cd got destroyed and the jungle monsters changes just nailed a couple of nails in his coffin.
If all those changes to his kit would be reverted - we would have another viable and interesting jungler to play. Though current top-tier junglers are really strong against him, because of their op CC(elise, graga, rex).

hi diamond, in which team you would like to play if not gambit ?

RikiMG727’s Profile PhotoRiki Muñoz
I dont know player's personalities in other teams to answer directly. Without that knowledge it would be an asian team, consisting grown up ppl. Because they seem to have the best approach to the game.
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When u decided to play competitive, weren't you afraid of "wasting" your young years?

Filip Petecki
No, in the begining it seemed like an awesome journey. And it was - traveling all around the world getting fun expirience, and every tournament was kind of fresh and new. But then LCS screwed it over and settled us down. After that I got that feeling that you are asking about. Though its still fine because I have plenty of time to "live" in off-season.
Liked by: Turtle Sergio

I see that you play sometimes Quinn on top and ad carry. What is the reason for a Quinn pick? Is she underrated?

Some time ago when I had to fill as ADC in soloq, I used to always play Ezreal and usually performed pretty good on it. But then runeglave cancer showed up and my only ADC got permabanned, so I had to find a new one. Quinn was the only one left which I enjoyed playing, so I chose her. She is a good lanebully and a good roamer. Though I think Corki would mostly be a better choice, I just cant force myself playing that champ anymore.
Liked by: Turtle Sergio

how do you build Evelynn nowadays? Idk how to build her with the addition of runeglaive.

Ahmed Alaa
its runeglave into tank, mostly. fh, omen, banshee, hexdrinker - just build them in the proper order. sometimes its worth building rylai+liandry.
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What were your feelings during that tiebreaker game versus Samsung Galazy Ozone which you guys won in season 3 worlds? I still can't forget that moment when you guys almost Baron threw :/ What are your thoughts about the game after finding out that almost the exact same SSO squad won S4 worlds?

SLAY3RL0L’s Profile PhotoTony Chen
It felt great because I rated Dandy really high as a jungler and we left Lee open for him this game. We stalled that game perfectly, playing mostly around Lee's engages, and in the end outscaled our opponents with kass-eve-kog.
When they won next worlds, it just was another sign that teamplay became more important than personal skill.

you have been playing allot of nocturne recently is he a top tier champion? what tips would you give on playing him?

joe royales
I think he is great and fits the current meta insanely good. If you have a good splitpusher that can stay relevant even in case opponents have high earlygame pressure jungler, the game is really easy to snowball from botton lane, because everytime nocturne goes there, his team will have a man-advantage simply because enemy cant tp in his ultimate. And in lategame there is no stronger jungler than him, except nida with a lot of protection.
The tips are to force ur team to play around ur ultimate, and always report it's CD to them. If they try to skirmish w/o it - you will most likely not be able to impact their fight, so the game is gonna be 50/50 or even worse if opponents have a good jungler.

Will this be your last split?

No. Unless I get hit by lightning. I really enjoy playing competitive. I can only imagine two things I'd enjoy more as a job than what I'm currently doing. Its being a game-developer of some really insane project, or exploring the universe. The second is just a dream, and for the first I have not enough knowledge yet, so I'll keep doing what I like, meanwhile gathering knowledge and enjoying the young life :)

What can you say about Edwards level of play in this split? I think he stepped up big time.

Utrujeni gozdar
I agree, he stepped up really big. Now it's all about finding the best synergy between him and me warding and roaming around the map.
Liked by: Utrujeni gozdar A

Do you think Fnatic has a good chance of winning world finals?

joe royales
They can definately improve their strategical approach to the lvl it needs to win worlds and they have some INSANELY-skilled players(I especially like Febiven). But the problem is that they dont play some really op champs like nida and from time to time they troll in champion-select.
I'd say if they keep improving like they did last two splits - they'll be the western team with biggest chances of winning worlds after S2. And those chances are not really small.


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