
Anna Khayalan

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Nak tanya sikit. Kalau seorang perempuan dia tak bertudung. Dia kata dia akan bertudung sekiranya dia dah berubah baik dari segi sikap n blablabla kahwin dgn suami baru dia bertudung. Adakah ni diterima?

Petunjuk hanya dari Allah dan bukan manusia. Diterima atau tak, itu urusan dia dengan Allah.
Liked by: esyah'man

Salam akak . Sye bru break . Sye redha tp rse sedih msih lg menghantui diri sye . Sye thu thun nie dye exam . Sye phm . Sye mmng x kn couple dh . Sbb sye mmng mint sgt2 kt dye . Mngkin klu org lain hadir dlm hidup sye pon sye susah nk terima . Mcm mne nie akak ? Sye x nk pembelajaran sye terganggu .

Waalaikumussalam. Let go, belajar move on. Mula mula memang susah tapi kena lah berazam. Mind set yang awak nak lupakan dia & focus on your study. Be positive and open minded. Jangan fikir sangat, its unimportant. All the best. :)

Perempuan dulu suka lelaki yg tough, macho. Perempuan sekarang suka lelaki yg jambu mcm perempuan, mcm K-pop. Betul ke? Mgkin saya tough kot, sebab tu tak ada perempuan suka. Hmm. :(

Haha you're so funny and cute! Well not me. I'm not into those kind of guys. Setiap orang lain lain. :)
Liked by: LiaKim esyah'man

Thanks for the reply, it definitely clarify things. I've been scrolling your ask.fm,twiter and I must say I'm impressed by the way u answered my questions. Well..age is only a number right, but your thinking is beyond your age. You'll need it once you've further your studies. Good luck ok :)

Tengku Abdullah
Thank you so much! May Allah bless you. :)

saya ada dua kawan baik. sekarang kami dah lain kelas, diorang jadi tak rapat dah dgn saya dan yang lebih menyakitkan diorang dah ada bestfriend lain. bila saya tegur je diorang, diorang mcm taknak layan je. kak anna, what should I do? I want them backkk :'(

People change, relationships break. That's life, sayang. You have to deal with it. You'll find a new bestfriend soon. :)
Liked by: esyah'man

are u really 18?it seems like u look much older than i thought...ehehehhe i hope u dont be mad at me juz curios..

Haha yes I am 18! I get that a lot though!
Liked by: esyah'man

N when tak prnah ada jawatan tu mmg rasa nak pindah next year, to a better school. Boarding sch ke....but i don think i can sbb tak cemerlang in koko, how? :((

Boarding school is a big opportunity for you & everyone. It would be a great idea, trust me!
Liked by: esyah'man

Im 15, so its a third year for me to be in the secondary sch, n ive never mnjawat apa2 jawatan whether in class or else. Its like a waste. Wht should i do?

Well maybe you should step out a little. I mean, don't be invisible. Let the teachers and the students see you and what you do. Let them know that you'll make a good leader and you can contribute something to the clubs & things like that. Sometimes you need to step out and volunteer yourself. Don't be shy. If you think you can handle those then why not? :)
Liked by: esyah'man


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