

Ask @tony9612

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What are you proud of yourself for?

amycheetham09’s Profile PhotoAmy Rose
Being able to overcome a lot from a young age and grow into a young man that is able to not think with emotion but my brain

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What’s the most personal story you’d share on here?

Personally don’t think it’s a good idea too with all these trolls about

Why are some people so mean?

Due to their insecurities as a person and serious character flaws which make them envy you

Say you've been in a relationship for 10years and you've never been asked if you want to get married what would you feel or do?

Just because there’s not a ring involved it doesn’t mean the other party doesn’t love you

Ever felt bad when you haven't even got enough energy or too busy to chat and hold conversations and see people?

Not really there’s always a next day sometimes the body needs rest

What’s your view on adoption?

Adoption is key as many are not given a fair first chance that a second family that could possibly offer the child a better way off living and possibly raise the next doctor policeman/woman or someone famous

Ever felt hated so many times?

If you feel hated or me personally you must be doing something right to Piss someone off

Can you change some one who thinks so narrow minded and stuck in their egotistical ways?

The only way someone can change is to better themselves or if they see a value in a person we can’t

Good Morning and Welcome to Saturday! 😃 What are you up to this weekend?

Watching the footy hbu

When answering questions do you have to think of a answer or can you just write something down without thinking 🤔

Depends on the question being asked tbh 😁


Language: English