
Tsz kit Law

Ask @tszlaw8


Nomad Chester
唔好刻意忘記 如果唔係只會仲忘記唔到 我覺得要對自己坦白 真誠
同埋你要相信你每過一日 會慢慢heal 盡量delete晒有關佢嘅嘢 或者專注自己 慢慢就會忘記佢㗎啦

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點解一個男仔本身鍾意一個女仔,之後會唔認?仲喺WhatsApp度對個女仔勁串勁冇禮貌咁覆嘢。ps 同個女仔咩都冇發生過 本身個女仔冇鍾意 佢但之後鍾意咗 依家覺得好心痛 但已經唔敢再WhatsApp個男仔

我諗可能佢當初唔憤氣 當初佢追你嘅時候 你唔受 到你突然間鍾意佢嗰陣 佢又因為你之前唔受佢溝 就嬲咗你 咁咪串你囉 其實個男仔都幾幼稚下 其實我兩個人相處無非都係坦誠 你可以直接啲囉 如果你唔介意嘅話 或者放棄啦 世界上大把人你選擇

一個男仔係咁望住一個女仔 其實心入面諗緊咩?

我覺得一個男仔角度來講 一係有幾種原因 第一 個男仔真係對個女仔有意思 第二可能個男嘅精蟲上腦 諗埋啲唔正經嘢 第三你哋可能有啲咩誤會 唔知啦

I met this guy few days ago he does show me signs of likes but he doesnt tell me he asked me a question and i anwsered it wrongly and he said bye never talked again what should i do

Um would you like to tell me more🤣🤣 it’s really hard to help with the little information you gave me

Language: English