

I'm 38 and I still don't want kids and a marriage. Do you think something is wrong with me? And how can I explain myself to people that am actually very content?

jeanne_krist’s Profile PhotoM Jeanne
Do I think there is anything wrong with you? Nope. Marriage and kids isn't an obligation or an achievement, it is simply a choice. Nothing more, nothing less.
And how do you explain yourself? Well, you don't. Easier said than done, of course. And you're a woman, so it's a totally different ball game from being a man in the same position. But you're getting to the age where people will stop asking, mind you.. so tough it out.
From my experience, nothing good comes from explaining. And even worse if you are defensive about it, because then people will assume you're spinning #nasib into #sikap. So the best way to handle it is to be happy with your life. Because if you're miserable.. well, people will always think "makanyaaaa... menikah dan punya anak!"
Why? Because their scope of thinking is actually that small.
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Latest answers from vipertongue

Kalo ngga salah Vipey punya asisten RT yg gay kan ya? Sering menemui kesalahpahaman ngga karena hal tsb?

ART di rumah pasangan lesbian. Kesalahpahaman karena itu? Ngga sih. Ya palingan kalau ada temen kerumah, kadang salah manggil pake "mas".. secara yang satu bentuknya agak Orange Is The New Black. :)

Menemukan akunmu 3 years ago is one of the best thing that ever happened to me. I was so galau, broken, berdosa, jenuh dengan segala ceramah yg ngga nolong sama sekali. Beda sama semua omonganmu yg real, masuk akal, practical. Terima kasih, Adrian.

*Sorry ya, jawabnya pakai bahasa inggris*
People always question why I even bother with ask.fm.
Too old for it, lah.. cemen, lah... for scoring women, lah.. "nulis tuh utk Magdalene Rappler Medium kek" lah..
The way I see it, I simply have something to say. I think I have a few perspectives and viewpoints that I rarely -if ever- represented by anyone else. And like most people who write, it's just something I want *out there*.
And what's the point of writing for people who already agree or aware with your viewpoints already? That's just plain masturbatory, and it's nothing but preaching to your own choir.
Sure, writing in ask.fm ain't exactly like doing the editorial page of The Economist, but I'd like to think that I contribute something tangible. If anything, just so people can see different ways of viewing life issues. And as cemen as they may be, I had to tackle them at one point in my life. And if someone gave me better tools at the time, I'd be grateful for it.
So yeah, thank you.. to know I'm of use; to know that I've made you see things differently, makes it worth it.

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Kunaon sih loba pisan atheist nu keminter, songong, and keakehan cangkem?

You mean like, five times a day every day via loudspeakers songong keakehan cangkem?

Hi vipey. Buat saya obat2an depresi, termasuk bipolar, emang mahal bgt. Utk medication bipolar, saya kena 1.5 jt per bln. Jadi kalo ada orang ngaku2 bipolar biar dianggap cool, saya gemes mau jejelin struk pembayaran ke mukanya. 😁

Exactly. :)

Hi Vipey... i just recently found your ask.fm account and i am very much helped by your answers. I am going thru depression and your answers from 2 years ago really is helping me to go thru this tough time. I'm still struggling with suicidal thoughts but yr right. Stay for my parents.

Get medical help. There is no shame in it. Back in my days, clinical depression wasn't as.. uh.. hip as it is these days. It was confusing, disorienting, and yes.. I felt hopeless and alone at the time. These days there is much more awareness, and to some extent, an acceptance.
Clinical depression is an ailment that requires medical treatment. As in, if you had a chronic sore throat you wouldn't think twice about seeing a doctor for a prescription of antibiotics. We may romanticize it and use it to feed our Tumblr page and tweets and poetry and curhat to selebtwats who merasa they are qualified to offer bijak-membumi "advice"... but no, it's simply an ailment that requires medical attention.
If I had chronic sore throat for months and had some awareness on the issue, I wouldn't sit around and berkubang menggelora in it. Unfortunately -unlike a sore throat- it took me years to recognize the symptoms and address the chemical imbalance within me.
As netizens just looove to use the "ya kan ngga semua orang privileged kayak elo" excuse, well then make it a priority. As we do for any medical condition. Skip that music festival for once, brew your own coffee, don't buy that Lang Leav hardcover, and use the money for medication instead.
I'm not talking to you specifically, mind you. Don't take it personally. I hope you get professional help and pull through. In the meantime... get 8 hours of quality sleep a night, get out in the sun, run or ride a bike (ever seen a person ride a bike miserably?), and drink 2 liters of water a day. That's the least you can do to alleviate the symptoms.
Good luck. :)

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Dri, boleh tau knp your brother memilih menjadi muslim? What it's like to the rest of the family?

Well, I can't speak for him. But the way I see it.. you know how every family has that one person who "mencari diri" atau "butuh pegangan" atau "arahan"? In my family, he's that person. Some people find purpose and jatidiri from within, some people need it.. well, handed down to them by people long dead.
What's it like for the rest of the family? Perfectly fine. Whatever makes you happy or gives you pegangan, man. My parents believed that we should choose whatever gives us peace of mind. It's our own lives to live, after all. Do I personally understand how some people find comfort in this regional/cultural myth over that regional/cultural myth? Nope. But hey.. why should anyone justify what makes them happy?
I'm sure the majority of you probably uttered some grateful phrase in arabic upon my brother choosing (not "born into", not "converted", but "chose") Islam. But if he was located in Bangladesh at the time, he could have easily chosen Hindu. And hey, we'd be fine with that too. One man's deity is another man's four-armed talking elephant.
Let me give you a bit of context. My parents where born in in the 1930s. That would make them *grandparents* for most of you. Yet, they were open minded enough to raise us without any cultural brainwashing, and let us choose to how to live our own lives.
It's easy to berkubang menggelora in our diversity and self-congratulate our liberal socmed personas for befriending those of different beliefs. Fine. But just keep that in mind fifteen years from now; when your own children prefer to subscribe to the "kasih" or "mindfulness" of some other belief system. A belief system that was not inherited and chosen by the parents, and grandparents before them. Or when your son or daughter wishes to marry someone of a different ethnicity and religion. Or perhaps of the same gender. When that day comes, remember how proud you were of posting pics of your friends of different faiths.
I mean, it's not like you were born in the 1930s, after all.

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i wish i'd get married someday, because the idea of having no one to turn to at the end of the day scares me, and I dont think its a wrong reason. but as I get older, I realize it's hard to find such a partner. Do you happen to know anyone that actually have a happy marriage? thanks

Man, you wouldn't believe how many questions I get about this. And I hope this is the last time I ever reply to one.
Why did I reply to the last one? Because she's 38 years old.
I think all you twenty-somethings go through that phase of "untuk apa nikah? ngapain nikah? liat aja tuh pada ngga bahagia! i'm too cool for nikah!" and in the end... nikah anyways. Mau bilang takut ini itu kek, cowok selingkuh melulu kek, peduli amat kata sanak saudara kek... all of you *will* go down that path. Sorry, that's just how it is.
I've said it before and I've said it again: you're more mainstream than you think. Just because your parents fought, or baru patah hati, or haven't found the right one, doesn't make you an outlier.
So yeah, unless you're over 35 and single, let's not pull #sikap about marriage.

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Buying a katana doesn't make you a ninja sih, beb. Komo deui those various knives and airsofgun you keep in bedroom. Bolelah buat lagak manly.

But apparently still manly enough for you to have been in my bedroom. *swag*

hi there can i get your pov? do you believe that all men cheat? is it true that ALL men have that nature? i kinda scare of marriage, if i found a man who's secretly into open relationship and turns out couldn't be faithful to me.

I'm going to skip your questions, as I can't presume to know what most men are like. Besides, I'd still like to live a few more years, thank you very much.
So instead, I'll go direct to your statement "i kinda scare of marriage." Well, put it this way.. right now, at this moment, you think that a husband cheating is an Extinction Level Event. But my guess is, once you're married, you'll consider it just one of the "costs of doing business."
Does it suck? Sure. But think of the alternatives of NOT getting married: dying alone, diomongin keluarga, dianggap ngga laku, tidak ada yg support, tidak punya anak, ngga ada yang beliin handbag, and the soul-crushing loneliness.
So yes, it's simply the cost of doing business... and not the Extinction Level Event you perceive it to be now.
So you learn to live with it, and you learn to accept it. And hey, you may do it yourself on the side. Nothing makes you morally superior to him. A Facebook flirt here, a Tinder match there... I can go on.
Now regarding "if i found a man who's secretly into open relationship", I have a few things to say:
Why is it that those men who CLAIM to be in a so-called "open relationship" must always be CAUGHT first, before making the revelation? If a person is truly in a mutual and consensual open-relationship, he would be honest about it from the very beginning. To ALL parties involved.
Short of that, I consider the guy just another lesser man; a douchebag making excuses.

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