

Ask @vuppalavyshnavi

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you are tooo sweet...and that straight forward attitude and still those simple and sweet posts..being sooo pretty crazy and still so cuteeee...seriously you be tooo good dear..stay blessed and keep smiling cause you slay 🔥🔥💟💟💟🙈😇💣😘😘

viraj08’s Profile PhotoViraj Karandikar
Soo sweet!❤ Thank you Viraj😊

Hey i like you so much and i think i am in love with you🙈 i can't say you directly😓 you are so sweet, a girl with 0% attitude and worth loving😘😘😘😘 trying to say this to you from first day of our college but you never replied to my messages😢 plzz understand and give reply

Oyy?😭 Who are you?🤔 Please untick!😑 Let me know who you are!!!


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