如果覺得自己無未來 咁點算 呢排做乜都好似好焦慮 搵工又會驚搵錯工 September 07, 2022 好想問你幾歲,不過諗諗下都覺得唔關事每個人都有自己嘅人生時間。有冇試過讀咩科或者做過咩工對個個有興.如果都冇不妨去試下做/讀個科先
I met this guy few days ago he does show me signs of likes but he doesnt tell me he asked me a question and i anwsered it wrongly and he said bye never talked again what should i do September 07, 2022 wa,u should work more to improve your English skills. U mean he has
How does this software work? Lucky0628 September 07, 2022 Can't help u with that ,coz I m new to this app
I print a picture of her, my mom said that is me. We look similar Secret Space September 07, 2022 u printed a pic of your mom,that's sweet.That might be a compliment
How do you know if you pregnant September 07, 2022 i m a male ,so I won't pregnant, unless I go do transgender surgery or I m a seahorse