

Ask @walkingfable

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Do you sometimes miss who you used to be when you were a kid or what you were like a few years ago?

Froyh’s Profile PhotoMerve
Different answer: I miss the fragile person I used to be rather someone portraying to be someone else but failing to live up to that standard.
Liked by: Lex Talionis ♫

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Discord is very weird. Does it work for you?

I've been using Discord since 2015 - I've made tons of friends and later moved on from those same people. It definitely has its certain charms with people with like-minded interests.
You just gotta be careful with the bigger public spaces since there's usually a lot of... degenerate behavior.
Liked by: Lex Talionis ♫

do antidepressants help?

Tried them - I noticed they have the tendency to spark drug reliance. Tbh, it's probably best for you to attempt finding a passion rather than a final solution.
Liked by: Lex Talionis ♫

Do you think a friendship that’s built off of gossiping about others isn’t a true friendship?

No - any person with enough respect for you WOULD NOT gossip about you.
Liked by: Lex Talionis ♫

Do you ever tell yourself that your life will get better once you’re older?

No, I've always told myself to focus on the here-and-now. That way I can gauge progress and make grander-smarter decisions.
Liked by: Lex Talionis ♫

Do you hold the door open for people regardless of age, sexual orientation, skin color, or sexuality? Based on who they love? I hold the door open for anyone. Do you?

laurajrobinson97’s Profile PhotoLAURA FROM INSTAGRAM.
I do when they're close by - if they're more than roughly 20-30 feet, I'll just go in.
Liked by: Lex Talionis ♫

This society would rather men become gay than go after the women they truly desire.

This "society" doesn't prefer either choice - an individual being homosexual doesn't affect the world.
Liked by: Apeshitz

Are conversations with doctors protected?

I'd imagine no - same idea with police department calls being monitored for potential growth and development for future hotline operators.

Apparently, Staying to yourself & not bothering people....bothers people 😂😂

People are oblivious - body language exists for a reason. 😭


Language: English