

Ask @wallyrobinson15

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why did you block @demisfansince2008 for when she didn't even do anything?

Sorry but I don't have answer any of you're questions if you have any complaints write it down and then delete it I can block whoever I want why does she even care anyway you think I care no I don't spencas but I'm free to block anyone that bugs me and that takes alot instead of worrying why I blocked her ask her why she even cares ask for yourself cause I could give two shits about it aight ok bye

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What snacks do you usually eat at the movies !?!? PopCorn . Jack-in-the-Box Tacos . Cheese Burgers from McDonald's . Bag of Fries . Or do you keep it Original with the Gummies and Popcorn !?!? How Do You Do Your Snack Pack While at the Movies !?!?

Depends if there's people in there or not lmao

Deed did it again, what games teach if the cutest robot would make anyone who are so what single piece of clothes are right decision?

Well it depends if the frog jumps on the roof and lands on a banana and ends up in Dickies

Frozen yoghurt or ice cream as this hot climate change influenced summer gets closer to us?

RecordsAreBetter’s Profile PhotoWill
Froyo is bomb first time I tried frozen yogurt was in az

I don't hate men, but I am finding it difficult to even like a man. Why is this?

FreshICYGirl’s Profile PhotoBe Yourself Always
Maybe you been hurt so many times that you can't trust any guy which is understandable cause I'm at the same point but with women

How do I tell my neighbor that I have feelings for him to in a mature way?

Just tell him what's the worse that could happen


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