What is your mission? September 12, 2012 to not be like everyone else with there fake things called swag Liked by: MrHakkinen provolino sondradg ViCtOrHuGoOliv Hey_lay21 killradit sergio_fula Bethanybct channingt4 regiablf
What is the formula of happiness? September 12, 2012 friends+tacos+bacon+incvader zim+family-aids=happiness =) Liked by: Dina shama ★Piotrek Kowalecki★ Veronica ♥️
What is the scariest movie you have ever seen? September 12, 2012 none they dont scare me not since i was 7 Liked by: ★Piotrek Kowalecki★ Veronica ♥️ Hannah Watkins
What kills us and what makes us eternal? September 12, 2012 kills us= weaponsmakes us eternal= tacos Liked by: Veronica ♥️ Hannah Watkins
What was the last thing you had to drink? September 12, 2012 red kool-aid !!! Liked by: Veronica ♥️ Hannah Watkins
What matters to you most - money, good looks or attitude? September 12, 2012 attitude bad attitudes suck