

Before this question, did you remember that today will be the 9/11 anniversary in America?

Yup. I read quite a bit on terrorism. Not aspiring to be one ofc. More interested in joining the war against terror once I come of age.

Latest answers from Fajar

What makes you feel really uncomfortable?

Losing. Losing can mean anything. Losing a fight. Losing something precious. Losing friends.

What one piece of advice would you give to your younger self?

Remember that you'll always, one way or another, end up telling people this: "I have a weakness for people who show me the kind of concern you've been showing me" and statistics have shown, it always ends up bad for you.
So piece of advice? Be brave enough to keep to yourself.

What was the last book you read without skipping through anything?

Dear John hahaha it's a small flaw of mine to like that book

Language: English