

Ask @williamslegend

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Opinion on Leonnie Holt

Ew she's such a slag! Fucking hate her.
Joking she's my absolute best friend ever! She makes me laugh smile cry and everything in between. She's beautiful and is just amazing. She makes me laugh with how stupid she is some times, like when she puts too much fake tan on, or when I have to put her eyelashes on for her:') but yeah, love her to absolute pieces, miss her though tbh
Liked by: Rhys Bree Leonniee

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Taking the piss? Hahahahahah
1. She's called Leonnie
2. Her last name is Holt
3. She's a slag
4. My best friend
5. My everything
6. Always there for me
7. Hi Leonnie lol
8. Don't know what I'd do without you
9. Always makes me laugh
10. Or cry
11. Or smile
12. Or just happy
13. I don't even know
14. I'm bored of this already and it's 14 facts through wow
15. She is always there for me
16. I'm always there for her
17. She's a little piss head;)
18. I ship me n her ex<33333333333
19. Hate her loads
20. Best friend I could ever ask for
21. Everyone keeps asking if we're getting together n it's like "no"
22. We are actually horrible to each other hahahaha
23. Love her to pieces though
24. She loves me too though
25. I think?
26. L
27. e
28. o
29. n
30, n
31. i
32. e
33. s
34. m
35. e
36. l
37. l
38. s
39. She smells like my aftershave because she always uses it when she comes to mine
40. We both have a cat
41. My cat is better though.
42. Hers is only a kitten and will probably grow up to be ugly
43. Whereas my cat isn't a kitten anymore and is beautiful so he's not gonna be ugly
44. We've been best friends for ages
45. But still don't have a picture together?
46. Like what
47. Don't even know what else to say now
48. And I'm not even half way there
49. Someone help me
50. She thinks I need mental help
51. Which I probably do
52. But oh well
53. She never fails to make me laugh
54. Can rely on her loads
55. Let her down quite a lot
56. Not intentionally though
57. And I feel quite bad about that
58. She's told me not to make plans for next saturday, halloween or new year?
59. Pretty scared as to why she's told me not to
60. But we will see
61. Ah
62. She's a midget
63. She was a buddha for like a week
64. Because she walked into a tree omg
65. I couldn't stop laughing
66. She keeps begging me to embarrass her in town
67. But I'll only do it when she doesn't expect it
68. But she always expects it now
70. Sorry, immaturity came through there..
71. She knows everything about me
72. Except my past
73. Same goes for me knowing stuff about her
74. We share everything
75. She bought me pizza flavoured rock and it was so nice
76. Running out of things to say
77. We have the same sense of humour
78. We've got loads of memories already
79. Need to make more though!
80. Don't get why people think we're getting together?
81. It's like "Sorry can I not have a friend that's a girl without it being anything more?!"
82. She has blonde hair, think she dyed it that colour though? Don't kill me if you didn't Leonnie hahahah.
83. My "bae"
84. Ugh hate that words
85. She has the same opinions as me
86. E.g. hating chavs etc.
87. She loves Ed Sheeran
88. She gets to see him soon
89. How am I still going wow
90. Only 10 to go
91. She means loads to me
92. Don't know what I'd do without her
93. My rock
94. Love you
95. Dick head
96. Can't believe you made me do this
97. Ok I've just heard my mum be sick ew
I'll continue it on a separate question ok

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Liked by: Bree Leonniee

Thankyou chicken!Always here yeahh!And yeah I do, Ill get you one as soon as, maybe tomorrow hahah

Hahahaha yes omg
Liked by: Bree

Opinion on mee

Such such such a nice girl, easy to speak to, v pretty, hilarious and trustworthy! Thank you so much for caring and trying to cheer me up!! I appreciate it so much!
Btw, you owe me a chocolate maccies ye?

don't talk so sarcastic omfg :o i asked you why we don't talk, and you asked me to tell you why and i did. and yeah, anytime you post ''pop up feeling shit'' ''pop up so bored'' ''someone speak so bored'' i always pop up and you open and don't reply... It's not my fault tho..

You don't pop up asking what's up though? You've done it like once, and yeah I do, but I'm speaking to people on other social media websites and then I forget to go back and check the other ones

i don't know? i always text you and you never reply. never reply on my snaps either.. so i kinda gave up on trying..

Oh well I'm ever so sorry if I have a social life? Hahahaha, I lose track of the people I'm messaging and if that's a problem then sorry?


Language: English