

Ask @wlmoldschool247

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Do you feel like you don't belong in your social circles, or in this world in general? If so, why?

H2o_o2H’s Profile Photoꪖ᥅ᥴꫝ꠸ꫀ
I do and have my entire life that I can remember I've always been a click off. More so the past 4 or 5 years everything has just blown up. Into crazy I feel as though I woke up one morning on a different planet

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No weird is weird and and a quiet or played back person are totally different people

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No that's the one thing I just can't get myself to come to terms with

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I think mine quite there job lol .No I don't believe in soulmate some people some people were ment to be alone and that's just the way it is

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Pull up and just ask but very important do it when drive thru is slow not when it all backed up

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That was great thanks I needed a good laugh you made my day


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