

Who is the scariest movie monster/ villain?

the one about elm street, i couldnt handle it, it was too scary and frightening and omg, dont make me remember.

Latest answers from Tuna

Have you ever dated somebody? how did it go?

a serious dating situation, I didn't ever. no childhood friend near me so no hashtag eventual romance. No interesting male coworkers so no hashtag eventual romance. Also I guess I wanted to be financially stable. Unfinancially stable couples in love look so depressed.

If you had to choose, would you go to the Light or the Dark side?

Dark Side, they are easily more scientifically, medically, and technologically advanced, and they have cool colors.

Who are your top five favorite Ghibli characters?

None, because the writer cant write characters for beans, they are the most inhuman unrealistic characters Ive encountered in media.

Are you happy that Samurai Jack and Champloo will come to Toonami

no im not happy, I want shingeki chuugakko and shingeki and sao rerurns. Why would I or anyone be happy to watch some five year old anime or western animation on this anime block?

Language: English