
♔ His Excellency ♔

Ask @xlnc

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ohh i knew him long time ago .. i used to watch him in peace channel .. he is very smart .. and i love that he is educated in all religions .. he is one of few :) God bless him , u , and me

Ameen! What do you do? Where are your from?

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Dr Zakir Naik is a great man ..i've always admired him and his perspective he is smart and clever :)

That's great! I didn't know that you'd know him...He is a great scholar and a student of comparative religion...

My next question is about polygamy. Why are men allowed to have four wives, yet women are allowed to have only one husband? Doesn't it seem unfair to you? Which is preferable in Islam, polygamy or monogamy & why?

It doesn't seem unfair to me. It's actually a solution to the mankind. Hope this will answer your question.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=al3GoLokFTYxlnc’s Video 1214792728 al3GoLokFTYxlnc’s Video 1214792728 al3GoLokFTY

how does sir know how ugly i look? :)

I never said that you look ugly,but I just followed your opinion about your looks..Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder....so I don't think there are ugly people...
Liked by: Ghadah_h

sir sounds more reasonable although sir may not want 2 c a really ugly girls picture people say ones not but one dont believe them :)

I've seen girls uglier than you...Did you not see a Russian girl walking on the street with those flashy outfits?

sir likes a complicated subject 4 an innocent artist 2 TRY 2 accomplish doesn't he? :)

Hahahaha...OK! Draw yourself on a piece of paper then... :)

no no no if sir want a picture sir gets a picture no high standard work this time anywayz that would take a really long time ;D

OK! But I think sir has the right ask you to draw what sir wants. Is it? Then you gonna draw the fear of poor people according what you think they fear the most. Deal?????????????
Liked by: Ghadah_h

Thanks for taking the time to answer my questions. =) One more question ... Do you think that it might be a test? Do you think that Allah (SWT) is testing some people to see if they're able to resist their forbidden urges & desires?

Of course! It is a test. Allah (Subhana wa Taala) has given mankind a complete book on how to live their life and made it clear that how good and whoever follows the book will be rewarded accordingly hereafter. A man's life from their birth to death is full of tests.
I would also take an opportunity to say that JIHAD doesn't only mean a war against a person, group, community, country or a region who is the enemy of Islam. The definition of JIHAD is very broad and wide. To fight against the evil, prohibited urges and desires and to fight against anything and everything that is not allowed in Islam is the biggest JIHAD. Did we forget that the biggest enemy of Islam and a Muslim is shaitaan? May Allah The Merciful forgive me if I've written anything that is not correct....and please don't follow this answer as it is. Please do your own study and research. Jazak Allah!

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Liked by: MaHa Ghadah_h

But why would some people choose to be gay/lesbian? In every society, gay people are hated for .. well, being gay. Why would they choose to be something hated by almost every human being on this planet? Why would they choose to be attracted to people of the same sex? It just doesn't make any sense.

I think they don't choose to be attracted...they get attracted to the people of same gender and there can be many reasons to it. This type of people exist since the time of Lut ('Alayhis Salam), which is discussed in our Holy Book. I think you should read the translation of Holy Qur'an under guidance of a religious scholar to understand this better...Hope this answers your question.
Liked by: MaHa Ghadah_h

urm i was ganna do somethin more high standard but if u want just a picture

Oops! Pleasure is mine Ma'am! Please do something high standard like you wanted to...
Liked by: Ghadah_h

well i il c wat i can do first il need 2 get the equipment and then find a pic

I think you can just take a pencil or crayon or any such thing and draw any of your imaginations instead of Iranian landscape...simply raw..

well i dont think im that good @ drawing and i also dont know how u can receive the drawin even if i finished it :)

Royal Mail? Or may be you can share it on the web? I think you can simply email me...

well its better than nothin ask.fm is kool and well il c wat i can do with the iranian lanscape

What do you mean by you will see what you can do with the Iranian landscape? I think its like a child's play for you. Can you not do it for me?
Liked by: Mada

Here's 1 of my unanswered questions. It's about homosexuality. Is it genetic or is it a choice? Some studies have shown that homosexuality is not a choice. If it isn't a choice and some people were born gay/lesbian, then why is it haram?

Alryt Israa! I discussed this issue with a learned person. According to him, no child is born Gay/Lesbian. He said homosexuality is by choice and not genetic and when one indulges in it, the urge continues to remain. It proves that it is by choice and unnatural desires. Hence it is declared HARAM in our religion. Hope this answers your question.


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