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What was the last movie you watched that was really good?

I don't remember, but waiting for Les Miserables...

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What will be the most powerful nation in 100 years?

I believe the least that world would live another 100 years..
Liked by: Hm ona

Who was the last person you kissed?

The last person I kissed...I think I kissed my nephew before leaving home...

Do you believe that a heart has a limited number of times to experience and fall in love? if so how many times before it dies and disaprears? and why do you believe that?

Saud ALF
Well! That's not an easy question. I think the person who suffers in love, loses courage to get closer to that shit and he/she loses more courage the more they suffer.
Liked by: .... Saud ALF

If there were 10 people living only and one of those 10 is showing symptoms of becoming someone sinister and evil and would pose danger to you and the other 8? would you kill that person to save yourself and the rest while maintining your ideas for the greater good? if yes or no why?

Saud ALF
If that person really poses threat to our lives then I will have no option but to rest him to peace. However, if its only about spreading evil then I will have to seek consultation of all and then come to a conclusion and that can be any severe punishment or death. Hope at least then I can go by Sharia to try him.

"To Teach is  to Touch lives for Ever." Would you mind telling us something about your teacher who touched ur heart and opened ur mind?

Yes..! I had a lot of people as teachers and mentors in my life. But I failed to learn from them and its TIME which has taught me everything. It opened my mind, it touched my heart, it gave me pain and happiness too. But yeah...like they say, "Time is the best healer" its teacher too. :)) Good to see you pathey! How have u been and where is Jvrz?

What is your favorite month of the year?

March, April, May and June. You should have asked me season not month..

What is the most popular lie, people tell to each other?

I love you! Where they actually love shit...

"People change and often they become the person they said they will never be" Have you ever been one of those? If so in positive or negative way?

I never thought I would but sadly I did, since it was related to financial issues with the contractor...but I am so fortunate that I got my senses back just before making a disastrous mistake. So yes I did change and became the person I said I would never be, but I corrected my mistake and came back to normal. Btw, I consider this as one of the best questions I've ever been asked. Jazak Allah to you BrokenWall... :P

U asked me about India so thought u Indian or pak?? Nothing special just want to know :p .. Sorry!!

Yeah...Im from that neighbouring country of Pakistan that you've named here. You don't have to be sorry... :))

What is your nationality?!!

Im from the UK and originally...Guess?? Btw, what made you ask this?
Liked by: ڤ.


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