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What's the first thing you notice in a person of the opposite gender?

Her behavior with people who are lower than her in many aspects, especially in terms of money...

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If you were to write a movie script – what would it be about?

It would be about courage, love, humanity and reality...sounds boring right????

Which websites do you visit most frequently?

Facebook, Google, and few official websites ask.fm for the last few months

Would you like to be famous and for what reason?

If I have to be famous it would be for being human

Would you like to go on a date with someone you meet on the Internet?

Dating and all seems bull shit to me right now...so the answer is NOT SURE

How do you celebrate when something great happens?

I thank ALLAH first, then meet my family then party with friends...

What should a real woman be able to do?

Love her religion, Respect her husband and family, should be innocent, shy and at the same should be able kick asses of those who try to take advantage of her innocence

what is the right way in your opinion that a girl should approach or shall i say reveal her feelings to that guy she likes? and do you think that a relationship would work if the girl made the first step?

The right way to approach is straight forward. Go directly to the person and act natural when you talk about your feelings. A relationship doesn't rely upon girl or boy approaching first. It depends upon the understanding and sacrifice girl/boy could do for their loved one. Hope this answers the question.

U r given 2 candles of equal size,which can burn 1 hour each.U hav to measure 90 min with these candles.(No scale or clock). U hav a lighter. Ans: First light up the two ends of the 1st candle.When it will burn out light up one end of the second candle.(30+60=90). Try the same to measure 45 minutes.

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What is the strangest thing you’ve ever eaten?

Its called Kokam. Some weird fruit from a place called Goa in South India.

what do u think changed from the black and white movies to the movies theses days ?

Sara AlNujaidi
I really got no idea but Im sure its use of colour in lens technology...


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