
Zahra Shah

Ask @yasmeensyd

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Women are born at the top of the mountain.
Men are born in the valleys around it.
A man is judged on how high he climbs.
A woman is judged on how far she falls.
Men have much to gain.
Women have much to lose.
A man has to prove his worth.
A woman has to preserve her worth.
Masculinity is built.
Femininity is preserved.

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What irritates you the most?

AbdullahBasitkhan’s Profile PhotoForsaken
Ironic isn’t it, the ONE who created this world, HE isn’t the one who is cruel, people are!, I mean there is no death or punishment given by HIM that is disrespectful but people even without reason can destroy someone in the most horrible way, by manipulating someone, by not just raping but gang raping someone, like people can hurt you, punish you in the most horrible and disrespectful way.

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Thoughts ?

anmolqureshi’s Profile PhotoFayyaz
Being physically attractive is overrated but being emotionally/mentally attractive is underrated, but it shouldn’t be..
Because how do you perceive? How do you think? How much capacity do you have to understand others? How much intuitive you are? How much empathy and compassion can you show to others?
That’s top tier!
And eventually that is what we all want, what we all require, to be seen, to be heard, to connect, to actually connect with someone.

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AbdullahBasitkhan’s Profile PhotoForsaken
Forcing connection is forcing alignment.
Forcing alignment is forcing attachment.
Ego seeks attachment.
Soul seeks connection.
You’ll never have to force anything that never aligns with you.
Whats meant for you, will feel natural, peaceful and connected, it won’t ever feel forced and you won’t ever feel like you’re forcing someone to be with you either, it won’t feel just as an attachment.


Language: English