
Bonny Hunter

Ask @yc7qdgzj9834

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Do you and your partner have a romantic evening planned for Valentine's Day?

We did. He cooked us dinner!!

Should subscribers on this app have more privileges than people don't pay? I seen a post on here that i agree with and that is people who spend money here essentially invest in the service without a monetary return so their return should be privileges.

I agree..

Here’s a little secret for you, the man that is funding my life is part of the Gambino family.. Just remember, I wanted you I don’t need you. You’re lucky I even chose your d—b A—. But I have a lot of connections that you don’t know about. That’s one hint.

Drawing a blank here

Ever had that connection that was so deep that you could feel each other even when you weren't near each other ?

No not yet.. I wish..


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